1.5.4 / April 20, 2015
(4.0/5) (3987)


Download gratis,cobalah game 3Dterbaru,dijamin tak akan menyesal!
Jadilah pahlawan dan selamatkan kekaucauan dalam game ini!
Mainkan game MMORPG petualangan fantastis ini!
Game ini menggunakan teknologi 3D dengan efek dan latar yangmemukau!
Disini kamu bisa merasakan pengalaman yang tak terlupakan darigambar dan efeknya.

Fitur game:
1. Efek dan Gambar 3D yang menarik
2. Tidak akan merasa bosan dengan misi yang bervariasi.
3. Cara perang langsung
4. Peliharaan dan skill menarik.
5. Gampang untuk menguasai cara bermainnya
6. Bisa dimainkan dalam Smartphone dan Tab


  • App naam
    Legend of Chaos
  • Naam of Pakketnaam
  • Publiceerdatum
    April 20, 2015
  • Bestandsgrootte
  • Benodigdheden
    Android 2.2 and up
  • Versie
  • Ontwikkelaar
    RenRen Games
  • Installaties
    100,000 - 500,000
  • Price
  • Categorie
    Role Playing
  • Ontwikkelaar
    Visit website Email renrengames@gmail.com
    20/F Block A, Pengrun Plaza, 26 Xiaoyun Road , Chao Yang District, Beijing, China
  • Google Play Link

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Chaotic Ages 1.7.3 APK
RenRen Games
★★★★★Play for free! Download now to enjoy 3D game experience!!★★★★★Become Hero, save the world from Chaotic in this awesomegame!Start the fantastic magic journey in this specially designed mobileMMORPG!Against a myth background, this role-playing game is designed withthe technology of Unity 3D.Here you can find the vivid pictures and smooth gaming experience.★Game features:☆1.Unity 3D engine. Smooth gaming experience. 3D effect.☆2.Many kinds of quests, so that you will never feel bored.☆3.Real battle system.☆4.Able to train pets and develop skills.☆5.Simple interface and easy to operate for newbies.☆6.You can play this game on both mobile and tab.Visit our official site:http://en.huayugame.com/ca/Like us on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/chaoticages
Legend of Chaos 1.5.4 APK
RenRen Games
Download gratis,cobalah game 3Dterbaru,dijamin tak akan menyesal!Jadilah pahlawan dan selamatkan kekaucauan dalam game ini!Mainkan game MMORPG petualangan fantastis ini!Game ini menggunakan teknologi 3D dengan efek dan latar yangmemukau!Disini kamu bisa merasakan pengalaman yang tak terlupakan darigambar dan efeknya.Fitur game:1. Efek dan Gambar 3D yang menarik2. Tidak akan merasa bosan dengan misi yang bervariasi.3. Cara perang langsung4. Peliharaan dan skill menarik.5. Gampang untuk menguasai cara bermainnya6. Bisa dimainkan dalam Smartphone dan Tab
COTK-Bahasa 1.8.303 APK
RenRen Games
Chaos of Three Kingdoms(Bahasa) adalah sebuahpermainan dimana perang dan jenderal adalah kunci dari permainan.Anda akan memimpin sebuah kota, berperang untukmelindungi Negara, dan menyatukan seluruh China!Di dalam permainan Chaos of Three Kingdoms (Bahasa), Anda akanmenemukan banyak pahlawan dari zaman dinasti China, menelusuriberbagai skenario permainan, dan mengubahsejarah Tiga Negara.Fitur permainan:Berpartisipasi dalam perang Negara yang seru!Melindungi kota dan rakyat dari serangan musuh!Lebih dari 20 peralatan dan armor yang beragam!Merasakan Perperangan Tiga Negara yang sebenarnya!Permainan SLG yang berlatar belakang Tiga Negara!Berbagai formasi perang yang unik!Bersama temanmu menjadi penguasa dunia!Update cepat, permainan seru, temukan petualangan yang berbedasetiap hari!• Mudah dimainkan, beragam fitur dalam permainanMeskipun Anda tidak mengerti legenda Tiga Negara, Anda tetap akanmenemukan kesenangan dalam permainan ini.• Ratusan jenderal, kembangkan sesuai kemauan AndaPermainan ini memiliki Jenderal Tiga Negara terbanyak dimanabeberapa diantaranya adalah Jenderal yang paling terkenal dalamsejarah.• Strategi perang yang beragamDisini Anda bisa membangun kota Anda sendiri, eksplorasi militer,aliansi, dll. Anda dapat bersaing dengan pemain lainnya untukmenduduki peringkat teratas.• Permainan online dengan jutaan pemain★ ★ ★Chaos of Three Kingdoms★ ★ ★Chaos of Three Kingdoms sudah memiliki jutaan pemain. Bersamamereka, Anda bisa menikmati serunya pemain ini.Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/pages/Chaos-of-Three-Kingdoms-Bahasa/557659184255230?fref=tsWebsite: http://id.huayugame.com/tkChaos of Three Kingdoms(English) is a game in which war and generals are the key of thegame. You will lead a city, fighting forprotect the State, and unite all of China!In the game Chaos of Three Kingdoms (English), you will findmany heroes of the Chinese dynasty, tracing various game scenarios,and changehistory of the Three Kingdoms. Feature game: Countries participating in the fight exciting! Protect the city and the people from enemy attack! More than 20 diverse equipment and armor! Three Kingdoms perperangan feel real! Backgrounds SLG game Three Kingdoms! Various unique battle formation! Became the ruler of the world with your friends! Update fast, exciting game, find a different adventureevery day!• Easy to play, a variety of features in the gameAlthough you do not understand the legend the Three Kingdoms, you'dstill find pleasure in this game.• Hundreds of generals, developed according to yourwillingnessThe game features the Three Kingdoms General Highest some of whichthe most famous is the General in history.• Strategy War diverseHere you can build your own city, military exploration, alliances,etc.. You can compete with other players for the top ranks.• online games with millions of players★ ★ ★ Chaos of Three Kingdoms ★ ★ ★Chaos of Three Kingdoms already has millions of players. Withthem, you can enjoy the thrill of this player.Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Chaos-of-Three-Kingdoms-Bahasa/557659184255230?fref=tsWebsite: http://id.huayugame.com/tk
Dragonica 1.0.8 APK
RenRen Games
Dragonica, the best three kingdoms backgroundepic mobile game.Popular in both IOS and Android mobileDownload and get amazing free packAn incredible game experienceCome on, dominate the world, heroes and beauties, myth pet,gorgeous skill effect, control in your handSpecial systemsLegion Battle: legion dispute has become a long-term change topicin three kingdoms. Guard your legion, vow for honor, and vow fordieHero Soul system: a myth and powerful system, which can change herofrom cat to lion immediatelyPet system: Powerful pet make powerful hero, want the best? Trainit overnightArena: Fight the No.1, get amazing reputation and reward; this isyou, our brave warriorNew-Comer pack:Down load game and get amazing new- comer packPrecious item, senior hero, purple item for freeWhat are you waiting for? Join dragonica without any hesitation
three kingdoms 1.10.007 APK
RenRen Games
Three Kingdoms, a popular game background,which was chased by many three kingdoms fans. 1800 years ago,Warlords were tangled fight. Many three kingdoms’ heroes werefamous at then. The Battle of GuanDu, Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shaoarmy of 80,000 to 20,000 troops and established the basic ofunified of the north. Another less is more campaign, red cliff, dueto the careless and proud, CaoCao were defeated by unite of Shu andWu. Those historic heroes and campaign will vivid displayer in thegame Chaos of three Kingdoms. Come on, now join the game COTK havechance to win amazing prize and talking with famous attractivegirls.Function descriptionTen thousand players’ online country system, grand scene and shockheart effectHeroes’ cultivation system, to train your heroes form baby to thewar lord arbitrarily8 formation system and jade system, a myth and enhance troopscapacity placeChallenge quest and daily quest system, an easy way to obtain alarge number of precious itemsSecretary system, attractive secretary accompany with you fightingin Chaos …Surprising PrizeValue 9.99 dollar package free to getBuy one get one free first charge packageBeautiful girls troubles you all the timePrecious golden gears and huge silver only for daily loginbonus
勇者寻宝团 1.9 APK
RenRen Games
乱世天下 1.7.004 APK
RenRen Games
软件名称:乱世天下平台:android版本:1.7.0分类:策略游戏价格:免费兼容性:android2.2+语言:简体中文开发商:人人游戏联系方式:http://lstx.renren.com/★★★★★欢迎来到乱世天下!★★★★★?风靡iPhone/iPad,广受5000万三国迷喜爱的三国策略游戏?首次登录直送20元金币礼包!?荣获游戏最高荣誉金翎奖“2012最受期待网页游戏”?十万玩家五星好评的精品应用?69家权威媒体共同推荐的热门应用汉灵帝光和七年,朝廷腐败、宦官外戚争斗不止、边疆战事不断,国势日趋疲弱,又因全国大旱,颗粒不收而赋税不减,走投无路的贫苦农民在巨鹿人张角的号令下,纷纷揭竿而起,他们头扎黄巾高喊:“苍天已死,黄天当立,岁在甲子,天下大吉”的口号,向摇摇欲坠的大汉王朝发动了猛烈攻击,各地诸侯,为平息叛乱,拥兵自重,趁机走向了称帝之路……对于一般人来说,乱世意味着灾难和生死,而对于另外一些人来说,这是他们野心的开始……游戏特色:? 尽享令人兴奋的万人战场飙血国战!? 在一波一波的敌袭中保护自己的城市和子民!? 利用20余种强力凶狠的铁血兵甲攻城略地!? 向正史三国志致敬的唯一大作!? 数十种经典的SLG玩法让你亲临三国时代!? 各种神秘的古老阵法!? 与好友争锋,在天下较艺力拔头筹!? 更新迅速,玩法翻新,每一天都在打不一样的乱世!但这并不是全部,游戏中还有更多让你血脉贲张的特色内容——所以,立刻安装乱世天下吧,这个游戏会让你惊喜,并且是免费的哦!
龍將APP 1.0.4 APK
RenRen Games
2013年度史詩級三國手游巨作!讓你穿越時空,闖入動盪紊亂的三國時代!你,能捨棄性命拯救貂蟬?驍勇善戰討伐董卓?闖遍天下收服關羽、呂布、虞姬等三國名將?2013年你即將與各路英雄美女相遇、和歷史名將談笑風生,用炫麗武功擊敗四方勁敵,屬於你的三國霸業現在開始!特色玩法:● 皇城爭霸:佔領皇城的軍團將能獲得銀幣和經驗增益,你能守住你們的城堡不讓其他玩家攻入嗎?● 軍團戰:在激烈的幫派紛爭中,和同伴們誓死火拼,不到一方全數毀滅絕不停止戰鬥,為榮譽和義氣而戰吧!● 鬥地主:競技場手下敗將,將成為你的俘虜,將他抓捕為自己的奴隸,為你幹活,享受當主人的快感!● 騎寵培養:赤兔、的盧等三國名駒,將伴隨玩家綜橫沙場、征戰四方,細心養成絕對大有助益● 競技場:競技較量讓你成為三國名人,玩家們鬥智、鬥技,如果你是強者,聲望和獎勵都手到擒來,你就是天下之王!新手送禮包,遊戲無壓力;下載就送888元大禮包!精品道具,高級武將,紫色裝備免費送!還有數萬元高額獎品等你來搶!超值!超爽!超痛快!本軟體依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為:限制級18禁2013 Year Three handtravel epic masterpiece!Let you through time and space, into the Three Kingdoms era ofturmoil disorder!You can give up their lives to save Diao Chan? Brave and fiercecrusade against Dong Zhuo? Chuang all over the world to rein GuanYu, Lu Bu, Yuji and other three famous?2013 You are about to encounter the beauty and heroes, and historyfamous laughing, defeating rival Quartet with dazzling martialarts, the dominance of the three countries belong to you now!Characteristics of play:● imperial hegemony: Imperial Legion occupation will be able to getcoins and gain experience, you can hold your castle keep otherplayers scored it?● Corps War: In the fierce gang strife, and his companions swearRush, less than one full destruction never stop fighting for honorand loyalty to fight it!● Landlords: Arena fall by the wayside, you will become captive tohis arrest for his slaves work for you, enjoy the thrill when theowner!● riding pet training: Red Rabbit, Lu and other three HORSE,players will be accompanied by mechanized Hengsha field expeditionQuartet, carefully cultivate absolutely great help● Arena: Three athletic contest so that you become a celebrity,players battle of wits, fighting skills, if you are strong,prestige and rewards are Shoudaoqinlai, you're the king of theworld!Novice gift pack, the game without pressure; download send 888yuan spree!Boutique props, senior generals, purple equipment freedelivery!There are a few million high prizes waiting for you rob!Value! Super cool! Super happy!This software game software ROC hierarchical management approach isclassified as: X-rated 18 +