Top 24 Games Similar to 妞妞牌九-HK

妞妞娛樂城 2.4.6
妞妞娛樂城-全台最軟機台! 最好玩最真實的機台類博奕遊戲。絕對公平、公正、公開。水果盤(SLOTS)-是一支風靡全球的休閒遊戲,規則簡單且輕鬆刺激,只要進入座位,選擇好倍率,就可以開始遊戲。「5PK」-完美重現經典五張撲克遊戲。換牌?不換牌?考驗您的運氣與智慧!快來試手氣!50級可以擁有至銀行與好友交易的功能另有,7PK、海之霸、妞妞小瑪莉、骰寶、妞妞滿貫雙人麻將對奕遊戲、五輪九線決戰叢林、百家樂,更有超刺激的牛牛及牌九即將上線,請玩家敬請期待!系統維護時間:每周四AM:9:00~AM12:00。客服電話+886422605155客服LINE ID:newnew777妞妞官網粉絲專頁:
Niu-Niu Poker 3.1
☆ Game Rules ☆Niu-Niu is a comparing card game played between the playerandthe dealer. The goal of the game is to divide a five card handintoa left hand with three cards and a right hand with two cards.Thevalue of the left hand must be a multiples of 10. The value oftheright hand should be as high as possible.Face cards (Jacks, Queens, and Kings) are worth 10 points.Acesare worth 1 point. All other cards are worth their face value.Theright hand is valued according to the rightmost digit of the sumoftheir constituent cards: for example, a hand consisting of 3 and4is worth 7, but a hand consisting of 7 and 8 is worth 5(therightmost digit of the total, 15). Since a right hand valuewith amultiples of 10 is the special pattern "NIU-NIU", thehighestpossible right hand value is 9 and the lowest value is1.Niu-Niu is dealt from a shoe containing 6 decks of cardsshuffledtogether. For each round, five cards are dealt face up toeach hand,starting from the player and alternating between thehands. Afterthe player divides his hand cards, the comparing rulesare appliedto determine who is the winner. The round is thenfinished, theoutcome is announced and winning bets are paidout.Shuffling after half of the 6-deck cards played.☆ Comparing Rules ☆・The card patterns of the player and the dealer arecomparedfirst. If it is the same, then the point values of theright handsare compared. If still unable to decide the winner, thenthe rankorder and the suit order are compared for each card.・If it is a tie between the player and the dealer, theplayer'sbets are returned.・Pattern Order: ULTIMATE NIU-NIU > NIU-NIU > BIG POINT(9points > 8 points > 7 points) > SMALL POINT (6 points>5 points > 4 points > 3 points > 2 points > 1points)> HIGH CARD✣ ULTIMATE NIU-NIU: All five cards are face cards (Jacks,Queens,and Kings).✣ NIU-NIU: Both the sum of the left three cards and the sum oftheright two cards are multiples of 10.✣ BIG POINT: The sum of the left three cards is a multiples of10.The rightmost digit of the sum of the right two cards isbiggerthan 6.✣ SMALL POINT: The sum of the left three cards is a multiples of10.The rightmost digit of the sum of the right two cards issmallerthan 7.✣ HIGH CARD: Unable to make a multiples of 10 for the leftthreecards.・Rank Order: K > Q > J > 10 > 9 > 8 > 7 >6> 5 > 4 > 3 > 2 > A・Suit Order: Spades > Hearts > Diamonds > Clubs☆ Payout ☆If the player beats the dealer, the winning bets are paidoutaccording to the player's card pattern.・ULTIMATE NIU-NIU pays 5 to 1.・NIU-NIU pays 3 to 1.・BIG POINT pays 2 to 1.・SMALL POINT pays 1 to 1.・HIGH CARD pays 1 to 1.
妞妞5PK 1.3.8
妞妞「5PK」完美重現經典五張撲克遊戲(梭哈)。在遊戲中,玩家共有兩次機會取得中獎牌型,第一次先發出5張牌,您可使用手指點擊需要保留/放棄的牌張,確定選擇後按下「發牌」按鈕,即開始第二次發牌。遊戲中還會出現Joker牌,大幅提昇中獎機率!一局牌、兩次機會,換牌?不換牌?考驗您的運氣與智慧!※Joker牌為萬用牌,可代替所有的牌。50級可以擁有至銀行與好友交易的功能系統維護時間:每周四AM:9:00~AM12:00。客服電話+886422605155客服LINE ID:newnew777妞妞官網粉絲專頁: "5PK"perfectlyreproduce the classic five poker games (Stud). In thegame, playersget two chances in total medals type, first issuedfirst fivecards, you can use your finger to click on the need toretain /give up a card, sure to select press the "Deal" button tostart thefirst secondary licensing.Game will appear Joker cards, significantly enhance the chancesofwinning! A bureau card, two opportunities for a license? Not foralicense? Test your luck and wisdom! ※ Joker card as auniversalcard, can replace all the cards.50 may have a function to banking transactions with friendsSystem Maintenance Time: every Thursday AM: 9:00 ~ AM12: 00.Customer Service Phone +886422605155Customer LINE ID: newnew777Niu official website: Page:
決戰合輯(妞妞,7PK,牌九) 1.0
《遊戲玩法》遊戲人數:2至6人,由一人當莊家,其餘為閒家。使用牌數:一副牌52張,不包含鬼牌。遊戲玩法:每人發七張牌,由玩家從七張牌中選出五張,組合梭哈牌型,各閒家與莊家比牌大小。特殊規則:贏家若取得特殊牌型如同花大順(x30),同花順(x20),鐵支(x10),葫蘆(x8),同花(x5),順子(x2),三條(x2),輸家必須加倍賠付點數。《牌型組合說明》同花大順:同一種花色的由10JQKA組成的順子同花順:同一種花色的順子鐵支:有四張點數相同的牌葫蘆:三張點數一樣的牌外加一個對子同花:具有相同花色的五張牌順子:五張點數相連的牌(注:8和A不算相連)三條:有三張點數相同的牌,另外兩張為散牌兩對:有兩個對子,另一個為散牌對子:有兩張相同點數的牌烏龍:五張散牌,不成任何其他牌型《比牌規則》1.牌型:同花大順>同花順>鐵支>葫蘆>同花>順子>三條>兩對>對子>烏龍2.牌點數:A>K>Q>J>10>9>83.花色:黑桃>紅桃>方片>草花先比牌型大小,牌型相同再比點數大小,連點數皆同則比較花色大小。4.同牌型比法:同花大順:比A花色。同花順:比最大牌之點數與花色。四枚:無同型。同花:比最大牌之點數與花色。順仔:比最大牌之點數與花色。三條:無同型。兩對:比最大對中最大牌點數與花色。一對:比對中最大牌點數與花色。烏龍:比最大牌之點數與花色。"Gameplay"Players: 2-6 people, by the people as a banker, and the restoftheplayers hand.Use the number of cards: a card 52, does not includewildcard.How to play: each made seven cards, five elected by theplayersfromthe seven cards, the combination of stud card type,eachPlayer anddealer licensing size ratio.Special rules: the winner if get a special card type as aRoyalFlush(x30), flush (x20), iron support (x10), gourd (x8),flush(x5),straight (x2), three (x2), losers must redoublepaymentpoints."Card type combination that"Royal Flush: the same kind of suit composed by 10JQKAstraightFlush: color the same straightRail Extension: There are four points the same cardGourd: three points the same cards plus a pairFlush: a five cards of the same suitStraight: Five cards of points connected (Note: 8, and Aisnotconnected)Three: There are three cards of the same number of points,theothertwo as a casual brandTwo pairs: two pairs, one for casual cardPair: two cards with the same number of pointsOolong: five casual card, not any other card type"Licensing rules than"1. The card type: Flush> Flush> RailExtension>Hoists>flush> straight> three> two pairsof>pair>Own2. licensing Points: A> K> Q> J> 10> 9> 83. color: Spades> Hearts> square piece> flowerFirst type size than the card, the same card type furtherthanthepoint size, and even the same as those points aremoresuitsizes.The same card type ratio method:Royal Flush: A suit over.Flush: the ratio of the maximum number of pointsandcolorcards.Four: not the same type.Flush: ratio of the number of points with the biggestbrandofsuit.Shun Tsai: the ratio of the maximum number of pointsandcolorcards.Three: None same type.Two pairs: the biggest brand than the maximum number ofpointsforthe suit.One pair: the ratio of the maximum number of pointsandcolorcards.Oolong: the ratio of the maximum number of pointsandcolorcards.
大老二 明星大老二 gametower 6.0.3
Report a problem:★★★Beautiful Casino scene★★★★★★Challenge to masters★★★★★★Auto table matched function★★★★★★Cool special effect★★★*The games are intended for an adult audience (21+).*The games do not offer "real money gambling" or an opportunitytowin real money or prizes.*Practice or success at social casino gaming does not implyfuturesuccess at "real money gambling."
RPG Pai Gow Silasit 2.0
Rey Guerrero
My first android app, RPG Pai Gow Silasitisthe same as the classic Pai Gow tiles game, except theGee-Joontiles take their face value (3) and (6) when they getseparated (i.e. their values are not inter-changeable).Current play is limited to one-player game against thedevice.Player earns 500 chips every hour while the game isclosed.
★遊戲方式每局遊戲在玩家押注選擇完成後,每家發兩張牌,根據兩張牌的總合跟莊家的牌面比大小,點數較大者贏。================================================================================★遊戲賠率點數和 獲勝倍率7 2倍8 3倍9 4倍豹子 5倍================================================================================系統維護時間:每周四AM:9:00~AM12:00。客服電話+886422605155客服LINE ID:newnew777
妞妞水果盤 1.2.7
妞妞水果盤(SLOTS)是一支風靡全球的老虎機台類博奕休閒遊戲,規則簡單且輕鬆刺激,只要進入座位,選擇好倍率,就可以開始遊戲。當畫面出現特定的圖案時,就會有對應的獎勵!50級可以擁有至銀行與好友交易的功能客服電話+886422605155客服LINE ID:newnew777維護時間每週四早上09:00-中午12:00
星城Online-經典版 3.81
主推機台類休閒遊戲平台,首創最多款獨家主題遊戲,擁有最細膩精緻的畫面,打造出獨一無二的手機線上遊戲。海內外數百萬用戶,萬人同時在線!最多樣性的娛樂玩法,全台超商遊戲包熱銷王,稱霸SLOT界機台一哥!遊戲特色介紹● 最多實體機台線上化,上手最容易!● 最多新款與經典懷舊機台的休閒線上遊樂場-水果盤、小瑪莉、新悟空、5PK、7PK、雅典娜、皇冠列車、賓果彈珠台、超級小丑、西楚霸王、野蠻叢林...等。*固定每個禮拜二10:00~12:00伺服器維修星城官網:粉絲專頁:本軟體依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為:輔導十二歲級。
To Wealth Casino-Card poker 3.3.2
Millions of people worldwide are playingMacauCasino Games in Wealth Casino, JOIN NOW FOR FREE! In WealthCasino,you can play hot Macau Casino Games!Play to win JACKPOTS!It is surely fun!【To Wealth Casino Games】★Texas Hold’em poker(德克萨斯扑克)Do you love poker? Come and join the club where poker fans fromallover the world gather to play and chat about the hot cardpokergame in the world.★Mahjong Paigow(麻将牌九,推筒子,二八杠)Mahjong Paigow is one of the most popular games played atMacaucasinos.It's a game where players bet on three different positions toWin,Lose, Pair or Tie bets on each. The game is played usingmahjongtiles.★show hands dice (骰子梭哈)dice games【To Wealth Casino Games Features 】●Hundreds people in one room:Challenge your wisdom and luck!●Original creation of Apply Dealer:Run the casino sitebyyourself!●Powerful SNS function to make friends over the world:Sendgifts,chips and emotions to your buddies to enjoy the game!●Free Chips:Offer tons of free chips from time to time!●Fabulous Event:Official Event never stops in Mahjong Vegas!Prepareyourself!●Quick Start:No sign-up required, simply use yourFacebookaccount.【Contact us】Facebook:【Play Now】phone>> web>>“To Wealth Casino”is intended for an adult audienceforentertainment purposes only. Success at social casino gamblingdoesnot reward real money prizes, nor does it guarantee success atrealmoney gambling.
Mahjong Pai Gow Slot Machines 1.5
Online Game Free
Looking for different kind of freeplay-for-funslot machine games? Check out this latest and hottestslots gamingapp with a Mahjong and Pao Gow theme! That's right!You can now spinMahjong tiles and Pai Gow dominoes in thisbeautifully-designed slotmachine Android game designed for yoursmart phones and tablets!6 different glamorous casino-themed rooms are provided foryourplaying selection. This represents the five sets of Mahjong(alsoknown as majiang or mah jongg) tiles and paigow domino. Youcan betand play up to nine max lines and 10 coins in each spin,just likewhat the real casino slot machines you gamble with in LasVegas andMacao.Sick and tired of spinning cherries and lucky sevens?DownloadMahjong Pai Gow Slot Machines and play for fun now!
NEW7775PK-HK 1.15.3
NEW777 "5PK" perfectly reproduce theclassicfive poker games (Stud). In the game, players get twochances intotal medals type, first issued first five cards, you canuse yourfinger to click on the need to retain / give up a card,sure toselect press the "Deal" button to start the firstsecondarylicensing.Game will appear Joker cards, significantly enhance the chancesofwinning! A bureau card, two opportunities for a license? Not foralicense? Test your luck and wisdom! ※ Joker card as auniversalcard, can replace all the cards.50 may have a function to banking transactions with friendsSystem Maintenance Time: every Thursday AM: 9:00 ~ AM12: 00.Customer Service Phone +886422605155Customer LINE ID: newnew777NEW777 official website: Page: "5PK"perfectlyreproduce the classic five poker games (Stud). In thegame, playersget two chances in total medals type, first issuedfirst fivecards, you can use your finger to click on the need toretain /give up a card, sure to select press the "Deal" button tostart thefirst secondary licensing.Game will appear Joker cards, significantly enhance the chancesofwinning! A bureau card, two opportunities for a license? Not foralicense? Test your luck and wisdom! ※ Joker card as auniversalcard, can replace all the cards.50 may have a function to banking transactions with friendsSystem Maintenance Time: every Thursday AM: 9:00 ~ AM12: 00.Customer Service Phone +886422605155Customer LINE ID: newnew777NEW777 official website: Page:
Pai Gow 1.0
It's a revolution , a revolution of PaiGowonline game!The world's top team building new online game Happi Pai Gow,exciting, funny, free Banker modes,Over hundreds of players playinone room. The only baccarat game that comes close to therealthing.------------GAME FEATURES------------Become a banker to feel the casino experience.Get the beacon and earn the large jackpot.Play Pai Gow against millions of players globally.Live chat, add friends & send gifts in real time.Win prizes and take part in fun Mini Games.Get free chips bonus anytime.Play together with your Facebook friends.
Mahjong Head to Head 4.0
Now Mahjong Head to Head launchesitsInternational version with magnificent graphics and exoticgameplayexperience; Play with real opponents and you will be soonimmersedyourself.※FEATURES※●Play with only ONE buddy and no waste of time!●100k Gold credited to you after registration; claim piles ofchipsduring your game play.●Multiply your winnings by completing random Quest!●Revolutionary Double system makes you Millionaire in around!●Redeem real gifts including cash, mobile rechargewithoutcap!●Daily Match and King of Mahjong Challenge await you!●Beautiful graphics and elegant UI with AI system. It's neversoeasy to play Mahjong game!●Wifi environment is preferable●Make more friends with amazing SNS in this appPrizes Reviews:●Ranked 'Most Popular Free Game' in Googleplay for 1 week●Displayed as 'Popular Games' in App Store●Highlighted in Casino/Cards category both in App StoreandGoogleplay●Hotter keywords searched than other Mahjong games suchas「四人麻將」「神來也」「博雅」「牛牛」「鬥地主」「十三張」※OTHERS※Free registration, Facebook and QQ login supportedHigh graphic with HDHighly recommended play in Wifi environmentEnjoy the game enjoy your lifeFor more service, please send mail to
Classic Paigow Poker 6.8.1
Play Pai Gow Poker as if you were at the casino!
NEW777 5PK II 15.12.002
NEW777 "5PK" perfectly reproduce theclassicfive poker games (Stud). In the game, players get twochances intotal medals type, first issued first five cards, you canuse yourfinger to click on the need to retain / give up a card,sure toselect press the "Deal" button to start the firstsecondarylicensing.Game will appear Joker cards, significantly enhance the chancesofwinning! A bureau card, two opportunities for a license? Not foralicense? Test your luck and wisdom! ※ Joker card as auniversalcard, can replace all the cards.50 may have a function to banking transactions with friendsSystem Maintenance Time: every Thursday AM: 9:00 ~ AM12: 00.Customer Service Phone +886422605155Customer LINE ID: newnew777NEW777 official website: Page: "5PK"perfectlyreproduce the classic five poker games (Stud). In thegame, playersget two chances in total medals type, first issuedfirst fivecards, you can use your finger to click on the need toretain /give up a card, sure to select press the "Deal" button tostart thefirst secondary licensing.Game will appear Joker cards, significantly enhance the chancesofwinning! A bureau card, two opportunities for a license? Not foralicense? Test your luck and wisdom! ※ Joker card as auniversalcard, can replace all the cards.50 may have a function to banking transactions with friendsSystem Maintenance Time: every Thursday AM: 9:00 ~ AM12: 00.Customer Service Phone +886422605155Customer LINE ID: newnew777NEW777 official website: Page:
星城Online-HD 2.74
主推機台類休閒遊戲平台,首創最多款獨家主題,擁有最細膩精緻的HD高畫質畫面,打造出獨一無二的手機新玩法。海內外數百萬用戶,萬人同時在線!最多樣性的娛樂玩法,全台超商熱銷王,稱霸SLOT界一哥!特色介紹:● 最多實體拉霸線上化,上手最容易!● 最多超新型創新玩法種類的休閒型online遊樂場*固定每個禮拜二10:00~12:00伺服器維修本軟體依中華民國遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為:輔導十二歲級。1.本遊戲以成年人所設計,僅供娛樂。2. 本遊戲僅供娛樂,遊戲內沒有提供任何現金交易,亦不會以任何形式返還現金。3.本遊戲沒有獲得Google Play任何形式的支持、贊助,也與Google Play沒有任何關聯。The main pushmachineclass casual game platform, the first theme of the mostexclusivemodels, with the most delicate and exquisite HDhigh-definitionscreen, to create a unique new mobile phone gamesare played.Millions of users at home and abroad, people online atthe sametime! The most diverse entertainment play, Taiwan ChainStoreselling king, dominate SLOT community a brother!Features introduced:● Up slot online entity of the most easy to use!● Up to play super new and innovative types of leisureonlineplayground* Fixed every Tuesday 10:00 - 12:00 server maintenanceThis software game software under ROC hierarchicalmanagementapproach classified as: counseling twelve levels.1. This game is designed to adults, for entertainment.2. This game does not provide any cash transactions only withintheentertainment, gaming, and will not return cash in anyform.3. The Google Play game did not get any kind ofsupport,sponsorship, and no association with Google Play.
Goddess Casino-Holdem&Slot&Bac 1.6.3
Travel down to the strip in Vegas withyourstarting 1 MILLION chips! Receive up to 2 MILLION bonuschipsdaily! Enjoy your ultimate casino experience!Join the #1 free online Texas Hold'Em Poker, Baccarat, andSlotsgame! Play with your friends or compete against millions ofotherplayers, all in real time! This game is completelyMULTIPLAYER!FEATURES:*Texas Hold’em, Baccarat and Slots!* Play casually against your FRIENDS or COMPETE incompetitivetournaments like Sit-N-Go or Multi-Table Tournaments.Compete withothers of similar skills through automaticMATCHMAKING!* Spin and win your way across multiple themed slot machines!* CUSTOMIZE your casino experience by CHOOSING from avatars,tablescenes, card fronts and backs, emotes, and more!* Send drinks and gifts or disasters on other PLAYERSandFRIENDS!* 1 MILLION FREE chips, plus DAILY bonuses up to 2 MILLION! GetsomeHOURLY bonuses for extended play!* Connect to Facebook and FireX to get UNIQUE BONUSES andinstantlyconnect with your FRIENDS in game!* ACHIEVEMENTS for unique rewards such as FREE gemsorcustomizations!* Go VIP and gain the ability to open VIP only rooms, MOREdailyFREE chips, unique emotes and other customizations, andmore!* SYNC SEAMLESSLY across all your devices on the samebankroll.Mobile, tablet or desktop!* Multiple progressive JACKPOTS!* Follow our Facebook for EXCLUSIVE offers and bonuses!* Full support for English, Simplified & TraditionalChinese,Japanese, and Korean!COMING SOON:* MORE GAMES! Blackjack, PaiGow, Mahjong, and MUCH MORE!* Power WHEEL with FRIEND bonuses for more FREE chips!* Pick your own DEALER, each with UNIQUE abilities and bonuses!For events, FREE CHIPS, and more, visit our official websiteandFacebook page:https://gc.netherfire.com games are intended for a mature audience.The games do not offer real money gambling or an opportunity towinreal money or prizes.Past success at social casino gaming has no relationship tofuturesuccess at real money gambling.
NEW777 CASINO 1.6.4
NEW777 Casino Taiwan softest machinetruestmost fun class gaming machine game. Absolutely fair, just andopen.Fruit Solots (SLOT) - is a popular global leisure game rulesaresimple and easy to stimulate, just go to the seat, choose agoodmagnification, you can start the game."5PK" - perfectly reproduce the classic five poker games. Foralicense? Not for a license? Test your luck and wisdom! Come andtryyour luck!50 may have a function to banking transactions with friendsOtherwise, 7PK, Pa sea, niu little Mary, Sic Bo, niu slamDoubleMahjong Playing Chess games, five rounds of nine linesjunglebattle, baccarat and more super exciting Taurus and Pai Gowcomingon-line, please respect the players Please look forwardto!System Maintenance Time: every Thursday AM: 9:00 ~ AM12: 00.Customer Service Phone +886422605155Customer LINE ID: newnew777Niu official website: Page:
Lottery Scratch Off - Mahjong NY75
YouSee Design
Lottery Scratch Off - Mahjong is a freescratchoff game.33 scratchers free to play: Mahjong, Roll the dice, Redenvelopescratch ticket…and more.If you like lottery game, especially instant game, tryLotteryScratch Off - Mahjong and scratch big win prize!Only for entertainment purpose and could not win real moneyfromthis game.Copyright © 2017 - Designed by Bunny Scratch
Angel Casino-Holdem&Slot&Bac 1.6.4
Robert Hu
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戰國爭Bar 1.0.0721
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