Top 40 Apps Similar to Camping Travel Club gids

Camping Travel Club 2.1.1
Kawan Group
Camping Cheque und Holiday Chequeschließensich unter der Marke Camping Travel Club zusammen.Entsprechend der Philosophie von Camping Cheque ermöglichtdiesepraktische App den Gästen mit Wohnwagen, Wohnmobil oderanderenBesuchern, die richtige Adresse der schönsten CampingplätzeEuropaszu finden.Unabhängig davon, wo Sie sich befinden, können Sie entdecken, wodienächsten Campingplätze liegen, und sich eine Beschreibunganzeigenlassen: Öffnungszeiten, der Sie können die Fotos ansehen,um IhreWahl zu treffen…Mithilfe eines einfachen Klicks können Sie sich auchdieTelefonnummer oder die E-Mail-Adresse des Campingplatzesanzeigenlassen, um Kontakt aufzunehmen.Mit einer Auswahl an 600 Qualitätsreisezielen in Europa undMarokkobietet Ihnen der Camping Travel Club in der Neben-undZwischensaison das Beste vom Campen.Camping CheckHolidayCheck and join together under the brand Camping TravelClub.According to the philosophy of Camping Check this handy appallowsguests with caravan, camper or other visitors to find thecorrectaddress of the most beautiful campsites in Europe.Regardless of where you are located, you can discover where thenextcamping grounds, and view a description of: opening times, youcanview the photos to make your choice ...Through a simple clicks you can have a look at the phone numberorthe email address of the campsite to contact.With a selection of 600 quality destinations in Europe andMorocco,the Camping Travel Club offers in the low and mid seasonthe bestof camping.
Guide Camping Travel Club 2.1.1
Kawan Group
Camping Cheque et Holiday Cheque seregroupentsous la marque Camping Travel Club.Campeurs, caravaniers, camping-caristes, voyagez l’esprit libre:fidèle à l’esprit Camping Cheque, cette application pratiqueetcomplètement gratuite vous permet de trouver les bonnesadressesparmi les plus beaux campings d’Europe.Vous pouvez localiser les campings les plus proches où quevoussoyez, et accéder à une description de chacun : datesd’ouverture,ou encore photos pour vous aider à faire votrechoixVous pouvez aussi contacter le camping avec un simple clic sursonnuméro de téléphone ou sur son email.Avec une sélection de plus de 600 destinations de qualité enEuropeet au Maroc, Camping Travel Club vous ouvre les portes dumeilleurdu camping en basse et moyenne saison.Camping CheckHolidayCheck and are grouped under the brand Camping TravelClub.Campers, caravans, motorhomes, travel free spirit: faithful totheCamping Check spirit, this practice completely freeapplicationallows you to find good addresses amongst the mostbeautifulcampsites in Europe.You can locate the nearest campsite where you are, and accessadescription of each: opening dates, or photos to help you makeyourchoiceYou can also contact the campsite with a single click on theirphonenumber or their email.With a selection of over 600 quality destinations in EuropeandMorocco, Camping Travel Club opens the doors of the best campinginthe low and mid season.
Archiescampings 2.15.1
It's hard to find a campsite this App doesn't know
ACSI Campsites Europe 2023.10.10
No internet connection needed!
Guía Camping Travel Club 2.1.1
Kawan Group
Camping Cheque y Holiday Cheque se reagrupanenla marca Camping Travel Club.Fiel al espiritu Camping Cheque, esta util aplicación os permitedeencontrar lugares idoneos entre los campings más lindosdeEuropa.En carretera, en Francia o en el extranjero, la red CampingTravelClub esta accesible en total libertad.Podeis localizar los campings más cercanos desde donde esteis,yacceder a una descripción de cada camping : fechas de apertura,ofotos para ayudaros a elegir…Podeis incluso contactar el camping con un simple clic encimadelnúmero de teléfono o del email.Camping Travel Club, con su selección de más de 600 destinosdecalidad en Europa y Marruecos, le abre la puerta a losmejorescampings de temporada baja y media.Camping Holiday Checkandcheck mark regrouped in Camping Travel Club.Faithful to the Camping Check spirit, this useful applicationallowsyou to find suitable places among the most beautifulcampsites inEurope.On the road, in France or abroad, the Camping Travel Club networkisaccessible in total freedom.You can locate the closest campsites from wherever you are,andaccess a description of each site: opening dates, and photostohelp you choose ...You can even contact the campsite with a simple click abovephonenumber or email.Camping Travel Club, with your choice of over 600qualitydestinations in Europe and Morocco, opens the door to thebestcampsites in low and middle season.
Camping France App 5.55.14
Our ‘Camping France App’ is part of GoCampFrance and includes the campsites we feature on You'll find our free app easytouse…helping you locate, explore and enjoy your holiday in France.Whilst we CANNOT feature every campsite in France wehaveincluded: supermarkets, ATM's, petrol stations, pharmacies,TouristInformation Centres, fast food outlets, family attractionsand moregreat locations that are in close proximity to ourfeaturedcampsites.By default our app will show you the nearest locations first,tosee more tap the 'load more' button. View in list mode or onthemap. Use the interactive maps to find your way aroundFrance.With Facebook and Twitter integration you can message, shoutandkeep your friends up-to-date wherever you are!Our app integrates with our main website Go CampFrance,providing you with the latest news, reviews, travel tips andmoneysaving offers and discounts available for this holiday andthenext.We've kept our app totally free to download and free fromin-appadvertising so please bear this in mind if you'd like toleave areview.Finally...we love to talk so why not follow us onTwitter@gocampfrance, Google+ or Facebook.
Camping Travel Club Guide 2.0.5
Kawan Group
Camping Cheque and Holiday Cheque arecomingtogether under the single brand name Camping TravelClub.Faithful to the Camping Cheque spirit, this usefulapplicationallows the motor home owner, caravan owners and othercampers tofind good addresses amongst the most beautiful campsitesofEurope.On the road, in France or abroad, the Camping Travel Club networkiswithin reach in all freedom.You can situate the closest campsites from wherever you are,andhave access to a description of each of them : openingdates,photos to help in your decision making process…You can also contact the campsite at the touch of a button onitsphone number or its email.With a selection of more than 600 quality destinations in EuropeandMorocco, Camping Travel Club offers you the opportunity toenjoy agreat low-to-mid season camping experience.
Guida Camping Travel Club 1.1.8
Kawan Group
Camping Cheque e Holiday Cheque siunisconosotto il marchio Camping Travel Club.Fidele allo spiritu Camping Cheque, fondatore de la formula a 16€la note per 2 persone in fuori stagione, questa utileaplicazionevi permette di trovare ottimi luogi tra i piu bellicampeggid’Europa.In strada, in Francia oppure all’estero la rete Camping TravelClubé accessibile in piena libertà e senza connessione internetperchedopo avere caricato l’applicazione, l’acesso e disponibilesenzaessere collegato.Potete localizzare i campeggi piu vicini da dove siete, o cercareuncampeggio via il motore di ricerca e accedere ad unadescrizionecompleta de ciascuno : date d’apertura, servizie edivertimenti,oppure delle photo per aiutarvi a fare la vostrascelta….Potete anche contattare il campeggio con un clic sul numeroditelefono o sulla mail.L’applicazione vi permette di registrare i vostricampeggipreferiti « i vostri favoriti » oppure nell’elencod’indirizzi delvostro cellulare per ritrovarli piufacilmente.Consultate e ricevete finalmente tutte le novità della reteCampingTravel Club.Tante altre funzionalità vi aspettano ancoraCamping ChequeHolidayCheque and unite under the Camping Travel Club brand.Faithful to the Camping Cheque spiritu, founder of the 16 €formulathe notes for 2 in the off-season, this useful applicationallowsyou to find great places among the most beautiful campsitesinEurope.On the street, in France or abroad, the Camping Club TravelNetworkis available in full freedom and without an internetconnectionsince once the application, access and helpful withoutbeingconnected.You can locate the most campgrounds close by where you are, orlookfor a campsite through the search engine and access acompletedescription of each: opening dates, services andactivities, oreven photos to help you make your choice ....You can also contact the campsite with a click on the phonenumberor email.The application allows you to record your favorite campsitesin'your favorites' or in your telephone's address to find themmoreeasily.Check and receive all the news of Camping Club TravelNetwork.Further uses still await you
Camping Checklist 3.9.3
100% Free: Share Assign Reminders Unlimited (sub)tasks NotesInc.10checklists
Free Campsites 1.0
Free Campsites
Find free and inexpensive camping locations near you.
Camping Travel Club guiden 2.1.1
Kawan Group
Camping Cheque og Holiday Chequesamlesundermærket Camping Travel Club.Tro mod Camping Cheque ånden vil denne praktiske applikationgivealle campister mulighed for til enhver tid at finde adressernepåde smukkeste pladser i Europa.Uanset hvor man befinder sig på sin rejse vil Camping TravelClubnetværk være frit.I kan lokalisere de nærmeste pladser, der hvor I befinder Jer,ellersøge en plads og få en beskrivelse frem af hverplads:åbningsdatoer, og billeder, der kan hjælpe med at vælge ligenetopden plads, der passer til Jer…I kan også kontakte pladsen med et enkelt klik påtelefonnummereteller e-mailen.Camping Check andHolidayChequesamles under the brand Camping Travel Club.Faithful to the Camping Check spirit, this useful applicationallowsall campers the opportunity at any time to find theaddresses of themost beautiful squares in Europe.No matter where you are on his journey would Camping TravelClubnetwork will be free.You can locate the nearest places that wherever you are, or lookfora place and a description of each of them: opening dates, andimagesthat can help you choose exactly the place that suits You...You can also contact site with a single click on the phone numberore-mail.
Camping Key Europe 1.0.7
With the FREE Camping Key Europe app youhaveaccess to over 3 000 campsites in Europe right in your phone,whereever you are.Find CampsitesAll of Europe's over 3 000 campsites are available in yourhand.Browse them using our gorgeous map, and filter them down basedonyour specific requirements.Search And FindFind campsites near your destination by searching for your city,andfiltering down your results based on your requirements.Get DirectionsUsing the app you can plan your camping trip. Add campsites youfindto custom trips and use the direction features to getdirections tothe campsites.Virtual Camping Key Europe CardNever leave home without your Camping Key Europe card again withthevirtual Camping Key Europe card that is available exclusivelyin theapp.The FREE app is available exclusively for Camping KeyEuropecardholders and requires your valid Camping Key Europe cardnumberto use.
Guide Camping Qualité 1.0.11
Camping Qualité
Cette application pratique et complètement gratuite vous permetdetrouver les bonnes adresses parmi les 987 campings adhérentsduréseau Camping Qualité. Sur les routes de France, le guideCampingQualité est accessible en toute liberté et sans connexionInternetpuisque qu’une fois l’application téléchargée, elle estdisponibleen mode déconnecté. Vous pouvez localiser les campingsles plusproches où que vous soyez, ainsi que tous les lieux àvisiter, ourechercher un camping via le moteur de recherche, etaccéderégalement aux disponibilités, ou encore visualiser desphotos pourvous aider à faire votre choix… Vous pouvez aussicontacter lecamping avec un simple clic sur son numéro de téléphoneou sur sonemail. Cette application vous permettra égalementd’obtenirl’itinéraire pour vous rendre dans le camping ou le lieu àvisiterde votre choix. L’application permet également d’enregistrervoscampings préférés dans « vos favoris » ou dans le carnetd’adressesde votre téléphone pour les retrouver plus facilement.Biend’autres fonctionnalités vous attendent encore… L'application aétéréalisée par Planet Bourgogne sur commande de Camping Qualité.
alle campings in Frankrijk 6.0.0
ARiS websitewerk
Information, photos and reviews on all campsites in France.
AA Caravan & Camping Guide 3.3
The AA has over one hundred years of experience in seekingout,assessing and recommending accommodation. The AA Caravan&Camping Guide app features over 850 recommended andinspectedcampsites located across England, Scotland and Wales, fromfields,forests and moors to lakes and coastal regions.Campsites have been awarded an AA rating by a professionalAAinspector. Entries may include a detailed description,priceinformation, images, telephone numbers, website addressesandmore.The AA Caravan & Camping Guide app includes thefollowingmain features:• Over 850 recommended Caravan and Camping sites inEngland,Scotland and Wales• AA graded campsites• Filter options• Price information• Detailed descriptions• Telephone numbers• Search around your current location• Search around a location of your choice• Search by Campsite name• Inspire Me
Camping-in-Deutschland 1.01
„Camping in Deutschland“ ist die App zum Thema Camping,TourismusundFreizeit. Kern der App ist das großeCampingplatz-Verzeichnis.So istdie Campingplatz-Suche vonunterwegs auch offline möglich.DieCampingplätze werden ausführlichvorgestellt und auch fürdieAktualität der Campingplatz-Einträgeist gesorgt: die inderDesktop-Version von „Camping inDeutschland“hinterlegtenPlatzdaten werden regelmäßig indieCamping-in-Deutschland-Appüberspielt.
Find the campsite of your holiday from over 8500 schools!
Camping App Van & Camping
Camping App
The nicest campervan stopovers, wild camping spots &campsitesin one app.
Kamperen 4.0.19
Discover all Natuurkampeerterreinen and camp in the mostbeautifulplaces in nature
SiteSeeker Campsite Finder 4.0.39
​​SiteSeeker - Search or browse to find the right campsite for you.
Camping Trip Planner 7.0
Plan your camping trip with ease. Now with cloud sync andcloudshare.
Camping Calculator 1.0
M Gilchrist
Now you can check just how muchoftheelectricity you can use at a campsite when you useanelectrichook-up. This handy app can be used to list allyourelectricalequipment such as lights and heaters and all you needtodo is addthe current or wattage from the appliance label. Enterallof yourcamping equipment so see how much you can use at once.Watchthemeter as you add the electrical items to work outthebestconfiguration. Easy to follow with an email option to keepalistfor next time or for each campsite you visit as theycanhavedifferent current and voltage ratings.Can be used worldwide.
Wild Swimming France 0.4.4
Discover the Most Beautiful Rivers, Lakes and Waterfalls of France
Camp and RV - Campgrounds Plus 5.0.2
The most popular camping app gets betterallyear long. It is the revolutionary app that lets you findandfilter both places and services with or without internet.Fromresorts to parking lots, extensive filters help you findexactlywhat you want year after year for a one time price and noads.Try it: In depth demo at in NY Times, Forbes, Boston Globe, Tampa Bay Timesandmore.➤Starbucks featured app"Must have app..." ➤411droid"The essential camping app...a must have app." ➤"This app is an essential one." ➤Appolicious" is a must." ➤Womans Day"For those with more discerning tastes in campsites & RVspots."➤NY Times➤Data as seen in "Harvard Business Review"➤Data rated "Excellent" by Wired MagazineWhy is it the #1 camping app since 2010?Unique features include:➤Pins show if RVs or tents are accepted. D shape pinsshowdispersed.➤Pins show directional access for rest areas➤Ad-free tablet ready app.➤Map view plots points on the fly as you scroll anywhere.➤Filter the map by type and by dozens of amenities. Hundredsofpossibilities.➤Data is stored locally for speed and always accessible.➤Lookup data by type, state and city even without service.➤Photo and Review searches that use the power of the entire webandnot one source.➤Extras all in one app: Truck and rest stops, supplies,service,bridges, road grades.➤Section for road conditions, emergencies and laws forhelmets,guns, cellphones and much more.➤CAMPING:✔Over 30,000 campgrounds: (US & Canada)✔Private✔National & State Forests✔State Parks✔National Parks✔County/City Parks✔BLM✔Army Corps of Engineers✔Military famcamps✔KOA, Good Sam, Escapees, Passport America, 1000 Trails, ROD,RPI,AOR, Coast to Coast, Elk✔Even primitive hike-in/boat-in/rough spots that otherappsexclude.➤CAMPGROUND DETAILS:✔Official website, phone number, directions, open season,raterange, sites, hookups, amps, big rigs access, tents or notents,clubs, water, showers, toilets, tables, pool, playground,laundry,propane, pet-friendly, RV dump station, age restrictions,storage,firewood, boat launch, seasonal sites and internetaccess.➤THE EXTRAS:+ Wal marts (with overnight parking reports), andcostclubs+ Overnight Parking like casinos, Elks Lodges andotherplaces.+ Truck Stops with amenities. Chains have fuel price links.+ Stores (Camping World, REI, Cabelas, Gander, Dicks, BassProShops)+ RV dealers and services+ RV Rental locations (Cruise America, Road Bear, El Monte)+ Rest Areas, Welcome centers, turn outs, and service plazasbyheading.+ Steep Grades and Runaway truck ramps (western US)➤FILTERS:Just about everything in the app can be added or removedwithyour map view. See only tent places with showers; RV parks withaclub discount and 50 amp; cost club stores with gas; truckstopswith a Subway. You pick!➤NO WIFI? NO SERVICE?Parts of this app will always work and provideusefulinformation. The data is stored on your phone while the appusesGPS, so constantly calling upon a website for information isnotnecessary. This is great for improving speed when you’re inremoteplaces.➤THIS APP SAVES $$$$ Find that you can overnight in a nearby parking lot.$$ Find a nice forest site just 2 miles beyond the $40 parkyourbook lists.$$ Lighten your load and don't buy as many books yearafteryear.➤SUPPORT** Internet required for maps. This app is a full timeprojectbuilt for campers by campers providing non-biased campingdata for16 years.Questions before you buy? Requests? Email: for a fastandpersonal reply.
Camping Checklist 7.0
Everything you need to plan your camping trip. With cloud syncandcloud share.
Aires Camping Car (France) 13
Aires Camping Car is for motorhomerswishingtoeasily locate service areas and motorhome rest stops inFrance,withover 3,500 service points for motorhomes.No internet connection required. Simply start AiresCampingCarand it will show you all the motorhome service pointsandreststops that are near you. If you want to do some planningyoucansearch by town, aire or autoroute name.Highlights:* Easy to use.* Works without internet connection* Shows Aires near me with distance and direction to aire* Address, longitude and latitude of aire* Information about the type of aire* Details facilities available at the aire (fresh water,dumppoint,electric, wifi)* Integrates directly with googlemaps/navigation(internetconnection required to display googlemap)* >3900 service points in France* Short clicking on address or longitude and latitudeopensgooglemaps/navigation for that aire.* Address and longitude/latitude details can be copied tootherappsby long pressing.* Supports all version of Android from 4.1
RV Parks & Campgrounds 4.4.3
This app was developed to help people find great RV ParksinNorthAmerica (USA, Canada, Mexico). Completely FREE withNOADS.Commercial RV parks are sorted by rating and can be viewedinlistmode. If you zoom in far enough, you will see gasstation,restareas, stores, etc. Compared to similar applications,this appuseslocal database, so it works much faster and lessdependentoninternet, however internet is required to view reviews,mapsandpictures. MORE DETAILS: RV Parks and Campgrounds: -Privatelyowned(commercial) RV parks - Public parks including U.S.ForestService,State Park, County/City Parks, BLM (The Bureau ofLandManagement),and Fairgrounds - U.S. Military Campgrounds, U.S.AirForceFamCamps, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers -Jellystone(Familycampgrounds Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park) - 1000Trails(ThousandTrails RV Resort & Campgrounds) - KOA(Kampgrounds ofAmerica)- 55+ Senior Retirement Communities RVFriendly Stores& Stops:- Walmart Super Centers, WalmartNeighborhood Markets -Costco,Sam's Club, Camping World,CrackerBarrel - GarderMountain,Cabela's, REI, Big5, Dick's SportingGoods, Bass Pro Shops- RestAreas, Welcome Centers, RV DumpStations, Casinos, LowClearanceFuel Stops: - Pilot Flying J, TATravel Centers, PetroCenters,Lovers Travel Stops, AMBEST and more.
Camping Yelloh! Village 7.4.1
Yelloh! Village
Discover the Yelloh! Village campsites and get information foryourstay
HomeCamper & Gamping - Camping 2.0.1
HomeCamper & Gamping - Homestay camping in tent, trailer andRV/ motorhome
ReserveAmerica Camping
Use ReserveAmerica’s mobile app to search, favorite, andreservecampgrounds.
WikiCamps USA 4.8.8
The ultimate camping companion with the largest site database inoneapp!
Free Camping 1.2
Remember beautiful places you've visitedandletothers know about them. FreeCamping app makesitpossible.Comes with database of castles in Slovak nature.You can add/delete/edit place only on your current locationsopleaseuse wisely.
Camping Spain Portugal 2.0.0
Más de 1.300 camping de España,PortugalyAndorra. Localización, teléfono, web, distancia,ruta,buscador(nombre, provincia o categoría), mapas,posicionamientoactual...Información procedente de Campings.NET.More than 1,300campinginSpain, Portugal and Andorra. Location, telephone,web,distance,route finder (name, province or category),maps,currentpositioning ...Information from Campings.NET.
CamperMate: Au & NZ Road Trip 4.21.09
Find and book campsites, caravan parks, activities & trailswithour map
Good Sam Camping 3.0.15
Quantum IT
Plan ahead or on the go, the must-have RV app to find thousandsofRV locations!
Camping Mate 1.0
Create and share detailed checklist's for your nextcampingadventure.
WikiCamps UK 4.8.8
The ultimate camping companion with the largest site database inoneapp!
Guía Camping 1.9.0
La aplicación GUÍA CAMPING le permite complementar la informacióndela Guía de papel de Campings oficial de la FECC, mediantelaintroducción del campo clave (p.ej. GI-047, clavecorrespondienteal camping "LA BALLENA ALEGRE"). Obtendrá lainformación básica delcamping, y la posibilidad de obtener la rutadesde su posición GPSactual hasta el camping. También le permitiráver el resto deinformación a través de la web, enviar un email alcamping odirectamente llamar al camping.