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Jokes & Humor: Jookees 6.0.1
Find more than 1000 daily jokes submitted by the largest communityof American jokers! No kidding! Vote for the best jokes and commenton them: it is social network for jokers!★★★ 1st Ever Social Jokes Application ★★★You'll love this app even if you can't stand jokes!✓ Browse all community jokes✓ Vote and comment on every joke✓ Add friends and easily find their jokes✓ Search by category or keyword.✓ This is a Waluu App of the Waluu.com network :)★ Sample joke ★"When I was little, I hated going to cousins´ weddings ​​becausemy aunts and grandparents came up to me, slapped me on the back andtold me:- You're next, boy!One day they stopped because I did likewise at funerals."“Why does a Time Magazine survey state only 85% of Americansthink global warming is happening?The other 15 percent work for theoil industry!”"A teacher asks his students:- If I say "I'm beautiful," what is the verb tense?A student answers:- Surely the past!""The advantage of Facebook is that you don't feel like an idiotwhen talking to a wall."★ Categories ★✓ Animals: Your jokes about pets, cats, dogs, rabbits, hamsters,etc.✓ Blondes : Jokes about blondes although brunettes and redheads areallowed ;)✓ The height of...: The height of the height is not havingone!✓ Empty joke: Absurd, incomprehensible, stupid or crazy, void jokesare sometimes the best.✓ Riddles: Question, Forum, Discussion, Riddle chat.✓ Children: Baby, infant, teen and young teenager, jokes aboutchildren just for fun!✓ Women: Jokes about daughters, sisters, lovers, mother orgrandmother but also young ladies, cousins, and friends; in short,womenfolk in all its beauty! Chicks are great!✓ Funny story: It is preferable for a freaky joke app and to have alaugh with your family✓ Physician and Doctor: Funny story from the world of medicine(sexy jokes or ass or sex-related are allowed in accordance withour terms of use and are moderated for non-compliance)✓ Geek: Geek jokes because they know how to be sexy and funny attimes!✓ Celebrity: Jokes about celebrities; Stars of reality shows butalso singers, actors and actresses.✓ Miscellaneous: Facts, buzz, best of bloopers and parodies! Jokeon computers, public servant, worker, etc.✓ ReligionShare your jokes on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus!★ Definition ★✓ Humor: In the broadest sense, humor is a form of mockery"which seeks to highlight the comic, ridiculous, absurd or unusualnature of certain aspects of reality."It is a language, but also a means of expression. Humor can beused for different purposes and can be educational or militant. Itsform, more than its definition, is understood differently dependingon culture, region and perspective to the extent that, somethingconsidered humor by some, may be perceived by others as a wickedmockery or insult.Humor allows humans to take some distance from reality, "laughto keep itself from crying." More somber, Nietzsche said "Humansuffers so deeply that he had to invent laughter", which approachescynicism.✓ Joke: A joke is staged as a story or a riddle, usually quiteshort, which triggers laughter. Laugher, however, may not betriggered at all for low-quality jokes. Wordplay and puns areconsidered jokes.
Dieu a dit
Retrouvez des phrases commençant par "Dieu a dit" votez et envoyezles vôtres facilement !"Dieu a dit a Eva que Tony la trompait et pourtant Eva croyaitconnaitre Tony Parker""Dieu a dit à Thierry Henry : "Gagne la coupe du monde", etThierry en rit.""Dieu à dit à Hélène d'aller en forêt sans boussole et HélèneSégara !""Dieu a dit à Carla de bronzer et depuis Carla Bruni""Dieu a dit à Katy de mourir et Katy Perry""Dieu a dit à Ingrid de faire l'imbécile à l'école et depuiselle est Betancourt""Dieu a dit à Hugo de travailler et depuis Hugo Boss"* Parcourez toutes les dieuadit de la communauté* Votez et commentez sur chaque dieuadit* Ajoutez des amis* Recherchez par catégories ou par mots clés.* Cette application est une Waluu Apps du réseau Waluu.com :)= Définition Dieu =Être éternel, créateur de l'univers. Un dieu, des dieux : divinitémythique, mythologique du paganisme.Dans les religions monothéistes, Dieu est une entité suprême,unique, immatérielle, transcendante, créatrice unique de toutechose et d'une perfection absolue. Ces religions lui attribuent lescaractères d'infini, d'omniscience, d'éternité, de toute-puissanceet de démiurgie.Considéré comme un nom propre dans la langue française, le nom «Dieu » avec une majuscule désigne alors « un être suprême,transcendant, unique et universel, créateur et auteur de touteschoses, principe de salut pour l'humanité qui se révèle dans ledéroulement de l'histoire ».Findsentences beginning with "God said" Vote and send yours easily!"God has told Eva that Tony cheated yet know Tony Parker Evathought""God told Thierry Henry:" Win the World Cup, "Thierry andlaughed.""God told Helen to go in the forest without a compass and HeleneSegara""God told Carla tan and since Carla Bruni""God told Katy died and Katy Perry""God told Ingrid fooling around at school and since it isBetancourt""God told Hugo to work and since Hugo Boss"* Browse all dieuadit community* Vote and comment on each dieuadit* Add friends* Browse by categories or keywords.* This application is a Waluu Apps Waluu.com the network :)= God = DefinitionBeing eternal, creator of the universe. God, gods: mythical deity,mythological paganism.In monotheistic religions, God is one supreme entity,immaterial, transcendent, unique creator of all things and ofabsolute perfection. These religions attribute to him the infinitecharacters, omniscience, eternity, omnipotence and demiurge.Regarded as a proper name in the French language, the name "God"with a capital then is "a unique and universal supreme being,transcendent, creator and author of all things, the principle ofsalvation for humanity which is revealed in the course of history."
Psychologie : Questions & Aide 5.8.3
La première communauté de Psychologie surmobile & smartphone en France. Rejoignez une communauté ouverteet prête à vous aider, vous renseigner en répondant à vosquestions.* Parcourez tous messages, conseils et questions de lacommunauté* Partagez-les sur Facebook et Twitter* Votez et commentez sur chaque articles ou contribution* Ajoutez des amis et retrouvez facilement leurs questions* Recherchez par catégories ou par mots clésVoici les catégories les plus utilisées au sein de cetteapplication et qui peuvent être utilisées pour une meilleureorganisation:* Amour* Coaching* Fatigue, Zen, Deuil, Déprime* Rencontres amoureuses* Reves* Stress, Schizophrénie, TOC* Thérapies , Tests Psycho* Travail, Troubles du sommeil== Citations ==“Jamais la psychologie ne pourra dire sur la folie la vérité,puisque c'est la folie qui détient la vérité de lapsychologie.”“Ne fais pas de psychologie dans la colère, tu ne comprendraisplus rien.”“Les Bourses ne traduisent pas l'état des économies, mais lapsychologie des investisseurs.”“La psychologie comme science a ses limites, et de même que laconséquence logique de la théologie est le mysticisme, ainsi laconséquence ultime de la psychologie est l'amour.”“Avec un peu de psychologie et sans vulgarité, on peut toutexpliquer à nos chères têtes blondes !”“Après trente ans passés à étudier la psychologie féminine, jen'ai toujours pas trouvé de réponse à la grande question : Queveulent-elles au juste ?”“Le froid, la faim, et la honte née de la pauvreté sont plussusceptibles d'affecter la psychologie bien plus que tout lereste.”“Les entreprises ont peur. Un e-mail est psychologiquementéquivalent à une conversation mais, malheureusement, c’est du pointde vue légal équivalent à un écrit.”“L'amnésie est dans certains cas psychologique. Elle représentela meilleure fuite qui soit. On fuit, en oubliant ce qui faisaitmal.”“L'économie qui est la science sociale mathématiquement la plusavancée, est la science socialement la plus arriérée, car elles'est abstraite des conditions sociales, historiques, politiques,psychologique, écologiques inséparables des activitéséconomique.”“La mémoire est une reconstruction du passé parl’intelligence.”“Les meilleurs remèdes contre la dépression sont des bonnesactions et des bains chauds.”“Pour arrêter de fumer, embrasser plus. Se méfier des allumeuseset prendre la précaution d'utiliser des filtres.”== Définitions ==La psychologie (du grec psukhê, âme, et logos, parole) désigne à lafois l'étude scientifique des faits psychiques et descomportements. Divisée en de nombreuses branches d’étude aussi bienthéoriques que pratiques, la psychologie possède des applicationsthérapeutiques, sociales, et parfois politiques ou théologiques. Lapsychologie a pour objectif l'investigation du psychisme en termesde structure et de fonctionnement. Elle s'attache donc à décrire,évaluer et expliquer les processus mentaux dans leur ensemble enprenant en compte les manifestations de la subjectivité.Dans un sens plus général, le terme psychologie désigne aussi laconnaissance empirique ou intuitive des sentiments, des idées, descomportements chez autrui ainsi que l'ensemble des manières depenser, de sentir, d'agir qui caractérisent une individu réel oufictif ou un groupe.== Dernieres contributions de la communauté ==“Comment choisir son psy ?”“Avez-vous peur d’être abandonné ?”“Que pensez-vous de la jalousie...un vilain defaut ou unequalite?”“J’ai quitté un manipulateur pour... un autre !?”“Le mariage est-il important pour vous”“Vivre après une séparation douloureuse...”“Comment gérer les enfants après un divorce”“L’epanouissement au travail est-il vraiment possible ? Oufaut-il entreprendre... ”The first community ofPsychology & Mobile smartphone in France. Join an open andready to help community help you in answering your questions.* Browse all messages, advice and community issues* Share them on Facebook and Twitter* Vote and comment on each article or contribution* Add friends and easily find their questions* Search by category or by keywordHere are the most used in this application categories, which canbe used for better organization:* Love* Coaching* Fatigue, Zen, Grief, Depression* Love love* Reves* Stress, Schizophrenia, OCD* Therapies Psycho Tests* Work, Sleep DisordersQuotes == =="Never psychology can not tell the truth about madness, since it isthe madness that holds the truth of psychology.""Do not do psychology in anger, you do not understandanything.""Scholarships do not reflect the state of the economies, but thepsychology of investors.""Psychology as science has its limits, and as a logicalconsequence of theology is mysticism, and the ultimate consequenceof psychology is love.""With a bit of psychology and without vulgarity, one can explainto our little darlings!""After thirty years spent studying the psychology of women, Istill have not found the answer to the big question: What do theymean?""The cold, hunger, and shame born of poverty are more likely toaffect the psychology more than anything else.""Companies are afraid. An email is psychologically equivalent toa conversation, but unfortunately it's legally equivalent towriting. ""Amnesia is psychological in some cases. It is the best getawayever. We fled, forgetting that hurt. ""The economy is the most advanced social science mathematically,is the most socially backward science, because it is abstractsocial, psychological ecological inseparable historical, political,economic of activities.""Memory is a reconstruction of the past by intelligence.""The best remedy against depression are good deeds and hotbaths.""To stop smoking, kissing more. Beware of teases and take theprecaution of using filters. "Definitions == ==Psychology (Greek psukhê, soul, and logos, speech) refers to boththe scientific study of psychic phenomena and behavior. Dividedinto many branches of study both theoretical and practical, socialpsychology has therapeutic applications, and sometimes political ortheological. Psychology aims for the investigation of the psyche interms of structure and function. It therefore seeks to describe,assess and explain the mental processes as a whole taking intoaccount expressions of subjectivity.In a broader sense, the term also refers to the empiricalpsychology or intuitive knowledge of feelings, ideas, behaviors inothers and all ways of thinking, feeling and acting thatcharacterize a real or fictitious person or a group.Latest contributions == Community =="How to choose a shrink?""Are you afraid of being abandoned?""What do you think of jealousy ... an ugly default orquality?""I left a key for ... another? ""Marriage is important to you""Life after a painful separation ...""How to manage children after divorce""Fulfillment at work is it really possible? Or does it take ..."
Blonde Jokes 6.0.1
Find thousands of blonde jokes! Vote, comment and share all blondejokes on Facebook and Twitter. Use the app to send your own jokes!★★★ The best blonde jokes app by the community! ★★★✓ "What does a blonde do in the movie theater? Looks for theremote."✓ "Why do blondes refuse to read the British Encyclopedia?Because they'd rather watch the movie when it comes out."✓ "What does a blonde do if she finds 10$ on the ground? Shestrips naked and starts to dance!"✓ "Why do blondes cut up their plaid clothing before washing?Because the label indicates 'Wash colors separately!' "✓ "Why are blondes satisfied with finishing one jigsaw puzzle in1 year? Because the box reads 3 to 6 years! "✓ "A girl talks to her pregnant blonde friend:- Are you really pregnant? But where did you have your head?- Against the door! "✓ "A blonde meets in the street one of her brunette friends, whojust had a child:- Hello Mrs. Smith.- Ah! Hi Melissa.- How is your little one?- He's alright, he's been walking for 3 months now.- Wow! He must be far away then!"✓ "A brunette says to a blonde:- I would not like to be in your head- Really? Why?- I can't stand empty spaces! "✓ "What does a blonde girl do to turn off the light? She closesher eyes!"✓ "What is the smallest prison in the world?The brain of a blonde because it holds a single cell"✓ "A blonde visits her doctor and says:- I have mental diarrhea.- How so?- Well, I only have crappy ideas."✓ "A blonde enters a shop and asks:- Do you have glasses?- For the sun?- No, no, for me! "✓ "What should you do if a blonde throws a grenade at you?Remove the pin and throw it back to her! "✓ "How does a blonde make a copy of her keys?Answer: She photocopies them"★ Features ★✓ Browse all community jokes✓ Share them on Facebook, Twitter and email✓ Vote and comment on each joke✓ Add friends and easily find their jokes✓ This is a Waluu app of the Waluu.com network :)Jokes, gags, but also tips and hoaxes on blondes. This is a freeand humorous game to post blonde jokes!Most common categories of funny and short blonde jokes in thisapplication that can be used for better organization (becauseblondes are sometimes bizarre, crazy and very special):✓ Jokes about blonde fashion accessories✓ Jokes about blonde footwear✓ Jokes about blonde delusions: marriage, love, sex,boyfriends✓ Jokes about Belgian blondes with red locksWrite a quick, awkward and blundering joke about blondes (andthrow in some brunettes and redheads jokes as well, why not?).★ Quotes about humor ★"A brunette is nothing but an unpretentious blonde.""Either brunette or blonde? Do we really have to choose?"Enjoyment is the world's god.""Humor is a way of living.""Chance is a master humorist.""Humor is the optimistic's adrenaline.""Humor is love, irony is contempt.""Humor is like coffee: The darker the better.""When a light appears in the eyes of a blonde is that you lightup her ear.""I dreamed of another world, where the earth would be round, themoon would be blonde, and life would be fruitful.""With a bit of psychology and without vulgarity, one can explaineverything to our precious blonde heads!""The woman have a passion for calculation: she divides her ageby two, double the price of her dresses, triple the salary of herhusband and add five years to the age of her best friend."
Années 80-90 : Noostalgic 5.8.3
Revivez le meilleure des années 80 / 90 en partageant les images devos vieux jouets, jeux, dessins animés, séries et films !* Parcourez toutes les images de nostalgie de lacommunauté* Partagez-les sur Facebook et Twitter* Votez et commentez sur chacune d'elles* Ajoutez des amis et retrouvez facilement leurs images denostalgies* Recherchez par catégories ou par mots clés.* Cette application est une Waluu Apps du réseau Waluu.com :)= Nostalgie =La nostalgie ou "mal du pays" : est un sentiment comprenant souventune mélancolie accompagnée d'un envoûtement par rapport à dessouvenirs souvent liés aux lieux de l'enfance qu'on évoque àtravers une jouissance qui est douloureuse. André Bolzinger aretracé l'histoire de ce concept créé en 1688 par Johannes Hofer,un médecin alsacien de 19 ans, qui lui consacra une thèsesecondaire à l'université de Bâli.La nostalgie est la formulation scientifique du "Heimweh", lemal du pays des mercenaires suisses, torturés par le souvenir de laHeimat. La plupart du temps, ce sentiment exprime le regret detemps passés, de lieux disparus, auxquels on associe a posteriorides sensations agréables. Ce manque est souvent provoqué par laperte ou le rappel d'un de ces éléments passés, les deux élémentsles plus fréquents étant l'éloignement spatial et le vieillissementqui représente un éloignement temporel. On a pu diagnostiquer dansla nostalgie sous toutes ses formes le regret de l'enfance.Relive thebest 80/90 sharing pictures of your old toys, games, cartoons,movies and series!* Browse all the images of nostalgia for the community* Share them on Facebook and Twitter* Vote and comment on each* Add friends and easily find their images of nostalgia* Search by category or by keyword.* This application is a network Waluu Apps Waluu.com :)= Nostalgia =Nostalgia or "homesickness" is a sentiment often including amelancholy accompanied by a spell over memories often linked toplaces of childhood is evoked through a jouissance that is painful.André Bolzinger traced the history of the concept created in 1688by Johannes Hofer, a doctor Alsatian 19, who dedicated a thesisschool at the University of Bali.Nostalgia is the scientific formulation of "Heimweh" homesickSwiss mercenaries and tortured by the memory of Heimat. Most of thetime, this feeling expresses regret past times, places disappeared,which is associated a posteriori pleasurable sensations. This lackis often caused by the loss or recall any of these passed, the twomost common being the spatial distance and aging represents atemporal distance. It has been diagnosed in the nostalgia in allits forms regret childhood.
Quotes: Sayings & Quote
Collection of quotes and sayings sent by appusers! Share your favorite quote, rate and comment on quotes sharedby members of the Waluu community.★★★ First social application on Quotes ★★★You will love this social app exclusively focused on quotes.More than 200,000 members worldwide have already joined us! Enjoythe wisdom of Chinese proverbs, poetic Indian quotes and deepBuddhist philosophy, not to mention your own creations!✓ Browse all community quotes✓ Share them on Facebook and Twitter✓ Vote and comment on each quote and saying✓ Add friends and easily find their quotes✓ Search by quote category or keyword★ Quote Categories ★Quote categories:✓ Saying / Sayings : Quote / Quotes✓ Love quote, life quote, friendship, and passion quotes✓ Motivational quote and quote of the day✓ Entrepreneur and personal development guru quote✓ Happiness quotes✓ Rhyming phrases, poems, poetry and slam✓ Speaking (related speech /discourse)✓ Chinese proverb, American proverb, African proverb, Spanishproverb, Italian proverb, Japanese proverb, Mexican proverb,Canadian proverb, French proverb etc.★ The best quotes from the application ★"Remind yourself that it’s ok not to be perfect.""Yesterday and tomorrow do not exist. So live your lifetoday.""Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.""Don’t wait for perfect moment take the moment and make itperfect.""Don’t judge me by my PAST. I’m not in the past anymore. Acceptme for who I am because this is me TODAY.""I don’t go crazy. I am crazy. I just go normal from time totime.""Good friends are like stars. You don’t always see them, but youknow they’re always there.""LEARN from yesterday. LIVE for today. HOPE for tomorrow.""If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. if youcan’t walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, keep moving." - Dr.Martin Luther King JR."One day you’ll love me, the way I loved you. One day you’llthink of me the way I thought of you. One day you’ll cry for me,the way I cried for you. One day you’ll want me, but I won’t wantyou.""Forget your past, whether simple or compound, and participatein your present so that your future can be more than perfect<33""We do not measure the love of a person by the desire to sleepwith her but by the pleasure of sleeping by her side.""Many people appear bright until they reveal their stupidity.This is so because the speed of light is greater than that ofsound.""Be the wife of one man, the princess of your father, the prideof your brother and the succession of your mother."★ Definition ★The word quote designates the action of quoting:✓ In Literature, quote refers to the reproduction of a shortextract from a prior speech or writing in a text or in some form oforal expression.✓ In the legal domain, quote is synonymous with "notification"or "meaning". Likewise, the right to brief quotation is anexception to copyright.✓ In the military domain, a quote is the honorable commendationof an exemplary act. In the US, according to the extent of theaction rewarded, an honorable commendation is given in the Armyorder; a minor action in a division or unit order.★ Sample quote ★"It is good to read books of quotations because quotations, asthey imprint in our memory, lead to good thoughts." - WinstonChurchill"Challenge Accepted!" - Barney Stinson"To build up high, you have to dig deep.""Finally, it is better to fight than to be afraid.""You laugh at me because I'm different but I laugh at youbecause you're all the same.""Just a little patience ... And all will go wrong.""10 liter of sweat are far better than 1 liter of blood.""We must take risks, we must always take risks. There is alsorisk in waiting.""It is not necessary to hope to undertake, nor to succeed topersevere."
AndroiFy : Partage de BugDroid
Envoyez vos AndroidiFy sur AndroiFy.net, leréseaux social des images de BugDroid, grâce à cette application !Votez pour les meilleures images et montrez vos avatars sous formede BugDroid !INFORMATION : nécessite l'application "Androidify" de Googlepour créer votre "BugDroid" !* Parcourez toutes les images de BugDroid de la communauté* Votez et commentez chaque image* Ajoutez des amis et retrouvez facilement leurs images* Recherchez par catégories ou par mots clés.Cette application est une Waluu Apps du réseau Waluu.com :)Nous remercions tous les fans d'Android pour leur soutient ànotre projet "Waluu" et cette application vise à montrer notreengagement sur la plateforme Android. Merci à vous tous.Send your Androidify onAndroiFy.net, social networks images bugdroid through this app!Vote for the best images and show your avatars as bugdroid!INFORMATION: Requires application "Androidify" Google to createyour "bugdroid!"* Browse all images bugdroid community* Vote and comment on each image* Add friends and easily find their images* Browse by categories or keywords.This application is a Waluu Apps Waluu.com the network :)We thank all Android fans for their support to our "Waluu"project and this application is intended to show our commitment tothe Android platform. Thank you to you all.
Chat live : Twituu
Discuss with English-speaking friends onAndroid: Try Twituu: The Waluu.com app for sending messages andstarting conversations!★★★ Group chat ★★★✓ Explore all community messages✓ Vote and comment on each message✓ Add friends and easily find their messages✓ Search by categories or keywords.✓ This is a Waluu App of the Waluu.com network :)Warning: It does not work with Twitter IDs; Twituu is afull-fledged network for sending short messages on Waluu.com andTwituu.com.★ Messaging software: as a group or among friends ★Manage messages like posts on a forum; start a conversationtopic and discuss with strangers or friends/family members on yourpreferred matters and many others!Private, group or public chat and the ability to "Love" certainmessages to highlight what you say and what you like!Here are the categories used in this application (trendingtopics and hashtags) that you can use for better organization:✓ Events: Fireworks on 4th of July or Rock Concert ...✓ News: International, regional, or simply local news.✓ Debates: On your ideas and desires: run your surveys,questions and allies.✓ Sports: Converse on sports news, football, rugby, tennis,etc.✓ Leisure: Talk about culture, film, books, e-books, cartoons,series, etc.✓ Practical matters: Discuss the weather forecast, traffic inNew York or your job search or orientation; ask for help and tipsand tricks for everyday life.While Twituu is similar to a chat or forum, it is a Waluuservice. Several spellings are possible: twittu, tweetu.
Lycée : Forum 5.8.3
Question, Rencontre, Forum et Tchat pour tousles lycées en Français ! La première application mobile dédiés oulycéen et déjà la plus grand communauté de lycéen sur smartphone !* Parcourez tous messages, conseils et questions de lacommunauté* Partagez-les sur Facebook et Twitter* Votez et commentez sur chaque articles ou contribution* Ajoutez des amis et retrouvez facilement leurs questions* Recherchez par catégories ou par mots clésVoici les catégories les plus utilisées au sein de cetteapplication et qui peuvent être utilisées pour une meilleureorganisation:* Terminale : Partagez tout ce que vous voulez sur le Bac S 2012 :Sujets, Corrigés, Epreuves !* Ecrit : Comment bien préparer l'écrit? conseils, questions etinfos sur les épreuves écrites du bac.* Oral : Aussi bien pour le rattrapage que pour les épreuves oralesdu bac: conseils et réponses sur l'oral du bac* Proposez vos sujets de TPE Questions de recherche, rédaction ducarnet de bord, oral et résultats ...* Toutes les archives des années antérieures du Bacscientifique* Orientation Admissions Postbac* Ecoles spécialisées : Universités, DUT Diplome Universitaire deTechnologie, BTS Brevet Technicien Supérieur, Prépa* Sciences de l'ingénieur, Biologie Ecologie== Définitions ==Lycée, établissement d'enseignement accueillant la deuxième partiedes études secondaires, de la seconde à la terminale, ainsi quecertaines formations supérieures comme les CPGE et les BTS.La liste des matières enseignées comprend le : Français,Anglais, Espagnol, Allemand, Histoire Géographie, Philosophie,Mathématiques Physique Chimie, SVT Sciences et vie de la Terre== Citations ==“J’ai été expulsé du lycée pour avoir triché pendant un examen demétaphysique ; je lisais dans les pensées de mon voisin.”“Les réincarnations, c'est comme le bac au lycée. Quand onéchoue, on redouble.”“On meurt par à-coups, comme on change de classe au lycée.”“Un professeur de lycée, après tout, est une personne que nousavons désignée pour expliquer aux jeunes dans quelle sorte de mondeils vivent, comment s’en défendre, et, si possible, le rôle queleurs ainés y jouent.”“L'âge mûr, c'est quand vos camarades de lycées sont si ridés etsi chauves qu'ils ne vous reconnaissent plus.”== Lycées ==Voici les lycées les plus représentés parmis les lycées :d'enseignement général et technologique, Lycée professionnel, Lycéeagricole, Lycée de la Défense.- Pontoise Vauban- Rostrenen Notre-Dame Campostal- Muret Charles de Gaulle- Décines-Charpieu Charlie Chaplin- Libourne Max Linder-- Evreux Aristide Briand- Versailles Hoche- Saint-Quentin Pierre de la Ramée- Montpellier Notre-Dame de la Merci- Carcassonne Jules Fil- Drancy Eugène Delacroix- Nanterre Joliot-Curie- Brétigny-sur-Orge Jean-Pierre Timbaud- Orléans Benjamin Franklin- Bordeaux François Mauriac- Paris Ve Louis le Grand- Bobigny Louise Michel- Strasbourg Jean Sturm- Bordeaux Sainte-Marie Grand Lebrun & Villeneuve-d'AscqSaint-AdrienQuestion, Dating, Chatand Forum for all schools in French! The first dedicated mobileapplication or high school and already the largest community highschool on smartphone!* Browse all messages, advice and community issues* Share them on Facebook and Twitter* Vote and comment on each article or contribution* Add friends and easily find their questions* Search by category or keywordsHere are the categories most commonly used in this applicationand can be used for a better organization:* Terminal: Share everything you want on the tray S 2012: Topics,Corrected, Events!* Writing: How to prepare written? advice, information questionsand written tests tray.* Oral: Both for catching that for oral examinations tray: Tips andAnswers on oral bac* Submit your Questions TPE subjects research, writing diary, oraland results ...* All records of previous years of scientific Tray* Orientation Admissions postbac* Specialized schools Universities, University Diploma ofTechnology DUT, BTS Technician Certificate, Prepa* Engineering Sciences, Biology EcologyDefinitions == ==School, educational institution hosting the second part of theschool, from the second to the terminal, as well as some highereducation as CPGE and BTS.The list of subjects taught includes: English, French, Spanish,German, History Geography, Philosophy, Mathematics PhysicsChemistry, Biology and Life Sciences EarthCitations == =="I was expelled from school for cheating during an examination ofmetaphysics, I read in the thoughts of my neighbor.""The reincarnation is like the tray at school. When one fails,it increases. ""People die in fits and starts, as you change class in highschool.""A high school teacher, after all, is a person that we havedesignated to explain to young people what kind of world they live,how to defend and, if possible, the part their elders areplaying.""Middle age is when your classmates are so wrinkled and schoolsbald if they recognize you anymore."High Schools == ==Here are the schools most represented among high schools: generaleducation and technological Vocational College, AgriculturalCollege, College of Defence.- Pontoise Vauban- Our Lady Rostrenen Campostal- Charles de Gaulle Muret- Décines-Charpieu Charlie Chaplin- Libourne Max Linder-- Evreux Aristide Briand- Versailles Hoche- Saint-Quentin Peter RamusMontpellier - Our Lady of Mercy- Carcassonne Jules Wire- Drancy Eugène Delacroix- Nanterre Joliot-Curie- Brétigny-sur-Orge Jean-Pierre Timbaud- Benjamin Franklin Orleans- Francois Mauriac Bordeaux- Louis le Grand Paris Ve- Bobigny Louise Michel- Strasbourg Jean Sturm- Bordeaux Sainte-Marie Lebrun & Grand Villeneuve d'AscqSaint-Adrien
Déco d'intérieur : JoliHome
Envie de trouver des idées de décoration ?Visitez les décorations des studios, appartements, et maisons desmembres de JoliHome et faites partie de la communauté en prenant enphoto votre déco et montrez ainsi votre chambre, votre salon, votrecuisine, ou encore votre jardin !* Envoyez les photos de votre déco prisent avec votresmartphone* Retrouvez les meilleures images de décoration du jour en paged'accueil* Ajoutez des amis et retrouvez leurs décorations dans l'onglet"Amis"* Votez et commentez sur les meilleures décorations et celles devos amis* Recherchez des décorations pour les différentes pièces de votreappartement / maisonWant to find decoratingideas? Visit decorations studios, apartments, houses and membersJoliHome and be part of the community taking pictures and yourdecor and show your bedroom, your living room, your kitchen, oryour garden!* Send photos from your snuff Deco with your smartphone* Find the best pictures of the day decorating the home page* Add friends and find their decorations in the "Friends" tab* Vote and comment on the best decorations and those of yourfriends* Search decorations for different rooms in your apartment /house
Yo mama : Community
Comment, vote and share all these jokes onFacebook and Twitter and discuss with other Community jokers!Unlike all other apps, this is a real community you can share with!Find hundreds of Yo Mama jokes sent with this application!★★★ Last "Yo mama" sent by the community ★★★✓ Yo mama so ugly she threw a boomerang and it refused to comeback.✓ Yo mama so ugly when Santa came down the chimney he said ho!ho! hoooollly shit!✓ Yo mama so fat even dora cant explore her.✓ Yo mama so fat, she fell into a black hole and it clogged!✓ Yo mama so fat, she fell into a black hole and it clogged!✓ Yo mama so fat; she's on both sides of the family!✓ Yo mama so stupid that she brought a ruler to bed to see howlong she could sleep.✓ Yo mama is so fat she doesn't need the intenet to beworldwide.✓ Yo mama is so stupid she tried to drown a fish.✓ Yo mama is so fat when she walked by the TV i missed 3episodes of Game of Thrones !✓ Yo mama so stupid, she took a spoon to the Super Bowl.✓ Yo mama so nasty that when she goes to the universal studioschildren follow her shouting "Shrek! Shrek!"✓ Yo mama is so fat she fell in love and broke it.✓ Yo mama so poor that when I stepped on a cigarette she said"who turned off the heat?"✓ Yo mama so poor when I went to her house and asked to use thebathroom, she said "Two trees to your left."★★★ Social app on Yo Mama jokes! ★★★Know any jokes starting with "Yo mama is so ..."? Want to readmore than 2,500 sent by the community? Download app for free!✓ Browse all community jokes✓ Vote and comment each joke✓ Add friends and easily find their jokes✓ Search by category or keyword.✓ This is a Waluu app of the Waluu.com network :)
Waluu : Dating and Humor 6.0.1
The Waluu application is a new mobile socialnetwork that brings relaxation, humor and dating together through agreat community and amazing features designed to find and chat withnew people!★★★ Over 50 concepts in 1 ★★★Change the Waluu topic by clicking on the small arrow at the top ofthe application. Every time you do so, the app offers you a totallydifferent concept and community!★ List of available topics ★Waluu contains some many amazing topics that will make you keepthis app forever! Here is partial list of Waluu topics:✓ Jookees: Share jokes and meet other jokers✓ Live Dating: Seduce, pick up, comment, and like people youhave never met!✓ DailyMee: Share a picture of yourself every day✓ Imagello: Exchange pictures with friends✓ Poeemms: Share poems, slam, and even your own lyrics.Everything is possible here!✓ Quotes: Discover the most beautiful quotes, proverbs andsayings of the community✓ Twituu: A Twitter-like app to exchange 140-char messages✓ JoliFood: Take pictures of your meals and vote and comment toselect the best dish or dessert of the day.✓ PiicPets: Pet pictures (cat, dog, hamster, horse, rabbit,etc.).✓ LiveMeteo: Exchange of messages and sky pictures betweenmembers via smartphone.✓ CityLive: Exchange of text and images around your city's news(strike, event, concert, portray the atmosphere at the localswimming pool, at the beach, on vacation in the mountains or by thesea, in your county and state, etc.).★ Registration ★While registration is OPTIONAL, there are many features onlyavailable to registered users. For example:✓ Adding contributions✓ Voting and commenting on each contribution✓ Adding friends✓ Sharing on Facebook, Twitter, SMS / MMS and email★ How does Waluu work? ★Waluu revolves around "Twituu", a chat application to send140-character messages to everybody or only to certain people.To contact a member, place "@" before his/her username.Example: Contact Waluu's moderator (username "Admin") by writinga message as follows: "Hello @Admin, how can I ...”You can vote on each contribution. The goal is to receive enoughvotes to join the "Top 24" and "Top Week" and thus become a poweruser!Note: Attention to spelling, Waluu is not written Wallu, Walou,Wallou or even Waloo
Actu du Foot en direct live
Commentez les matchs en direct sur LiveFoot etparlez de l'actualité des joueurs et des matchs à venir ! Invitezvos amis fans de foot et vous pourrez directement voir leurréflexion en instantané grâce à cette application !* Parcourez toutes les réflexions de ce tchat spécial Foot* Votez et commentez sur chaque message* Ajoutez des amis* Recherchez par catégories ou par mots clés.Les différents compétitions :Coupes d'Europe, Europa League, Ligue des ChampionsEuro, Coupe du monde de foot, Première division D1, deuxièmedivision D2Ligues1 en europe : France - Ligue 1, Allemagne – Bundesliga,Angleterre - Premier League,Equipe de foot France et international:Real Madrid, Barcelone, FC Valence, Villarreal, Athletic Bilbao,Atletico Madrid, Séville, AC Milan, Inter Milan, NaplesLigue 1 : PSG, Paris Saint Germain, AS Monaco, AJ Auxerre, OLOlympique lyonnais, Girondins de Bordeaux, Stade rennaisLigue 2 : Le Mans FC, US Boulogne, Grenoble Foot, FC Metz, SCOAngers, Clermont Foot, Le Havre AC, Stade lavallois, Dijon FCO= Stades depuis lesquels l'application à déjà été testé =Stade de france, Stade de Gerland= Définition =Le championnat de France de football masculin, dénommé « Ligue 1 »,est une compétition de football qui représente en France le sommetde la hiérarchie du football. La compétition se dérouleannuellement sous forme d'un championnat mettant aux prises vingtclubs professionnels. Une saison du championnat commence en été etse termine au printemps suivant.= Support Android =Application testée sur smartphone et tablette avec nosutilisateurs sur :Samsung : Nexus S, Samsung Galaxy Teos by KENZO, Galaxy Tab, WaveII (Super AMOLED, Social Hub), Omnia 7, Player OneHTC : Desire HD, Hero, Wildfire, Touch Cruise / Pro / HD, Diamond,Sense, Salsa, Chacha, Incredible, Trophy, Flyer, Mini, Legend, HD2,Smart, Mozart,LG : Viewty smart, Optimus One, Cookie,Motorola : Moto, Milestone, Backflip, Dext, Defy, Flipout,XoomSony : Xperia play/neo/pro /x10ACER : Liquid E FerrariVersion d’Android supportée : 1.6 Donut, 2.1 Eclair, 2.2 FroYo ,2.3 GingerbreadVersion d’Android non-supportée : 1.5 : CupcakeVersion d’Android non testée : 3.0 : Honeycomb
Questions & Answers : Questina
Got questions? Ask any type of question andthe American community will be happy to answer you!★★★ Got any questions? We've got answers! ★★★✓ Browse all community questions✓ Vote and comment on each question✓ Add friends and easily find their questions✓ Search by categories or keywords.✓ This is a Waluu App of the Waluu.com network :)★ Categories ★We invite you to add the following categories to theapplication:✓ News and Events✓ Love and Relationships✓ Arts and Humanities✓ Cars & Transportation✓ Beauty and Fashion✓ Picture and sound✓ Home and Garden✓ Music, Movies, TV, Entertainment✓ Politics and Government✓ Restaurants✓ Science and Mathematics✓ Social Sciences★ Examples of questions asked on Questina ★- How does a light bulb work?- What is your most intriguing secret organization?- How to digitize old camcorder tapes?- Presidential Election: Still undecided?- What are the supporting documents we are entitled to request froma prospective tenant?- What criteria should we rely upon to judge other people?- How can I find out if the tap water in our region is suitable forhuman consumption?- What is your favorite Harry Potter movie among all 8?- What is the best natural product to clean silver jewelry?- Do you know a trick to sharpen scissors?- What is your favorite flower?- What seems obvious to you?- Are there any nice people left in the world?- What would you like as your tombstone engraving?- How does it show on the outside when it hurts you inside?- What was your life-changing day?- Am I pregnant, am I really that late?- How can I get a deep and restful sleep?- How can I become progressively smarter?Download the app for answers and add yours!
Live Dating: Single?
Meet new singles with Live Dating!Place ads describing your ideal girl, boy, woman or man to suityour preferences. Be original and creative! Answer different ads ina good and collaborative mood.★ Find singles near you! ★And if the love of your life is just around the corner? Giveyourself a chance to meet him or her...Great stories start every day on Waluu Live Dating!Sign up for an account and chat to get to know othermembers:✓ Free✓ Easy and fast registration✓ Browse all community messages✓ Share them on Facebook, Twitter, email and SMS✓ Vote and comment on all of them✓ Add friends and easily find their messages✓ This is a Waluu App of the Waluu.com network :)✓ For everybody: Straight, Gay, Lesbian.You can also view everyone's profile (unlike Facebook!).★ Local & Regional ★Live Dating is becoming the new local and regional datingphenomenon via mobile. Supported by the applications network"Waluu", you can be confident that all user profiles correspond toreal people!In a few clicks, you can contact and meet dozens of singlesonline all over USA : New York, Los Angeles, California, Illinois,Chicago, Alaska, Texas, Arizona, Washington...Most popular categories used in this application that can beused for better organization:✓ Senior adult ad✓ Young ad✓ Cougar ad✓ Girl ad✓ Man / guy ad✓ Woman ad✓ Single ad✓ Cougar ad✓ Serious ad✓ European ad✓ Latin ad✓ Asian ad✓ Black ad✓ Short adventure ad✓ Flirting, sexy ad✓ Comic ad✓ Geek, nerd ad★ Definition ★Wikipedia's definition of different groups of people likely touse the service:Cougar: Means women, usually over 40 years, attending or seekingyounger men, typically at least eight years younger than them.Numerous cougars go out with men 18 or 20 years their junior. Thesemen are usually called toy boys or Cubs. These are single,independent women who keep in good shape. They prefer seducing thanbeing seduced (alone or with others, occasionally) and love to stayin control (though they may derive some pleasure from beingseduced).★ Search ★Search by physical criteria! Example:"Blonde, brown, cute, pretty, nice, natural, serious, charming,red, blonde, brown, green eyes, blue eyes, Asian, brunette, funny,amusing, Latin, mature, webcam"Find singles with the same religion that you: Christian(Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox), Muslim, Buddhist, etc.Here is the tag cloud that best describes thisapplication:Dating, man, region, guy, meet, chat, flirt, pick up, seduction,affinities, meeting in North America, date USA, guys dating, girlsdating, relationship dating, singles, free dating, ads with profilepictures (avatar), couple, adventures
Racontez votre vies dans des petiteschroniques quotidiennes. La communauté des chroniqueurs comprenddéjà plusieurs milliers de membres qui ont partagées leur histoiresquotidiennes ! Profitez-en pour rencontrer des personnes etdiscuter avec elles par message privé.Fonctionnalités :* Parcourez toutes les photos de la communauté* Partagez-les sur Facebook et Twitter* Votez et commentez sur chaque contribution* Ajoutez des amis et retrouvez facilement leurs images* Recherchez par catégories et mots clés* Faites des rencontres et dialoguer par message privé !Voici les catégories les plus utilisées au sein de cetteapplication pouvant être utilisées pour une meilleureorganisation:* Vie quotidienne : racontez votre vie au jour le jour* Ecole : racontez votre vie à l’école, en cours, les profs, lesamis, les galères...* Passe-temps : racontez ce qu’il se passe dans vos passe-tempsfavoris.* Vie sentimentale : racontez vos histoires de coeur, vos coup defoudre* Dialogue : reliez ici les dialogues entre vous et vos amis etreflétant votre personnalité* Famille : racontez vos histoires de famille, le petit frère et lagrande soeur, vos parents et l’incompréhension générationnelle quien découle parfois.== Définitions ==* Chronique : texte décrivant de façon régulière la vie d’unindividus, c’est frasque, son actualité. Il s’agit ici d’un journalintime public.* Histoire : c’est à la fois l’étude des faits, des événementsdu passé et, par synecdoque, leur ensemble. L'histoire est unrécit, elle est la construction d'une image du passé par des hommeset des femmes (les historiens et historiennes) qui tentent dedécrire, d'expliquer ou de faire revivre des temps révolus. Cerécit historique n'est pas construit par intuition intellectuelle,mais à partir de sources. L'histoire s'attache avec ces sources àreconstruire plusieurs pans du passé.== Exemple de Chronique==“Chapitre 3, Qui va gagner.....Mais, un jour ce petit jeu est allé beaucoup plus loin que tout ceque j'aurai imaginer puisqu'un matin, j'ouvre mon facebook et jevois un message, c'était lui....!!! :0Il me dit que si il réussit à ne pas me vanner sur 5 photos, jedoit lui payer un grec...... [Je ne pariais jamais, mais la, j'aifait une exception parce que pour moi, j'étais gagnante même enperdant....xD]Du coup, je lui répond direct en lui disant "c'est parti, préparetoi à payer...." xP Et je lui dit à ce soir parce que je devaitsortir.Le soir, je rentre enfin chez moi et je cours allumer mon ordi[ihihih, j'étais presser de commencer.....^_^].Je me connecte et je la, je vois 14 notif....!! 0_o [Il à pas perdude temps xD]. Je clique et je regard, il y avait que descommentaires trop mimi, on ne m'avait jamais dit tu es magnifique14 fois d'affilié.... XDDu coups, je le taquine, je commente ses photos pour qu'il craque,c'était trop marrant....! :)2h30 après, le jeu continue encore et la...... Il oubli etcommence à me vanner [Alala, qu'il est con..... XD]Du coups, je fonce lui envoyer " Tu as perdu, débile !!!!!!!"xPIl me dit putain le seum et il me donne son num pour qu'on trouveune date.... [J'étais tellement contente que mon sourire ne pouvaispas quitter mon visage] =DJe lui envoi un sms de suite et il me dit que demain il m'inviteau grec si je peux, je lui dit oui [C'était évident!! :P] et oncontinue à discuter. Puis il me dit d'arrêter de faire vibrer sonphone parce que je l'empêche de dormir, alors je lui dit désolé,bonne nuit, bisou et à DEMAIN :$..Je sautille comme un enfant qui à gagné des tonnes de bonbons et jevais au dodo, mais IMPOSSIBLE DE DORMIR.... :0Enfin, le jour se lève. C'était le jour J.Je sort de mon lit et pas de chance je...... :-/# Demain, la suite Bisou@Bambolinaa”Tell your lives in smallchronic daily. Community columnists already has thousands ofmembers who have shared their stories everyday! Take theopportunity to meet people and talk with them via private message.Features:* Browse all photos from the community* Share them on Facebook and Twitter* Vote and comment on each contribution* Add friends and easily find their images* Search by category and keywords* Meet new people and chat via private message!Here are the categories most commonly used in this applicationcan be used for a better organization:* Daily Life: tell your life day to day* School: tell your life in school, courses, teachers, friends,galleys ...* Hobbies: tell what's going on in your favorite pastime.* Life sentimental heart tell your stories, your thunderbolt* Dialogue: Connect here the dialogue between you and your friendsand reflect your personality* Family: tell your stories of family, brother and sister, yourparents and generational misunderstanding resulting sometimes.Definitions == ==* Chronic: text describing the regular life of a people, it isprank, news. This is a public diary.* History: it is both the study of facts, events of the past andby synecdoche, as a whole. The story is a story, it is theconstruction of an image of the past by men and women (historiansand historians) that attempt to describe, explain, or to relivebygone days. This historical narrative is not built by intellectualintuition, but from sources. The story focuses with these sourcesto reconstruct the past several sections.Chronicle == Example =="Chapter 3 Who will win .....But one day this little game went far beyond anything I haveimagined since morning, I open my facebook and I see a message thatwas it ....! : 0He told me that if he succeeds in not to winnow out of 5 pictures,I must pay him a Greek ...... [I was betting ever, but I made anexception for me because I was winning even in losing ....xD]So, I replied directly, saying "let's go, get ready to pay ...." xPAnd I said to him tonight because I was out.That evening, I finally returned home and I turn over mycomputer [ihihih, I press start ..... ^ _ ^].I log in and I, I see .... notif 14! 0_o [He wasted no time in xD].I click and I look, there were comments that too cute, no one hadever said you're beautiful affiliate 14 times .... XDOf blows, I tease, I commented that he cracked his photos, it wastoo funny ....! :)2:30 later, the game continues and ...... He begins to forget meand winnowing [Alala, it is con ..... XD]The shots, I rush to send "You lost, stupid!!" xPHe told me the fucking seum and he gives me his num found for adate .... [I was so happy that my smile could not leave my face] =DI sent him a text message away and he told me that tomorrow heinvites me to the Greek if I could, I told him yes [It was obvious!: P] and we continue to discuss. Then he told me to stop the phoneto vibrate because I can not sleep, so I told him sorry, goodnightkiss and TOMORROW: $ ..I hops like a child who won tons of candy and go to sleep, butIMPOSSIBLE TO SLEEP .... : 0Finally, the day breaks. It was the day J.I out of my bed and I out of luck ...... :-/# Tomorrow, after Kiss@ Bambolinaa "
Top vidéo du net : BuzzVideo
Retrouvez les meilleures vidéos du net !Commentez et votez sur les vidéos pour élire les meilleurs liensgrâce à votre compte utilisateur Waluu.Envoyez également vos liens web pointant vers des vidéos pourparticiper à la communauté.Retrouvez les liens de vos amis grâce au réseau social Waluu.com![INSCRIPTION] L'inscription est facultative, votre compteutilisateur Waluu vous permettra en plus :* D'envoyer vos liens* De voter et commenter sur chacun d'eux* D'ajouter des amis et retrouver facilement leurs liens* Et de les partager sur Facebook, Twitter, par email et SMS !Catégories les plus utilisées au sein de cette application etqui peuvent être utilisées pour une meilleure organisation:* Actualités et politique : Déclaration du président,journal,* Animaux : Video de petit chaton, de chats qui parle / joue /danse* Associations et organismes* Divertissement :* Films et animations* Humour : Meilleure vidéo, Bestof & crash, accident* Trailers et Bande annonces* Musique : Top 50, Making of, Concert live enregistré* Meilleur Clip musicaux 2010* People : Video des célébrités* Science et technologie : Reportage, recherche documentaire,gestion, gadet technologique* Sport : Depart & Arrivée des plus grands évènements sportifs(Athlétisme 100m, Natation, Aviron,* Vie pratique et style* Voyages et événements : Paysages, films de particulier,* Véhicules :* Éducation : elearning / e-learning, via des podcast / podcasts,cours à distance, professeur à distance, cours avancées (Finance,Histoire & Géographie)= Définition & Format Video / Images =* JPEG : photos qui ne souffrent pas de gommage de détails etqui n'ont pas de zones unies, d'où dégâts souvent non visibles* GIF : images animées uniquement, 8 bit / bits soit 256couleurs + transparent.* PNG : tout le reste images qui doivent rester nettes (logos),images avec grandes zones unies (captures d'écrans, schémas),images avec peu de couleurs différentes, etc. Comme le GIF doncmais vu que ça compresse mieux, que c'est libre, et que ça peutgérer 16 millions de couleurs, aucune raison d'utiliser le GIF.* Format vidéo : Un format vidéo décrit comment un dispositifenvoie des images d'une vidéo à un autre dispositif, de la mêmemanière qu'un lecteur de DVD envoie des images à un téléviseur, ouun ordinateur à son moniteur. Plus formellement, le format visueldécrit l'ordre et la structure des images qui créent l'imagevidéo.Les trois formats vidéo analogiques utilisés comme standards pourla télévision sont le NTSC, le PAL et le SECAM.* Acquisition vidéo : Le procédé de l’acquisition vidéoanalogique et de sa conversion en numérique peut s’assimiler aupassage du langage oral au langage écrit. Pour prendre en note lediscours oral d’une personne, cette dernière ne doit pas parlertrop rapidement, dans tel cas il devient difficile d’écouter et detranscrire simultanément. Certes la personne pourrait ralentir sondébit de parole mais si l’on assimile ces paroles avec le signalvidéo analogique, on comprend aisément que le débit ne peut pasêtre ralenti.Find the best videos onthe net! Comment and rate on the videos to elect the best linkswith your user account Waluu.Also send your links pointing to web videos to participate inthe community.Find links to your friends through social network Waluu.com![JOIN] Registration is optional, your user account will allowyou Waluu more:* To send your links* To vote and comment on each* To add friends and easily find their links* And share them on Facebook, Twitter, email and SMS!Categories commonly used in this application and can be used fora better organization:* News and Politics: Chairman's Statement, newspaper,* Pets: Video of kitten, cats who speaks / play / dance* Organizations and Associations* Entertainment:* Films and animations* Humor: Best Video, Bestof & crash accident* Trailers and Trailers* Music: Top 50, Making of, recorded live Concert* Best Music Video 2010* People: celebrities Video* Science and technology: Reportage, retrieval, management,technological Gadet* Sport: Departure & Arrival of the biggest sporting events(100m Athletics, Swimming, Rowing,* Lifestyle and Style* Travel & Events: Landscapes, particularly films,* Vehicles:* Education: elearning / e-learning through podcasts / podcasts,distance learning, distance teacher, advanced courses (Finance,History & Geography)Definition & Format = video / Images =* JPEG photos that do not suffer from peeling details and haveno solid areas, where damage often not visible* GIF animated images only 8 bit / bit or 256 colors +transparent.* PNG: everything must remain clear images (logos), images withlarge solid areas (screenshots, diagrams), images with few colors,etc.. Like GIF but then saw that it compresses better, it is free,and it can handle 16 million colors, no reason to use GIF.* Video format: A video format describes how a device sendsimages to a video to another device in the same way as a DVD playersends images to a TV or a computer at his monitor. More formally,the visual format describes the order and structure of the imagesthat create the video.The three analog video formats used as standard TV are NTSC, PALand SECAM.* Video Capture: The process of acquisition and its analog videoto digital conversion can be likened to the passage of orallanguage to written language. To take note of the oral discourse ofa person, that person should not speak too quickly, in which caseit becomes difficult to listen and record simultaneously. Althoughthe person might slow his rate of speech but if we assimilate thesewords with the analog video signal, it is understandable that theflow can not be slowed down.
Collège : Le Forum 5.8.3
Les collégiens ont leur communauté dédié surmobile, et déjà la plus grande de france grâce à la communauté deWaluu et ses dizaines de milliers de membres. Discutez des cours,des profs, et rencontrez faite la connaissance avec d’autrescollégiens !* Parcourez tous messages, conseils et questions de lacommunauté* Partagez-les sur Facebook et Twitter* Votez et commentez sur chaque articles ou contribution* Ajoutez des amis et retrouvez facilement leurs questions* Recherchez par catégories ou par mots clésVoici les catégories les plus utilisées au sein de cetteapplication et qui peuvent être utilisées pour une meilleureorganisation:* Mathématique* Sciences de la vie et de la Terre SVT* Physique Chimie* Français, Latin* Langues : Anglais, Espagnol, Allemand, Italien, Chinois* Histoire Géographie* Arts platiques* Technologie* Brevet d’informatique et internet B2I* Vie scolaire / Education civique* Heure de colle / CDI / Internat / Salle d’étude* Relation : enseignant / proviseur / directeur / CPE ConseillerPrincipal d'Education / Pion & Surveillant / Infirmière /professeur== Définitions ==Sens historiques du mot "collège" en tant qu'établissementd'enseignementÀ partir du xiie siècle, dans l'ensemble de l'Europe, lescollèges sont des établissements complémentaires par rapport auxuniversités. Ils ont souvent été fondés par des legs pieux. Ils ontpour mission d'héberger des étudiants des universités médiévales,mais aussi d'apporter un complément d'enseignement, un soutienpédagogique, en particulier pour les artiens (ceux qui étudiaientdans la faculté des arts).À l'époque moderne, en France, les collèges étaient desétablissements, souvent tenus par des religieux, où les adolescentsdes familles aisées suivaient un cursus classique : cesétablissements correspondent aux collèges et lycées actuels.- Le Cpe applique et fait appliquer le Règlement Intérieur. Ensanctionnant certains comportements d'élèves, il aide lesadolescents à intégrer certaines règles de vie en collectivité.== Citations ==“Au collège, ainsi que dans la société, le fort méprise déjà lefaible, sans savoir en quoi consiste la véritable force : lesavoir.”“Le collège façonne un être plus qu'on ne le croît. C'estpendant les cours primaire, classique et universitaire que leshommes sont marqués pour la vie.”== Collège==Vous trouverez ici des explications, des aides précieuses, desexercices et autres corrections de fautes pour vos devoirs !6ième & 5ième :La cinquième est la deuxième classe du collège. Une nouvellematière est au programme de la classe de la cinquième : lesitinéraires de découverte. Il s'agit d'un genre de projet sur unthème précis, en groupe et encadré par des professeurs. C'estégalement en 5ème que l'élève passe le premier niveau de l'ASSR(attestation scolaire de sécurité routière). En cinquième, l'élèvepeut également décider d'étudier le latin.4ième & 3ième :La classe de troisième est la dernière du collège. Plusieursévènements importants se produisent pendant cette année : le choixde l'orientation et le passage du DNB (diplôme national du brevet).C'est également pendant cette année que les élèves passent leniveau 2 de l'ASSR (attestation scolaire de sécurité routière).Pour aider les élèves dans leur choix d'orientation, l'année detroisième prévoit un stage en milieu professionnel de trois jours.L'année de troisième, tout comme l'année de quatrième peutégalement se faire en alternance, dans un lycée professionnel.== Conclusion ==Toutes les demandes de devoirs ! Vous trouverez ici des devoirsde niveau collège en mathématiques, français, histoire et dans biend'autres matières ! Besoin d'aide en anglais ? Un exercice dephysique un peu récalcitrant ? Venez demander de l'aide à nosmembres qui se feront un plaisir de vous aider à faire vos devoirs! Profitez en pour faire des rencontres d’autres colllèges etcollégiens grâce aux messages privés.College students havetheir dedicated mobile community, and already the largest of Francethanks to community Waluu and tens of thousands of members. Discusscourses, teachers, and having made acquaintance with other collegestudents!* Browse all messages, advice and community issues* Share them on Facebook and Twitter* Vote and comment on each article or contribution* Add friends and easily find their questions* Search by category or by keywordHere are the most used in this application categories, which canbe used for better organization:* Mathematics* Life Sciences and Earth SVT* Physical Chemistry* French, Latin* Languages: English, Spanish, German, Italian, Chinese* History Geography* Arts platiques* Technology* Patent B2I computer and internet* School Life / Civic Education* Time glue / CDI / Internship / Study Room* Relationship: teacher / principal / director / CPE Senior AdvisorEducation / Pawn & Supervisor / Nurse / TeacherDefinitions == ==Historical meaning of the word "college" as an educationalinstitutionFrom the twelfth century, throughout Europe, colleges arecomplementary institutions in relation to universities. They wereoften founded by pious legacies. Their mission is to providestudents of medieval universities, but also to supplement teaching,academic support, especially for artiens (those studying in theFaculty of Arts).In modern times, in France, colleges were institutions often runby religious, where teenagers wealthy families followed atraditional curriculum: these institutions correspond to existingcolleges and schools.- The Cpe applies and enforces the Rules. Punishing certainbehaviors of students, it helps teens to incorporate certain rulesof community life.Quotes == =="In college, as well as in society, the already strong despise theweak, without knowing what is the real strength. Know""The college fashions a longer than is growing. It was duringthe classic elementary school and university, that men are scarredfor life. "College == ==Here you can find explanations valuable aids, exercises andother corrections of mistakes with your homework!5th & 6th:The fifth is the second class of the college. A new material is onthe agenda of the fifth class: route discovery. It is a kind ofproject on a specific topic in a group and supervised by teachers.It is also the fifth the student passes the first level of the ASSR(school certificate of road safety). Fifth, students may alsochoose to study Latin.3rd & 4th:The third class is the last of the college. Several importantevents occur during this year: the choice of the orientation andthe passage of DNB (national certificate). It was also during thisyear that students take the Level 2 ASSR (school certificate ofroad safety).To help students in their career choices, the third yearincludes a work placement for three days. The third year, as thefourth year can also be done in combination at a vocationalschool.Conclusion == ==All requests for homework! Here you will find homework collegelevel mathematics, French, history and many other subjects! Needhelp in English? Physical exercise a little reluctant? Come ask forhelp to our members who will be happy to help you do your homework!Take this opportunity to meet people from other colllèges collegeand through private messages.
La Météo en direct : LiveMeteo
INFORMATION : Cette application toute neuvefonctionne uniquement grâce à la communauté récente qui échange lamétéo qui fait autour d'elle. Plus il y aura de monde plus il yaura la météo en Live, invitez vos amis à la découvrir !Quel temps fait-il actuellement ? Répondez à cette question etretrouver les messages et photos de toute la France sur le tempsqu'il fait actuellement.- Un gros orage fait des ravages ?- Es-ce qu'il y a de la neige dans votre station préférée ?- Vous voulez voir des photos de ce matin de la plage sur laquellevous avez prévue d'aller ?Participer à la première communauté de météorologue citoyen!* Parcourez toutes indications/photo de météo de lacommunauté* Partagez-les sur Facebook, Twitter et par mail* Votez et commentez sur chacune d'elle* Ajoutez des amis et retrouvez facilement la météo qu'il fait chezeux, selon eux.* Cette application est une Waluu Apps du réseau Waluu.com :)Cette application est disponible dans les pays francophone:France, Canada, Suisse, Luxembourg, Belgique, et dans les pays duMaghreb : Algérie, Maroc, Tunisie.Définition Meteo :Etude scientifique des phénomènes atmosphériques ayant pour but deprévoir le temps dans une zone donnée.
Pregnancy & Baby : Forum
The Pregnancy & Baby community is a mobilediscussion forum. Designed for maximum ease-of-use, this mobileforum allows discussing, asking questions, sharing experiences atany time and, in particular, from maternity onwards via yoursmartphone!★★★ Specialized Mobile Community for Pregnant Women ★★★In moments of doubt, this application can help you receivereal-time guidance through an increasingly responsive community,which is ready to discuss, reassure, provide mutual-aid, support,advice and encourage!✓ Browse all community messages, advice and questions✓ Share them on Facebook and Twitter✓ Vote and comment on each article or contribution✓ Add friends and easily find their questions✓ Search by category or keywordHere are the most common categories in this application, whichcan be used for better organization✓ Adoption: Procedure, approach, want children, lawyer, foreigncountry, or adoption, risk✓ Maternity: Pregnancy, procreation, gestation✓ Mom: Single, Housewife, Large Family, Baby´s first month✓ Childhood diseases: Bronchiolitis, Bisphenol A, Cold, Measles,Chickenpox✓ Child, Education, newborn, newly born child, tiny baby.✓ Pediatrician: Baby Immunization & Vaccines, midwife, ENT,nurse, clinic, public hospital✓ Contraception & Abortion: IUD, male & female condom,AIDS★ Quotes ★"The child begins in us well before its actual development. Thereare pregnancies that last years of hope and eternities ofdespair.""Upon becoming pregnant, women discover a primordial reason tolive, an existential justification, clear and unequivocal.""The one who is eager to have a child marries a pregnant woman."African proverb"The only time in life when a woman wants to be a year older isupon pregnancy." Tony Blair"Software fail because they assume that nine pregnant women canhave a baby in one month."★ Definition ★Pregnancy is a physiological process in which the living offspringof a woman grows into her body, from conception until it cansurvive outside the mother's body. A gestating woman is referred toas a pregnant woman.★ Frequently Asked Questions ★✓ When should we leave for the hospital?We must leave for the hospital in the following cases:- In case of membrane breakage or tearing (some loss ofwater)- If contractions are somewhat regular and painful- If contractions become more frequent and intensify, whatever theduration of the contraction and the interval betweencontractions- If contractions do not slow down with antispasmodicmedication✓ When should we start feeling the baby’s movements?Women can usually feel the baby move four months into pregnancy.Needless to say, this varies by women and the number of previouspregnancies. During a first pregnancy, women will feel the babymove quite late compared to subsequent pregnancies.✓ Are STDs dangerous to the baby?✓ What precautions should be adopted upon mother-father bloodincompatibility?✓ What is preeclampsia?✓ What foods should be avoided during pregnancy?✓ Are X-rays dangerous during pregnancy?✓ What are the mandatory medical examinations duringpregnancy?✓ What is the meaning of a positive alpha foetoprotein test inthe 4th month?
Live Android: Tchat & Forum FR
Vous êtes fan d'Android ? Nous aussi ! Cettejeune application est faite pour vous, on l'améliore sans cessepour que la communauté des Fans d'Android puisse échanger,tchatter, discuter grâce à cette application qui leur estentièrement dédié !Il s'agit d'une version BETA que nous améliorons constammentgrâce à vous. Ecrivez à contact@waluu.com pour vossuggestions d'améliorations :)L'inscription facultative vous permettra de :* Voter, commenter et participer à la communauté en échangeant desmessages* Ajouter des amis et retrouver facilement leurs messagesCette application est une Waluu Apps du réseau Waluu.com :) Sivous disposez déjà d'un compte Waluu, pas la peine d'en recréer un!Catégories disponibles dans l'application :* Android en général : fonctionnement, Utiliser Android auquotidien : Configuration, Trucs et astuces* Opérateurs et revendeurs : Orange, Proximus, SFR, Rogers,Bouygues Telecom, mais aussi Rue du Commerce The Phone house etautres boutiques* Les terminaux Android : Conseils/Demandes d'aides avant achat,Androphones à venir et rumeurs, autres constructeurs : Sciphone,Geeksphone ...Supportés par la communauté : HTC HD2 et autres* La sécurité et la personnalisation d'Android* Applications gratuites & payantes et pour Android 3.0 et+* Applications* Jeux et divertissement : Présentez vos liens vesrs les sites desdéveloppeurs ou le market.* Communication et Internet* GPS, navigation et voyages* Loisirs et détente* Multimédia (musique, photo, vidéo)* Bureautique et Productivité* Widgets, actualités et météo* Réseaux sociaux & Utilitaires* Débloquer votre téléphone AndroidYou're a fan of Android?We! This young application is made for you, it is constantlyimproving for the community of Android fans can share, chat,discuss this with their application that is dedicated!This is a BETA version that we are constantly improving thanksto you. Write to contact@waluu.com for yoursuggestions for improvements :)The optional registration will allow you to:* Vote, comment and participate in the community by exchangingmessages* Add friends and easily find their postsThis application is a network Waluu Apps Waluu.com :) If youalready have an account Waluu, no need to recreate!Categories available in the application:* Android in general operation Using Android daily: Configuration,Tips and Tricks* Operators and resellers: Orange, Proximus, SFR, Rogers, BouyguesTelecom, but Rue du Commerce The Phone House shops and other* The Android devices: Advice / Requests for assistance beforepurchase androphones coming and rumors, other manufacturers:Sciphone, Geeksphone ... Supported by the community: HTC HD2 andother* Safety and customizing Android* Applications for Free & Pay and Android 3.0 + and* Applications* Games & Entertainment: Submit your links vesrs sitesdevelopers or market.* Communication and Internet* GPS, navigation and travel* Leisure and Recreation* Multimedia (music, photo, video)* Office and Productivity* Widgets, News and Weather* Social Networks & Utilities* Unlock your Android phone
Entendu à la Tv : Phrase culte
Toutes les phrases entendues à la Tv !Utilisez cette appli pour envoyer sur EntenduALaTv.fr toutes lesphrases drôles et dégantées entendues à la tv !"Cindy : Mais je t'ai vuuu, j'avais les yeux ouvert quand jedormais ! ""Angie : Elle est malade pour raison de santé. ""Cristina: Tes sourcils c'est la forêt amazonique ! Nouveau Lookpour une nouvelle vie""Moundir : Vas-y tu peux tout me dire je suis étanche."* Parcourez toutes les phrases de la communauté* Votez et commentez sur chacune d'elle* Ajoutez des amis et retrouvez facilement leurs phrases* Recherchez par catégories ou par mots clés.* Cette application est une Waluu Apps du réseau Waluu.com :)Cette application est disponible dans les pays francophone:France,Canada,Suisse,Luxembourg,BelgiqueAll heard the phrase Tv!Use this app to send EntenduALaTv.fr on all the funny phrases andungloved heard on tv!"Cindy: But I vuuu you, I had my eyes open when I slept!""Angie: She's sick to health reasons.""Cristina: Your eyebrows is the Amazonian forest New look for anew life!""Moundir: C'mon you can tell me I'm tight."* Browse all the sentences in the community* Vote and comment on each of them* Add friends and easily find their sentences* Browse by categories or keywords.* This application is a Waluu Apps Waluu.com the network :)This application is available in the francophonecountries:France, Canada, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium
Imagello : Lol pics
The first mobile social network toexchangefunny pictures in North America!★ LOLcat, fails, your best humor social network!★ Vote and comment on pictures to have your say and elect thebestof the day, week and month!✓ Upload pictures taken with your smartphone✓ Add friends and find their pictures in the "Friends" tab✓ Vote and comment on the best pictures✓ Search pictures by keywordHere are the most common categories in this application,whichcan be used for better organization✓ Abstract: Conceptual, Object and Supernatural✓ Nature: Animals (Birds & Wildlife & Pets),Landscape✓ Architecture: Indoor, Outdoor, and Monuments✓ Commercial: Advertising, Billboard✓ Special Effects: Black and White, HDR, Macro,Backlit,Over-exposure, Sepia✓ Night: Fireworks, Concert, City✓ Horror & Macabre✓ Humorous✓ Portraits: Personality✓ Photo-Journalism: Reportage, Beautiful picture.✓ Lifestyle: Sporting events✓ Urban, rural: Street, Countryside, Village, Station✓ Transport: Car, Truck, Motorcycle, Tram, Bus, Subway✓ Family: Holiday, Event, Leisure, Pool, Ski★ Abstract Art ★In visual arts, abstract art is a "visual language" born inthetwentieth century. As such, it does not aim to represent"thevisible appearances of the outside world", but tries to provideaschematic view of reality or to highlight its "rips". Abstractartcan switch model and closely depict visual reality bycreatingmimetic visual representations. It does not represent therealsubjects or objects of a natural or imaginary world but onlyshapesand colors as such.★ Photojournalism ★From its inception, photographic image immediately seduced themediaand information world by its apparent objectivity. For manyyears,images could not be printed alongside text and were thusengraved toillustrate the same. Likewise, there was a lag betweenthe image andthe event it depicted, because of significant delaysbetweenshooting and publication.Photography remained solely an illustrative image until 1890,afterwhich time illustrated press underwent global development.Societyin the late nineteenth century was thirsty for "news.""Photographyopens a window on the world"★ Special effects ★Popularized by fantastic, sci-fi, and disaster movies,specialeffects involve different processes related to image andsound: 3Dimage synthesis, digital processing, models, frame-basedanimation,slow and fast motion, makeup, sound effects, etc.Special effects can be introduced during shooting orafterwards(post-production) - or during both.Filmmakers use special effects for various purposes:✓ To reproduce certain atmospheric effects (rain, snow,fog,etc.).✓ To create a visual reality from imaginary elements(alienmonsters, flying saucers, cosmic universe, etc.).✓ To preserve the integrity of the actors or sets(explosions,accidents, violence, natural disaster, action scene,etc.)
Your are so Geek...
Let's have fun between Geeks ! The funiestGeekcommunity !★★★ Geeks & Nerds Jokes sent by our members ★★★✓ You're so geek that you would like to be a computer to rebootyourlife in safe mode✓ You're so geek that if asked to cite the alphabet you'dsay:"In QWERTY or AZERTY?"✓ You're so geek that you don't find people ugly butpoorlyoptimized graphically✓ You're so geek that on your tombstone engraving it willbewritten "Game Over"✓ You're so geek that you don't grow up but level upinstead.✓ You're so geek that you came out of your room to discoverthatyour family had moved✓ You're so geek that you did download this app.✓ You're so geek that you press ALT+F4 if your mother asks youtoclose the window.✓ You're so geek that you send a request to the server attherestaurant.✓ You're so geek that, when you got married, you have notbeenable not to whisper "My preciiiiious ..." when placing the ringofyour wife’s finger.✓ You're so geek that you believe 1km = 1024 meters.✓ You're so geek that you love girls whose eyes and hair are#0000FF and # FFFF00✓ You're so geek that going on a trip is launchingGoogleEarth.✓ You're so geek and ugly that not even Photoshop can fix it✓ You're so geek that your blood type is "C++"★★★ Forum for Geeks et Nerds ★★★While registration is optional, your Waluu user account willgiveyou access to additional functionality including:✓ Message submission✓ Message voting and commenting✓ Adding friends and easily find their messages✓ Sharing them on Facebook, Twitter, email and SMS!
Poems: The community
Discover community poems and poetry andwriteyour own with the social network for Poets! Vote and commenton thepoems of the members to elect the best poets of the day, weekandmonth!★★★ Social Application for Poetry ★★★You'll love this app even if you can't stand poetry!✓ Browse all Community poems✓ Share them on Facebook and Twitter✓ Vote and comment on each poem and poetry✓ Add friends and easily find their poems✓ Search by categories or keywords in a poem✓ This is a Waluu App of the Waluu.com network :)Here are the most common categories in this application that canbeused for better organization✓ Positive Feelings: Love, Desire, Enjoyment,Sincerity,Happiness, Solidarity,✓ Negative Feelings: Sadness, Jealousy, Infidelity, Anger,Hate,Fear, Spleen Despair✓ Family: Brother, Sister, Mom, Dad, Child,Grandmother,Grandfather,✓ Life: Birth, Couple, Marriage, Death, Religion,✓ Miscellaneous: Erotism, Humor, Prose, Animals, Birthday,FirstName, Letter Acrostic✓ Known: Duo, Fantasy, Fanatic, Open letters, Nature, FirstName,Surrealism✓ More: Rant, Ecology, Tribute, Sports, Pregnancy,Dedication,Friend, Weekend, Romantic, Christmas, Relaxation,Vacations,Flowers, Passion, Valentine's Day★ Poems ★"I know what seeing is!As I saw you that day for the first timeSo I know what liking is!I know what striking is!As I stroke stone against stoneSo I know what the spark is!I know what rubbing is!As I rubbed heart against heartSo I know what love is!I know what caring is!As I had been used to it since we metSo I know what soft touch is!I know what fire is!As I had been burning along with youSo I know what nectar is!I know what compassion is!As I have experienced it with youSo I know what affection is!I know what addiction is!As I have been addicted to the smell of youSo I know what obsession is!I know what memory is!As I have experienced the break upSo I know what the hurt is!I know what mistake is!As I have been the victim of misjudgementSo I know what reconciliation is!I know what longing is!As I have suffered from emptinessSo I know what she is!I know what losing is!As I have lost in the rough windSo I know what I miss!"★ Definitions ★Poetry is an ancient genre which can adopt various styles. Itisusually written in verse -although prose is also acceptable-andfavors the expressiveness of form over substance. Itsdefinitionproves difficult and varies over time. In fact, itsfunction andexpression evolves and changes with centuries andindividual poets.The word "poetry" comes from the Greek "poiein",which means "tomake, to create".As such, the poet is a creator, an inventor of expressiveforms,which is perfectly illustrated by the Middle Ages terms“minstrel”and “troubadour”. The poet, heir to a long oraltradition,emphasizes musicality and rhythm, leading to the use of averseform in most poetic texts to make language moreconvoluted.★ Quotes ★"No poem can be as great, noble, and truly worthy of the nameofthe poem as those written solely for the pleasure of writingapoem.""Good poetry teaches, conveys ethical principles and servesapurpose.""Every poem is a treasure of feelings.""The poem, this extended hesitation between sound andsense.""Poetry is a religion without hope."Here are the keywords describing this application:Poem, Poems, Poetry, Balad, Heart, Love, Friend, Friendship,Letter,Kiss, Hugs and Kisses, Lyric, Lyrics, Slam, Poetry,Quotations andProverbs.
Mariage : Organisation, Couple 5.8.3
Vous souhaitez rencontrer d’autrespersonnesqui souhaite se marier ? Echanger sur l’organisation dumariage,sur les problèmes de couple avant & après, sur la plusbellerobe de marié, etc. Grâce à cette nouvelle application pourmobiledédiée à la communauté des futurs mariés !* Parcourez tous messages, conseils et questions delacommunauté* Partagez-les sur Facebook et Twitter* Votez et commentez sur chaque articles ou contribution* Ajoutez des amis et retrouvez facilement leurs questions* Recherchez par catégories ou par mots clésVoici les catégories les plus utilisées au sein decetteapplication et qui peuvent être utilisées pour unemeilleureorganisation:* Alliance : Amour, Célébration, Virginité* Noce : Religion, Eglise, Mairie, Prêtre, Mariée, Témoin,Sacrement& Cérémonie...* Organisation : Faire-part, dragées, robe, décoration demariage,voiture des mariés, musiques, soirée, apéritif &diner,restaurant* Anniversaire de mariage : Noce de diamant, decoton,d’argent...* Famille : Gestion des problèmes familiaux, du plandetable...* Sépartion : Crainte du divorce, Papier administration,Avocat,Aspect financier, retour au célibat* Contrats de mariage : Union, Association,== Citations ==“Mariage pluvieux, Mariage heureux.”“Le mariage est une loterie.”“Le mariage est une longue conversation.”“Le mariage est un duo ou un duel.”“Un mois avant le mariage, il parle, elle écoute. Un moisaprèsle mariage, elle parle, il écoute. Dix ans après le mariage,ilsparlent en même temps et les voisins écoutent.”“Le mariage est la cause principale de divorce.”“Le mariage est un saut périlleux dans l'avenir.”“Il y a deux sortes de mariages : le mariage blanc et lemariagemulticolore parce que chacun des deux conjoints en voit detoutesles couleurs.”“Le mariage est un dîner qui commence par le dessert.”“Le mariage doit être une éducation mutuelle et infinie.”“Le célibat ? On s'ennuie. Le mariage ? On a des ennuis.”“Le mariage est une greffe : ça prend bien ou mal.”== Définitions ==Le mariage a été décrit comme le socle pratiquement universel delafamille : "La famille, fondée sur l'union plus ou moinsdurable,mais socialement approuvée, de deux individus de sexesdifférentsqui fondent un ménage, procréent et élèvent des enfants,apparaitcomme un phénomène pratiquement universel, présent danstous lestypes de société". Les époux "sont des individus desexesdifférents et la relation entre les sexes n'estjamaissymétrique".Les unions existent sous de très nombreuses formes dans lemonde.Les théoriciens des systèmes de parenté, comme les usagersde lalangue courante ont donc recours à des termes précis pournommer lescaractéristiques de chacun d'entre eux. On distinguedonc lesnotions suivantes, qui ne sont pas toutes exclusives entreelles:* La monogamieSi les époux ne peuvent contracter un nouveau mariage tant quelepremier est valide, alors le type d'union est dit monogame. Cetyped'union est présent notamment dans les pays deculturejudéo-chrétienne.* La polygamieElle permet à une personne d'être engagée dans plusieurs mariagesenmême temps.* La bigamieC'est le cas d'une personne ayant deux conjoints.* La polygynieDans un certain nombre de pays, notamment africains et arabesdeculture musulmane, mais aussi chez les mormons au xixe siècle(voirmariage plural), le mariage peut lier un homme avecplusieursfemmes, c'est la polygynie.* La polyandrieLa polyandrie désigne le mariage d'une femme avec plusieurs hommes;ce type d'union est pratiquée dans certains pays d'Asie.Want to meet otherpeoplewho want to get married? Exchanging the organization ofmarriage,the marital problems before & after the most beautifulweddingdress, etc.. With this new mobile application dedicated tothecommunity of brides and grooms!* Browse all messages, advice and community issues* Share them on Facebook and Twitter* Vote and comment on each article or contribution* Add friends and easily find their questions* Search by category or keywordsHere are the categories most commonly used in thisapplicationand can be used for a better organization:* Alliance: Love, Celebration, Virginity* Wedding: Religion, Church, Hall, Priest, WeddingWitness,Sacrament & Ceremony ...* Organization: Invitations, favors, dress, weddingdecoration,wedding car, music, evening, cocktail & dinnerrestaurant* Wedding Anniversary: ​​Wedding Diamond, cotton, silver ...* Family: Managing family problems, plan table ...* Sépartion: Fear of divorce, Paper Board, Legal, FinancialAspect,return to celibacy* Marriage Contracts: Union Association,Citations == =="Marriage rainy, happy marriage.""Marriage is a lottery.""The marriage is a long conversation.""Marriage is a duet or a duel.""A month before the wedding, he speaks, she listens. Amonthafter the wedding, she talks, he listens. Ten years afterthemarriage, they talk at the same time and the neighborslisten.""Marriage is the leading cause of divorce.""Marriage is a somersault in the future.""There are two kinds of marriages: marriage and marriagewhitemulticolored because each spouse sees all the colors.""Marriage is a dinner that begins with dessert.""Marriage should be a mutual education and infinite.""Celibacy? You get bored. Marriage? Was in trouble. ""Marriage is a transplant: it is good or bad."Definitions == ==Marriage has been described as the base almost universalfamily:"The family, founded on the union more or less durable,butsocially approved, of two individuals of different sexeswhofounded a household, procreate and raise children, appears asanalmost universal phenomenon, present in all types of society."Spouses "are individuals of different sexes and therelationshipbetween the sexes is never balanced."Unions exist in numerous forms in the world. Theorists ofkinshipsystems, such as users of plain language have thereforeusedspecific words to name the characteristics of each of them.Thereare thus the following concepts, which are not allmutuallyexclusive:* MonogamyIf the spouses can not remarry until the first is valid, thenthetype of union is called monogamous. This type of union ispresentespecially in the countries of Judeo-Christian culture.* PolygamyIt allows a person to be involved in several weddings at thesametime.* BigamyThis is the case of a person having both spouses.* PolygynyIn a number of countries, including African and Arab Muslimculture,but also among the Mormons in the nineteenth century (seepluralmarriage), marriage is between a man with several womenispolygyny.* PolyandryPolyandry is the marriage of a woman with several men, this typeofmarriage is practiced in some Asian countries.
Etudiant 5.8.3
Forum, question, tchat et rencontreentreétudiant ! Partagez vos expériences et aidez à répondreauxquestions de la 1er communauté dédiés au Etudiant sur smartphonedeFrance !* Parcourez tous messages, conseils et questions delacommunauté* Partagez-les sur Facebook et Twitter* Votez et commentez sur chaque articles ou contribution* Ajoutez des amis et retrouvez facilement leurs questions* Recherchez par catégories ou par mots clés== Citations ==“Je voudrais vivre pour étudier, non pas étudier pour vivre.”“Avant de penser, il faut étudier. Seuls les philosophespensentavant d'étudier..”“Il n'y a pas une méthode unique pour étudier les choses.”“Il y a des pays où l'état paie l'étudiant et lui ditmerci.”== Catégories ==Voici les catégories les plus utilisées au sein de cetteapplicationet qui peuvent être utilisées pour une meilleureorganisation:* Stages : Besoins d'infos sur les stages ?Convention,gratification, horaires, durée... Posez toutes vosquestions !* 1er emploi : Vous avez trouvé votre premier emploi ?Venezpartager votre expérience ! Si vous en cherchez un,demandezconseils, le forum 1er emploi est là pour ca !* CV / Lettres de motivation : Vous ne savez pas trop vousyprendre pour rédiger une bonne lettre de motivation et un bon CV?Pas de problème, on vous conseille !* Candidature : Réussir une bonne candidature ne passepasseulement par la lettre de motivation et le CV.L'entretiend'embauche est l'étape qui décidera le recruteur !Préparez le aumieux en demandant conseil dans le Forum sur lesCandidatures !* International : Vous voulez partir travailler à l'étranger?Ici on échange les bons plans pour trouver un job àl'étranger!* Logement : Le forum dédié aux petits tracas sur lelogementétudiant ! Questions sur les APL, sur votre Bail,colocation...lancez une discussion !* Bourse : Discussions sur les bourses et aides financièresauxétudiants : Quelles bourses vous pouvez obtenir ? Auprès dequelorganisme? C'est ici que ca se discute !* Bons plans : Venez partager vos bons plans ici ! Sorties:Discutez de vos sorties concerts, expos..* Cuisine : La cuisine étudiante, c'est tout un art : Commentsenourrir convenablement avec un budget 100% allégé ? Echangezvosastuces !* BTS : Recherche d'entreprise d'accueil, choix du BTS, choixdevotre orientation Post BTS ou toute autre question relativeauxBTS, c'est pas là !* Concours : Evitez le stress des concours en demandantconseilsà d'autres étudiants!* Partiels : Pour préparer au partiels avec l'aided'autresétudiants, c'est ici qu'il faut lancer les discussions!* Mémoires : Des questions sur votre mémoire ? Pas sûr devotreproblématique ou de votre plan ? Quelqu'un pourra surementvousaider dans le forum spécial mémoires* Rapport de stage : Le rapport de stage c'est compliqué,surtoutqu'on a pas toujours le temps de s'y mettre avant qu'il nesoit troptard...* BTS : Recherche d'entreprise d'accueil, choix du BTS, choixdevotre orientation Post BTS ou toute autre question relativeauxBTS, c'est pas là ! Brevet / BEP / CAP* Forum Admission Post Bac & DUT : Vous vous posezdesquestions sur les DUT ? Venez en discuter dans le forum dédiéauxDUT* Forum Admission PostBac - Bac S, Bac ES, Bac L,BacTechnologique, Bac Pro : Toutes vos questions sur les débouchésetpossibilités d'études après le baccalauréat !* Ecoles de Commerce : Intéressés par les écoles decommerce?* Ecoles d'ingénieurs : Les écoles d'ingénieurs vous intriguent?Prépas : Envie de tenter l'aventure prépa ? Venez en discuter,ilfaut mieux recueillir quelques témoignages avant de s'y aventurer!Le forum prépa est là pour vous y aider== Définitions ==Etudiant (au féminin étudiante) est un mot dérivé du latinstuderequi signifie « s'appliquer à apprendre quelque chose ».Cependant,le terme ne s'applique pas à toute personne quiapprend.Forum, question, chatandmeeting student! Share your experiences and help answerthequestions of the first community dedicated to Student smartphoneinFrance!* Browse all messages, advice and community issues* Share them on Facebook and Twitter* Vote and comment on each article or contribution* Add friends and easily find their questions* Search by category or keywordsCitations == =="I would live to study, not study to live.""Before you think should be studied. Only philosophersthinkbefore studying .. ""There is no single method to study things.""There are countries where the state pays the student andtoldhim thank you."== Category ==Here are the categories most commonly used in this applicationandcan be used for a better organization:* Training: Needs info about internships? Convention,gratification,time, time ... Ask all your questions!* 1st job: You found your first job? Come share yourexperience!If you are looking for, ask for advice, forum first jobis therefor that!* CV / Cover Letters: You're not sure you take to write agoodcover letter and a good resume? No problem, we advise you!* Application: Making a good application does not onlycoverletter and resume. The interview is the step that will decidetherecruiter! Prepare the best with advice in the forumonNominations!* International: You want to go to work abroad? Here we swaptipsto find a job abroad!* Housing: forum dedicated to small hassle on studenthousing!Questions about APL on your lease, for rent ... startadiscussion!* Exchange: Discussions on scholarships and financial aidtostudents: What scholarships you can get? From whichorganization?It is here that ca be discussed!* Tips: Come and share your tips here! Outputs: Discussyouroutput concerts, exhibitions ..* Kitchen: The kitchen student is an art: How to eatproperlywith a budget 100% lightweight? Exchange your tips!* BTS: Search home business, choice of BTS, your choiceoforientation Post BTS or any other matter relating to the BTS, itisnot there!* Contest: Avoid the stress of competition asking advice tootherstudents!* Partial: To prepare for the part with the help ofotherstudents, this is the place to start the discussion!* Memory: Questions about your memory? Not sure of yourproblemor your plan? Someone will surely help you in the forumspecialmemories* Report of internship: The internship report iscomplicated,especially we did not always have the time to getstarted before itis too late ...* BTS: Search home business, choice of BTS, your choiceoforientation Post BTS or any other matter relating to the BTS, itisnot there! Patent / BEP / CAP* Forum Admission Post Bac & DUT: You ask about the DUT?Comediscuss in the forums to DUT* Forum Admission postbac - Bac S, Bac ES, Bac L, BacTechnology,Bac Pro: All your questions about the opportunitiesandpossibilities of study after the Bachelor!* Business Schools: Interested in business schools?* Schools of Engineering: Engineering schools intrigueyou?Prépas: Want to try the adventure prepared? Come discuss, itisbetter to collect some evidence before venture there!Forumpreparation is there to help youDefinitions == ==Student (female student) is a word derived from the Latinstuderewhich means "apply to learn something." However, the termdoes notapply to any person who learns.
Animez vos peluches : Toonify
Le réseaux social des peluches débarquentsursmartphone ! Prenez des photos de vos peluches et figurinesdansdiverses situations et votez pour élire les meilleurs délires:)Oui c'est du grand n'importe quoi cette appli ! Mais ellefaitpartie du réseau social de geek entièrement disponible surAndroidet appelé : Waluu.[INFO] L'inscription est facultative, mais votrecompteutilisateur Waluu vous permettra en plus :* D'envoyer vos photos* De voter et commenter sur chacune d'elle* D'ajouter des amis et retrouver facilement leur photos* Et de les partager sur Facebook, Twitter, par email et SMS != Définition Peluche =Peluche : Étoffe de laine, de soie, de fil, analogue auvelours,mais dont le poil est long, couché et brillant.La peluche ou toutou (Québec) est un jouet représentantunpersonnage, fait de textile rembourré et ayant un touchersemblableà du duvet ou de la fourrure.Elles sont souvent appelées « doudou » par les plus petits.On trouve généralement les peluches dans des magasins de jouetsoudans des boutiques de souvenirs. Les peluches existent entaillesvariables, elles peuvent aller du porte-clé jusqu'à desmodèlesgrandeur nature.Les personnages représentés sont le plus souvent des animaux ;ilexiste aussi des peluches dites « de licences » à l'effigiedeshéros de dessins animés par exemple.Les jeunes enfants peuvents'enservir comme objet transitionnel ou objet pour rejeter leurcolèreou pour les rassurer.La peluche la plus courante représentel'ours(teddy bear), toutefois on trouve des peluches représentantdenombreux animaux.Elles sont parfois appréciées des adultes malgré uneforteconnotation enfantine, notamment à des fins de collection.Ilspeuvent aussi amuser les enfants d'une certaine manière.= Définition Figurine =Une figurine est une statuette de petite taille ouunereprésentation à l'échelle d'un sujet animalier, d'un êtrehumain,d'une divinité ou même d'un personnage de fiction (héros debandedessinée, personnage de film, ....)Social networkslintlanded on smartphone! Take pictures of your stuffed animalsandfigurines in various situations and vote to elect thebestdelusions :)Yes it's great no matter what this App! But it is part ofthesocial network geek fully available on Android andcalled:Waluu.[INFO] Registration is optional, but your user account willallowyou Waluu more:* To send your photos* To vote and comment on each of them* To add friends and easily find their pictures* And share them on Facebook, Twitter, email and SMS!= Definition Plush =Plush: fabric of wool, silk, yarn, similar to velvet, but thehairis long, lying and shiny.Or plush dog (Quebec) is a toy representing a character, madeoftextile, padded with a similar touch down or fur.They are often called "blanket" Smaller.Typically found lint in toy stores or souvenir shops. Lint existinvarying sizes, they can go door-key to life-size models.The characters represented are mostly animals and there arealsoso-called "license" with images of heroes of cartoonsbyexemple.Les young children lint can be used as atransitionalobject or object to reject their anger or forrassurer.La plushrepresents the most common bear (teddy bear),however there areplush representative of many animals.They are sometimes popular with adults despite strongchildishconnotation, especially for the purpose of collection. Theycanalso entertain children in some way.= Definition = FigurineA figurine is a statuette or a small scale representation ofananimal subject, a human being, a god, or even a fictionalcharacter(hero, cartoon character film. ...)
Video Games: Your Forum
Find video gaming news provided by youandother community members! Find opponents to play Android, iPhone/Game Center, Xbox Live, Playstation Network PSN, Nintendo Wii,etc.★★★ Forum of Video Gaming, Mobile Apps and more ★★★Moreover, you can organize quizzes to test the community orseeksolutions!★ Registration ★While registration is optional, your Waluu user account willgiveyou access to additional functionality including:✓ Message submission✓ Message voting and commenting✓ Adding friends and easily find their messages✓ Sharing them on Facebook, Twitter, email and SMS!★ Categories ★Here are the app categories:✓ Cheats, walkthroughs, records✓ Outputs, tests, Hit-Parade✓ Mobile Games✓ Console Games: PS4, Xbox One, Wii U✓ Portable gaming consoles: Gameboy advance, PS Vita,✓ Old school: your best memories of games and consoles★ Latest contributions ★✓ Are there any Watch Dog fans here?✓ Are you a Call of Duty or Battlefield fan?✓ I hesitate between the PS4 and Xbox-one! I wantyouropinions!✓ What was your very first video game? Pacman, etc.✓ Why does Mario die if he touches a turtle while he canbreakbricks with his head!✓ I love this forum, click +1 if you agree!✓ How many game consoles have you had since birth? I'm on no.7.Atari 2600, Master System II, Game Gear, Dreamcast, Xbox 1,GameBoy advance, Xbox 360 !✓ I think Nintendo is going to die! The Wii U is notreallyimpressive...✓ What is the best clone of Flappy Bird? On the IPhone, Iquitelike Mr Flap!✓ What is your favorite Android game?★ Video game definition ★A video game is an electronic game involving human interactionwitha user interface to generate visual feedback on a videodevice.Video game players own devices to influence the game andassessthe consequences of their actions on the virtual environment.Theword "video" in video game traditionally refers to a rasterdisplaydevice, but following popularization of the term, it impliesanytype of display device available today.Electronic systems used to play video games can bebothmainframes, small portable devices, such as the arcade,consolevideo games, personal computer or smartphone.
My Drawings
Take a picture of all your drawings withthisapplication and send them to the social networks for budding(orprofessional) artists! Vote for the best drawings and commentondrawings to encourage or advise artists.★★★ The Best Social App for Sharing Drawings ★★★It is time to re-open all your notebooks in search ofsmalldrawings made during long training hours and show thusyourtalent!While registration is optional, your Waluu user account willhelpyou contribute to the community:✓ Browse all community drawings✓ Share them on Facebook, Twitter and via email✓ Vote and comment on all drawings✓ Add friends and easily find their drawings★ Categories ★Most popular categories used in this application that can beusedfor better organization:✓ Drawing lessons / classes / courses✓ Drawing/Tag/Tags seen on class tables, wall of college /school,city, etc.✓ Drawing on canvas✓ Drawing on paper: pencil and ball-point pen✓ Painting: watercolor & canvas✓ Student drawing: at primary of secondary school, in thecollegeauditorium, drawings made out of total boredom!✓ Drawing on blank notebook page or sketching notebook★ Definitions ★Drawing and its various techniques.- Drawing remains the fastest way to create a work, be itafinished work or a simple sketch. Drawing can also be used inallphases of study during the implementation of more elaboratework.Whether in figurative or abstract style, the graphic symbol ofadrawing made with signs, stains or various shades, conveystheentire creative force of the artist.- Pencils: in the 18th century, the use of two pens (blackandwhite) on a tinted paper (white and black) and three colors,namelyblack, white and red (red ocher, iron oxide, cinnabar) ordarkbrown (ocher, yellow ocher, soot).- Conté crayons / sticks : clay mixed with powderedgraphitebefore cooking (created in 1794 by the chemist of thesamename).- Chalk: its use was common in the 16th century. Itbecamewidespread in the 18th century as highlight marker indrawings inblack and red chalk (hence the technical name ofthree-pencildrawing).- Charcoal: charcoal stick from the tree of the samename.Fragile and of limited durability.- Lead pencil: the graphite pencil was replaced in the18thcentury by the pencil made of artificial plumbago (mixtureofgraphite and clay), very fashionable in the 19th century.Inventedby Conté.- Graphite: natural or artificial crystallized carbon,almostpure, gray-black and soft, friable.- Pastels: sticks made from a mixture of white clay, dyesandArabic gum- Dry pastel: dilution of pigment powders in gummed water.- Oil pastel: dilution of pigment powders with clay and oil.- Water painting: paint diluted with water,transparent,lightweight, and generally done on a white paper.✓ Definition of perspective in your drawings: All perspectiveandrepresentation techniques intend to representthree-dimensionalobjects on a surface, taking into account theeffects of distanceand position in space vs. the observer.Most techniques are applied to a flat and thin surface, typicallyasheet, frame or screen.
Sondage entre amis
Demande simplement "Si toi aussi ..." et tuvasdécouvrir que parfois vous êtes nombreux à penser la même chose:"Si toi aussi t'as déjà monté les escalators à l'envers :)""Si toi aussi t'as déjà essayer d'insérer l'antivol ducaddiedans le caddie.""Si toi aussi tu t'es déjà tapé une vitre qui tesemblaitinvisible !""Si toi aussi tu mimes les guillemets quand tu dis'entreguillemets' !""Si toi aussi tu t'es déjà défoncé le petit orteil dans uncoinde meuble""Si toi aussi tu hais quand les profs retiennent la classeaprèsla sonnerie.""Si toi aussi tu te couche tard en sachant que tu seras crevélelendemain.""Si toi aussi tu penses qu'il manque un jour entre samedietdimanche: samanche.""Si toi aussi tu en as marre des invitations de Cityville.""Si toi aussi tu te couches hyper tard depuis que tu asunsmartphone!""Si toi aussi tu fais semblant d'écrire pour que leprofinterroge quelqu'un d'autres.""Si toi aussi tu as horreur des traces de doigts sur tonécrantactile.""Si toi aussi tu prends une voix débile en parlant àunbébé.""Si toi aussi t'aimes ni Sarkozy ni DSK.""Si toi aussi t'aime ni l'école, ni le collège, ni lelycée."L'application idéale pour trouver les personnes (fillesougarçons) qui vous ressemble !* Parcourez toutes les STA (SiToiAussi) de la communauté* Partagez les meilleures STA sur Facebook, Twitter etparmail* Votez et commentez sur chacune d'elles* Ajoutez des amis et retrouvez facilement leurs STA* Cette application est une Waluu Apps du réseau Waluu.com :)Just ask "If you too..."and you will discover that many of you may be thinking thesamething:"If you as you've already mounted upside down theescalators:)""If you also have you ever try to insert the lock of the cartinthe cart.""If you as you've already typed a window that youseemedinvisible!""If you also mimes the quotes when you say 'quotes'!""If you as you've already smashed the little toe in acornercabinet""If you also hate when teachers hold class after the bell.""If you also go to bed late knowing that you will be tiredthenext day.""If you also think he misses a day between Saturday andSundaysamanche.""If you also get tired invitations Cityville.""If you also go to bed super late since you haveasmartphone!""If you also pretend to write for the teacher askssomeoneelse.""If you also have a horror of fingerprints onyourtouchscreen.""If you also take a feeble voice talking to a baby.""If you also love yourself or Sarkozy or DSK.""If you also love or school or college, or high school."The ideal application to find people (girls or boys) thatyoulike!* Browse all STA (SiToiAussi) community* Share best STA on Facebook, Twitter and email* Vote and comment on each* Add friends and easily find their STA* This application is a network Waluu Apps Waluu.com :)
Vu A La Tv: Vos photos de Télé
Prenez en photo la télé et retrouverlesmeilleures images qui se sont passées à la télé grâce à vosvotes !Relayer les évènements internationaux, l'actualité du monde,ousimple une photo de votre série préféré pour la faire partager àlacommunauté et avoir leur avis ! Vous pouvez également voterpourles meilleures images et ainsi élire le meilleur de ce quic'estpassé à la TV ![INSCRIPTION] L'inscription est facultative, votrecompteutilisateur Waluu vous permettra en plus :[BETA] Version de lancement, il y a encore peu de monde, mercidenous soutenir avec vos votes :)* D'envoyer vos photos* De voter et commenter sur chacune d'elle* D'ajouter des amis et retrouver facilement leur photos* Et de les partager sur Facebook, Twitter, par email et SMS != Définition =La télévision est un ensemble de techniques destinées à émettreetrecevoir des séquences audiovisuelles, appeléesprogrammes(émissions, films et séquences publicitaires).La transmission de ces programmes peut se faire parondesradioélectriques ou par réseau câblé.L'appareil permettant d'afficher les programmes estuntéléviseur, ou, par métonymie, une télévision, ou parapocopetélé.La télévision, est tributaire d'un réseau économique(publicité,redevance), politique et culturel (langues nationalesourégionales, genres et formats).Soit il s’agit d’un procédé de télécommunication parvoiehertzienne de l'image et du son.Take a photo of the TVandfind the best images that happened on TV thanks to your votes!Relayinternational events, world news, or simply a picture ofyourfavorite to share it with the community and have theiropinionsset! You can also vote for the best pictures and so choosethe bestof what is spent on TV![JOIN] Registration is optional, your user account will allowyouWaluu more:[BETA] Version launch, there is still little world, thank youforsupporting us with your vote :)* To send your photos* To vote and comment on each of them* To add friends and easily find their pictures* And share them on Facebook, Twitter, email and SMS!= Definition =TV is a set of techniques to make and receive videosequences,called programs (programs, films and advertisingsequences).The transmission of these programs can be by radio waves or bycablenetwork.The apparatus for displaying television programs is, or,bymetonymy, a TV, or TV apocope.Television, is dependent on an economic network (advertisingfee),political and cultural (national or regional languages, genresandformats).Either there is a method of wireless telecommunication by wayofthe image and sound.
BeautiFood : Great Food Pics
Have you ever wanted to take pictures andsharethe dish you were about to enjoy? If so, this is your app!★★★ Social Application for Culinary Dishes! ★★★Find pictures of the most beautiful dishes and thefinestrecipes!Snap pictures of your own food or what you are about toenjoy.Whether your dishes are cooked by your partner, yourparents,yourself or by a renowned restaurateur! Find pictures ofthe bestdishes and desserts of the day, week and month with thevotes andcomments you can leave on each picture.✓ Browse all community pictures✓ Share them on Facebook, Twitter and email✓ Vote and comment on each one of them✓ Add friends and easily find their pictures✓ This is a Waluu App of the Waluu.com network :)★ Categories ★Categories and sample dishes we invite you to shoot and thatareusually submitted by the community:✓ Starters: Caesar salad, pretzel, foie gras, Greek salad,onionsoup, Oscar salad,...✓ Regional & Famous dishes: Bagel,Gumbo, Ribs,Crabcakes,Deep dish pizza, Burrito...✓ American dishes: Louisiana Andouille(pepper, garlic, woodsmoke),Bull Roast, Roast suckling pig Hawaiian-style, Eggsbenedict, Friedchicken, Turducken, Pike, Royal Salmon✓ Breakfast: Breakfast bacon, sausage, pancakes andridges,waffles, muffins, fruit, bread, butter✓ Lunch: Lunch, soup, sandwich, hotdog, salad,✓ Dinner: Stew, ratatouille, pizza, pasta, wine and alcohol,✓ Fish: Fresh sardines to eat raw or roasted over a woodfire✓ Vegetables: Cabbage soup, Fried mushrooms, Potato,✓ Cheese: Gouda, Mozzarella, Camembert, Grana, Feta, Swiss✓ Desserts : Clafoutis, Apple pie, Cheesecake, Pudding✓ Red meat: Beef, horse, duck, pudding of black andwhitesheep✓ White meat: Pork, certain poultry, rabbit, veal; darkmeats:game;Feel free to make your own culinary stories from now on!Shootand share what you eat in the restaurant and at home.
Pets: Pics of your Cat or Dog
Is your cat the cutest? Is your dog themostentertaining? Take a picture of your cat, dog or any other pet,andshare it instantly on the social network for your pets!★★★ The best social network for your pets ★★★Vote and comment on the most beautiful orfunniestpictures.Every day, find the best pictures of your pets and those ofyourfriends!✓ Send pictures of your pet via Piicpets.✓ Find the best pet pictures of the day on the home page✓ Add friends and find pictures of their pets in real time✓ Rate and comment on the best images and those ofyourfriends✓ Discover thousands of images!★ Categories ★✓ Mammals, cow, yak, zebu, buffalo, goat, sheep✓ Dromedary camel, llama, (deer: reindeer)✓ Horse/Horses: Donkey, Pony, Mare,✓ Pork: Pig, farm✓ Dog: Puppy, Saint Bernard, Dalmatian, German Shepherd,Labrador...✓ Chat: Picture of kitten and cat✓ Leporidae: Rabbit, bunny,✓ Muridae: Mouse, rat, hamster, gerbil, squirrel, rodent,guineapig✓ Cavidé: Guinea pig / Pig✓ Birds: Swan, geese, duck, canary✓ Fish: Carp, trout✓ Insects: Bee✓ NP: New Pets like snakes, reptiles and spider★ Definition ★✓ What is a "Pet? "A domestic animal or pet is an animal belonging to a specieswhichhas endured a continued and constant selection pressure (i.e.,ithas been tamed). In turn, this allowed the formation of a groupofanimals that acquired heritable, genetically stable traits."Infact, this definition is deducted from the EnvironmentalCode,which states the opposite for non-domestic animals.✓ Domesticated catThe domestic cat (Felis silvestris catus) is a carnivorous mammalofthe Felidae family. It is one of the most popular pets andboastsfifty different breeds, as recognized by certificationbodies. Inmany countries, cats fall under the legislation ondomesticcarnivores, like dogs and ferrets.✓ Domesticated dogThe dog (Canis lupus familiaris) is a domestic subspecies ofCanislupus, a mammal of the Canidae family (Canidae), whichalsoincludes the gray wolf, wild ancestor of the dog, and thedingo, adomestic dog that run wild. The dog was the first animalspecies tobe domesticated by humans for hunting purposes inPaleolithic'shuman society, which did not master agriculture oranimal husbandryat the time.✓ HorseThe horse (Equus ferus caballus of Equus caballus) is alarge,herbivorous and uncloven-hoof mammal, which belongs to thespeciesof the Equidae family (Equidae). Over the past 45 to 55millionyears, it evolved from a mammal the size of a dog withmultiplefingers. In their natural state, horses live in smallgroups,usually led by a single stallion.
Life together : Forum
Relationship problems? Find comfort intheCouple psychology community and receive good advice!★★★ The most reassuring application for couples ★★★✓ Vote and comment on each message✓ Explore all community messages✓ Add friends and easily find their message✓ Share on Facebook, Twitter, email or SMS★ Categories ★Here are the advice categories in the application:✓ "Young couple": Mixed couple, inter-religious andgrouptherapy✓ "Couple games and life": Have a child/baby or be pregnant✓ "Feelings": Feelings of hate, joy, anger against theother,self-esteem and self-confidence✓ "Wellness": Feeling bad outside and inside, or inhis/herrelationship and in love✓ "Problems": Financial and infidelities✓ "Tips": For women, girls, men, husband,ex-boyfriend,ex-girlfriend✓ "Deceit & Break-up": For crushes, depression & griefandto be able to forgive✓ "Miscellaneous": Fear of marriage, long distancerelationships,forgotten dating anniversary✓ "Loveless": Mourning lovers, being lost and alone, anxietystartshere!✓ "Depression": If you're burnt out, lacking conversation orhavelost your desire★ Recent discussions ★> I love him but he doesn’t love me back: What can I do?> In your view, is it preferable to be loved orfeelloved?> Do you think that love can make a person more jealousthanever before? Why?> Who has ever had a crush on someone?> What do you of think bi-sexual people?> What do you think of long-distance relationships?> Do you believe in male/female friendship?> Hello my name is Jealousy and I'm here to destroyyourhappiness! Sound familiar?> Snuggling up in the warm embrace of my man: priceless.> My wife threatened to leave me because I'm addictedtoPoker! But I see clearly her game, I'm sure she'sbluffing!Nan?> I miss him/her so much, I don’t know what to do!> Who has already gone out again with his ex?> I'm pregnant but I'm afraid to tell my boyfriend, what canIsay?> Is it possible to be violent and in love with a personatthe same time?> I've known her for less than 2 weeks and I think I'malreadyin love, why?★ Stories / Tips ★Women often worry about their appearance if they feelthreatened,especially when their partner grows distant or becomesunfaithful.And when I ask them if they feel desired and desirable,theyrespond: "I gained some weight but my husband told me theproblemwas not there: he likes me the way I am."Here's what women most often tell me:- I do not follow my diet, can't lose weight- I'm stuck in the rut, my life is dull and tasteless- In any case, he ignores me and feels no desire for me- My life is meaningless, I am unhappy- My self-confidence is gone, I feel empty and wastedHow to regain self-confidence to move forward? Should wedefineprospects and motivations to attain your goals? Is losingweightreally a priority? How about changing clothes or your lookandstyle?★ Definition ★"The happy couple recognizes itself in love, knows no timeorspatial bounds, is self-sufficient and enjoystotalfulfillment."Couple, male name✓ Sense 1: A husband and wife, a man and a woman livingtogether.Synonym husband English couple✓ Sense 2: Two people bound by a feeling or common interest...Synonym duo✓ Sense 3: [Zoology] A male and a female, or two animals of thesamespecies working together. Ex: A couple of parrots, a coupleofhorses.✓ Sense 4: System of two opposing forces, parallel and of thesameintensity
Entendu Dans la Rue
Entendu dans la rue, c'est l'appli quirapportetoutes les conversations étranges que l'on peut entendredans larue, dans les bistrots / bar ou lors de votre dernièresoirée."Rue de Rennes à Paris, deux copines dans lacabined’essayage,Copine 1 : Tu trouves que ce pantalon me fait un gros cul ?Copine 2 : Le pantalon, non. Le chocolat et les chips, oui.""Dans un café proche de St-Lazare à Paris, un client :- AvoirunHummer à Paris, c’est aussi con que vouloir envahir l’IrakenSmart""Moi: j'ai perdu mes clées !Mon pote: tu les a perdu où?""Au Mc Donald de Lyon Part-Dieu, un homme de 60anscommande:- Bonjour Mademoiselle, je voudrais un sandwich au fromage etundimanche au fraise.- Quoi ?- Un cheezburger et un sunday fraise, alors..."[INSCRIPTION] L'inscription est facultative, il s'agitd'uncompte Waluu qui vous permettra d’interagir avecl'application,vous pourrez ainsi :* Envoyer vos conversations "Entendu Dans la rue !"* Voter et commentez sur chaque conversation* Parcourir toutes les conversations de la communauté* Ajouter des amis et retrouver facilement leur conversation* Les partager sur Facebook, Twitter, par email ou SMSHeard on the street istheapp that brings all the strange conversations that can be heardinthe street, in pubs / bar or when you last night."Rue de Rennes in Paris, two girlfriends in thedressingroom,Girl 1: You think these pants make me a fat ass?Friend 2: trousers, no. Chocolate and chips, yes. ""In a cafe near St-Lazare in Paris, a client: - Have a HummerinParis is as dumb as wanting to invade Iraq Smart""Me: I lost my Clées!Buddy: you lost them where? ""At Mc Donald Lyon Part-Dieu, a man of 60 years command:- Hello Miss, I want a cheese sandwich and astrawberrySunday.- What?- A cheezburger and a strawberry sunday, so ... "[JOIN] Registration is optional, it is Waluu an accountwhichwill allow you to interact with the application, you can:* Send your conversations "Heard on the street!"* Vote and comment on each conversation* Browse all conversations in the community* Add friends and easily find their conversation* The share on Facebook, Twitter, email or SMS
Have you ever seen a finger committingsuicide?How about a sunbathing finger or a "Mario Bros" finger?★★★ The craziest application of all application Stores! ★★★Find personalized little fingers with the imaginationofMister-Finger apps members!You should try this app at least once in a lifetime! Yourfriendswill love it! When did you last see so many featurescrammed in sucha crazy application? This is truly unheard of!✓ Browse all community pictures✓ Vote and comment on each image✓ Add friends and easily find their fingers (?!)✓ Search by category or keyword.✓ This is a Waluu App of the Waluu.com network :)★ Become a true artist ★By personalizing your finger at will! Choose your favoritecharacterfrom history, cartoon, TV series, movies, books, etc.★ Manual Art ★Art (from Latin Ars, artis "skill, craft, technical knowledge") isahuman activity, the product of such activity or the idea thatwehave thereof, consisting in arranging various elementstointentionally impact our senses, emotions andintellect.Definitions of this concept vary widely with time andplace, andnone of them has been universally accepted. Thus, toMarcel Mauss,"a work of art, by definition, is an object recognizedas such by agroup."This explains why artistic products and practices, orrathercollections of these objects, can be classified differentlyacrosscultures, authors and institutions. Since the lateeighteenthcentury to the present day, art mainly includes productsof "finearts" such as sculpture, painting, music, dance and poetry(andliterature), to which are frequently added cooking, cinema,print,theater, photography, comics, TV, and digital art.Artclassification is thus not universal and except for the 7thart(cinema), which has been particularly successful, anunanimousclassification seems impossible or irrelevant.
Beauté : Forums & Discussions
Discutez mode et beauté avecl’applicationdédiée pour Android ! Rejoingnez une grande communautédetesteuses, blogueuses, et fans de maquillage et conseilspourdevenir encore plus belle en toutes circonstances !Aidez les maquilleuses débutantes par vos conseilsdeprofessionnelles ou tout simplement faites un retourauxdifférentes questions de la communauté.Bonne ambiance et entre-aide au service de toutes des femmesetjeunes filles.Découvrez les poèmes de la communauté et rédiger votreproprepoème grâce à cette application unique ! Votez et commentezsur lespoèmes des membres pour élire les meilleurs poèmes du jour,de lasemaine et du mois !* Parcourez tous messages, conseils et questions delacommunauté* Partagez-les sur Facebook et Twitter* Votez et commentez sur chaque articles ou contribution* Ajoutez des amis et retrouvez facilement leurs questions* Recherchez par catégories ou par mots clésVoici les catégories les plus utilisées au sein de cetteapplicationet qui peuvent être utilisées pour une meilleureorganisation:* Soins du visage : Beauté naturelle, Séduction, Splendeur* Soins du corps : Physique , Grâce, Charme, Grain de beauté* Cheveux : Shampoing pour brune, blonde, black, rousse* Maquillage : Chirurgie Esthétique, Cosmétique, Bio* Tests de mascaras, Spas et massages* Produits de beauté : Parfums, Bluff, mascara* Vos rituels beauté : Jolies choses, Bonté, Générosité* Concours et appels à testeuses== Citations ==“Aucune grâce extérieure n'est complète si la beauté intérieurenela vivifie. La beauté de l'âme se répand comme unelumièremystérieuse sur la beauté du corps.”“Une beauté sans grâce est une beauté sans appas.”“La beauté des femmes est universelle en ce sens que toutefemmequi rayonne est belle. Il n’en demeure pas moins qu’un petitcoupde blush, ça aide aussi..”“On a dit que la beauté est une promesse de bonheur.Inversementla possibilité du plaisir peut être un commencement debeauté.”“La beauté est relative. Le plaisir, la joie, ou la douleurmêmeillumine le visage et lui donne un genre de beauté qui vientdel'intérieur.”“Être belle... c'est un métier !”“Il faut sourire pour être belle.”“Tu es belle, si belle que te regarder est une souffrance.”“La grâce, plus belle encore que la beauté.”== Définitions =Le beau ou la beauté est une notion abstraite liée à denombreuxaspects de l'existence humaine. Ce concept estétudiéprincipalement par la discipline philosophique del'esthétique,mais il est également abordé en partie par d'autresdomaines(histoire, sociologie, psychologie, art).Le beau est communément défini comme la caractéristiqued'unechose qui au travers d'une expérience sensorielle(perception)procure une sensation de plaisir ou un sentiment desatisfaction ;en ce sens, la beauté provient par exemple demanifestations tellesque la forme, l'aspect visuel, le mouvement,le son.== Produits cosmétique les plus discutées ==On entend par produit cosmétique toute substance oupréparationdestinée à être mise en contact avec les diversespartiessuperficielles du corps humain, notamment l'épiderme, lessystèmespileux et capillaire, les ongles, de les maintenir en bonétat oude corriger les odeurs corporelles :* Crèmes, émulsions, lotions, gels et huiles pour la peau(mains,visage, pieds, notamment)* Masques de beauté, à l'exclusion des produitsd'abrasionsuperficielle de la peau par voie chimique* Fonds de teint (liquides, pâtes, poudres)* Poudres pour maquillage, poudres à appliquer après lebain,poudres pour l'hygiène corporelle et autres poudres* Savons de toilette, savons déodorants et autres savons* Parfums, eaux de toilette et eaux de Cologne* Préparations pour le bain et la douche (sels, mousses, huiles,gelet autres préparations)* Déodorants et antisudoraux* Produits de soins capillaires : teintures capillairesetdécolorantsDiscuss fashion andbeautywith the dedicated application for Android! Rejoingnez alargecommunity of testers, bloggers, and fans and makeup tips tobecomeeven more beautiful in all circumstances!Help with your makeup novice professional advice or simply makeareturn to the questions of the community.Good atmosphere and mutual aid service to all womenandgirls.Discover the poems of the community and write your own poemwiththis unique application! Vote and comment on the poems ofmembersto elect the best poems of the day, week and month!* Browse all messages, advice and community issues* Share them on Facebook and Twitter* Vote and comment on each article or contribution* Add friends and easily find their questions* Search by category or keywordsHere are the categories most commonly used in this applicationandcan be used for a better organization:* Skin Care: Natural Beauty, Seduction, Splendor* Body care: Physics, Grace, Charm, Mole* Hair: Shampoo for brown, blonde, black, red* Makeup: Plastic Surgery, Cosmetic, Bio* Tests of mascaras, Spas and massage* Cosmetics: Perfumes, Bluff, mascara* Your beauty rituals: Pretty things, Kindness, Generosity* Contests and calls for testersCitations == =="No thanks exterior is complete if only the inner beautyquickens.The beauty of the soul is poured out like a light on themysteriousbeauty of the body. ""A beauty is a beauty without grace without charms.""The beauty of women is universal in the sense that any womanwhoradiates is beautiful. There remains a little bit of blush, ithelpstoo .. ""It has been said that beauty is the promise ofhappiness.Conversely, the possibility of pleasure can be abeginning ofbeauty. ""The beauty is relative. The pleasure, joy, pain orevenilluminates the face and gives him a kind of beauty that comesfromwithin. ""Being beautiful ... it's a job! ""We must smile to be beautiful.""You're beautiful, so beautiful that you look is suffering.""The grace, even more beautiful than beauty."Definitions == =The beautiful and beauty is an abstract concept related tomanyaspects of human existence. This concept is studied mainly bythephilosophical discipline of aesthetics, but it is alsopartlyaddressed by other areas (history, sociology, psychology,art).Beauty is commonly defined as the characteristic of athingthrough a sensory experience (perception) a feeling ofpleasure ora sense of satisfaction in this sense, beauty comes fromsuchevents such as the shape, visual, movement and sound.Cosmetic == Products == Most DiscussedCosmetic product means any substance or preparation intended tobeplaced in contact with the various external parts of thehumanbody, including the epidermis, hair system, nails, keep themingood condition or correcting body odors :* Creams, emulsions, lotions, gels and oils for the skin(hands,face, feet, etc.)* Face masks, excluding products of abrasion of the skinbychemical* Foundations (liquids, pastes, powders)* Makeup powders, powders, after-bath powders, hygienic powdersandother* Soaps, deodorant soaps and other soaps* Perfumes, toilet waters and colognes* Preparations for the bath and shower (salts, foams, oils, gelsandother formulations)* Deodorants and antiperspirants* Hair care products: hair tints and bleaches
Gag, Rire, Fail : MasterFail
Vous venez de trébucher et de renverserunedouzaine d'oeufs par terre ? Vous avez oublié de serrer le freinàmain de votre voiture et elle vient d'emboutir la maison duvoisin? Votre meilleure amie vient de passer par dessus son vélosuite àun freinage en catastrophe ? Prenez vite une photo avecvotresmarphone!Envoyez là ensuite sur MasterFail et retrouver les déboiresdetoutes les personnes à qui la vie ne sourit pas toujours maisquiont décidé qu'il fallait mieux en rire !Votez sur les meilleurs FAILs, commentez-les et suivez lespetitsFAIL de vos amis grâce à l'application !* Envoyer les photos de FAILs de votre smartphonesurMasterFail* Retrouver les meilleurs FAILs du jour en page d'accueil* Ajouter des amis et retrouver leur petits tracas quotidiendansl'onglet "Amis"* Voter et commenter sur les meilleurs FAILs et ceux devosamis* Découvrez plusieurs centaines de fails !You just stumbleandtopple a dozen eggs on the ground? You forgot to tighten thebrakeof your car and just stamp your neighbor's house? Your bestfriendjust passed over his bike after a braking catastrophe?Quickly takea picture with your smarphone!Send this MasterFail and then find the setbacks of all personstowhom life does not always smile but decided it was bettertolaugh!Vote on the best facts, comment and follow the small FAILyourfriends through the app!* Send photos from your smartphone fails MasterFail* Find the best FAILS of the Day homepage* Add friends and find their little daily hassles inthe"Friends"* Vote and comment on the best facts and those of yourfriends* Discover hundreds of facts!
Déguisons nous : PiicLook
Retrouver les meilleursdéguisementvestimentaires grâce à l'application smartphone dePiicLook.com !Déguisez-vous et prenez-vous en photo avec votresmartphone pourparticiper à la communauté PiicLook !* Envoyez les photos de vos déguisements grâce àvotresmartphone* Ajoutez des amis et retrouvez leurs déguisements récentdansl'onglet "Amis"* Votez et commentez sur les meilleurs déguisements et ceux devosamisLook : terme anglais qui signifie littéralement coup d'oeilouregard, est utilisé en français pour désigner un aspect,uneapparence, un style.Vêtement : Un vêtement est un article d’habillement servantàcouvrir le corps humain, exception faites des chaussures. Il estleplus souvent en tissu mais les matériaux utilisés poursafabrication tendent à se diversifier au fil des siècles. Saraisond’être est plurielle et varie fortement selon les cultures etlespériodes de l’histoire : pratique (se protéger),symbolique(signaler une posture morale) ou encore sociale (afficherunstatut).Mode : La mode désigne la manière de se vêtir, conformémentaugoût d'une époque dans une région donnée. La mode concernenonseulement le vêtement mais aussi les accessoires, le maquillage,leparfum.Find the bestcostumedress with the smartphone application PiicLook.com!Disguiseyourself and take your picture with your smartphone toparticipatein the PiicLook community!* Send pictures of your costumes with your smartphone* Add friends and find their newest costumes in the"Friends"tab* Vote and comment on the best costumes and those ofyourfriendsLook: the English word which literally means glance or gazeisused in French to describe one aspect, appearance, style.Clothing: A garment is an article of clothing used to coverthehuman body, except made shoes. It is most often fabric butthematerials used for its manufacture tend to diversify overthecenturies. Its purpose is multifaceted and varies greatlybetweencultures and periods of history: practical (protection),symbolic(point a moral posture) or social (status display).Fashion: Fashion refers to the way to dress according tothetaste of an era in a given region. Fashion is not justaboutclothing but also accessories, makeup, fragrance.
Mode : Vos conseils mode 5.8.3
Rejoignez une grande communauté Fans deModedepuis votre smartphone ! Discutez des dernièrestendancesfacilement, poser vos questions, échanger des conseils etastucessur les meilleures marques, sur votre style et partagezvotreretours d’expérience sur vos derniers achats !Voici les catégories les plus utilisées au sein decetteapplication et qui peuvent être utilisées pour unemeilleureorganisation:* Tendances Mode* Relooking : Look des stars, Street style* Tests et Quiz : Dressing* Défilés : Lingerie, Fashion Week Paris,* Ventes : Boutique, Vente privé, Brocante, Echange, Magasin&Centre commercial spécialisé* Marques : Espace perso, Groupes et Questions du Club survosmarques préférée !* Conseils mode : Guide shopping, Technique de Couture/Couturière,* Accessoires : Vêtement, Sac à main, Chaussure, Bracelet,Collier,Montre, Echarpe, Haut, BonnetFonctionnalités :* Parcourez tous messages, conseils et questions delacommunauté* Partagez-les sur Facebook et Twitter* Votez et commentez sur chaque contribution* Ajoutez des amis et retrouvez facilement leurs questions* Recherchez par catégories et mots clés== Citations ==“La mode se démode, le style jamais.” - Coco Chanel“S’habiller est un mode de vie.” - Yves Saint Laurent“La mode est femme, donc capricieuse.”“J'ai toujours respecté la mode, surtout la mienne.” -PierrePerret“La mode est avant tout un art du changement.”“Ce qui passe de mode entre dans les moeurs. Ce qui disparaîtdesmoeurs ressuscite dans la mode.”“Il n'y a pas de mode si elle ne descend pas dans la rue.”“Les femmes suivent la mode pour que les hommes lessuivent!”== Définition ==La mode (ou les modes), et plus précisément la modevestimentaire,désigne la manière de se vêtir, conformément au goûtd'une époquedans une région donnée. C'est un phénomène impliquantle collectifvia la société, le regard qu'elle renvoie, les codesqu'elle imposeet le goût individuel.La mode concerne non seulement le vêtement mais aussilesaccessoires, le maquillage, le parfum et même lesmodificationscorporelles. Les facteurs déterminant la mode sontparfois unerecherche esthétique (notamment pour les grandscréateurs).Néanmoins, la mode est aussi déterminée par d'autresfacteurs, pourceux qui la suivent : un moyen d'affirmer son rangsocial, songroupe social, son pouvoir d'achat et sa personnalité ;ou bienpour les créateurs qui imitent, un moyen commode de gagnerdel'argent et du succès.L'une de ses caractéristiques vient de son changementincessant,incitant par là-même à renouveler le vêtement avant quecelui-ci nesoit usé ou inadapté.== Défilés ==Magiques, mystérieux,... Les défilés de mode excitentnotrecuriosité, mais seuls quelques élus ont le droit d'y assister.Quece soit pour un défilé de "prêt-à-porter" ou de"haute-couture",quelques dizaines de maisons, chaque année,organisent cesévènements prestigieux, dans des « capitales de lamode » tellesque New-York, Londres, Milan ou l'incontournable Paris!Partagez ce moment plein de beauté, de rêve et d'émotionqu'estun défilé de mode !== Derniers discussion =“50 lunettes de soleil sous les sunlights : Attention les yeux!Cet été, entre montures pastel et branches bicolores, on célèbrelegrand...”“Votre style maillots de bain préférés ?”“Défilés printemps été ou automne hiver, lequel est leplusincroyables ?”Join a greatcommunityFans Fashion from your smartphone! Discuss the latesttrendseasily, ask questions, share tips and tricks on the bestbrands onyour style and share your feedback on your recentpurchases!Here are the most used in this application categories, whichcanbe used for better organization:* Fashion Trends* Makeovers: Look to the stars, Street style* Tests and Quiz: Dressing* Fashion Show: Lingerie, Paris Fashion Week,* Sales: Shop, Private Sales, Flea Market, Trade, Shop &Mallspecialized* Trademarks: Personal space, Groups and Questions Club onyourfavorite brands!* Fashion Tips: Shopping Guide, Technical Sewing /Seamstress,* Accessories: Clothing, Handbags, Shoes, Bracelet, Necklace,Watch,Scarf, Top, BonnetFeatures:* Browse all messages, advice and community issues* Share them on Facebook and Twitter* Vote and comment on each contribution* Add friends and easily find their questions* Search by categories and keywordsQuotes == =="Fashion is fashion, style forever." - Coco Chanel"Dressing is a way of life." - Yves Saint Laurent"Fashion is a woman, so capricious.""I've always respected the way, especially mine." -PierrePerret"Fashion is foremost an art of change.""What happens in between fashion morals. What disappearsmoralsresurrects in fashion. ""There is no way if it does not go down the street.""Women follow the fashion for men to follow!"== Definition ==The mode (or modes), and more specifically fashion dress, referstothe way to dress according to the taste of an era in agivenregion. This is a phenomenon involving the collective throughthecompany, the look she returns, it imposes codes andindividualtaste.Fashion is not just about clothing but also accessories,makeup,perfume and even the bodily changes. The factors determiningthemode are sometimes aesthetic (especially the greatcreators).However, fashion is also determined by other factors, forthose whofollow: a way of asserting his social rank, social group,itspurchasing power and his personality or for creators that mimicaconvenient way to earn money and success.One of its features is its constant change, encouragingtherebyrenewing the garment until it is worn or inadequate.Catwalks == ==Magical, mysterious, ... Fashion shows excite our curiosity,butonly a chosen few have the right to attend. Whether for a paradeof"ready-to-wear" or "haute couture", dozens of homes eachyear,organize these prestigious events in "fashion capitals" suchas NewYork, London , Milan or Paris must!Share this moment full of beauty, dream and emotion whatafashion show!Latest Discussion = =="50 sunglasses under the floodlights: Watch out! Thissummer,between frames and pastel bicolor branches, we celebrate thegreat... ""Your favorite swimwear style bath?""Fashion Show Spring Summer Autumn or winter, which is themostamazing?"
Prédictions: Vous êtes voyant?
Créez vos prédictions, votez sur celledesautres membres pour décider si vous êtes d'accord ou nonetcommentez grâce à votre compte utilisateur Waluu.Le voyant, c'est vous !* Parcourez toutes les prédictions de la communauté* Partagez-les sur Facebook, Twitter et par mail* Votez et commentez sur chacune d'elle* Ajoutez des amis et retrouvez facilement leur prédictions* Cette application est une Waluu Apps du réseau Waluu.com :)Create yourpredictions,vote on the other members to decide whether you agreeor not andcomment with your user account Waluu.The light is you!* Browse all predictions community* Share it on Facebook, Twitter and email* Vote and comment on each of them* Add friends and easily find their predictions* This application is a Waluu Apps Waluu.com the network :)
C'est La Crise !
Nous sommes en période de crise économiqueetfinancière, c'est l'occasion d'en rire :- "Aujourd'hui, j'ai vu quelqu'un tourner autour duderniervelib' disponible, constater qu'il avait un pneu de dégonfléet lapanière de cassée pour finalement décider... De le prendre.C'estla crise !"- "Quand je vais à la machine à café au bureau, je prendspréparepile poil la monnaie... Pour ne plus me faire taxer...C'est lacrise !"- "Aujourd'hui, je débute comme commercial en province etmonpatron me montre ma futur voiture de fonction : une R5 bleu.C'estla crise !"- "Aujourd'hui, je suis allée au ciné, et en sortant j'aidemandés'il y avait des offres 'satisfait ou remboursé'... C'estla crise!"* Parcourez les moments "C'est la crise" de la communauté* Votez et commentez* Ajoutez des amis et retrouvez facilement leurs déboires* Recherchez par catégories ou par mots clés.* Cette application est une Waluu Apps du réseau Waluu.com :)Une crise économique est une dégradation brutale de lasituationéconomique et des perspectives économiques.Son étendue sectorielle, temporelle et géographique peut allerd'unseul secteur d'une seule région pour une brève période àl'ensemblede l'économie mondiale pendant plusieurs années ; onparlera alorsde ralentissement économique ou, plus grave, derécessionéconomique. une telle crise comporte souvent (maispassystématiquement) des répercussions sur le niveau des salairesetla valeur du capital (valeurs boursières), provoque desfailliteset du chômage, accroît les tensions sociales, et peut mêmeavoirdes répercussions sanitaires.
Swag Vs Bolos
Vous avez envie de frimer ? Si c'st vousquiavez le plus de Swagg dites-le ! Les Boloss n'ont qu'à biensetenir !Vous êtes enfin autorisé à vous la jouer avec l'applicationdesswaggueurs et swaggueuse !"C'est pas pour le la péter mais moi j'arrive à soulever10Kgd'un bras !""C'est pas pour me la péter mais moi j'ai déjà fait unmarathon!""C'est pas pour me la péter, mais je mets le fil dansl'aiguilledu premier coup !"* Parcourez toutes phrase de la communauté* Partagez-les sur Facebook, Twitter et par mail* Votez et commentez sur chacune d'elles* Ajoutez des amis et retrouvez-les facilement* Cette application est une Waluu Apps du réseau Waluu.com :)Swag : De l’anglais swag, diminutif de swagger.L’étymologie populaire indiquant que swag serait unacronymesignifiant Secretly We Are Gay (« Secrètement nous sommesgay ») nerepose sur aucune source sérieuse[1][2]. De manière plusgénérale,la plupart des acronymes suggérés pour ce motsontvraisemblablement des rétroacronymes[2].Selon des sources filiales (parfois) sûres, il ne seraitpluscool d’être cool. Quelle qualité faut-il désormais avoir?Qu’est-ce qui est mieux que le cool ? Le swag.Le mot vient évidemment de l’anglais. Voir ici les définitionsduUrban Dictionary, par exemple celle-ci : «Swag is a subtlethingthat many strive to gain but few actually attain. It isreservedfor the most swagalicious of people.»Pour résumer : n’est pas swag qui le veut, mais qui l’est entiregloire.Remarque grammaticale : swag peut être tantôt susbstantif — «T’asduswag» —, tantôt adjectif — «Il est swag».Bolos: Mot apparu dans la banlieue parisienne (Val-de-MarneouSeine-Saint-Denis) dans les années 2000, d’origine incertaine:soninké, arabe ou verlan[1]. Le dictionnairedelazonecitel’hypothèse du linguiste Jean-Pierre Goudaillier selonlaquellebolos serait le verlan de lobos (« lobotomisés »)[2].D’autresRéférence nécessaire soutiennent que le mot est lacontraction debourgeois et lopette, le bolos étant alors unindividu dont il estfacile d’extorquer de l’argent.Voilà une expression de plus en plus courante dans la bouchedesados. Même le comique Elie Sémoun l'a reprise dans son sketchsur «Julien et Kevina ». Apparu il y a un peu plus de cinq ans danslescités, le mot a d'abord désigné un client pigeonné dans un dealdedrogue, avant de passer le périph et de désigner désormais le«bouffon ».Frimer : essayer de faire impression en trompant son monde/attitude affectée destinée à intimider.Craner, faire le brave: prendre des airs / exagérer sonpropremériteYou want to show off?Ifc'st you who have the most say it Swagg! The Inbetweenershadbetter watch out!You are finally allowed to play with you applying swaggueursandswaggueuse!"It is not for the fart but I happen to lift 10Kg an arm!""It's not for me fart but I've done a marathon!""It's not for me farting, but I put the thread in the needlethefirst time!"* Browse all community sentence* Share it on Facebook, Twitter and email* Vote and comment on each* Add friends and find them easily* This application is a Waluu Apps Waluu.com the network :)Swag: From English swag, short for swagger.The folk etymology stating that swag is an acronym We AreSecretlyGay ("Secretly we're gay") is not based on any serioussource [1][2]. More generally, most of the acronyms suggested forthis wordare likely to rétroacronymes [2].According to sources subsidiaries (sometimes) safe, it isnolonger cool to be cool. What quality does it have now? Whatisbetter than cool? The swag.The word comes from the English course. See here the definitionsofUrban Dictionary, for example this one: "Swag is a subtlethingThat Many strive to gain goal Few Actually Attain. It isreservedfor the MOST swagalicious of people. "To summarize: not swag who wants it, but that is draws glory.Note Speech: swag can be sometimes susbstantif - "You got swag"-sometimes adjective - "It is swag."Bolos: Password appeared in the suburbs of Paris(Val-de-Marneand Seine-Saint-Denis) in the 2000s, of uncertainorigin: Soninke,Arabic or slang. [1] The dictionnairedelazone citesthe case of thelinguist Jean-Pierre Goudaillier that would bolos delobos slang("brainwashed") [2]. Other Reference required argue thatthe wordis a contraction of bourgeois fag and the bolos then beinga personthat is easy to extort money.This is an expression more common in teens mouth. Even thecomicEllie Goulding has included in his skit on "Julien andKevina."There appeared a little more than five years in the cities,theword was first appointed a dove in a drug deal client,beforepassing the Device and now designate the "buffoon."Show off: trying to make an impression deceives his world/affected attitude to intimidate.Craner, be brave: take air / exaggerate its own merit