Anderson Whitney Inc. التطبيقات

Anderson Whitney Inc.
THE STORY SO FAR...You have just been hired to work for one of the most powerfulmega-corporations in history, Velveteen Industries. It is theopportunity of a lifetime, but to put it mildly you're a bitanxious... You'll be working side by side with CEO VincentVelveteen (AKA "V"), the most powerful, charismatic, ball-bustingcorporate executive in the world... whom, it should also bementioned, happens to be a 3 foot tall adorable bunny rabbit in apurple suit.WARNING:This game has been designed specifically for Google's ProjectTango dev kit when combined with the Durovis Dive virtual realityheadset/HMD. This game will not work without a Project Tango devkit!PROTOTYPE INSTRUCTIONS:In this initial version of the game it is up to you to aide Mr.V in purchasing highly volatile stocks. You must keep your eyes onthe stock market ticker, always being aware of the current price ofV's favorite stocks. When V decides to buy or sell shares, it is upto you to make sure he's making all the right moves!This game uses head tracking to control the gameplay. When youagree with Mr. V's valuation of a stock you nod your head up anddown to signal, yes, he is making a good buy. When you disagree,meaning, V has suggested buying a stock at an overly high price orselling at a price that is far too low, shake your head no tosignal disagreement.Making as much money for Velveteen Industries is the name of thegame!VELVETEEN INDUSTRIES, WHO WE ARE:Velveteen is more than a video game, with character design andanimation by professional LA animator Kenny Roy (Arconyx AnimationStudio/Arconyx Games) and a script by Anderson Evans (Droid CasualGames), Velveteen will have you laughing your ass off, and youwon't even care (or realize) as people point and stare at yougiggling to yourself like a mad stooge.FUTURE ITERATIONSThis is only the first of many "boardroom missions" featuringmeetings with V. Eventually these single missions will entail alarger narrative, leading to off-world play spaces and cinematiccut scenes. Trust us when we say Velveteen isn't just a game, it isthe future of interactive storytelling comedy.
Urban Surfers Extreme 1.0
Anderson Whitney Inc.
While it is true that Big City, USA has beencrushed beneath the waves... that is no reason to bum out! Nowthere can be held a most tubular surf competition, more epic thanthe world has ever known! Welcome to the absurd world of extremeurban surfing!In Urban Surfers Extreme you control an extreme surfer that cansurf circles around anyone, but nobody realizes it because you arenew in town.In Urban Surfers Extreme, if you move around the gameboard tapon the screen where you want your urban surfer to go! You alwayswant to go after items like gold championship cups, bags of money,and in some cases even volley balls. You'll always want to avoidenemies like sewer rats, sewer gators, and of course sewer pirates!If you connect with these enemy objects you'll have to go all theway back to the beginning of the game. This is a game where you goup against other subway surfers in the big city, a city in whichsubways have been flooded and all that exists are the waves!If at any point in Urban Surfers Extreme you need to go into afreefall drop just tap and hold the screen. Want to turbo boost toa different part of the gameboard to collect a points token? Justdouble tap on the spot you want to subway surf to as quickly aspossible.Urban Surfers Extreme features levels in New York, Chicago, andsome bonus stages in watery abstracts. This game features both anUrban Surfers Extreme arcade mode, and a story mode for a funnyadventure you can actually beat! The desire to ride the surfersubway will grow strong in you!For those that love the ocean, surfing in the streets, sunningin the city, and the urban metropolis all around, Urban SurfersExtreme is the game to download! And why not?! it is a free fungame!
Octopus Alien Adventure 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Octopus Alien Adventure is a casual octopusalien game game sure to give you a real wet thrill as you swim youroctopus alien pal through the ocean toward rad colorful rainbowfish and avoiding great whites!Octopus Alien Adventure is one of the very few free alien games andoctopus games out there, and is easier to understand than listeningto an alien radio! Move the octopus alien around the screen bytapping where you want it to go, if you double tap you'll gainextra speed, if you tap and hold your octopus alien will do a freefall escape. The tropical rainbow fish are worth differing amountsof points depending on the level of difficulty you have selected.Watch out for the great white sharks, hitting them sends you into adisappointing game over!Octopus Alien Adventure was designed by the king of octopussimulators, who decided the whole first person thing was just toodarn serious, and lo, he became a casual game designer obsessedwith octopus games.Octopus Alien Adventure is the perfect game for lovers of casualgames and of course octopus games and alien games.
Don't Hit The Pickle 5
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Don't Hit The Pickle is a casual pickle gamefor the well preserved gamer. It features several fresh fruits, butit is mostly concerned with the eggplant and the pickle. Know whatI mean? You ever had one of those Eggplant fridays?How do you play? Well don't avoid the fresh fruit, but as aneggplant... Who knows what would happen if you hit the pickle(hint: game over). That is just how Don't Hit The Pickle works. Tapthe screen to steer the eggplant where you want it to go, doubletap if you want the eggplant to move fast... you gotta move fast oryou risk hitting the pickle in this pickle of a game.Don't Hit The Pickle will thrill those with a love for pickledthings, or perhaps those with an aversion to them? Get your partyhats on, it's Eggplant Friday.
Spring Flower Search 1.1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Spring Flower Search is a fragrant flower of amatching game for the happy gardener. It featurescards with beautiful spring flowers adorning them. The gameplay issimple: Match the flower cards, but make sure they have a linearlink! If they don't, each beautiful flower will wilt while yourtime runs out!Don't worry if you get stuck, you can always push the refreshbutton (and by always I mean 3 times) if you need the game to makea match for you, you can use the find button (3 times as well).Each round becomes more difficult, so you better water, fertilize,and love your beautiful spring flowers!The app is designed by a team of gardeners who care aboutsunshine, the spring weather, blue skys, and nature that surroundsus all.So enjoy Spring Flower Search, for for a beautifully sweetsmelling aroma of spring flowers and the nature we love.
NYC Subway Scramble 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
NYC Subway Scramble is the perfect matchinggame for NYC Subway commuters that are bored while riding fromBrooklyn to Manhattan. It features cards with logos from the mostfamous subway lines in New York. The gameplay is simple: Match thegame cards, but make sure they have a linear link! If they don't,the subway logos will silently mock you with their bold colors andhelvetica lettering while your time runs out!Don't worry if you get stuck, you can always push the shufflebutton (and by always I mean 3 times) if you need the game to makea match for you, you can use the express lane button (3 times aswell) to find cheats as well! Each round becomes more difficult, sohurry to beat New York rush hour!The app is designed by a team of New Yorkers, looking to bringyou the kind of NYC game they love playing in the Village, placeslike Thompson Square Park and 14th Street, Union Square! All peoplethat love NYC love this game, this we've seen time and again!So enjoy NYC Subway Scramble, for a great trip back to Brooklynor Queens!
Casino Grab 3
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Casino Grab Features Overview:* As in most great double down casinos, you've got to be careful tocollect all the cards passed around by double-dealers* Watch out for the bust, I know you should never back down, but ifyou hit the bust you'll get a game over.* You control the hand of pure luck that rambles around thecasinos, tap the screen to move it where you want it to go.Casino Grab is a Vegas style casual card game for the card sharkin your life. It features king, queen, and jack cards that give youpoints and a bust that will send you into bankruptcy!Casino Grab free gambling game is simple: Jack Cards are worth 1point, Queen Cards are worth two points, and King Cards are worththree points... But BEWARE! The Bust Signal means it is gameover!Casino Grab was designed by a team of swingers that always doubledown on eleven. This free casino game has a retro feel and takesyou right back to Vegas, Atlantic City, or whatever gambling spaceyou like to call your own!You'll really enjoy Casino Grab, the free casino game!
Fruit Toucan Jungle 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Fruit Toucan Jungle is a casual jungle rungamesure to give you hours of enjoyment as you listen to the soundofnature, gently drifting through the rainforest collectingfruits. Itfeatures cherries, bananas, and pears that give youpoints... BUTwatch out for Sugar the Bear! Just as you, the fruittoucan, love toeat fruits... Sugar the Bear loves to eattoucans!!!Fruit Toucan Jungle is one of the very few free jungle run gamesoutthere, and is easier to understand than a rainforest sound tosleepto: green pears are worth 1 point, red cherries are 2 points,andthe yellow bananas are worth 3 points... But BEWARE! Sugar theBearwants to eat you!Fruit Toucan Jungle was designed by a team of former sugarycerealmagnates. Their greatest hope was to make a sugary SaturdayMorningBreakfast Cereal. When the 80s ended, they switched theirintereststo casual jungle run games.Fruit Toucan Jungle is the free casual jungle run game thateveryonethat loves delicious fruits and the relaxing sounds ofnature andthe rainforest will love to have in their androidgamecollection!
Blue Bird Journey In Flowers 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Bluebird Journey In FlowersFeaturesOverview:* View a beautiful blue bird as it collects all of thebeautifulrare flowers* Tap around the screen to control the bluebird* Collect all the purple and white flowers, prom flowers,blueflowers, green flowers, and white flower arrangementsyoucan!* If you collect types of flowers with stems you will get agameover, so watch out!Blue Bird Journey In Flowers is a casual bluebird game suretogive you hours of enjoyment as you take a journey throughtheflowersBlue Bird Journey In Flowers is one of the very few freebluebirdmobile apps out there, and is easier to understand thanblue bookprices for cars: Just tap where you want the bluebird togo, doubletap for speed, tap and hold to drift down. Collect allthe flowerswithout stems, for flowers with stems will give you agameover.Blue Bird Journey In Flowers was designed by bird watchersBlue Bird Journey In Flowers is the perfect game for loversofcasual games and of course blue bird and bluebirdenthusiasts.
Aloha Hawaiian Hibiscus Flower 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Aloha Hawaiian Hibiscus FlowerFeaturesOverview:* A game that celebrates an amazing library of flowerpointtokens* You control the beautiful hibiscus flower on a tropicalHawaiianshore* You mus avoid palm branches* collect all the beautiful tropical flowers that you canAloha Hibiscus Flower is a casual Aloha game sure to giveyouhours of enjoyment as you control one of the mostbeautifulHawaiian flowers. It features hibiscus flowers of manyshapes andcolors that give you points... BUT watch out for thepalmbranches!Aloha Hibiscus Flower is one of the very few free Aloha gamesoutthere, and is easier to understand than the plot to Crowe'sAloha:Tap the screen to join your hibiscus flowers to the otherhibiscusflowers on the game board, double tap to join flowers withextraspeed, watch out for palm branches as they'll give you agameover.Aloha Hibiscus Flower was designed by a film critic who lovedAlohamovies and loved to say anything. This critic actually lovesallkinds of movies from independent movies, action adventure,andmore... but in his downtime he just likes to hang loose andtapminimalist flowers all over his android tablet interface.Aloha Hibiscus Flower is the perfect game for lovers of casualgamesand of course Aloha, movies, Hawaii, Oahu, Maui, and all theislandsholding the magical hibiscus flower.
Snailing Around 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Snailing Around is a casual slimy snailgamesure to give you hours of enjoyment as you scoot Slimy theSnailaround a big green leaf, trying to hook up with your friends,whileavoiding that pesky earth worm. It features lots of coloredcartoonsnails that give you points... BUT watch out for theearthworm!Snailing Around is one of the very few free slimy snail gamesoutthere, and is easier to understand than why there would everbesnail battles, since snails are such good friends: Tap thescreento guide Slimy Snail in the right direction, double tap forextraspeed, tap-and-hold to go into freefall. Different coloredsnailsare worth different amounts of points depending on theselecteddifficulty level... Watch out for the goofy worms, theywill sendyou to a salty game over screen!Snailing Around was designed by a scientist who was sick ofeveryonetelling him that the only thing that could hurt a snailwas salt,when he knew beyond a doubt earthworms were the primaryenemies ofthe snail. Even though he could not prove thisscientifically, hedecided to build a casual game, so at least inthe virtual world histheory would always ring true!Snailing Around is the perfect game for lovers of casual gamesandof course slimy snail collectors, earthworm opponents, andanyonethat loves green leaves and the outdoors.
Camp Site Fright 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Camp Site Fright is a casual camping gamesureto give you hours of enjoyment as you shout Go, Cute Bear Go!Itfeatures camping tents full of food, marshmallows, and hotdogsthat give you points... BUT watch out for fires, wolves,andirritable owls!Camp Site Fright is one of the very few free cute bear gamesoutthere, and is easier to understand than building a camp fire inthewoods: You control the cute bear, tap the direction you want himtojump toward, double tap for extra speed! Grab all thetents,marshmallows, and hot dogs you can while avoiding owls, thewolf,and the campfire. Different items give you different pointamountsdepending on difficulty level.Camp Site Fright was designed by the most lumberjacked developerinthe world, he loves maple syrup and woodsy stuff.Camp Site Fright is the perfect game for lovers of casual gamesandof course campers, lumberjacks shouting Go Cute Bear Go!, andofcourse smore fanatics that totally understand why a cute bearwouldbe all up on toasted marshmallows.
Kawaii Bear Bump 1.2
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Kawaii Bear Bump is one of the greatkawaiigames out there, it is a casual game for the teddy bear loverinyour home. It features precious kawaii bears that give youpointsand a smiling raincloud that will rain on your parade with asadgame over!Kawaii Bear Bump, one of the very few free kawaii games outthere,is simple: brown kawaii bears are worth 1 point, gray kawaiibearsare worth two points, and white kawaii bears are worththreepoints... But BEWARE! As much as you want to collect all oftheadorable kawaii bears, you do not want the smiling raincloudtorain down upon you.Kawaii Bear Bump is a kawaii game known to be cute,adorable,precious, and most of all FUN! Download this free game forall agesnow!
Sorbet Showdown 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Sorbet Showdown is one of the best frozengamesfor free out there! It features cards with dessert gamescards.The gameplay in Sorbet Showdown is simple: Match the game cards,butmake sure they have a linear link! If they don't, every sorbetinthe dessert shop will melt while your time runs out!Don't worry if you get stuck, in Sorbet Showdown you can alwayspushthe free scoop button (and by always I mean 3 times) if youneed thegame to make a match for you, you can use the find button(3 timesas well). Each round becomes more difficult, so don't slowdown ifyou want to be the champion dessert maker!When it comes to dessert games, Sorbet Showdown takes the cake!Forthe casual puzzle gamer that likes sorbet more than icecream!
Hot Air Balloon Free For All 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Hot Air Balloon Free For All is a casualhotair balloon game sure to give you hours of enjoyment as youmoveyour hot air balloons toward other balloons, while avoidingnastyweather conditions!Hot Air Balloon Free For All is one of the very few free hotairballoon games out there, and is easier to understand thanhowballoons stay in the air: tap where you'd like the hot airballoongo, double tap for speed, and tap and hold for a hot airballoonfreefall. catch all the other hot air balloons whileavoidingclouds and weather!Hot Air Balloon Free For All was designed by a hot airballoonenthusiast who also enjoys free casual gamesHot Air Balloon Free For All is the perfect game for loversofcasual games and of course hot air balloons.
All Giraffes Go To Heaven 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
All Giraffes Go To Heaven is a casualflyinggiraffe game sure to give you hours of enjoyment as you flyyourgiraffe through a beautiful jungle. It features deliciousgreenleaves that give you points... BUT watch out for poisonberries!All Giraffes Go To Heaven is one of the very few free flyinggiraffegames out there, and is easier to understand than giraffeevolution:Tap the giraffe angel anywhere on the game screen youwant to move,double tap for more speed, and tap-and-hold to sendthe angelgiraffe into freefall, different types of green leavesgive youdifferent amounts of points depending on the level ofdifficulty youselect... But BEWARE! Do not eat the poison berriesor you will bemet with a game over!All Giraffes Go To Heaven was designed by the zoologist whohadstared far too long at his wall covered with giraffewallpaper.That giraffe wallpaper reminded him of his home, whenthat home wasdestroyed by a deadly rhino, he tried to recreate thatfeeling ofcomfort by making this free casual game!All Giraffes Go To Heaven is the perfect game for lovers ofcasualgames and of course those that love the jungle, flyinggiraffes,and those that know every animal goes to heaven!
Super Cabbie Confusion 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Cabbie Confusion is a game of mentalgymnasticsfor your favorite little New Yorker! It's a game fit forthe NewYorker in all of us!This is just a plain fun game for everyone, as the time increasessodoes the need for skill. You must match the proper cab cards,theywill not connect without a linear link! When the time runs outtheCabbie Confusion(TM) sets in, hurry before your time runsout!This game is designed and manufactured in Manhattan. This isaNew York City original game, about getting in a cab every timetheweather is bad and thinking "It sure does cost a lot to getfromThe Village to The Upper West Side these days, but I missliving inSoHo and The Lower East Side. The cabbies will drive youto placeslike Barcade or Union Pool in Brooklyn, where everybodyparties allthe time! The cabs and cabbies will drive you to Queens!They'lltake you to Union Square! To Harlem! All over the place!So what are you waiting for? Why haven't you downloaded?HasCabbie Confusion already GOTTEN TO YOU?!!!
Watering Cloud Adventure 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Watering Cloud Adventure is a casualcloudwatering plants game sure to give you hours of enjoyment asyoumove the watering cloud toward thirsty flowers. It featuresmanycolored flowers, but watch out for other clouds, they want towaterall the plants, and if you get in their way, you're introuble!Watering Cloud Adventure is one of the very few freewateringplants as a cloud games out there, and is easier tounderstand thanphotosynthesis: All you have to do is move thewatering cloudaround the screen by tapping where you'd like thecloud to go, ifyou'd like to have the cloud move faster double tap,and tap andhold to go into freefall. Each colored flower gives youa differentamount of points depending on the level of difficultyyou haveselected, but watch out for the clouds, they'll send youright intothe game over screen.Watering Cloud Adventure was designed by a weatherobsesseddeveloper that just wanted to spend his days tapping ascreen whilea happy cloud floats along.Watering Cloud Adventure is the perfect game for lovers ofcasualgames and of course clouds watering plants.
Lavender Fields Forever 2
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Lavender Fields Forever is a casual gameforthose that dream about freshly scents of lavender fields onasummers day. It features beautiful stalks of lavender linethatgive you points and a terrifying pair of scissors, perhapsascissorhand, that will gift you with nothing but wistful gameover!Lavender Fields Forever, one of the very few free lavender gamesintown is simple: yellow lavender is worth 3 points, pinklavenderlines are worth two points, and blue lavender lines areworth onepoint... But BEWARE! As much as you want that sweet smelloflavender, you do not want to be cut up! Those scissorsaredangerous.Lavender Fields Forever was designed by a Lavender Bluefromlavender town who couldn't get enough of hummingbirdheartbeat.These traits amalgamated, and his dream of a beautifullavender anda hummingbird drifting across android screens for freepushed himto create this free casual game.
Shell Shocked 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Shell Shocked is a beach themed matchinggamefor the beach bum and shell collector. It features cards withfunbeach shells. The gameplay is simple: Match thegame cards, but make sure they have a linear link! If theydon't,each little you'll lose all your shells as times run out!Don't worry if you get stuck, In Shell Shocked you can alwayspushthe refresh button (and by always I mean 3 times) if you needthegame to make a match for you, you can use the find button (3timesas well). Each round becomes more difficult, so don'tslowdown!The app is designed by a team of people obsessed with the shellgaslogo. They love all kinds of shells and starfish, and that iswhythey designed Shell Shocked, obviously.So enjoy Shell Shocked, for people that heed the call when theyhearthe shell prompt!
Basketball Made Simple 4 Kids 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Basketball Made Simple For Kids is a Kids 2to8 version of our Basketball Made Simple Game. It is a matchinggameperfect for young ones to learn basic basketball symbols in afunand challenging way! It features cool basketball game cards.Basketball Made Simple For Kids has gameplay that is simple!Matchthegame cards, but make sure they have a linear link! If theydon't,each sit still in this basketball showdown while the buzzerrunsout!Don't worry if you get stuck, in Basketball Made Simple For Kidsyoucan always push the refresh button (and by always I mean 3times) ifyou need the game to make a match for you, you can usethe cheatbutton (3 times as well). Each round becomes harder andharder, sodon't double dribble!
Rainbow Rubics Road 2
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Rainbow Rubics Road is a casual rubix cubegamesure to give you hours of enjoyment as you kart along aneverlastingrainbow road. It features a multi color rubix cubeseekingmonochromatic rubics cubes that give points... BUT watchout for theblack box of death!Rainbow Rubics Road is one of the very few free rubics cubegamesout there, and is easier to understand than an actual rubixcube:blue cubes are worth 1 point, red cubes are 2 points, and theyellowcubes are worth 3 points... But BEWARE! Get your rainbowsready todash, because the black box recorders could strike at anytime!Rainbow Rubics Road was designed by a man named Mario who hadanostalgic retro dream about the ultimate kart. When hedecideddriving was no longer for him, he fell into a dream ofgradients,fractals, and of course rubix cubes.Rainbow Rubics Road is the perfect game for lovers of freecasualgames about rubics cubes, rubix cubes, rainbow roads, and mennamedMario that drive karts. This game is a blast to the past forallages!
Atomic Mouse 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Atomic Mouse is a free casual game basedoncharacters from the now public domain comic book series of thesamename. The mechanics are similar to many balloon popping games,butthe Atomic Engine adds a pretty interesting twist to thiscuttingedge game.The Atomic Mouse Origin Story: Atomic Mouse was once justaregular cartoon mouse that was turned into a super hero. TheevilHellcat, a dastardly magician, kept a mouse as his ownpersonallaborer... performing magic tricks on him all the time.He'd makethe mouse huge but chained up, then make him small again.One time,Hellcat made his mouse captive so small he couldn't beseen... hewas among the atoms. The atoms gave the mouse the powerof theatom, hence Atomic Mouse, the superhero mouse, was born!Atomic Mouse Nuclear Missions tells the story of AtomicMouse'strip to an apocalyptic dystopia where postmodernity reignsoverall. Atomic Mouse must move through each of the nuclearmissionswithout going mad!The first level of Atomic Mouse (Infinite Sunset) is set ataspace age beach at sunset where Atomic Mouse must collect allthestars as they come out of the sky, but he must avoid the skullorface negative effects.The second level of Atomic Mouse (The Midas Protocol)sendsAtomic Mouse into a frenzy of gold greed in which you mustcollectall the treasures of Montezuma. If you hit the lightningbolt yourability to live will be no more!The third level of Atomic Mouse is the boss level! Aftermovingbeyond the first two spaces of madness you must collect yourwitsand reach the molecular level! Once there you must move intoananobot where The Hellcat Virus is wreaking havoc onthemultiverse!Atomic Mouse is a race against infinity's clock for yourownsanity, but luckily this free casual game has a killerchiptune8-bit soundtrack that will really knock your socks off!
Ninja Shuffle 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Ninja Shuffle is a style of matching gameforthe fan of ninja games. It features cards with cool lookingninjasand ninja throwing stars.The gameplay in Ninja Shuffle is simple: Match the ninjagamecards, but make sure they have a linear link! If they don't,you'llwish you had jumped to action instead of letting your timerunsout!Don't worry if you get stuck, you can always push theNinjaShuffle button (and by always I mean 3 times) if you need thegameto make a match for you, you can use the cheat button (3 timesaswell). Each round becomes more difficult, so don't slow down!
Bow Tie Tying Ted 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Bow Tie Tying Ted is a casual bow tie gamesureto give you hours of enjoyment as you collect the bowties andavoidall of the neck ties. It features bow ties that give youpoints...BUT watch out for the evil neckties!Bow Tie Tying Ted is one of the very few free bow tie gamesoutthere, and is easier to understand than bow tie tying: You playbowtie tying Ted, a gentleman and a scholar, that only wants towearbow ties. guide Ted around the screen by tapping where you'dlikehim to move, double tapping for extra speed, and tappingandholding for the free fall move. Collect all the bowties youcanfind, but Ted HATES neckties, grabbing a neck tie will get youabig fat game over!Bow Tie Tying Ted was designed by one of those old guys thatisreally upset nobody knows how to actually tie bow-ties anymore.Imean, clip-ons? For adult men? That just bothers this guy a ton!Sohe made this game to air his distaste.Bow Tie Tying Ted is the perfect game for lovers of casual gamesandof course those that love neckwear, bowties, bow-ties, andreallyties of all sorts. Oh and little mustachioed dudes.
Doctor Floppy 1.1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Doctor Floppy Features Overview:* Inspired by flappy bird and floppy bird games. Basically ahugeimprovement on all things flappy birds* You control doctor floppy, move him around and collect thegoodflappy planets in the most classic of ways (i.e. by tappingaroundyour device)* Stay away from the red planets! They are classic snakes, man!Look. Up in the sky. Is it a floppy bird? Is it a floppycloud?Is it a floppy fish? No. It is Doctor Floppy. Doctor Floppyis aninventor that has eaten too much food before bed, will youhelp hisdream go on as long as possible?What is Floppy dreaming about? Do you know? Do you know ofwhatFloppy dreams are made of?Where do your fingers go when you sleep? Is Doctor Floppya"floppy" doctor? Why is floppy the new flappy? What do thesewordsmean? Is "flappy" an "alt" word? Is "alt" still around?Is Doctor Floppy a hipster? Is Doctor Floppy a stoner? IsDoctorFloppy a far out planet collecting game for kids? What agegroup isDoctor Floppy for? Is it really for kids? I say it is notfor kids,I say it is for the kid in all of us, but not for the kidsinsideof the kids because they are already children? Was that aquestion?Does Doctor Floppy have the answer? Is Doctor Floppy a PHDor anMD?Is Doctor Floppy's physics engine child friendly? That iswhatthe last version of this "full description" used to say. Butwhatis a physics engine? Does it allow you to control our floppyfriendas he soars through the floppy clouds? Or does it confuseyoung andold because exact instructions on how to control Floppyremain sohush hush.What gameplay features can I expect? Does Doctor Floppyhavemultiple levels? Is Doctor Floppy minimalist? Is Doctor Floppya"casual game?" I do know the secret of Doctor Floppy: blueplanetsare one point, green planets are worth two points, andyellowplanets are worth three points. Will you have fun withDoctorFloppy? Will you let Doctor Floppy fly around the screen? Doyouknow How? Can you make Doctor Floppy fall to the ground likearagdoll? What is the Red Planet? Is it Mars? Is the giantanimatedred planet dangerous? And can it turn Doctor Floppy'sdreams into anightmare?
Software Attack 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Software Attack is a casual software gameforyou and your favorite software data cable. It features a funnynerdboy with nerd glasses as the player, usb drives, CD-roms,anddiskettes, all giving you major points... BUT it also featuresadangerous virus, and you're in a world without virus protectionorvirus removal... you hit the virus? You get a big fat game over.Software Attack, one of the very few free meta software gamesoutthere is easier to understand than the virus cleaner thatcameshipped on your windows computer: usb sticks are worth 1 point,3.5disks are 2 points, and the CDs are worth 3 points... ButBEWARE!There is no virus protection, and the evil virus could comeout ofanywhere, attacking you, the nerd boy!Software Attack was designed by a group of computerscientiststhat got sick of trying to program software updaters andviruscleaners and software data cables. All these guys wanted to dowasmake a simple free game, and so they did!Software Attack is the ultimate free casual game for everyonethatloves software and hates computer the virus.
Knight Fight Night 1.2
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Knight Fight Night is a medievalcasualbouncing game for the ancient hero in all of us. Itfeaturesarmored animals and classic shield tokens! Chivalry on thefarm,what a concept!Knight Fight Night gameplay is simple: The Lion Shields areworth1 point, Sword Shields are worth two points, and crestshields areworth three points... But BEWARE! The wizard wildabeastlurks aroundevery corner, avoid him at all costs, his happiness isyourperil!You'll really enjoy Knight Fight Night if you love knightsandknight games. This free casual game will slay you!
Sheep Sweater Swipe 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Sheep Sweater Swipe Features Overview:* An evolutionary evolution of the free casual game, fromsimplepixels to a full on sheep, bro!* Not understanding how this game is played is nonsensical! Justtapthe screen where you want your sheep to sway!* Avoid the razors and razor blades! You are a sheep and youdon'twant to be sheered! You'll get a game over!* Collect all the awesome colorful sweaters you can for asmanypoints as possible in this free casual game!Sheep Sheep Sweater Swipe is a casual sheep game sure to giveyouhours of enjoyment as you guide the sheep toward sweatersdesignedto have many colors by what I can only imagine areprofessionalsweater designers. It features so many groovy sweatersthat give youpoints... BUT watch out for the razor that will skinyou bear,brrrr, then you'll be grossly under-prepared forsweaterweather!Sheep Sweater Swipe is one of the very few free sheep gamesoutthere, and is easier to understand than sheep sheering andyakshaving: different colored sweaters are worth various amountsofpoints depending on the difficulty level you select ... ButBEWARE!the dirty shaving games played by the razor of doom, it willskinyou bare! Or should I say baaaaa-re!"Sheep Sweater Swipe was designed by Kiwi shepherds that soldtheirflock to buy their own fancy computer, obviously they neverforgottheir herd of sheep, and wanted to glorify them indigitalform!Sheep Sweater Swipe is the perfect game for lovers of casualgamesand of course sheep lovers, sheep herders, and evenshepherds.
Rainbow Tree Frog Switch 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Rainbow Tree Frog Switch is ajungle/swampthemed matching game for the Frog Fanatic. It featurescards withbeautifully colored tree frogs.The gameplay is simple: Match the game cards, but make suretheyhave a linear link! If they don't, each little will croakwhileyour time runs out!Don't worry if you get stuck, when you play Rainbow Tree Frogswitchyou can always push the refresh button (and by always I mean3times) if you need the game to make a match for you, you can usethefind button (3 times as well). Each round becomes moredifficult, sodon't ribbet your luck away!Rainbow Tree Frog Switch is designed by a team of frogs andtoadsfrom the jungles and swamps of the world that made a matchinggamethat spoke to THEIR interests. These amphibians are allaboutbringing you the froggies and toadies favorite games onthelillypad and the trees.When it comes to Frog Games free is the way to go, soplayRainbow Tree Frog Switch today!
Audiophile Record Collector 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Audiophile Record CollectorFeaturesOverview:* Control a hipster record collector that just wants to playasimple free game while listening to his pristine collectionofalbums.* Music soundtrack free so you can listen to the warm sound ofyouranalog music system in no way connected to a portabledigitaldevice.* Find records as quickly as possible and you'll score points,butstay away from cassette tapes!Audiophile Record Collector is a casual record game sure togiveyou hours of enjoyment as you take out your mobile device toplay asimple casual game an you listen to all your sweet LPs onyoursweet hi-fi speakers. It features records and turntablesmixingtheir way across the board giving you points... BUT if thecassettetape touches your sweet hipster specs, you are donefor!Audiophile Record Collector is one of the very few freecasualaudiophile apps out there, and is easier to understand thananaudiophile equalizer reference book: You play a hipster withabeard the size of a whale trying to grab all the recordsandturntables... But BEWARE! music collection can be a dangerousgamebecause the cassette tape waits around every corner!Audiophile Record Collector was designed by the most nerdistnerdfor chillwave, scream-o, pop-punk, ambient classical, andshoegazemusic ever to live. He just wanted a simple game to play onhisdumb phone while he listens to his sweet sweet tunes.Audiophile Record Collector is the perfect game for lovers ofcasualgames and of course auth listeners that want a game tocomplimenttheir auditory experiences.
Super Ant N' Man 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Super Ant N' Man is a game superhero fanswillmarvel at. It features cards that demand you become an antsmasher.The gameplay is simple: Match the game cards, but make suretheyhave a linear link! If they don't, each little antman willbattleyou while your time runs out!Don't worry if you get stuck, you can always push the refreshbutton(and by always I mean 3 times) if you need the game to makea matchfor you, you can use the find button (3 times as well).Each roundbecomes more difficult, so dont be a punk like batman,be like anant man! Be like the guy who reads his comic books everyday becausehe thinks it is cool.The app is designed by a guy that people call Antman because heissuch a tiny little bug of a man. It really is a marvel howsmallthis joker is! Regardless he makes a pretty solid game,especiallywhen he gets that chance do design around an ant man.This game isa marvel! It blew my socks off. It is also a comic gameso be readyto laugh when you see this thing in action. I love SuperAnt N'Man!You're gonna love smashing the ant, man! It is Super Ant N' Manoutnow!
Valentine's Day Love Match 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Valentine's Day Love Match is aromanticValentine's Day matching game for the romantic casualgamer. Itfeatures a full acoustic soundtrack, sound effects, andcardsdecorated with a romantic message including hearts and cupids.The gameplay is simple in Valentine's Day Love Match: Matchthegame cards, but make sure they have a linear link! If theydon't,each little cupid will weep silently while your time runsout!Don't worry if you get stuck, in Valentine's Day Love Match youcanalways push the scramble button (and by always I mean 3 times)ifyou need the game to make a match for you, you can use thefindbutton (3 times as well). Pretty sweet for a game known asavalentines game, a romantic game, and a pretty strong entry inthelove games category. Each round becomes more difficult, sodon'tslow down in this love test!Valentine's Day Love Match is designed by a team ofactualcupids. They make up the valentine wallpaper in this, one ofourfavorite romantic games!So enjoy one of our favorite love games, Valentine's DayLoveMatch, and blow your sweetheart a kiss!
Retro Diner Dessert Train 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Retro Diner Dessert Train is a casualdessertgame celebrating all those ice cream makers, cake makers,and morethat have fallen victim to pure unadulterated cake mania.In thisgame you control a waiter just hoping his favorite dessert,icecream, is on the way... but the kitchen keeps sending outcakes!Avoid these at all cost if you don't want to upset yourcustomers!Retro Diner Dessert Train is one of those dessert shop gamesthatpits you, a waiter with an obsession with ice cream trucksagainsta dessert train, that quite frankly, has far too many cakes,thanksto the underworked cake makers in the kitchen. The more cakesyoucan collect, the more points you score, but if you dare fallvictimto cake mania and try to grab a cake... well, in this dineryou'llbe dashed right out!Retro Diner Dessert Train is perfect for casual retro gamefansof all ages, it is one of those cool, quick, casual free gamesyoucan play that has a retro feel, thanks to the retro cameraeffectsof the parallax and vintage backdrops.Download Retro Diner Dessert Train now, or risk cake maniatakinghold... an ailment that makes sure eating your feelingsbecomes avery real thing!
Retro Pixel Star Street Walk 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Retro Pixel Star Street Walk is a freecasual8-bit game sure to give you hours of enjoyment as you walkthebrick road on the moon. It features monochromatic rubik'scubesthat give you points... BUT watch out for the ever-dangerousalienplanet!Retro Pixel Star Street Walk is the coolest new free casual gameonthe block! It features a full 8-bit chiptune soundtrackandanimated sprites. The rules are simple: the light blue rubixcubeis worth 1 point, the white rubics cube is worth 2 points, andthedark blue rubik's cubes are worth 3 points... But BEWARE! Allisnot well in the nostalgic arcade, the alien planet coulddestroyyou at any time!Retro Pixel Star Street Walk was developed by,ablog about casual games for the android. This is our firstreleasein the android store, and will be updating the gameconstantly astime goes on. The street walker character will soontake onmultiple levels and more difficult challenges.Retro Pixel Star Street Walk will offer you hours ofthrowbackjoy with one of the best free casual games in the GooglePlayStore. We hope you enjoy the game!
Outfield Angel Massacre 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
What is Outfield Angel Massacre? Maybe Ishouldsay something punchy, express myself with rules of the gameand 140characters and whatnot.I refuse to do it. You see, what I mean to say is: We've doneit.We've found the lost masterpiece of Alan Smithee. You see, inthe1990s, people thought that movies about kids in "The BigLeagues"mattered, that these films have captured the publiczeitgeistbetween about '93 and '97. They were dead wrong, andSmithee knew itthe entire time. The great director (films likeKilling in theDuskheart, Jasper's Gazonga's) penned a 240 pageopus, and using atechnology known as MultiWare Systems... Smitheefed this entirescript into a computer, it took 17 years for thefinal computationto appear.That computation is what you can now experience onmobiledevices. Outfield Angel Massacre is exactly what Smitheedreamed itcould be: archaic, yet modern... cheap and perverse, yettelling ofa time and an age. This "game" has everything.There are rules in Outfield Angel Massacre, but they aresimplerules... maybe too simple. You must reign destruction overthe theangels as the player character (Bubblegum Bill, a majorballplayer), but as his extension (A Baseball) . Avoid, at allcosts,your best friend, and greatest rival Shoestring Joe (Only alargered metaphor of himself)... in this strange narrative you havethepower to destroy the ineffable, if such powers strike yourdearestfriend and rival... well, the story ends and you havelost... youmust always lose.And it is a story: Outfield Angel Massacre takes 240beautifullines of prose and condenses them into an experience, onefraughtwith lust and longing as well as justice... a sense oftruth.Download this amazing achievement in artificialexpressiveness,Outfield Angel Massacre will be remembered, andyou'll know youwere there... from the very start.
Lemon Party 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Lemon Party is a casual lemon party gamesureto give you hours of enjoyment as you move a lemon with amoutharound avoiding limes and hanging out with your lemon friends.Lemon Party is one of the very few free lemon party games outthere,and is a much better find than what most search enginesshow! Allyou have to do at THIS lemon party is move the happy sourlemon bytapping the direction you want the lemon to party toward,double tapif you want the lemon partier to move extra quickly, andjust holdfor the lemon spin! The lemon slices will give youpoints, but avoidthe limes, they'll give you a shock with a gameover!Lemon Party was designed by a couple of people who want youtoremember that there is no reason not to smile when you thinkabouta lemon party, though some might tell you otherwise!Lemon Party is the perfect game for lovers of casual games andofcourse lovers of lemon parties and just any lemon party, butmostlya nice clean lemon party.The Lemon Party is an acidifying body infection grapefruitdietof flavorful flavored water and inflammatory vit and vitriol.Thisis a game with lemons with a little leaf. This is acitroen/Citroenadventure to wit, it is freaking gut-wrenching. Thisgame playslike a consistent and experienced internet meme that hasfoldedback in on itself inside of a quantum tesseract, changingbloodcurdling insanity into something cute, cuddly, and alltogetherwholesome.
Genome Jumble 1.1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Genome Jumble is a science projectmatchinggame for people that can't get enough DNA games. Itfeatures neoncards with DNA strands. The gameplay is simple: Matchthe gamecards (aka genome cache), but make sure they have a linearlink! Ifthey don't, you'll play the fool as a confused DNA scanneras timepasses you by!Don't worry if you get stuck, you can always push the twobonusbuttons at the foot of the screen that will help you completethegame. One button acts as a vanishing science potion, the otheras aDNA scrambler. Each round becomes more difficult, so don'tslowdown! Genome Jumble is no easy genetics game!If you like science games than Genome Jumble is definitelyforyou!
River Boat Madness 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
River Boat Madness is a casual free boatgamesure to give you hours of enjoyment as you move down theriverbankand trust you'll win the game. It features sailboats andmotorboats that give you points... BUT watch out for the killerwavesbro!River Boat Madness is one of the very few free riverboatgamesfor kids (of all ages) out there, and is easier to understandthana riverboat GPS: tap the screen for where you would like yourmotorboat to travel, double tap for faster momentum through thewaves.You love boats, so collect every one you see, but you hatewaves,so avoid the waves or else face a game over!River Boat Madness was designed by a river boat captain thatlovedsailing through rivers and streams and even the ocean. Helovedcasual games like this.River Boat Madness is the perfect game for lovers of casualgamesand of course sailors, river boat lovers, boatmen, andwaterpeople.
Hungry Pizza Monster 7
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Hungry Pizza Monster is a casual pizza gameforyou and your favorite hungry piggy. It features delicious hotpizzain many varieties, most give you points... BUT it alsofeatures amutant pizza that would give even four certain turtles astomachache... in other words game over!Hungry Pizza Monster, one of the very few free pizza games outthereis easier to understand than directions to your favoritepizza shop:yellow supreme pizzas are worth 1 point, yellowpepperoni pizzas are2 points, and the red pizzas are worth 3points... But BEWARE! Asmuch as you hungry pigs out there want theperfect pizza box, you donot want to add the gruesome mutantpizza... yes you are an adorablepizza monster, but mutant pizzas?That my friend is a dangerousgame.Hungry Pizza Monster was designed by a team of pizza ranchownersthat started out as pizza makers. Their greatest hope was tomakethe ultimate free pizza game, and they have done it. Theytalkedabout making a pizza snake as the main character, but theartist hadsomething more monstrous in mind. A monster pizza? No nono, a pizzaMONSTER. It got confusing for a while, everybody mixingup themutant pizza with the pizza monster, but it is just thatkind ofcraziness that makes Hungry Pizza Monster such a fun gametoplay!Hungry Pizza Monster is the perfect game for lovers ofcasualgames and of course supreme pizzas!
Beer Blasters 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Beer Blasters Features Overview:* Great free casual game for the beer advocate in your lifethatloves craft beer!* Control the beer spaceship that floats about the infinitebeerfridge, collect all the beers you can so you don't have to gobuybeer!* Tap all around the screen and you'll give this a great beerreviewunless you touch a martini in which case your beer ratingwill be abig fat 0... because you'll be destroyed.* BeerBeer Blasters is a casual beer game sure to give you hoursofenjoyment as you soar through the greatest beer game sincebeerpong. It features pilsners, ambers, and stouts that giveyoupoints... BUT watch out for those pesky neon martinis!Beer Blasters is one of the very few free beer games out there,andis easier to understand than beer pong or a Brewmaster's table:You simply control the starship hefeweizen, gathering up allthegolden beers that you can find. Cans, bottles, glasses, andmugsare all worth different amounts of points based on the levelofdifficulty you have selected... But BEWARE! The neon martinismixterribly with the beer, you land on one of them and your gameisover! The longer you drink, the harder this game gets!Beer Blasters was designed by a designer that had been to somanykeggers he couldn't help but design a game around beer. Hethoughthe could bring a digital game to the parties, he got so sickofplaying beer pong. Turned out, this game is a blast at parties.Howmany beers can you have and still score points?!Beer Blasters is the perfect game for lovers of casual gamesandof course beer connoisseurs.
Zebra Vs Zombies Eating Plants 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Zebra Vs Zombies Eating Plants is acasualzombie game sure to give you hours of enjoyment as youattempt tosurvive an apoclyptic wasteland as a zebra that wants toeat thefew plants left in existence: trees, flowers, and moretrees...these are the foods of the last zebra on earth. You canonlysurvive on these plants if the zombies don't eat YOU first!Zebra Vs Zombies Eating Plants is one of the very few freezebragames that actually includes zombies even out there, and itiseasier to understand than other games that deal with zombies,andeven games that deal with plants: The flowers, plants, andtreesgive you various amounts of points depending on difficultylevel...But BEWARE! You can't just choose between plants orzombies,because zombies will freaking eat your delicious livingzebraflesh!Zebra Vs Zombies Eating Plants was designed by some poor slobthatloved botany and loved Romero flicks, and felt thatsomemegacorporation stole his dream, but what they didn't count onwashis love for integrating zebras into every fantasy game scenarioheever wrote on a cocktail napkin.Zebra Vs Zombies Eating Plants is the perfect game for loversofcasual games and of course plants and zombies.
Willie The Welsh Corgi 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
The Patriotic Adventures Of Willie TheWelshCorgi is a casual game and a love letter to Wales and itspeoples:"Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau" that means The Land Of My Fathers inthe Welshlanguage. This game is sure to give you hours of enjoymentas yougo full on Wales-crazy with the most adorable CorgiinCardiganshire... that's right, Willie The Welsh Corgi!The Patriotic Adventures of Willie The Welsh Corgi is one ofthevery few free corgi games out there, and is easier tounderstandthan an adorable corgi jump: sheep are worth 1 point,lyres are 2points, and the dragons are worth 3 points... ButBEWARE! ThatBritish Bully Union Jack is out for blood, beware hisharrowingskull!The Patriotic Adventures of Willie The Welsh Corgi featuresanoriginal Welsh soundtrack composed by David Emlyn Evans, wordsbyLlew Lwyvo. This is a classic Welsh tune.The Patriotic Adventures Of Willie The Welsh Corgi wasdesignedby a team of Welsh news anchors obsessed with Welsh corgis!Theirgreatest hope was to make a game about their homeland,The Patriotic Adventures of Willie The Welsh Corgi is afantasticfree casual game among free casual games... this is amust downloadfor Welsh peoples and anyone that loves Wales andtheir cutestexport Welsh corgis!
Spring Floral Frenzy 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Spring Floral Frenzy is a casual floralthemegame sure to give you hours of enjoyment as you move thepetals ofyour beautiful spring flower along the grassy game board.Itfeatures flowers like lilies and snapdragons that giveyoupoints... BUT watch out for the bluebird, he's the bluebirdofsadness!Spring Floral Frenzy is one of the very few free flower gamesoutthere as well as one of the few floral themed, and is easiertounderstand than the cross pollination of flowers: All you havetodo is move the gentle white flower around the screen by tappinginthe direction you'd like it to float, double tap for an extragustof wind, tap and hold the screen to watch your flower twirl totheground. Different types of flowers give you different amountsofpoints depending on the selected difficulty level. Theseflowersinclude lilies, daisies, and snapdragons... But the bluebirdofhappiness might destroy your floral wonderland by knockingyoustraight to the game over screen!Spring Floral Frenzy was designed by by a floralwallpaperenthusiast that went into casual game design. She wastaken withhow beautiful she looked while playing it with flowers inher hair,flowers she hand picked knowing they were the same floraldesignsshe had placed in her game.Spring Floral Frenzy is the perfect game for lovers of casualgamesand of course floral themes, flower games, andspringtimewallpaper.
Blob Buddies 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Blob Buddies is a casual colorful shapegamesure to give you hours of enjoyment as you guide your petblobaround a multicolored environment. It features blobs ofred,yellow, green, blue, and purple that give you points... BUTwatchout for paint splatter, paint splatter spells certain doom!Blob Buddies is one of the very few free blob games out there,andis easier to understand than most of the blob jump enginesoutthere: You control the black blob friend, and you must makecontactwith each of your blob friends. Each blob gives you adifferentamount of points depending on the level of difficulty youselect...the paint splatter looks a lot like your blob friends, butyou mustavoid red, yellow, and blue paint splatter to survive!Blob Buddies was designed for fans of blob games that got sickofbouncing blob and jumping blob games and wanted something alittlemore casual.Blob Buddies is the perfect game for lovers of casual gamesandof course blobs, colors, and geometric shapes.
Cool Cats Only 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Cool Cats Only is a casual cat game suretogive you hours of enjoyment as you move your super cool cataroundthe board trying to collect your feline cat friends. Itfeaturesreally cool looking cats that give you points... BUT watchout forthose hipster mice! They are total posers!Cool Cats Only is one of the very few free cool cat games outthere,and is easier to understand than putting on kitten mittens:Just taparound the board and collect your cat pals, hold screentofree-fall, and double tap for extra speed... But BEWARE!Thosepesky fauxhemion mice wait around every corner!Cool Cats Only was designed by two chill bros in Brooklyn thatlovebeing cool and love free cat games.Cool Cats Only is the perfect game for lovers of casual games andofcourse cool cats, chill bros, and hep cats.
Recovery Room Ready 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Recovery Room Ready is one of thosecasualhospital games for people trying to feel better. Itfeaturesbeautiful female doctor, an array of recovery tools, mostgive youpoints... but there is a deadly virus lurking, so watchout!Recovery Room Ready, one of the very few hospital games out thereiseasier to understand than your standard recovery app: therecoverytool stethoscopes are worth 1 point, the recovery toolmedicine isworth 2 points, and the recovery tool booster shot isworth 3points... but this is a delicate hospital operation thatneeds to bedone in a dash. If you hit the Sickman, you WILLperish!Recovery Room Ready was designed by a team of doctors inaparticular doctor house. The doctors though, "Man, so manypeopleneed doctor help, why don't we learn to program a gameinstead oftrying to help them." Needless to say the insurance catswere allabout this, and so the creation of the ultimate hospitalgamebegan. Can you break the recovery record?Recovery Room Ready is the perfect recovery tool to takethatsickly frown and turn in back upside down thanks to freecasualgaming fun!
You Da Bomb 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
You Da Bomb is a casual catchphrase gamesureto give you hours of enjoyment as you realize how you da bomb.Itfeatures Bombs that you collect (because you da) that giveyoupoints... BUT watch out for da bomb BLAST!You Da Bomb is one of the very few free catchphrase games outthere,and is easier to understand than diffusing bombs: You play"You Da"(That's right, just the words "YOU" and of course "DA"Because whenyou combine with the bomb... do I really have to sayit? Well Iwill: YOU... DA... BOMB (You da bomb)... But BEWARE! Ifthe bombgoes boom, you go bust!You Da Bomb was designed to be a feel good mood-booster, and avoteof self confidence that anyone needs before thatimportantmeeting!.You Da Bomb is the perfect game for lovers of casual games andofcourse remembering daily that YOU (Yes YOU) are DA BOMB!
Christmas In July Party 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Christmas In July Party is a casualChristmas(Xmas) game sure to give you hours of enjoyment as youdeck thehalls while polishing your surfboard. It features Christmasholidayitems that give you, a cool summer sun, lots of points...BUT watchout for those most heinous waves, dude!Christmas In July Party is one of the very few free Christmasgamesout there, and is easier to understand than Jingle Bells ontheFourth of July: Santa heads, xmas wreaths, and santa hats allgiveyou points depending on the level of difficulty you haveselected... But BEWARE! On your July 4th Surfin Safari you are nota coolsummer sun without a care, because wipeout wipeout waveswaitaround every corner!Christmas In July Party was designed by one really cool surfergirl.Even in her favorite summer months when she could catch coolwavesunder the summer sun, she pined for the jingle jangle ofherfavorite holiday. She never sang "Let it snow," but she alwaysfeltat home at Christmastime.Christmas In July Party is the perfect game for lovers ofcasualgames and of course Christmas in the Summertime!
Rainy Day Blues 1
Anderson Whitney Inc.
Rainy Day Blues is a casual umbrella gamesureto give you hours of enjoyment as you move your umbrellatowardother umbrellas avoiding rain clouds with toxic rain. Itfeaturesumbrellas of all shapes and sizes, the more umbrellas yougrab, themore points you receive, those rain clouds will get youthough!Rainy Day Blues is one of the very few free umbrella gamesoutthere, and is easier to understand than how rainclouds form:Justtap on the screen in the direction of your choice, double taptosend your umbrella into a speed gust... Beware! The toxic rainistoo much for you, it will give you a game over if you hit it!Rainy Day Blues was designed by some dropouts of TheUmbrellaAcademy, they were like, this stuff is too complicated, Ijustwanted to make a game about umbrellas, not some epic tail ofguiseand daring! Come on!Rainy Day Blues is the perfect game for lovers of casual gamesandof course those that love listening to the sound of the rainwhilethey rack up points playing a free casual game.