1.01 / April 4, 2016
(/5) ()


Giving as input a selection of food products and the amount, thisapp shows on a chart the nutritional values in percentage of RDIs(Recommended Daily Intake). This App does NOT intend to provide anyprofessional advice, and it's NOT intended to be used for anytreatment or prevention. The nutritional values displayed in thisApp are a collection from various public internet sites aboutnutrition. The database is under developement, therefore the valuesmight be changed, corrected or redefined in future versions of theApp. The RDIs values are generically set for the profile assuming avaried diet, the app does not take into consideration that forexample a vegetarian diet versus a meat diet might have differentRDIs for some components. The possibility of such differentiationmight come in next versions of the app.


  • App naam
    Nutrient values
  • Naam of Pakketnaam
  • Publiceerdatum
    April 4, 2016
  • Bestandsgrootte
  • Benodigdheden
    Android 4.4 and up
  • Versie
  • Ontwikkelaar
  • Installaties
  • Price
  • Categorie
    Health & Fitness
  • Ontwikkelaar
    virtual37@outlook.com https://www.facebook.com/virtual37
  • Google Play Link

Virtual37 Meer...

Tressette a chiamare 1.04 APK
L'algoritmo di gioco e' in una fase inizialedi sviluppo e verra' migliorato di versione in versione, madovrebbe consentire gia' una certa giocabilita'. Consigliamocomunque di giocare partite di prova e rimandare l'eventualeacquisto alle versioni future.La versione completa rimuove il banner pubblicitario, abilita illog delle partite e incrementa il punteggio di partita in partitaanziche' riazzerarlo.Tre giocatori, 12 carte a testa e 4 carte a costituire il "monte"coperto sul tavolo. La partita inizia con una fase didichiarazione. i giocatori parlano a turno, ed in base alle cartein mano devono dire se aprire il gioco, rilanciare unadichiarazione di apertura o passare. Le dichiarazioni possibilisono:"CHIAMO": il giocatore dichiara che giochera' chiamando una carta alui mancante (obbligatoriamente nell'ordine: un tre, un due, unasso, etc.). Se riceve la carta da un avversario, dovra'restituirne una a piacimento."SOLO": il giocatore dichiara che giochera' senza chiedere alcunacarta ma utilizzando solo il monte."SOLISSIMO": il giocatore dichiara che giochera' solo con le cartegia' in mano, senza prendere il monte.Il giocatore che si aggiudica il giro di dichiarazione dovra'quindi smistare, ossia restituire eventualmente una cartaall'avversario che ha dato la carta chiamata e rimettere 4 carte ascelta nel monte. Si gioca quindi la partita con le regole deltressette. Chi si aggiudica l'ultima mano si aggiudichera' anche lecarte del monte, che contribuiranno al conteggio dei punti.Se si dichiara "CHIAMO" e si vince, si guadagnano 2 punti, gliavversari -1. I punti in palio raddoppiano giocando "SOLO" etriplicano giocando "SOLISSIMO".The algorithm of game and'at an early stage of development and will be' improved fromversion to version, but should allow already 'some gameplay'. Weadvise you to play Test matches and postpone any purchase to futureversions.The full version removes the banner ad, enables the logs of thegames, increasing the score from game to game rather than're-zero.Three players, 12 cards each and four cards to form the "mountain"covered on the table. The game begins with a declaration phase.players speak in turn, and depending on the cards in hand must saywhether to open the game, revive an opening statement or pass. Thestatements are:"CALL": the player declares that will play 'a calling card to himmissing (mandatory in order: a three, a two, an ace, etc.). If youreceive the card from an opponent, you must 'return one atwill."SOLO": the player declares that will play 'without asking anycards but using only the mount."Solissimo": the player declares who will play 'only with the cardsalready' in hand, without taking the mount.The player who wins the round declaration must 'then sort, orpossibly return a card to your opponent who gave his calling cardand put 4 cards of your choice in the mountain. It then plays thegame with the rules of tressette. Who wins the last hand you willwin 'even the cards of the mountain, which will contribute to thecalculation of points.If you declare "NAME" and you win, you earn 2 points, opponents -1.The points on offer doubles play "ONLY" and triple play"solissimo".
Nutrient values 1.01 APK
Giving as input a selection of food products and the amount, thisapp shows on a chart the nutritional values in percentage of RDIs(Recommended Daily Intake). This App does NOT intend to provide anyprofessional advice, and it's NOT intended to be used for anytreatment or prevention. The nutritional values displayed in thisApp are a collection from various public internet sites aboutnutrition. The database is under developement, therefore the valuesmight be changed, corrected or redefined in future versions of theApp. The RDIs values are generically set for the profile assuming avaried diet, the app does not take into consideration that forexample a vegetarian diet versus a meat diet might have differentRDIs for some components. The possibility of such differentiationmight come in next versions of the app.
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