Purple Studio التطبيقات

Princess Farm Games 7.7.2
Purple Studio
On this day the princess was decided to dealwith his family garden, but can not do it by herself and needshelp. In this game you are the person who will help clean up theprincess in her yard, so we invite you to help. First you have toclean dirt and leaves that are in the garden to look as nice. Thenhe has to build a house princess, so we will choose the land, wewill do a foundation, we will raise the walls and we will put aroof. After we finished the house should we prepare food garden,where they can buy all their food needs. We need to prepare theground, to plant seeds and soak it, then you have to wait a littlewhile to grow and to be ready to harvest. After that you have toharvest and sell them to remove the product. Thank you for choosingthis game and invite you to choose and other games for girls inthis developer to see if you can handle as well.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
My Farm Family 4.7
Purple Studio
Hi, welcome! For a long time we want to visitus today will you have fun with us only through this game for kids.Here, in this game for girls, you'll be able to visit a farm.Surely you love the farm life, we know you love animals andcertainly you like fresh air. Today, through this game with farmlife, you can just enjoy the sun with us. From today you'll havenew friends, we are delighted that we can be good friends and weplay together every day. We have prepared for you a special game, agame that gives you the opportunity to escape from real life. Hereyou'll feel really good, you'll enjoy doing all chores on the farm.If you want to do proud your family now is your chance, you'll beable to prove to everyone that you are a responsible child who mayhave an important mission. Our farm will be yours today, you'll beable to do everything you want because we have great confidence inyou.Pay attention to the details of that animals care game.Follow all instructions of this game.Good luck!- At the beginning of the game you'll be able to know the familywho lives on the farm;- Then you'll be able to know the farm;- First you will know Eve;- She gets a call and find out she has to go, you have to help herto prepare luggage;- You have to do cleaning;- Collect garbage;- Mop the floor;- Clean the table;- Clean the walls;- Arrange all things;- Now you have to prepare meals;- You have to do the best tea;- You have to make a delicious omelet;- You prepared a very good breakfast;- Now you need to plant vegetables;- Add water;- Wash cow;- Give her some food;- Family is very happy because you did a great job.Thank you for help, please come back every day through this gamewith animals.Have fun!
Queen Gives Birth 6.9.3
Purple Studio
Eva is the most beautiful queen of all palaceand wants very much a child. She is pregnant and can not wait toget to the hospital to see his beautiful baby. After I took her tothe hospital I saw that all the nurses who were there had work andcould not take care of Eva. In this game you need to help you finda doctor and Eve to be born this child.1) First you have to make her a medical examination to see inwhat condition is her.2) then you must manage them less oxygen as breathing veryhard.3) still have to give a glass of water because he feltthirsty.4) must try to make the belly rays to see what state is yourbaby.5) must go into a special room where we will help your baby todress.6) have available some magical beverage bottle that willchange.7) The first three drinks will make them grow hair, blue eyes andwill put a crown.8) The following three drinks she will change her diaper, will puta shirt and a pair of pants.Now, Eva is very happy to see the baby, and he can enjoy withhim the rest of his life. Thank you for agreeding to help us inthis game, without you we couldn't do everything like we didbefore.Have fun!
Treatment Doctor Fairy Games 7.7.2
Purple Studio
On a beautiful day a fairy enjoying a summerday when suddenly fell ill and. Little mermaid wants to have thebest doctor and treat very fast but unfortunately it can notbecause no one wants to come to this point. In this game you arethe best doctor and have to help the little fairy and heal. Forstarters need to check its temperature, measure his heart rate andto an injection to heal much faster. Then you must thoroughly cleanthem hand and foot and only then bandaging them because it has avery ugly wound should be covered. The next level should he manageto cold syrup, to make them anti-inflammatory injection. Thank youfor choosing this game and please try other games for girls in thiscategory to see if you're doing as well as you did at the otherneat games.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Mermaid Hairstyle and Spa 8.4
Purple Studio
Hi, welcome! You'll have fun. If you have noplans for today please stay with us through this girls game withmermaids. Certainly you know a lot about sirens, you know they arefairy tale characters who always make good things. Mermaids live inwater with fish and every time we are amazed with what they do.Today you get to know a beautiful mermaid who wants to become yourfriend. She needs help and only through this game you succeed makeher happy. This makeup game you will like very much, you will feellike in a dream world and even you will be able to use allabilities. Through this beauty salon game for girls you'll be ableto learn the tricks of beauty, you'll be able to talk to beautifulmermaid and learn more about the depths of the waters. We know thatthis game for girls is exactly what you need to prove to all thatin the future you can have your own beauty salon.If you like the game and want the siren to be happy you have torespect all the details.Pay attention to all instructions of this game for children.Good luck!- Ailyn is the name of the beautiful mermaids;- She is very happy because you will help her;- First you have to prepare facial treatment;- Apply an exfoliating cream to clean skin;- Apply a mask of fruit;- Rinse with warm water;- Apply a moisturizer;- Remove stains;- Clip the eyebrows;- Now you have to wash her hair with a shampoo;- You have to makeup her, apply: contact lenses, lipstick, mascaraand eye shadow.- You will have to choose a beautiful dress;- Do not forget the accessories, they are very important;- Ailyn is happy;- You are a wonderful friend.Thank you for help, please come back every day through thisgame.Have fun!
Careless Children Doctor Games 2.3
Purple Studio
In the afternoon the doctor came to visitthefamily to make a medical examination and found that morechildrenare sick and need to take care of them. We can not do thisalone sowe will ask you to do. In this game you need to havemedical helpand take care of these children. First you have toclean her handto apply to several layers of cream and give it asolution, thenyou will do the same but with left hand. Then shallwe prepare asyrup for cough escape it. Then you must prepareanother child, onewho has a beehive on your head, or one that isvery stung. The boywho was hit by a hive of bees must be cleaned,disinfected, getthem out all the thorns on the face and apply alayer ofmoisturizing face cream and the child is stung, we must getall thethorns, disinfect the wound, to put them a few bandages andhedeflates all the bruises. Thank you for agreeing to help meandinvite you to choose and other games for girls in this developertotest your skills in this type of game.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Princess Gives Birth a Baby 6.9.3
Purple Studio
Liza is the most beautiful princess in ourpalace. It has a nice husband and smart, and now waiting a baby. Itshould be delivered as soon as possible, so it needs help to getfood, and give treatment to help her go to the hospital and buyclothes for the baby. You must quickly find someone to do thesethings, but do not know where to turn. We thought you'd be the bestperson so in this game you have to help the beautiful Liza.1) First you have to give him food for hungry and feelthis.2) then you must moisturize, so we have to prepare a juice them orto bring a glass of water.3) We need to do an ultrasound to see what stage did thisbaby.4) then must try to make a shot and give him some tablets.5) still have to give the baby food and play with it to feel betterand to not cry.Liza is now the happiest person on earth because it gave herchild's life. Thank you for being with Liza and that you helpedher.Thank you for choosing this game and invite you to chooseprincess, gives birth and other games for girls to test your skillsfurther.Good luck!
Skin Care Doctor Games 2.3
Purple Studio
At our salon beauty came a girl because ithasso many spots on the face and looks very ugly. She stillcomplainsthat it hurts your face and perhaps for this reason looklike. Weneed to care for this girl but we can not do this alone sowe askyou to help us. In this game you have to be nurses who willtakecare of this girl and give her all the tools she needs. Firstyoumust wash the face, then we will remove pimples, we willremovefreckles, we will heal the wounds and bandages we apply, wewillremove all scars and excess hair on the face and finally toreviveher skin . What we did not see is that this little girl camewith 3friends who are in the same situation. I will pray for youandthose friends do them because they do not look so well astheythought and be cared for. Thank you for choosing this gameandinvite you to choose and other games for girls to see ifyou'redoing as well as you did before.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Naughty Romance School Games 7.7.2
Purple Studio
Jack and Jessie are very in love. They can notstop kissing. But today started school and the school are notallowed to do so. We need to watch someone and alert them when ateacher or a student looking at her. In this game you are theperson who will raise these two lovers. For starters, alert themwhile I'm in class, so that all students are concerned withlearning and they must take advantage of this. Then you must alertthem basketball stadium for the teacher or classmates do not seethem. Then they would kiss in the library and you should alertthem. Il last stage of the game they will kiss in the restaurantand you have to alert them when they cook, classmates or otherpeople are watching them. Thank you for choosing this great gameand please try other games for girls in this developer to see ifyou can handle as well.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Mermaid Newborn Baby 12.1
Purple Studio
Hi, welcome to this wonderful world of magic.Welcome to this magical land, land of game and love. Today you area lucky child because you can feel the fun of here. You will beable to know the magical beings, you can play with them and justmaybe you'll make great friends. To fulfill the mission that wehave prepared for you will have to get this magical land where youwill meet our beautiful mermaid. Yes, this magic place is in thedepths of the ocean, here everything is colorful and lively. Piscessing, play and dance all day. It's a great place. Our friend liveshere and enjoy every moment. Through this game for girls you willbe able to help her to give birth to a beautiful child. You have toprove to everyone that you're a very good doctor.Please follow all instructions of the game with babies.Good luck!- At the beginning of the game you will meet the mermaid, shemakes some exercises to relax;- You have to help her;- Then she wants to have lunch;- Give her some seafood;- At the end you have to give her a glass of water;- You can begin consultation;- You have to check blood pressure;- Check heartbeat;- Check if our friend has fever;- Now you have to do ultrasound to determine the baby'scondition;- Do anesthesia;- The child was born;- Need to consult;- Check heartbeat;- Check weight and height;- It's lunchtime and you'll have to give some milk;- The child wants to see the bedroom;- At the end you have to choose the most beautiful clothes andaccessories;- You are a good friend and the two are very happy.Thank you for help, please come back daily to help us through thisgame for girls.Have fun!
Beard salon haloween games 6.1
Purple Studio
Lastly came Halloween and now everyone isgetting ready for this event very important and very funny. Eachperson should dress very different than it usually does because youhave to be as scary and frightening. Some people have to dress wellto deal with the aspect of the face, so you are forced to go to thebarber shop, salon or a beauty session. Today, in this game youhave to help a few people to go to the barber and cut his beard andhair to make a huge change in their facial appearance. You mustfollow the instructions and apply them very carefully:1) shall wash his beard and hair so we will have to apply the creamand one layer of shaving foam on face, then we will cut your hairand we will remove all traces left.2) still must apply several layers of cream and spray on the faceto moisturize skin and make skin smoother.3) then you must help him to dress for the scariest character inthis celebrationThis game is new and very good to make preparations forHalloween, so please try to do a job as good as we need more peoplewho look good, but also very scary. If you like hairstyle,hairdressing and studying arts this means that you get the rightplace.Thank you for choosing this game and invite you to choose beardgames, halloween games and games for girls online to test yourskills further.Good luck!
Princess salon girls games 11.5
Purple Studio
When it comes to beauty, all the girls will bethe first. They feel very well when the beauty salon because theyknow that once they get out they look great and everyone will headback for her. We have to arrange our princess, so you have tofollow all the instructions very carefully to make everything rightand not to do something wrong.1) We need to apply a layer of cream on the face, after which weretired, we rinse with water and wipe with a dry towel will.2) We need to choose a dress, a tiara, a pair of shoes andaccessories needsThank you for helping us to arrange the princess, but you haveto make them as beautiful hair. So we ask you to choose an eleganthairstyle beautiful and to love, and that you can do withinstructions and your imagination.Thank you for choosing this game and invite you to choose andother princess games and games for girls online to test your skillsfurther.
Wedding Jewelry Shop 7.1
Purple Studio
Hi, welcome! Today you will feel very wellthrough this game for girls. We have prepared the game for you, inthis game you'll be able to use all your skills and even somethings you can learn about jewelry. We all know that women lovejewelry, they give an outfit elegant or a shine impeccable andoften help them in order to feel better. Women feel beautiful whenwearing matching jewelry and for this reason we decided to open upa jewelry store. Every day we sell happiness through this game forkids. We are glad that you chose to come here to help us because wereally need you. You have to be manager of this shop and you'llhelp the beautiful Elena to prepare for the most important day ofher life, namely wedding. We like to know that you will succeedmake her happy, this is an important customer and your help isimportant for our business to have a good future.If you want a nice final for this girls game you will have tofollow all instructions of this beauty salon game for girls.Pay attention to the details of this makeup game with brides.Good luck!- Elena is happy, it is approaching the wedding day;- She wants to go to a jewelry salon to get their matchingaccessories;- You have to help them to choose the right model;- Earrings must match with the chain and bracelet;- She certainly loves rubies and the choice will be easy;- Help her try on all models to see which is suitable;- Chose jewelry and now you will have to pack;- Choose a beautiful box;- Young is happy with her choice and can go home now;- Choose the most beautiful dress;- Choose the most suitable shoes;- Young is ready for the most important day of her life;- You are a wonderful friend.Thank you for help, please come back every day through thismakeup brides game.Have fun!
Fairy princess girls games 7.4
Purple Studio
Every girl wants to be princess, but few ofthem get to be in this position. These girls want to be princessesare pampered, have everything they want and feel good. Today wewill see how it is to be princess, which is the life of a princessand makes her free time. We must take care of the princess look, soyou must follow all instructions carefully as not wrong.1) must apply a layer of shampoo and a layer of cream to washhis face and then a good wipe.2) need to blush, apply a layer to her lipstick, to give a powderand perfumeWe need to help the princess to dress up because you have to lookas beautiful and elegant. We need to choose a dress to make herhair a wreath to choose them, a pair of earrings and abracelet.Thank you for choosing this game and invite you to choose and otherfairy games, princess games and games for girls online to test yourskills further.
Beach little baby games 7.7.2
Purple Studio
Hi, we all like to go to sea to enjoy the sun,to play in the water and build sand castles. At sea we all enjoyfree time especially children are the ones who most love summervacation and when they can go to sea. You ever been to sea? Whetheryou have been or not we are sure that you will do very well in thiskids game to care for children. Specifically we need a responsiblechild who can take care of our daughter. Do you think you can do itthrough this game for children? If yes, then you should know thatyou should follow all instructions of this game with doctors.Success!1) You will find our daughter Elena on the beach, she isplaying, she wants to build a castle but a frog and crayfish willscare her. You will have to take the crawfish and the turtle and tosit them in a bucket;2) Help the girl to take a bath, fill the tub with water and thenstart to wash her. Wash her hair with shampoo, her favorite one anddry with a dry towel;3) Put the girl in the bathtub and then turn on the shower, Elenaloves water so leave her for a few minutes to play;4) Now the child is in bed you will have to clean her with a towel,apply a refreshing lotion and massage, apply a special powder andchange the diaper;5) The little girl needs you to help her to dress, she wants tohave beautiful clothes so you will have to do your best to choosethe most suitable clothes. You can choose: dresses, skirts, pants,shirts, hats, sandals, socks and even a toy.No doubt you are the person that we are looking for a long time,Elena is very happy to meet you and she would expect you to comedaily to help her through this game to care for babies.Thank you for choosing this game and invite you to choose andother baby games and games for girls online to test your skillsfurther.Enjoy!
Room cleaning girls games 11.7
Purple Studio
Good. We all like parties, we like to have funand to make others feel good. Everybody goes to parties but few arethose that remain after, noticing that remains after a night whereeveryone did what he wanted. Our friend made a party at her homebut did not think it would be so bad, he figured it would be nice,and everyone will be fine. After everyone left the party, ourfriend noticed more damage, which should be repaired as soon as herparents are on the way home and she does not want parents to seethis. We need to help our friend how fast and clean up in the houseuntil the parents return. To do this you just have to follow theinstructions and apply them with great precision:1) You need to paint the walls because they have marks on them, andwere greatly damaged2) You need to wipe the floor, to clean all the dirt and throwingbottles, doses and pieces of paper in the trash.We need to help our friend to renew their room, so have to givesome ideas and suggestions in this case. Her room needs a bed, soyou must find a bed that you like and you, but to love it too.After that we must seek a sofa, a wardrobe, one toy or more, a bigclock that you put over the bed to see what time it is, some newcurtains and last but not least, we must change the wallpaper inthe room because it was tired of this very old wallpaper.Thank you for choosing this game and invite you to choose and othercleaning games and games for girls online to test your skillsfurther.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Plastic Surgery Doctor Games 10.8
Purple Studio
Hi, for all of us is very important the healthbut we must not forget that the physical appearance is important.Today you will be able to play and at the same time to do awonderful thing. With this game you'll be able to have some dayvery beautiful, a day where you will be able to test manyabilities. This girls game is exactly what you need in this day,you'll be able to have some great fun but you should not forgetthat you will have a great responsibility. Today you will be a gooddoctor that is working at a hospital very modern. Here come manypatients and you will have to give them all the care they need. Weare sure that you will make friends very proud and even you will beable to do very happy your first client. This is very nervous andyou will have to make her to feel better.For the mission to have a happy ending, please be careful todetails.Follow all instructions of this kids game with doctors.Good luck!- Our little girl is in the park;- She wants to relax;- While she is playing she is stung by many bees;- She has the face very hurt;- The pains are great and now she has to go to hospital;- You will have to help her with whatever she needs;- You can begin consultation;- Disinfect wounds;- Wash her face with a special soap;- Now you have to operate her face;- Make a radiograph;- Apply an ointment that helps to regenerate skin;- Apply patches;- Our daughter came home;- After a few days the young must return to the hospital;- You must remove the bandage;- The skin looks very good;- You're a very good doctor;- Our daughter looks very well and is very happy;- Choose the most beautiful clothes;- You are a wonderful friend.Thank you for help, please come back daily through this game forgirls.Have fun!
Ambulance wash cleaning games 8.2.3
Purple Studio
This morning an ambulance car at the countyhospital of the city went to the family home because they hadserious problems and had an immediate intervention. This car offsomewhere near the town, a village, and now the car is very dirty.If we will call someone and have to go out with ambulance car, wecan not do dirty car. You have to wash, so we go to a laundryambulances or a larger car wash. We do not know anyone who knowshow to wash cars, so we thought of you. In this game you have tohelp us wash the car ambulance and a perfect polish to be able tomove her around town.1) First you have to remove all traces of dirt machine.2) then you have to apply a special solution on the windows so youcan clean up the mess that great.3) You should clean the wheels, so we use less water and a brushvery resistant.4) still must apply to car running water and clean using a largebrush.5) after I did these things need to apply a layer of shampoomachine and wait a few minutes in order to effect, by which one canwash with a jet of water.The car is ready to go now, because you have a perfectly cleanand everything works fine. You must polish the windows and wheelsthan with a special solution and everything is ready. Thank you foryour help, you have been very helpful.Thank you for choosing this game and invite you to choosecleaning games and other games for girls online to test your skillsfurther.Have fun
doctor makeup dress up games 8.8
Purple Studio
Hello, after some tiring days, we all need torelax. The places where we can relax are parks, parties, spasalons, travel. In this makeup game you will see a beauty salon spathat you should manage. After a busy day of work they need you togive them a lot of attention. They will come soon so you have toprepare all the tools you will use.You can choose which doctor will first receive this specialtreatment. Be sure to follow all instructions for the results to beoutstanding. Finally they must be beautiful, relaxed and ready fora new day job, which will save many lives. This game for girlssimulates very well work in a spa salon, so you can practice yourskills in this area. All girls want to be beautiful and know allthe tricks. Apply everything you know to have two satisfiedcustomers who will wish to return.This dressup game has three levels, namely: treatment spa, makeupand hairstyle, the level where you have to choose from a variety ofclothes and accessories.1)- In the first step you should to eliminate the acne on the facefor having a clean skin and a healthy look.- Apply acne cream and wait until it works.- Clip the young doctor.- Remove leftover cream with water and towel.- Apply a moisturizing mask with cucumber extract.- Wash the face with a clean towel.2)- Apply powder cheek.- Choose the best lipstick.- Give a beautiful shape eyebrows.- Choose the most interesting lenses that highlight her eyes.3)- It is time for you to help the young doctor to choose a suitableoutfit for another day of work.- Choose a new hairstyle and accessories to match the clothes thatyou just selected.- Now the young is beautiful and ready to work.Thank you for help, you can return and in other days when she needsyou.Thank you that you have chosen this game and invite you tochoose and other makeover games, girls games and games for girls inthis category to see if you're doing as well as you did before.Have fun!
Baby Health Check Girls Games 7.7.2
Purple Studio
Chloe has some health problems and not feelingvery well. You need to go to the doctor to see what happens to herbody, but she thinks that the pain starts from the heart and that'swhere we should go first. In this game you have to be doctor Chloeneeds a cardiologist. First you have to weigh and measure herheight, then we will apply some eye drops. Then you must check herpulse, heartbeat, measure his temperature and cleans teeth. Stillhave to wipe all traces of her body and to remove all the blackspots. Then you must remove them all from head wounds and bandagingthem hand and foot. Thank you for choosing this game and please tryother games for girls in this category to see if you're doing aswell as you did at the other care games.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Teething Newborn Baby Games 10.5
Purple Studio
Hello. Jordan is my son and he told me that hehave a greatly toothache. I did not know what to do to remove thepain so I called the emergency services to call an ambulance totake him to the hospital. After we got to the hospital I noticedthat doctors are not available and that Jordan may be consulted byanyone. In this game you must be the person who will take care ofJordan and that will save all teeth.1) First you have to manage them in the ambulancetreatment.2) after you have arrived at the hospital have to give food to seethe status of teeth.3) still have to brush your teeth to be clean.4) The need to play a little with him to feel better.5) then you will dress in order to bring back home to hisparents.Thanks you agreed to help us through this game and invite you tochoose and other games for girls in this developer.Good luck!
Baby Fashion Girls Games 14.2
Purple Studio
In this game you have three guys ready for afashion show in which they participate. We need to arrange them asbeautiful as we can to make sure that they win the competition.This game is structured on many levels. In the first level you haveto wash the face, apply a layer of shampoo on the face then we willrinse well. We will remove all traces of water on our face afterthe boy will be ready for the next step. At the next level he mustdraw some designs on the face to look as nice. I'll still have tochoose a pair of glasses that fit with your design to the front. Inthe last level have to choose a hat to get laid on the head,because they really like it and think that they will win thecompetition if they wear these accessories. Thank you for choosingthis game and please choose other games for girls to be able totest your skills and other neat games.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Egyptian Princess Baby Care 8.3
Purple Studio
Hi There. I am very rich family doctor inEgypt and today I called a member of that family tell me that theirchild is unwell. I am a very important meeting and can not miss soI need your help. In this game, you'll go home and you will treatthe child as well as possible to get rid of the status he has.1) First you have to go wake the baby.2) then you're going to take a bath as beautiful.3) the child was hungry so I have to go to the bestrestaurant.4) After eating, he felt very sick and need to go to the hospitalquickly.5) there will you apply the best treatment to relieve pain.6) now feels better but you have to play with him.7) baby go home and put it to sleep.Thank you for choosing this game and you agreed to help usthrough it, so we invite you to choose and other games for girls inthis developer.Have fun!
Skin Care Doctor 12.4
Purple Studio
Today the boys came in a very seriouscondition in hospital, saying they were playing with their friendsand suddenly fell into a pit filled with thorns. We must take careof these guys quickly as the situation becomes more serious. We cannot do this alone, we need to help someone, a person who knows allthe rules and all the steps. In this game you have to be thisperson, you're the doctor who will take care of the boys. First youhave to manage several peaks in the eyes to see better. Then youmust eliminate all bugs sitting on the boy's face, and then herhair out of your face. Next you must remove all stains on her face,eliminates pimples, freckles to bump him, to them an injection ofanti-inflammatory and to clean all wounds on the face. After Icleaned the wounds on the face, we must apply some bandages andgive him a syrup that will heal all wounds. The first boy iscompletely cured, it can go back to playing. But he wants to waitand friend, you must do so quickly and the other guy, so you can goalong to play and to feel much better. Thank you for choosing thisgame and invite you to choose and other doctor games and games forgirls in this developer to test your skills and experience further.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Give Birth To A Daughter 7.9.3
Purple Studio
Hi, we are very happy that you have chosen tovisit us today, you came just when we needed you most. Today wehave to help take care of a young mother. She is single at home andsoon she will have to give birth, she is very nervous and scared.She needs a friend to be with her at the moment but also a doctorwho can help her. Do you can play the role of a very good doctor?Do you think you can help our friend to give birth to a healthybaby? If you want to help this game for girls is exactly what youneed.For the mission to be easily done you will have to pay attention tothe details of the game.Please follow all instructions of the game with babies.- You'll meet our friend;- Amy needs you to help her eat;- Give her a glass of milk;- Now she feels bad and she has to sit on the bed;- You can begin consultation;- Check blood pressure;- Check if she has fever;- Check the heartbeat;- Give her a pill to be able to relax;- Make an ultrasound to see how the child feels;- Do anesthesia;- The child was born, is a beautiful girl;- It is a very healthy baby and now you have to check the weightand length;- Give her food;- Put the girl on a bed;- Amy and her child feel very good, you're a very good doctor.Thank you for help, please come back daily to help us throughthis game for kids.Have fun!
Tasty omelet food games 7.9.3
Purple Studio
Hello, the most important meal of the day isbreakfast, we have to wake up early to have time to get ready forschool but also to get a healthy breakfast with our family. Todaywe propose you because you are an obedient and loving child to wakeup before everyone else to prepare breakfast. If you do not knowwhat you could prepare this cooking game for kids comes to your aidwith an idea for very good recipe.In this cooking game you have to cook an omelet, this omelette isvery special, it is a delicious omelet for that you have to usecertain ingredients. If you want to surprise your family in a goodway like it, you must be very carefully and follow all instructionsthat we have prepared for you.We wish you success and a wonderful breakfast with your loved ones!1) At the beginning of the game you have to select theingredients and utensils that you will need, they are: pan,blender, spoon, egg, salt and butter;2) Mix in a bowl with a blender, eggs and salt.3) Put a pan on the stove over low heat, then add the butter to thepan, wait a few minutes to melt, next you have to add dicedpotatoes, beaten eggs and then mix well until omelet isready;4) Now you need to take a few pieces of chicken that put them inthe pan, the meat add: beans, peppers, onions, spices, tomatosauce, green pepper, red pepper, corn, salt and pepper and mix wellwith using a wooden pallets;5) Omelet is ready, you just have to take care of the decor. Canyou serve with your family.Thank you that you proved that you are a good cook!Bon appetit!
Mermaid Newborn Feeding 13.1
Purple Studio
Just like people, mermaid can give birth too,but not alone because they cannot handle this. Today, in thiswonderful game for girls, you have to be the doctor who will takecare of our sirens and that will help them give birth, but allyou'll be the one to take care of children after their birth. Goodluck!1) need to take a medical examination siren.2) the child was born, so I have to do some shopping.3) We need to buy some food and clothes.4) she will prepare food using ingredients purchased all.5) then she must prepare a drink.6) after he finished eating all, you have to play with it.7) still have to manage them medical treatment.8) Now you will wash well after that you will remove.9) have to dress and take him to his mother.Thank you very much that you agreed to help us through this gamefor girls and invite you to choose other games of thisdeveloper.Have fun!
Pets dentist animal games 11.5
Purple Studio
Everyone has a pet and you love each animal.When your pet has problems with it should go quickly to the nearestveterinary hospital. In this game you have to take care of someanimals that were left in the hospital for control and operation.Everything you need to give the best of yourself and help us tosave these animals.1) First you have to check the health of animals, namely tocheck pulse, heart rate and blood pressure.2) We need to eliminate all bacteria in the mouth namely his teeththoroughly cleaned.3) then has to extract teeth that are decayed them and who causepain.After finishing these things have to manage them and make themless oxygen injection will protect you from disease and otherinfections. Thank you for being with us and helping us to take careof these beautiful animals.Good luck!
pet baby care girls games 14.3
Purple Studio
Hello, have you ever been to the zoo? If youranswer is yes, then you know how much attention need animals. Theonly people that can take care of animals are good and responsable.We all love animals because they are very loving and playful. Theanimals should not be left alone at home. If you want to have a petyou should know that it is very easy to care for them. Animals havespecial needs, they need special food that we find easily instores, have taken to the veterinarian frequently and needs a lotof love.In this animal care game you meant to take care of a dog and a cat.This kids game has three levels such as: spa, treatment and choiceof clothing. Follow all instructions to have at the final two happyanimals.1)- First choose one of the animals.- Wash the fur with a special shampoo, then rub with a sponge, drywith a towel and with a hair dryer.2)- It is time for the animal treatment because he has severalwounds. You have to help him to get rid of pain.- First disinfect wounds.- Apply cream to treat wounds.- Brush her hair.- Fed animal with milk.3)- Now that the animal had exclusive care you must help him tochoose the most beautiful and funny clothes.- You can choose from his clothes such as: shirts, blouses,jackets, hats, pants, scarves, caps and also accessories likesunglasses.We invite you to choose and other animal games and games forgirls in this category to see if you're doing as well as you didbefore.Instructions: Use your fingers to playThank you for taking care of these two animals wounded. Now,thanks to you are the happiest and the healthiest animals. Havefun!
Pirate Doctor Baby Games 7.9.3
Purple Studio
Frida was so much tired to work on the boatand got sick. You should try to be the best doctor you met Frida,to treat disease as quickly and to heal. First he must measure thetemperature, to check its heartbeat, measure his pulse and a song.Then you must give him a car to play to not feel the pain producedby injection will be administered to him by then. You need to givehim a pill for colds and to measure the temperature again to see ifit begins to recover. In the next level you must give him a biscuitto not feel bitter taste of the drug solution and that is tomanage. We notice that the little Frida starts to recover and beable to continue working on this boat to accomplish its mission andto reach home as quickly. Please try other games for girls in thiscategory to test your skills and qualities required in a baby carecolds or viruses.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Baby care christmas games 10.0
Purple Studio
Hey girls, teens, boys, kids get ready togivea Christmas makeover to your Christmas Baby. It is thebestmakeover, makeup, dress up and crazy hot fashion girl game. Ihopeyou will like our other Christmas games. Because thisbeautifulChristmas babies want to get ready for Christmascelebrations andnew years celebrations to look like a celebritybaby.I think that you want to go to the spa everyday, either aloneorwith your children for a full day of relaxation to your backaftera week in which you worked long enough. In most cases, adultsarethose going to the spa, but recently in our town opened a newspasalon, which has an option for smaller children. This is agreatadvantage as small children and adults who want to go to thespa,have to leave their children at home in the care of relativesorfriends. Now, with this option, you can come up with childrentheywill leave caring employees, and they will take care of themandwill make a better day. To do this you must follow allinstructionsand be very careful.1) You have to choose which child you will do because todaytheycame together. Must apply shampoo to wash it and thendeleteit2) Next, you need to wash your face, it Stegi and toeliminatepimples and blemishes who are on the face.After you have finished making these things should help to dress,tohave an outfit as beautiful and as elegant. Have to choose anoutfitthat we like more than a Paral, a pair of slippers or shoes,andshould we find a pair of glasses.After you have completed this task you have to go to thesecondchild to start everything from the beginning but withanotherperson.Thank you for helping us and that you have chosen this gameandinvite you to choose and other baby games, spa games and gamesforgirls in this category.
Birth at Spa Salon 7.9.3
Purple Studio
Jenna is a friend of mine and she is pregnantand is close to give birth. She wants to go to a beauty spa torelax before birth, but after arriving at the salon noticed thatall employees have to work and are busy. In this game, you have tobe the person who will take care of Janna and that will provide thebest spa treatment ever. Spa treatment isn't all that you will doin this game, you'll see all the surprises along the way.1) first must apply several layers of cream on the face tomoisturize the skin and clean it.2) then need to take a hand and foot massage to feel better.3) Jenna starts to have pain so she asks you to do a medicalexamination and to go to the hospital to finish birth.4) after you read it, you must go to the hospital and put it on theoperating table and wait for the doctor to do their job.5) after giving birth, you have to take the baby and check hisweight and height in order to know about size.6) have to put in a blanket, then we will arrange so as not to becold, and we will go to his mother.Jenna is the happiest mother in the world knowing that a childis very beautiful and very healthy. Thank you very much that youagreed to help us in this game, I could not do this withoutyou.Have fun!
High School Girls Nail Care 5.9
Purple Studio
Hi, for a girl it is very important to alwayslook good and for that she has to go to beauty salons. All girlslike to go to the spa because there can relax and moreover canreceive beauty treatments. Girls are preparing for many events buta girl should always look good and this must be very attentive todetails. Today, through this beauty game for girls you'll be ableto know one of our friends and more importantly you'll be able tohave your own salon. You'll be able to work every day in thissalon, we know that you will prove to everyone that you are ahard-working and talented child. Today you have to take care ofnail, they require special care and we know that you will be ableto do some of the most beautiful nails. Our friend from high schoolwants a suitable manicure for school and therefore you have to bevery careful.You will be able to have fun and learn many tricks to beautify onlythrough this game for girls.The instructions will help you make the best known place from oursalon nail care.Success!- Jenny learned about a contest in which the winner is the onewith the most beautiful nails;- She call the salon and makes programming;- It has come to the salon;- First you have to wash her hands with soap and warm water;- Clean water with clean towel;- Epilate hair on hands;- Apply depilatory cream and rinse with warm water;- Then you should apply a moisturizer;- Clean the old nail polish;- Cut nails;- Choose a form suitable for nails;- Now you have to do a nail polish;- Mix several ingredients;- Nail polish is ready;- Now you can apply the new nail polish;- To make her nails look good you have to do some models;- To toenails will need to apply the same treatment;- Be very careful how you choose the color of nail polish;- For hands you have to choose interesting accessories;- You did a great job, you're a gifted child.Thanks for your help, please come back every day through thisgame for kids.Have fun!
Egg sandwich cooking games 8.2.3
Purple Studio
Hello, breakfast is very important, everyonehas to have breakfast and especially to be very careful what to eatfirst thing in the morning. Every morning our mother prepares adelicious breakfast to give us energy but we have thought thattoday would be a good idea to prepare the meal for our parents. Forthis, it just takes a desire and skill.In this game for kids you can have the opportunity to prepare asandwich with eggs and bacon. This cooking game for kids is perfectif you want to surprise your family with a very beautiful and tastything. You must follow all instructions carefully.1) The ingredients are hiding in rocks and with a single click youcan get its. Be careful what ingredients you select. You mustgather the following ingredients: vanilla, pan, utensils, blender,salt2) Add sugar in a bowl, then hot water and flour. You still need toadd cold water and salt and mix well. Composition must enter in theoven for a few minutes;3) Place the bread on a plate;4) Break two eggs into a bowl, flour, water, yeast, vanillaextract, syrup and mix.5) Fry two slices of bread,;6) Mix well the eggs and add them in a pan with oil, cook a fewminutes;7) The omelet place it on a plate and then fry the slices ofham;8) Breakfast is ready, simply seasoned with salad, tomato andonion.Thank you for choosing this game and invite you to choose andother cooking games and games for girls online to test your skillsfurther.Thank you for your help, of course your parents will bedelighted that you have prepared a delicious breakfast.Have fun and good appetite!
Mother Gives Birth At Farm 7.7.3
Purple Studio
Hi, today will be a beautiful day because willhappend a beautiful thing. This thing that will happen will makethis day could not go unnoticed. In this beautiful day a child willbe born, the birth of a child is an important event and you willdefinitely like to be the witness of such an event. If you likeanimals you will enjoy this game a lot because our friend lives ona farm, this place is very beautiful, the air is clean and besidesthis there are many animals. We are sure that you will like thisfarm and you will help our beautiful friend. This is home alone andreally needs the help of a good friend. Through this game forchildren you can have fun as well.Pay attention to all the details of this game for girls.Follow all instructions of the game with babies.Good luck!- Our friend needs help;- You'll have to help her wet plants;- You have to feed the animals;- You did a very good job but now our friend began to havepain;- You will need to consult her;- Check heartbeat;- Check if she has fever;- Now you have to do ultrasound to see how it feels thechild;- Do anesthesia;- The child was born;- You must check heartbeat;- Check weight and height;- Now you have to wash the baby;- Use special soap;- Change the diaper;- Give him food;- Choose the most beautiful clothes;- Mother and baby feel good, you are a trusted friend.Thank you for help, please come back every day to help usthrough this game.Have fun!
Hotel Party Beauty Salon 5.1
Purple Studio
Hello, you are a good friend and this is whywe want to help us with a big problem, namely organizing aninauguration party. For a long time we want to open up a businessand we decided that is a good idea. In order for our business to besuccessful we need your talent in terms of events. You'll have towatch everything to be perfect and only through this apps for girlsyou'll be able to test your all abilities. Here, in this makeupsalon for girls will have the opportunity to be witness animportant event and do not forget that you can even have fun. Thegame has several levels and all will certainly generate interest.We know that you always like to look good and therefore we trustyou that you will help us to prepare everything. If you like makeuphere you'll be able to work even at a beauty salon.You will have a wonderful day with us and do not forget that youhave to respect all instructions.Success!- First you have to know Cristine and Mike;- The two want to build the building;- Now they need to find a construction company;- Sign the contract;- Construction of the hotel can begin;- You have to go buy all materials;- Buy cement, sand, shovel, paint brush, paint, nails, screwdriverand pliers;- Prepare foundation;- Builds walls;- Fix the wall;- Paint the walls;- Arrange doors and windows;- Plant flowers for everything to look good;- Arrange furniture;- Now you have to prepare invitations;- Buy: colored paper, crayons, flowers, ribbons, scissors andglue;- Write a text on each invitation;- Now you can send invitations;- You'll have to help Christine to look good;- Clean the skin with an exfoliating gel;- Rinse with warm water;- Apply a mask of fruit;- Apply a moisturizer;- Clip the eyebrows;- Remove stains;- Now you have to make a very beautiful dress for Christine;- Choose a suitable material;- The dress looks great;- Makeup Christine, apply: contact lenses, mascara, eyeshadow,lipstick and powder for the cheeks;- Hairstyle the hair;- Mike needs your help to look good;- Choose the most interesting clothes;- The two young men are prepared for opening party;- Decorate with many flowers;- Clean water from the ground;- The camera is ready for our first customer;- Our hotel will be a great success;- You are a wonderful friend.Thanks for your help, please come back every day to play our lovelygamesHave fun!
Shopping Cinema Movie Date 7.9
Purple Studio
Hello, today you will meet a very nice coupleand more than that you'll be able to help them with everything theyneed. The two young men want to have the first meeting and foreverything to be perfect you will have to be very attentive todetails. We all know that love is beautiful, when you see into thepark two young men walking looks more beautiful. We know you're avery talented child and therefore you can handle all the missionsin this kids game dating to the cinema. Here in this game forchildren, you could be a famous designer and more importantlyyou'll be able to prepare the most delicious dishes. We have abeauty salon, you'll take care of it today but you should notforget that you have to be and administrator at the cinema. We madethe right choice, we know that you will prove everybody that youare a responsible kid and you'll make many friends.We are happy that you will help the young lovers to meet.In this game for girls you can be the messenger of love and you'llhave fun.Success!- The young are at school, it is collect things;- You'll have to help her;- Mary is invited to film and accept;- Now she has to go to a beauty salon;- For starters needs a facial;- Apply exfoliating gel to cleanse the skin;- Rinse with warm water;- Apply a mask of fruit;- Apply cucumber slices on the skin around the eyes;- Apply a moisturizer;- Remove spots and acne;- Apply a cream concealer;- Wash her hair with shampoo and warm water;- Dry her hair;- Hairstyle hair;- Now you have to makeup, apply: contact lenses, mascara,eyeshadow, lipstick, eyebrow pencil and powder for thecheeks;- You have to do manicures and pedicures;- Wash hands and feet;- Apply moisturizer;- Cut nails;- Apply colored nail polish;- Young needs the most beautiful jewels;- This has to go to a jeweler;- Help her choose jewelry that fit best;- Now she needs the most beautiful dress;- Young look great;- The two lovers met in front of the cinema;- You must buy tickets;- After the film, two young people want to eat;- You have to give them sandwiches and juice;- It's a beautiful day for shopping;- You have to buy the most interesting things;- You'll have to help the young couple to walk through thepark;- Will have to take a picture.Thanks for your help, you're a great kid and please come backevery day through this game for girls.Have fun!
Striking Leg Spa Girl Games 8.2.3
Purple Studio
Now is the chance that we can learn how tohave beautiful legs, smooth and velvety. Beni has prepared ademonstration to show you how it works and this case. She needsyour company to prepare this demonstration, so must help to see andyou better how to do this. In the first level must erases alltraces of blood from wounds in the legs, then we will apply abandage on them to heal as quickly and to continue treatment. Wehave to wash our feet, then we move to the next level. In thesecond level must apply a layer of gel on the knee because it hassome eczema that must be treated, and then we wash again to haveclean feet. In the third nimelul must cleanse the hair on legs,after which we washed again and we will make a very nice footmassage to relax. In the last level you have to prepare thebeautiful Beni and more precisely to dress appropriately to be ableto go out with her friends shopping or to be able to walk throughthe park. Thank you for choosing this game and please try othergames for girls in this category to see if you can handle as welland other games of neat girls.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Baby Pages Coloring Games 8.3.2
Purple Studio
In this game we have to participate in thecontest fine art, held in our city. We need to call other friendsbecause we have a lot of work and we can not finish in time if weare alone. This game is divided into six different levels that mustbe completed in order to receive certificate of participation inthis contest. In the first level you have to draw a boy playingwith a cube and holding a wand in the other second level has todraw a beautiful girl who is ready to play tennis because it has topalette. In the third level must draw a painter, which takes in theleft hand and right hand brush watercolor circle you. In the fourmust try to make a little boy wondering who crosses her fingers fornot knowing what is happening. In the penultimate level in the fivemust draw a girl who plays stand on one foot and is very happy. Inthe last level you have to paint a talented boy who plays thedrums, holding the necessary tools for playing this instrument. Ifyou liked this game, please try other our category of games forgirls and coloring games. Thank you.Instructions: Use your fingers to play
Fashion Dresses Designer 4.5
Purple Studio
Hi, we are happy that you have chosen tovisitus through this game for girls. Here, in this tailoring salongamefor kids, you could very well have fun and you'll be able toproveto all your friends that you are a good designer. A designerhas tobe very creative and we're sure you're exactly the child thatweare looking for. This mission is special, we want to make themostbeautiful dresses for our friend. She goes to a party and wantstolook perfect. We have a tailor shop and you will have to be abletodraw several models of dresses and then you have to choose thebestmaterials. In our workshop you will find everything you need,weknow that you do well and you manage to have even moreclients.Every day we want to get help and now you'll just help usthroughthis game with tailoring. If you would like to do dresses inthefuture you can have your own tailor shop.If you want to make the most beautiful dresses you have tofollowall instructions of the game.Pay attention to the details of the game for children.Success!- You will know the girl who wants new dresses;- You will enjoy our workshop, it is very well-equipped;- You have to measure the girl's body to tailor theperfectdress;- Choose the best material;- Cut the material;- Now you can mow dress;- Do not forget to apply various accessories that adornthedress;- The young is happy because she has a new dress;- You did a great job;- You're a great designer;- At the end you have to help the girl to choose themostinteresting accessories.Thank you for help, please come back every day through thisgamefor girls.Have fun!
Girl Leg Treatment 5.4
Purple Studio
Hi, welcome! We are very happy now that weknowthat you're here, in this game with doctors. Here you'll feelgreat,you'll feel good and you can help a child to not be in pain.Fromtoday you will be the best friend of ours, you can play withusthrough this kids game and you will definitely love your roleinthis game for girls. Starting today you can be a great doctor,youcan be the one that provides an important aid to thoseinjuredpeople. We're sure you're a clever kid and very good, we'resureyou're a child ready for this role. Through this game you canproveto everyone that you are a responsible child. Your parentswill bevery happy when they will see that they have a lovely babywho canhelp other people. Accidents happen every day and we needdoctors,today you will be the doctor who can save a little girl.This hadan accident and desperately needs you. With this game youcan havea friendship with Irina, this is a beautiful girl who willneedmedical care, she has great confidence in you and certainly attheend of the game you will be very good friends.Follow all instructions of the game to heal fractures.Good luck!- Irina is in the kitchen;- She wants to prepare tea for breakfast;- Cup of hot water falls on the legs and now Irina needsmedicalcare;- You will have to help her;- Disinfect the wound;- Apply a special ointment for burns;- Bandage wounds;- Now Irina feels better and wants to have beautiful nails;- Cut nails;- Apply nail polish;- Choose the most beautiful model;- You have to help her choose a beautiful dress and accessoriesveryinteresting;- Irina looks great, is a lucky girl;- You did a great job;- You're a good doctor.Thank you for help, please come back every day to help usthroughthis simulator game.Have fun!
High School Girls Party 6.4
Purple Studio
Hello, parties are very beautiful. Peoplegiveparties whenever they have something to celebrate. Wecarefullyorganize a party for everything to be perfect, we choosethe bestfood and drink, choose a nice location, decor and inviteall thepeople dear to us. Today, through this game for girls you'llbeable to participate in the most beautiful party in high school.Weall know that high school is a beautiful period and prom isveryimportant and therefore we have great confidence in you thatyouwill help us to organize the most beautiful party. We havethreefriends who want to go to prom and only you can help themlookperfect in order to win the prize. An event like this requiresalot of hard work and patience, be very attentive to detail andwillsurely be an unforgettable party. If you can handle thisspecialmission in the future you can become an organizer ofparties.Our friends will be very happy because you decided tohelpthem.Success!- For starters you have to do the invitations;- Apply draw butterflies and flowers;- Then you have to send them all;- Then you have to do a facial;- Apply exfoliating gel;- Rinse with warm water;- Clean the water with a towel;- Apply a moisturizer;- Apply concealer;- Eliminate acne and blemishes;- Now you have to makeup her, apply: contact lenses,mascara,eyeshadow, lipstick and eyebrow pencil;- Choose the most interesting accessories;- Be very careful because you have to match the shoeswiththepurse;- Girls are ready for the party;- They arrived and now must be signed tickets;- The party may start;- Make a tattoo;- Choose the most interesting models;- The girls want to walk around by car;- Wash and repair the car;- Now girls can walk;- They will dance, choose the best music;- You're a very good DJ;- The girls are really good fun;- Now they want to eat, you have to make the mostdelicioussandwiches;- You did a very good job, the party is very successful.Thanks for your help, please come back every day throughthisgame with parties for children.Have fun!
Tomato Pasta Cooking Games 8.1.3
Purple Studio
In this game we found yet another way inorderwe can make pasta with tomato sauce and please try this methodtosee if it is successful. If you're ready to try this fun gameyoucan start by cleaning and cut into very small pieces ofgarliccube. Still have to cut onions and tomatoes just in verysmallpieces you can use it later. You must prepare the tomato saucesowe put chopped tomatoes in a blender and we'll leave it there forafew minutes at highest speed. Then we have to put in a pan inwhichwe add the mushrooms, onion and garlic to be able to fry alittle,and we will add over the sauce did before. Furthermore weshouldprepare pasta so we boil in boiling water for a few minutesto cookproperly. You need to prepare the meat, which we will addthetomato sauce mixed with onions, mushrooms and garlic friedthancooked pasta before. Put this mixture in a dish and we cancallfriends to taste the preparation made by us. Please try othergamesfor girls in this category to see if you handle thepreparation ofa dish very complex.Instructions: Use your degetete to play
Woman Gives Birth Four Babies 7.9.3
Purple Studio
Victoria came this morning to our hospitaltogive birth to babies wonderful, but we have a problem. Doctorsarevery busy at the moment with other operations and there is nooneto take care of Victoria. We tried to help but do not know howtodo and not good, so we ask for help from others. In this game,youhave to help Victoria to give birth, so you do what you saynurses.1) First you have to check its tension and heart rate to seeifthey are normal.2) we will still give a tablet that will drink a special juicetonot feel pain during childbirth.3) We need to manage because less oxygen breathing very hard.4) then we will do the belly rays to see what state is thischildvery beautiful.5) after the babies were born, you have to check the weightandheight, to be classified.6) need to take a bath so you can put new clothes andcleanthem.Victoria is very happy knowing he has four beautifulchildren,and thank you very much for coming to help when doctorscould not.We know that you are a trustworthy person so we inviteyou tochoose and other games for girls from this developer.Good luck!
Christmas Santa Salon 17.8
Purple Studio
Hey, how are you? Do you want to have funwithus? If you want to have a beautiful day you will have findthisright here where you are. We all like to always lookgood,especially around the holidays. Certainly your favoritecelebrationis Christmas because you receive many gifts from Santa.Every yearwe are writing to Santa Claus and he brings us what wewant only ifwe were good. You are a good boy and you can geteverything youwant but it is something to do, namely you will needto help Santato get ready for the most beautiful day of the year.You will onlybe able to help him through this game with Santa. Youwill reallylike to help Santa to make him look good only throughthis kidsgame with Christmas. In this Christmas game for girlsyou'll havean important role and should prove to everyone that youare aresponsible child. Only because of you Santa will be able totakeall the gifts, you will be our best friend and every day youwillbe able to play with us only through this game for kids.We are sure that you will be able to do everything you need andyoursalon will surely become the best in town.If you want to have a nice ending for this mission you will havetobe very attentive to all the instructions of this salongame.Good luck!- In the beginning you will getting to know the famousSantaClaus;- He is very happy because he will know you;- He needs help;- You'll have to help him with everything he needs;- Wash thoroughly the beard with shampoo;- Rinse with warm water;- Dry his hair and beard;- Now you have to shave the beard;- Apply shaving foam;- Use a special shaving;- His beard looks great, you did a great job;- Choose the most beautiful costume;- Pay attention to all accessories;- Do not forget the bag in which Santa has presents forgoodchildren;- Santa is happy, you are a wonderful friend.Thank you for help, please come back every day to help usthroughthis game.Have fun!
Pregnant teacher baby games 7.9
Purple Studio
Hi There. Today at the tutorial, ourteachertold us that we must go to the hospital because it is theway ofhaving a baby, so I had to help her. You must go to thedirectorand ask for help, to call the ambulance. In this game, youhave tohelp the lady teacher to go to the hospital to give birth tothisbaby.1) First you have to ask him for permission fromthedirector.2) then you must call the ambulance and wait for her arrival.3) after you have arrived at the hospital must provide thebesttreatment.4) check your heart rate and give him an injection to calm.5) after the baby was born have to go to the salon readyforit.6) check height and weight of the baby and passes theresultreport.7) We need to take a bath after which we will providesomefood.8) then you have to dress the baby and his mother take him toenjoyit.Thanks you agreed to help us through this game and invite youtochoose and other games for girls to help other people as youdidbefore.Have fun!
Baby bath girls games 7.9.3
Purple Studio
Hi, kids are wonderful, theyarerepresentatives of joy. When a baby smiles the whole worldlookscolorful. You're a funny kid? we are sure that you makeyourparents very proud and happy, and we believe that you arearesponsible child who can take care of him when parents arebusy.To prove that you are able to do things this kids game willhelpyou. In this game for kids you will meet a child who is homealoneand needs you to help him bathe and prepare to go out withhisgrandmother in the park. We trust you, sure you do a good jobandthe child will be happy. You know what to do? If you do notknowthen this game comes with aid instruction. You have to passallthree levels, you will receive clues via arrowsBe careful and everything will be great!Success!1) First you need to help the child to take a bath, place itinthe tub and then you have to turn on the water. Meanwhile youmustwash his hair with a special shampoo for children, becausechildrenare very sensitive hair and needs special care, then washthe bodywith the strawberry shower gel and when the child is upsetshallgive any toy wants;2) After you have washed the child you must rub him with atowel,then dry his hair with a hair dryer, apply some lotion bodyandmassage well, apply powder and finally change the diaper.3) Now baby is very clean and satisfied with how you helpedbutneeds you, so do not go. Have to choose some nice clothes thathecan wear in the playroom, you can choose a pair of shorts andacolored shirt, and accessories. Remember that you have to giveandthe favorite toy.Thank you for your help, our child is very happy. If you wanttohelp out you can come back every day through this babies caregame.You are a good friend and a responsible child, you did notmakemistakes.Thank you for choosing this game and invite you to chooseandother baby games and games for girls online to test yourskillsfurther.Have fun!
Mommy Fashion Boutique 7
Purple Studio
Hi, all women want to look good and forthisthey are striving a lot. To be beautiful and healthy womenareeating healthy, doing sports and going to beauty salons buttheyare very attentive and the way they dress. Surely you'reabeautiful girl who takes care of her image. Today, this beautygamefor girls, you'll meet a young mother who wants to bebeautiful.She needs the help of a friend to be able to get what shewants.She has to go shopping and you will have to help herwitheverything she needs. We are sure that you will have fun inthisbeautiful day. Today we'll have fun together every day, youcouldbe our friend and even teach us the tricks of beauty.Our young friend is pregnant and you will have to be veryattentiveto all the details of this makeup game.Follow all instructions of this game.- In the beginning you will know our beautiful friend;- You have to help her to prepare to go out for shopping;- You have to makeup her, apply: contact lenses, lipstick,eyebrowpencil; mascara, eyeshadow and powder for the cheeks;- Choose the most suitable hairstyle;- Then you must choose the most beautiful dress;- Choose the most interesting accessories;- The young woman wants to buy the most beautiful clothes;- You have to help them choose the most appropriate things;- You must buy toys;- Then buy clothes for the baby;- You did a good job, you're a hard-working kid.Thank you for help, please come back daily through this gameforgirls.Have fun!
Pregnant Mom Birthday 6.5
Purple Studio
Hi, today is a great day because it will bethemost beautiful party, this party is for a young mother. Thisispregnant and has two daughters. The three want to spendanunforgettable day. Want to help to prepare the mostbeautifulparty? If you want to help us you can do so through thisgame forkids. Surely you are a very good organizer party and youwill doeverything you can to make our friend happy.Through this baby game you'll be able to make new friends andtoprove to everyone that you have many skills.For the mission to go out as we planned, please pay attentiontodetails.Follow all instructions of the game to care for children.Good luck!- At the beginning of the game you will meet ourbeautifulfriend;- Choose the most beautiful clothes;- Be careful what accessories you choose;- You have to decorate the room where the party willtakeplace;- You must place balloons;- Girls will help you with everything you need;- Now you have to make the cake;- Choose the best countertop and prepares three fruit andchocolatecreams;- Garnish the cake;- Everything is ready;- Now we have to help our beautiful friend to undo allthepresents;- The three are very happy you have prepared the mostbeautifulparty.Thank you for help, please come back daily to help usthroughthis game.Have fun!
Wedding couple christmas games 8.6.0
Purple Studio
Hi, a beautiful event in the life of every manis marriage and if the wedding takes place when is Christmas iseven more beautiful, we can enjoy two very important events. You'veprobably already seen the wedding photos of your parents and younoticed how happy they were, a couple like your parents will meetin this game with Christmas. Here in this kids game you will meet ayoung couple, young people who are called James and Jocelyn. Theymet a long time ago and for this Christmas they wish to join theirdestinies. There are many things in place and they need you. Whatdo you think? Will you help them? If so then we will explain whatto do to help them to have the most beautiful day of theirlives.You will need to choose a beautiful outfit for James and all forhim you will have to choose and accessories that should fitperfectly. For Jocelyn you will have to choose the most beautifulwedding dress and sparkly accessories. After that you have madesure that the young grooms will look perfect you have to take careof the car that will take them to church. The car must be specialand that's why you have to decorate with flowers and otherornaments.Thank you for help, you're a good friend and this game for girlsyou helped to prove this. If you want to help out the youth themthen please come back every day through this game for kids.Thank you for helping us and that you have chosen this game andinvite you to choose other christmas games, spa games and games forgirls in this category.Have fun and Merry Christmas!