Top 20 Games Similar to Generation of Chaos

* Android Compatibility *CHAOSRINGS may not perform as intended on the latest version oftheAndroid devices with Android OS 5.0 or above. We ask foryourpatience and understanding as we work to address this issue inthecoming days.We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and hope thatyoucontinue to enjoy playing CHAOSRINGS-------------------------------------------------------------・The size of the game may result in long download times.・A WiFi connection is recommended for downloading.・This game requires approximately 1GB of memory. Please ensurethatyou have the necessary storage available beforedownloading.-------------------------------------------------------------CHAOS RINGS takes full advantage of the Android’scapabilities.Using a classic game system that any RPG fan willenjoy, itpresents an epic tale consisting of four differentscenarios, allbrought to you with gorgeous sound and unbelievablysmooth 3Dgraphics.The story revolves around a tournament where combatants fightfortheir lives: the Ark Arena. Upon choosing a pair of characters,onemale and one female, you will then have to fight against theotherpairs. Each pair has their own story, and the truth behindthe ArkArena will not be revealed until each story iscompleted.Game Features:-High-quality voice acting that brings game characters to life-Amazingly smooth 3D graphics-Gorgeous sound that takes full advantage of theAndroid’spowerful hardware-A deep story with unique twists for every pair andmultipleendings-Highly polished game and battle systems with atraditionalfeel-Hours upon hours of gameplay, complete with hiddenbosses,secret weapons, and more
“The list of checked device”Devices that have already checked and had no issue so far canbefound on the page below.More devices will be added to the list once we can see the gamerunsfine on those devices.・The size of the game may result in long download times.・A WiFi connection is recommended for downloading.・This game requires approximately 1GB of memory. Please ensurethatyou have the necessary storage available beforedownloading.-------------------------------------------------------------Would you sacrifice the one you love to save the world?The newest addition to the globally acclaimed RPG seriesChaosRings has arrived! Explore a captivating new adventureandbrand-new game system in this latest installation!Time is stagnant; the Destroyer has forced the world to thebrinkof destruction. In this desolate era, Darwin, the chosenone,discovers his fate; he must slaughter the sacrifices andoffertheir souls, all to salvage the world.Five were chosen to be sacrificed. Of the five is a girl,Marie—adear childhood friend.Will he carry out his fate? The decision lies in your hands.This exhilarating adventure can be enjoyed by everyone,eventhose unfamiliar with Chaos Rings and Chaos Rings Omega.Don'thesitate to immerse yourself in this fantastical world!GAME FEATURES:-A storyline molded by the player's choices-Hidden bosses and endings-Enhanced graphics using a new rendering engine-A strategic new battle system-An array of character voices and music-Japanese, English, French, German, Spanish, and Chinese(Simplified& Traditional) language support
The newest addition to the popular smartphone RPG series isfinallyhere!
* Android Compatibility *CHAOSRINGSΩ may not perform as intended on the latest version oftheAndroid devices with Android OS 5.0 or above. We ask foryourpatience and understanding as we work to address this issue inthecoming days.We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and hope thatyoucontinue to enjoy playing CHAOSRINGSΩ-------------------------------------------------------------・The size of the game may result in long download times.・A WiFi connection is recommended for downloading.・This game requires approximately 1 GB of memory. Please ensurethatyou have the necessary storage available beforedownloading.-------------------------------------------------------------The latest version of CHAOS RINGS, the smash-hit andbest-sellinggame in fifteen countries, now comes to Android!CHAOS RINGS Omega is the latest installment in thegloballysuccessful CHAOS RINGS series of role-playing games.Players cannow enjoy enjoy all of the following on their Androiddevices:gorgeous 3-D graphics, smooth animations, a classic RPGgameplayfeel, refined user interfaces, a rich story that ties indirectlyto the previously released CHAOS RINGS, and more!The story is based on the Arc Arena life-or-deathtournament.This fight to the death takes places on Earth, a full10,000 yearsbefore the events of the previous game. As the youthfuland daringVieg, you will take part in epic battles directly relatedto theCHAOS RINGS story, the tragedies that arose because of them,and awondrous tale ten millennia in the making.CHAOS RINGS OMEGA is sure to slake the thirst for adventureofplayers both returning and new to the series.Game features:• An intricate story that ties in directly to the previousCHAOSRINGS title• Beautiful graphics and smoothly animated 3-D characters• Refined gameplay and battle system• Japanese voice acting from top-quality talent• Tons of secret content including hidden bosses and abonusscenario
스펙트럴소울즈(Spectral Souls) 1.21
Selvas Corp.
★꼭 읽어 주세요!★새로운 OS 업데이트 발생 시 일부 단말에서는 지원되지 않을 수 있습니다. (롤리팝 업데이트 포함)1) 추가 데이터 설치 실패/ 서버 오류/ 실행 오류 등을 겪으셨던 고객분들께서는 꼭 업데이트를 진행하여주세요.해당 오류 수정하였습니다.2) 업데이트를 진행 하셨음에도 불구하고 추가데이터 설치 혹은 실행이 안되실 경우에는 sd카드내hyperdevbox/ssk 폴더를 삭제 하신 뒤 재설치 하여 주시기 바랍니다.3) 반드시 위 조치를 취하시기 전에 SAVE (세이브) 파일을 안전한 곳에 백업 해두시기 바랍니다.★게임소개★PSP 완벽이식! 판타지 시뮬레이션 대작 RPG가 Android로 출시!홀드,챠지 개념의 스킬도입으로 다양한 전투가 가능!드라마틱 스토리 웅장한 사운드!기존 모바일 RPG 와는 차원이 다른 퀄리티! 완벽한 한글화! 스펙트럴소울!★주의사항★본 게임은 원활한 다운로드를 위해 WI_FI로 다운로드 받으셔야 합니다.다운로드 도중 게임을 삭제하거나 전원을 끄지 마세요.용량이 충분하지 않을 경우 공간을 확보 하신뒤 설치를 권장 하여 드립니다.용량은 적어도 1.5GB 용량이 필요 합니다.다운로드 중 끊기셨을 경우 다시 한번 시도 하여 주시면 끊긴 부분부터 다운로드 가능 합니다.다운로드시 단말기 특성 ,주변 환경에 따라 10~30분 정도의 다운로드 소요시간이 발생 합니다.다운로드시 예외적인 사항으로인한 컨텐츠를 완전히 내려받지 못한 경우hyperdevbox/ssk 폴더를 완전 삭제를 하여주신뒤 재설치를 하여 주시기 바랍니다.★본 상품은 내부 결제 기능이 없으므로 다운로드이후 추가과금이 발생 하지 않습니다.★★고객센터★이용중 문의 사항은 셀바스 문의 메일 []문의접수하여 주시기 바랍니다.※ 키워드 : 셀바스 / Selvas / selvas / SELVASPlease read ★! ★The new OS update occurs when some terminals may not besupported.(With lollipop update)1) Additional data Installation failed / Server errors /executionerrors, etc. please syeotdeon customer bundeulkkeseosuffered byall means proceed with the update.The error was corrected.2) Despite the progress hasyeoteum run the update installationoradditional data andoesil, please reinstall after you deletemyhyperdevbox / ssk folder sd card.3) Please be sure backups of your SAVE (save) files in a safeplacebefore taking the above action.★ ★ Game IntroductionPSP transplantation perfect! Masterpiece RPG fantasy simulationisavailable in Android!Hold, available in a variety of combat skills introduced theconceptof charge!Dramatic stories magnificent sound!This new level of quality than existing mobile RPG! Fullylocalized!Spectral Soul!★ ★ NotesThe game is downloaded to WI_FI should seek to ensure asmoothdownload.During the download or delete the game Do not turn offthepower.If the capacity is not enough, we can recommend theinstallationafter you free up space.Capacity will need at least 1.5GB capacity.If syeoteul disconnection can be downloaded from thedownloadsection of the broken, please try again.The download time of 10 to 30 minutes occur, depending on thedevicecharacteristics and the environment with the download.If the content due to exceptional matters have not receivedthedownload completely downPlease reinstall the back has given to a fully removethehyperdevbox / ssk folder.★ This product is not an internal payment not have the abilitytodownload additional charges after this occurs. ★★ ★ Customer ServiceYiyongjung questions, please feel free to contact us andreceivedcells Bath-mail []contact.※ Keywords: cell Bath / Selvas / selvas / SELVAS
아가레스트 전기
Selvas Corp.
★게임소개★판타지 시뮬레이션 대작 RPG! 아가레스트 전기가 출시!아츠, 스페셜 아츠 개념의 스킬 도입으로 다양한 전투가 가능!드라마틱 스토리 웅장한 사운드!기존 모바일 RPG와는 차원이 다른 퀄리티! 완벽한 한글화!★스토리★이것은 아직 신화 시대망각속으로 이어지던 문이 열리던 때의 이야기.아가레스트라고 불리우는 세계에는 5가지의 대륙이 존재한다.전체의 대륙에는 대지를 관통하는 하늘을 지탱하는 장대한 기둥이 솟았다그 위용은 바로 신 그 자체였다. 5개의 대륙의 하나「루크레리아」이야기와 신화의 종식은 그 곳에서 부터 시작된다.레온하르트는 지켜야 할 것들을 위해서 모두를 바치다 그의 미래까지도 그의 죽음과 맞바꾼 계약,그것은 영혼의 그릇이 되어 신의 피를 이어받아 소녀와 함께 세계를 떠받치는 기둥이 되는 것.약속된 파멸.. 물려 받은 숙명..그것은 영혼에 의해 만들어진 최후의 신화로서 구전된 이야기..★공지와 주의사항★① 본 상품은 내부 결제 기능이 있으므로, 유의 바랍니다.② 추가 던전1~5는 스토어에서 무료로 unlock하는 것이 가능합니다.③ 게임 클리어를 위해서 모든 팩을 다운로드 할 필요는 없습니다.④ 본 게임은 원활한 다운로드를 위해 WI-FI로 다운로드 받으셔야 합니다.⑤ 다운로드 도중 게임을 삭제하거나 전원을 끄지 마세요.⑥ 용량이 충분하지 않을 경우 공간을 확보 하신 뒤 설치를 권장 하여 드립니다.또한 용량은 적어도 1.9GB 가 필요 합니다.다운로드 중 끊기셨을 경우 다시 한번 시도 하여 주시면 끊긴 부분부터 다운로드 가능 합니다.다운로드시 단말기 특성 ,인터넷 접속상태에 따라 10~30분 정도의 다운로드 소요 시간이 발생 합니다.★고객센터★이용 중 문의 사항은 cs_selvasjapan@selvas.com로문의 접수하여 주시기 바랍니다.※ 키워드 : 셀바스 / Selvas / selvas / SELVAS★ ★GameIntroductionSimulation fantasy blockbuster RPG! Rest electric Agaisreleased!Arts, available in a variety of combat skills introduced theconceptof arts specials!Dramatic stories magnificent sound!This new level of quality than existing mobile RPG!Fullylocalized!★ ★ StoryThis is still the Age of MythologyThe story of this statement when yieojideon yeolrideonintooblivion.The world called Aga rest, there are fivedifferentcontinents.The entire continent of grand pillars supporting the sky throughtheground rises atdaThat was just the grandeur of God itself. One "Le Luc Liao" inthefive continentsThe end of the story and myth begins from there.Leonhardt is to keep things in order to devote all of hisfutureuntil his death and matbakkun contract,It will be a vessel of the soul that hold up the poles and thegirlstake over the world with God's blood.Destruction .. inherited the promised destiny.It is the story of a myth as the last word of mouth created bythesoul.★ ★ Notice and NoticeSince the internal settlement ① This productfunctionality,please note.Add 1-5 ② dungeon is possible to unlock the store for free.③ You do not need to download all the packs for thegameclear.④ this game you need to get downloaded to the WI-FI forsmoothdownload.⑤ while downloading or deleting a game, do not turn offthepower.⑥ We can recommend the installation after you free up space ifthereis not enough capacity.   In addition, capacity will need atleast1.9GB.If syeoteul disconnection can be downloaded from thedownloadsection of the broken, please try again.Terminal characteristics, the download time of 10 to 30minutes,depending on Internet connection occurs during thedownload.★ ★ Customer ServicePlease feel free to contact us use of the information receivedbycontact※ Keywords: cell Bath / Selvas / selvas / SELVAS
블레이징 소울즈(Blazing Souls) 1.04
Selvas Corp.
★게임소개★1. 스토리- 전란의 네버랜드. 그리고 힘겹게 찾아온 안식의 날.'제로스' 는 청부인으로서 의뢰를 해결하던중 '코어 엘리멘탈' 이라는 마력의 비석을 발견한다.그리고 '코어 엘리멘탈' 을 차지하기 위해 나타나는 신이 인간을 대신해 새로이 만든 종들..누군가는 힘을 갈망하고, 또 누군가는 종의 말살을, 어떤자는 빼앗긴 것을 되찾기 위해서'코어 엘리멘탈' 을 두고 제로스의 눈앞에 나타난다.새로운 종들과의 전투로 출생의 비밀에 다가서는 제로스. 그리고 그 끝에 당도한 곳은..제로스가 태어난 장소였다. 전투가 끝난 뒤 자신의 존재의 이유를 알게 되는데..2. 사용자가 원하는 방향에 따라 변화하는 스토리! 뛰어난 자유도!- 각 이벤트의 진행순서와 사용자가 택한 답변에 따라 각기 다른 이야기로 흘러 갑니다.전작과 동일하게 다양한 엔딩이 구성되어 있으며, 주인공을 비롯한 메인 캐릭터들의 반전!그리고 비중없던 캐릭터들의 또 다른 반전까지! 이 모든것이 당신의 선택에 달려있습니다.3. 보다 다양해진 '기술' , 향상된 '전투' 시스템- 전반적인 게임의 흐름은 '탐색' 과 '이벤트&전투' 의 순서로 흘러갑니다.탐색을 통해 새로운 지역들을 탐색하고 발생하는 이벤트에 따라 스토리를 진행할 수 있으며보다 다양해진 '200여 가지 기술' 들과' 특수 체인 기술' 각 캐릭터들의 '연계기' 까지!짜릿한 손맛! 연계기를 찾는 재미! 뛰어난 연출! 찰진 타격감! 오감을 만족 시켜 드립니다.4. 수집욕구를 자극하는 콜렉션! 플레이에 직접적인 영향을 끼치는 호칭(통칭)!- 블레이징 소울즈에 등장하는 호칭(통칭) 은 너무나도 다양합니다. 단순히 캐릭터들의능력치를 높여주는데 그치지 않고, 스토리를 진행함에 있어 중요한 키포인트 역할을 하는호칭(통칭)을 수집해보세요! 거기다 '셋트' 로만 적용되는 특수한 호칭(통칭)까지!★주의사항★새로운 OS 업데이트 발생 시 일부 단말에서는 지원되지 않을 수 있습니다. (롤리팝 업데이트 포함)본 게임은 원활한 다운로드를 위해 Wi-Fi로 다운로드 받으셔야 합니다.다운로드 도중 게임을 삭제하거나 전원을 종료하게 될 경우 설치 오류가 발생할 수 있습니다.충분한 용량을 확보한 뒤, 설치를 하시기 바랍니다. ( 최소 2GB 이상 보유 )다운로드시 단말기 특성, 주변 환경에 따라 10~30분 정도의 다운로드 소요시간이 발생 합니다.다운로드시 예외적인 사항으로인한 컨텐츠를 완전히 내려받지 못한 경우hyperdevbox/bs_kr폴더를 완전히 삭제하신 후 재설치 하셔야 합니다.※ 키워드 : 셀바스 / Selvas / selvas / SELVAS★ ★GameIntroduction1. Story   - The war Neverland. And it came painfullyrestof the day.     "Jeroseu 'finds horsepowermonumentcalled" Elemental Core "while trying to solve commissionedascontractors.     And the servants that God appearstooccupy the 'Core Elemental' on behalf of the newly createdhumanbeing.     Anyone aspiring to power andtorestore again that someone extermination of species, deprivedofany person     With the "Core Elemental" appearsonthe front of the jeroseu.     Jeroseu stand closer to the secretofbirth of new species into battle. And at the end of aBrixplace.     Jeroseu place was born. Afterthebattle is over are aware of the reason for their existence.2. Stories user to change depending on the direction youwant!Excellent freedom!       - Flows with different stories, depending ontheprogress of each order and your answer is chosen events.      In the same manner asitspredecessor and consists of a variety of endings, reversal ofthemain characters, including the protagonist!      And anotherunprecedentedproportion to the reversal of character! All thisdepends on yourchoice.3. Various become more 'technical' enhancements'Battle'system   - The overall flow of the game flows intheorder of 'search' and 'events and battles.     We can explore new areas toexploreand progress through the story based on the eventthatoccurred,     More varied, more than 200 kindsofskills' and 'special technology chain' to 'yeongyegi' ofeachcharacter!     The hands exhilarating! Lookingforfun yeongyegi! Excellent presentation! Sticky feeling strikes!Itwill satisfy the senses.4. Collection to stimulate the desire to collect! Damagingadirect impact on the title to play (together)!   - Nominal (collectively), which appeared intheblazing souljeu are too diverse. Simply by character     Juneunde not only increase thestats,it progresses a story that plays an important roleKeypoint     Try to collect the title(together)!Plus, a special designation to (collectively) appliedonly to'set'!★ ★ NotesThe new OS update occurs when some terminals may not besupported.(Including Lollipop Updated)Download this game you need to get the Wi-Fi forsmoothdownload.If you delete a game that will shut down the power duringthedownload or installation errors can occur.After enough capacity, please install. (2GB or moreminimumreserves)The download time of 10 to 30 minutes, depending on thedevicecharacteristics occurs, the download environment.If the content due to exceptional matters have not receivedthedownload completely downhyperdevbox / bs_kr must be reinstalled after you delete thefoldercompletely.※ Keywords: cell Bath / Selvas / selvas / SELVAS
FINAL FANTASY III (3D REMAKE) - now on Android!
RPG Record of Agarest War
To celebrate the opening of the holidayseasonHyperDevbox is announcing a special price on all titlesavailablefor Android (GooglePlay) and iOS. Right now, and until May9th ,you can capture all your favorite titles for 45% off ormore.Promotional Price is available on all titles from the listbelow:ExZeus ArcadeExZeus 2LoveCatchINDY 500 Arcade RacingSpectral SoulsBlazing SoulsGeneration of ChaosRecord of Agarest WarRecord of Agarest War Zero** NexusPlayer & AndroidTV supported ! Play this awesome gameona big screen TV ^^HyperDevbox is proud to announce that the massively populartacticalrole-playing game (J-RPG) for home video game consolesSony (PS3)and Microsoft (XBOX360), Record of Agarest War (Englishversion), isnow available for Android.Story:It was the end of the age of gods... An age that ended when thedoorto oblivion was opened.There were five continents in the world of Agarest, each onepiercedby a great pillar that towered toward the sky. Thesesoaringmonuments were the gods themselves.The beginning of our story and the end of the age of myth findtheirstart on the continent of Lucrellia when a young man namedLeonhardtsacrifices everything, even his future and his children,to protectan elven girl. At death's door, he pledges himself toacontract...This is the final tale of the gods; a story woven in soulsacrossgenerations...Game features :* 3D Battle Scenes.* Witness the Soul Breed system! Choose a bride at the end ofyouradventure and give birth to the hero of the nextgeneration!* Position your forces on the battlefield and wait for therightmoment to string together massive combo attacks usingmultipleparty members both in melee and at range!* Over 100 hours of gameplay packed into 1.8 GB of data* 59 outstanding soundtracks* Full 720p HD graphic assets* 40 cut scene videos* Fully voice acted with 16,000 character voices* Over 400 different Magic spells and Battle skills* Over 400 Enemies and Characters* Capture monsters to join your army* Story stretching 5 Generations of heroes* Enhanced battle system including combo system, breakandoverkill* Support for full touch interface, keyboard with key mappingandexternal controllers* Xperia Play optimized* Compatible with MOGA controllers .* Automatic save backup to Google Cloud through Google PlayGameServices.* Support for Leaderboards and Achievements through Google PlayGameServices.* Language: English text with Japanese voices.* Support for x86 android devices.* Android TV compatible (GamePad)** IMPORTANT NOTICE PLEASE READ **- 5 x Additional Dungeons DLC are available at no charge fromthestore, all the other DLC are not necessary to completethegame.- You need a with at least 1.8GB of free space.- There is a 1.8GB OBB additional data download to completetheinstallation so WIFI is "ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY" and a good doseofpatience too, the installation may take from 15mn to 30mntocomplete based on your Internet network configuration and/orourservers congestion, everybody will be served but pleasebepatient.- There is an "in-game" FAQ in case you have some trouble duringtheinstallation so please take the time to read it should youhaveproblems.- Game is set, by default, to use the HIGHEST resolution andgraphicsettings available so please adjust in the option screenshould yourdevice be a little "just" to support the full hiresdata.- A High-End device is highly recommended for the bestgamingexperience.- Visit our website and forum at formoreFAQ and information.©2013-2015 IDEA FACTORY/COMPILE HEART/RED, developed forAndroid,licensed and published by HYPERDEVBOX.Hyperdevbox website:
RPG Record of Agarest War Zero
To celebrate the opening of the holidayseasonHyperDevbox is announcing a special price on all titlesavailablefor Android (GooglePlay) and iOS. Right now, and until May9th ,you can capture all your favorite titles for 45% off ormore.Promotional Price is available on all titles from the listbelow:ExZeus ArcadeExZeus 2LoveCatchINDY 500 Arcade RacingSpectral SoulsBlazing SoulsGeneration of ChaosRecord of Agarest WarRecord of Agarest War Zero** NexusPlayer & AndroidTV supported ! Play this awesome gameona big screen TVHyperDevbox is proud to announce that the massively populartacticalrole-playing game (J-RPG) for home video game consoles,Record ofAgarest War Zero (English version), is now available forAndroid. Inthis new episode, Prequel of Record of Agarest War,discover howeverything began...Story:Long before Summerill and the gods of darkness were defeatedinRecord of Agarest War,another battle was fought across generations to save the worldfromevil.Record of Agarest War Zero takes you back to thatancienttime.The war between the forces of darkness and the forces of light,aconflict already many years old,has been fought to a stalemate. In the nation of Kraltarla,theforces of light hold back the evil hordesof darkness spilling from Findeste at the Scarred Mountains,butonly just. In a desperate attempt togain an advantage that could change the course of the war,thegenerals of the armies of light dispatch their loyalservantSieghart, whom fate has seen fit to grant a strange andawesomepower.Sieghart’s mission takes him across Kraltarla to gatherthecomponents for a magical toolthat can free the imprisoned blacksmith of the gods, so thathemight forge magical artifactsof great and terrible power for the forces of light.* 3D Battle Scenes.* Over 100 hours of gameplay packed into 1.9 GB of data* Full 720p HD graphic assets* Fully voice acted (in Japanese only)* Position your forces on the battlefield and wait for therightmoment to string together massive combo attacks usingmultipleparty members both in melee and at range!* Enhanced battle system including combo system, breakandoverkill* Experience "Living Portraits" animated characters breathe,move,and move their lips in sync with the voice acting.* Soul-Breeding System - Once again, the choice of bride at theendof the first generation further determines the skill setsandweapon of the offspring.* Card Skill System - Customize your main character's weaponchoiceand skills through this unique character generationsystem.* Feel Link - unlock and change character costumes based onyourrelationship level with other heroines. Maid, ShintoPriestess,Nurse and School uniform are available depending oneachcharacter.* Over 400 different Magic spells and Battle skills* Over 100 Enemies and Characters* Capture monsters to join your army* Support for full touch interface, keyboard with key mappingandexternal controllers* Xperia Play optimized* Compatible with MOGA controllers.* Ability to automatically backup your save data to GoogleCloudthrough Google Play Game Services.* Support for Leaderboards and Achievements through Google PlayGameServices.* Language: English text with Japanese voices.* Extra mode, unlock the original Record of Agarest War mapsandcharacters for you to play with.* Support for Android TV with Game Controller.** IMPORTANT PLEASE READ **- DLC content purchase not required to complete the game.- You need at least 1.9GB of free space.- Game is set by default to use the HIGHEST resolution andgraphicsettings available by your device. Please adjust thesesettings inthe option screen should your device be a littleunderpowered tosupport the full hires data.©2014-2015 IDEA FACTORY/COMPILE HEART/RED, developed andpublishedby HYPERDEVBOX JAPAN.Hyperdevbox website:
RPG Spectral Souls
To celebrate the opening of the holidayseasonHyperDevbox is announcing a special price on all titlesavailablefor Android (GooglePlay) and iOS. Right now, and until May9th ,you can capture all your favorite titles for 45% off ormore.Promotional Price is available on all titles from the listbelow:ExZeus ArcadeExZeus 2LoveCatchINDY 500 Arcade RacingSpectral SoulsBlazing SoulsGeneration of ChaosRecord of Agarest WarRecord of Agarest War Zero"Spectral Souls - Resurrection of the Ethereal Empires"(EnglishVersion), the first Full Size Tactical RPG for Androidplatformavailable for your favorite Smartphone :* 3D Battle Scenes.* The first full scale Japanese Tactical RPG for Android.* 52 outstanding soundtracks.* 84 characters.* High resolution graphic assets.* 100's of hours of GamePlay packed in 1GB data.* Cut-Scene videos.* Support for Touch & Keyboard with key mapping.* Compatible with MOGA controllers.* Play it on NVIDIA SHIELD.Simply "a must have" for all fan of "Spectral Souls universe"andfor all fan of Tactical RPG in general.** IMPORTANT NOTICE PLEASE READ **-Game is set, by default, to use the HIGHEST resolution availablesoplease adjust in the option screen should your device be alittle"just" to support the full hires data.-A High-End device is highly recommended for the bestgamingexperience however the game is fully enjoyable from Nexus1orsimilar type of device. There is a pre-hardware check in thegamebefore allowing the 1GB download so those with hardware notyetsupported should be able to refund within the actualrefundwindow.STORY :Neverland is a world apart from our own, home to strangeanddangerous creatures. Two of these creatures, humans anddemons,have been struggling against each other for many years. Asthecenturies passed, control shifted from demons to humans andbackagain. The humans finally earned a clear victory after theFirstNeverland War. But this left the country in ruins and leddirectlyto the Second Neverland War, which saw the decisive victoryof thedemons once again.Magic Age 1053—Tragedy strikes the small woodland village of Petun—the townisattacked and burned to the ground by vicious Neverland troops.ButPetun is only the first of many massacres; the Demon Armytearsthrough every human village it can find, slaughtering thepeople asit goes. Humiliated and infuriated by these abuses, thehumansbegin to resist and fight back.It starts as a rash of disorganized, sporadic riots. But itsoongrows into something more, something meaningful. Theseuprisingsbecome a beacon of hope to all humans, spurring them on touniteand form a new empire. They choose a name to reflect theirmostnoble traditions, to reflect a time when they ruled over thedemonhorde. They call it the Reformed Simba Empire.Petun—little more than a bump in the road, a mark on a map. Butthisis where it all started, where the undercurrent of disdainandhatred overflowed into a bloody torrent of death anddestruction,drowning Neverland in war for years to come.This is where our story begins—the story of the SevenYearWar.- Visit our website and forum at formoreFAQ and information.©2011-2015 IDEA FACTORY, developed for Android, licensedandpublished by HYPERDEVBOX .
RPG Illusion of L'Phalcia 1.1.1g
Experience epic 3D battles and customize characters with Runes&Gems!
RPG Asdivine Dios 1.2.1g
A tale about divine encounters with mankind! The new worldofAsdivine unfolds!
Fantasy War Tactics R 0.640
VALOFE Co., Ltd.
Fantasy War Tactics R: Conquer the vast and diverse RPG world!
Kingturn Underworld RPG 3.2
Decide and conquer. An addictive turn based strategy RPGfornon-casual gamers.
Sorceress of Fortune 1.041
◆The Return of the SorcerersSorceress of Fortune is the 5th story of the FortuneChronicleEpisode and the official sequel to the 2010 release of thePuzzleRPG Sorcerer of Fortune.Richer sound and clearer HD graphics than the original, a newfungaming experience is guaranteed with an enhanced strategicpuzzlebattle system.Join the story as a diverse group of sorcerers are in searchfora beacon of hope in the midst of darkness that hasenshroudedFortune World after the disappearance Meteor Dragon.◆Game Features1. Story development with 25 sorcerers appearing in a collectionofstories.2. A combo system in which a skill is activated depending ontheequipped item.3. Ultimate 2D graphics with more appealing andcharminganimation.4. Enhanced HD graphics through Retina Display Support.◆Game Rules1. The game will progress in the popular 3 match puzzlegameformat in which players will take turns attacking eachother,giving as much damage as the power taken from theshatteredjewels.2. All characters possess a total of 8 elemental sorceryskills(fire, ice, wind, lightening, poison, healing, earthquake,andmeteor strike) and the sorcery skill corresponding to theshatteredjewelry’s element will be activated.3. The player that wins the battle will obtain an item asareward and once a character is equipped with it, thecharacter’sstats will increase and the character’s skill type willchange.4. Combat skills can be done once the Skill Point reaches 10ormore and the 3, 4, 5 hit combos can be customized as morepointsare accumulated. The customized number of combo hits willbeautomatically activated in battle.5. Through Item Combination, the obtained items can be madeintoitems with new capabilities.This app support tablet mode.
The First Tactics Classic (SRP 1.037
SRPG genre which is based on turn system. It is created by onlyonedeveloper.
* Android Compatibility *DRAKERIDER may not perform as intended on the latest version oftheAndroid devices with Android OS 4.3 or above. We ask foryourpatience and understanding as we work to address this issue inthecoming days.We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and hope thatyoucontinue to enjoy playing DRAKERIDER.Kill or be killed. Experience the perils of adventure withyourferocious sidekick in this brand-new smartphone RPG!The stage of DRAKERIDER is set in Igraine, a world on thebrinkof destruction due to the repeated attacks of the Dread.AranLawson, once an ordinary tracker, now finds himself asadragalier—and mankind's final hope. This is the story of ourheroand his dragon companion, Eckhardt.The game lets you take the reins with a battle system likenoother. Instead of entering commands, control the chains toexecuteyour strategy. Easing off the reins will allow Eckhardt thefreedomto unleash powerful attacks. Too much leeway, however, willtriggerhis primal instincts, endangering Aran.Led by Akifumi Kaneko, the game is developed by WITCHCRAFTInc.,famous for their work on various anime and other RPGs. Thistitlemaintains the high quality and integrity for which theyareknown.The characters are voiced by an array of talentedartists,including Ryohei Kimura, Nana Mizuki, Shinichiro Miki,KanaHanazawa, Keiji Fujiwara, and many others. The powerful themesong"unleash," performed by Shoujyo Byou, accentuates thepowerfulstoryline and intense battles. So why not delve into anoriginallyand finely crafted RPG adventure?Game System● The battle is in your handsTighten or loosen your grip on the reins by sliding the chainsatthe bottom of the screen. The gauge at the top of thescreenrepresents its tension. Ease off to unleash powerful attacksandabilities, but give your dragon too much freedom and you willlosecontrol. If you're not quick to pull back the reins, he willturnagainst you.● Develop your dragon's abilitiesClaim victory in battle to earn CP, which you can use tolearnabilities and powerful attacks. Unlocking some abilities willcloseyour path to others, so plan carefully and customize yourdragon tosuit your needs.