1.0.5 / June 19, 2017
(4.2/5) (9)


Ob Kindergarten-Eingewöhnung, Trennung derEltern oder Mobbing in der Schule – die Kindheit ist nicht immerder geschützte, liebevolle Raum, den wir uns für unsere Kinderwünschen. Und auch schon die Allerkleinsten müssen die Umstellungerst verkraften, wenn Mama abstillt oder der Schnuller abgewöhntwird, wenn ein Geschwisterchen folgt oder die Familieumzieht.

Bachblüten sind die kleinen, sanften Helfer, die dich und dein Kindbei so mancher Schwierigkeit im Alltag unterstützen – ganz ohneNebenwirkungen. In dieser App lernst du, wie du sie dosierst undanwendest und wie du sie selbst mischen kannst. Es wird genauerklärt, wann du die verschiedenen Tropfen benutzen kannst und wiesie sich bei deinem Kind auswirken.

Schaff dir deine eigene, ganz individuelle Bachblüten-App, indem duRezepte selbst zusammenstellst, ausprobierst und mit Notizenversiehst. So erstellst du nach und nach eine wertvolle Sammlungmit deinen ganzen Erfahrungen über Bachblüten. Als Einsteigergreifst du einfach auf die bewährten Rezepte der App zurück – undhältst danach in den Notizen fest, wie sie bei deinem Kind gewirkthaben.

Key Features:
- alle Bachblüten auf einen Blick
- ausführliche Beschreibungen zu jeder Blüte
- Anwendungshinweise und Mischanleitungen
- Notizfunktion
- persönliche Favoritenliste
- jederzeit und überall verfügbar
- schnell und unkompliziert handhabbar

Liebe Grüße!
Whether Kindergartensettling, separation of parents or bullying in the school - thechildhood is not always protected, loving space that we want forour children. And even the very youngest children have to cope withthe change only when Mama abstillt or pacifier is given up when asibling or follows the family moves.

Bach flowers are small, gentle helper to assist you and your childin many a difficulty in everyday life - without any side effects.In this app you will learn how you dosierst and applying least andhow you can mix yourself. It explains exactly when you can use thevarious drops and how they impact on your child.

Get yourself your own individual Bach Flower App by matchingrecipes ask yourself, try out and provide with notes. So you creategradually a valuable collection with your whole experience withBach Flower Remedies. As a beginner you grab just the best recipesof the app back - and then hold firmly in the notes, as they haveworked for your child.

Key Features:
- All Bach Flower Remedies at a Glance
- Detailed descriptions of each flower
- Application Notes and mixing lines
- Memo function
- Personal favorites list
- Any time, anywhere
- Quickly and easily manageable


App Information Bachblüten für Kinder | Homöopathische Helfer

  • App Name
    Bachblüten für Kinder | Homöopathische Helfer
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    June 19, 2017
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    kigorosa UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
  • Installs
    1,000 - 5,000
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

Bachblüten für Kinder | Homöopathische Helfer Version History

Select Bachblüten für Kinder | Homöopathische Helfer Version :
  • 1.0.4 (1000004)
  • Bachblüten für Kinder | Homöopathische Helfer 1.0.4 APK File

    Publish Date: 2016 /4/28
    Requires Android: Android 2.2+ (Froyo, API: 8)
    File Size: 27.3 MB
    Tested on: Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean, API: 17)
    File Sha1: e4d1913c5e059f277adecf7f628c8058015d0bc7
    APK Signature: 0217e141ea626aa2eadb8adcce2916d460f2a318

kigorosa UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Show More...

Baby Gesundheit Checkliste PRO 1.0.11 APK
Mit dieser App bekommst du sämtlicheChecklisten zum Thema „Baby Gesundheit“ in einer einzigen App:Durch die U-Übersicht (U1-U6) bist du in Punkto Termine,Untersuchungsablauf und Meilensteine (vgl. „Oje, ich wachse!“)immer rechtzeitig informiert und behältst den Überblick überKnöpfchens Entwicklung. Die weiteren Checklisten (Impfpläne,Krankheiten, Zahnen, Zahnpflege, Hausapotheke, Arztnotfall,Krankenhausnotfall, Vergiftungsnotfall) helfen dir und deinemkleinen Knopf bei seinem Start ins Leben und unterstützen euch beiersten Schwierigkeiten. Wieso sind Masern so gefährlich? Wo kommtder nächste Zahn? Wann solltest du mit deinem Baby besser insKrankenhaus fahren? Bei all dem hilft dir unsere App weiter, sodass ihr das erste gemeinsame Jahr möglichst unbedarft genießenkönnt.Viele praktische Tipps machen die abhakbaren Listen übrigens zueinem noch wertvolleren Tool und unterstützen dich bei deinenEntscheidungen. Hipp: als Bonus gibt es Rezepte aus unseren anderenApps, die deinem Baby das Zahnen erleichtern sollen.Außerdem gibt es in jeder Checkliste auch wieder unsere beliebteNotizfunktion. So kannst du z.B. für jede U-Untersuchung dasWachstum deines Babys dokumentieren und Fragen, die dir zwischenden Untersuchungsterminen in den Sinn kommen, zeitnah für dienächste U notieren.Viel Spaß also mit dem Nachfolger von „Schwangerschaft –Checklisten“ wünschenKirstin und RomanWith this app you get allthe checklists on "Baby health" in a single app: The U-index(U1-U6) are you in terms of dates, examination schedule andmilestones always on time (see "Uh-oh, I'm growing!".) informed andkeep track of Knöpfchens development. The other checklists(vaccination schedules, illness, teething, dental care, medicinechest, medical emergency, hospital emergency, emergency poisoning)can help you and your little button on his start in life andsupport you at the first difficulty. Why are measles so dangerous?Where will the next tooth? When you make with your baby better goto the hospital? In all of our app helps you further, so that youcan enjoy the first common year clueless as possible.Many practical tips to make the abhakbaren lists the way to an evenmore valuable tool and support you in your decisions. Hipp: as abonus there are recipes from our other apps that will facilitateyour baby's teething.There is in each checklist again our popular memo. So you can, forexample, for each U-study document your baby's growth and questionsthat come to you from the examination dates in mind, promptlyrecord for the nearest subway.Wish - So have fun with the successor of "checklistspregnancy"Kirstin and Roman
Poisoning - First Aid Lite 1.4.3 APK
It is rare that a poisoning islife-threatening. Therefore it is important that you remain calmand that you calm the child, toddler or baby. Above all, do not actrashly! A wrong action is often more dangerous than the poisonitself.With our new mobile app "Poisoning - First Aid for Children" youare always informed about the right steps - at home, on theplayground, in the woods or in kindergarten.Whether household product, plant or snake bite - "Poisoning -First Aid for Children" will help you to do the right thing in apoisoning emergency! Look for your toxin quickly and intuitively,learn about its toxicity and use symptoms, "DOs" and "DON'Ts" asguide for the right steps. Please select your country and then yourlocal poison control center. By this choice the app will save theright numbers and will connect you correctly in case you shouldfind yourself in an emergency situation. Of course your choice isreversible and can be changed to the country-specific number whenyou are travelling.Our application refers to all by the WHO published emergencyphone numbers, which means to over 80 countries worldwide.Search through over 500 keywords, or in the variouscategories:• household products and chemicals• cosmetics,• medications,• nicotine,• plants,• mushrooms• insect stings and• animal bites.Concerning plants and mushrooms an image search tool providessome further assistance if you are not familiar with the name, orif you are in any doubt.You will find helpful tips to avoid poisoning in our categoryAOB, because "Prevention is better than cure". Maybe they mighthelp you see something you have missed.Key Facts:• more than 500 keywords• 8 categories• image search tool for plants and mushrooms• emergency phone numbers for over 80 countries worldwide• anytime and anywhere• quickly and easily• no advertising• useful tips for prevention of poisoning
Pregnancy Checklists PRO 2.1.5 APK
With this App you get all pregnancy relatedchecklists in one single App – comprehensive, well arranged andeasily accessible. Many practical pointers within the checklistsmake this App a valuable tool in your journey through pregnancy,supporting you in your decisions.With a weekly overview you have a grip over your variousappointments, medical tests and other to-do things, before yourbaby comes. Which tests should you book by your ob-gyn? When canyou have an amniocentesis done? How late in pregnancy can you stillfly for a holiday and back? You get answers to these and many otherquestions. In the checklist you can mark things completed as youproceed. That feels fabulous!The weekly pregnancy overview and the index about the trimesterscontain links, where you can access the various checklists:Nutritional supplements, maternity clothing, baby gear, choosingwhere to give birth, birth plan and hospital bag. With these listsyou look well after yourself, take gradual steps to redecorate yourhome to be ready to welcome the baby and you prepare yourself forthe birth. What does your little bundle really need, and what itemsare excessive and unnecessary? What type of birth will be right foryou? Our App will help you with all this, so that you can feelconfident and enjoy your pregnancy and the early days with yourprecious newborn baby.As a bonus there is a variety of helpful websites, which youwill find useful during this special time in your life.Enjoy this App!Kirstin and Roman
Hausmittel PRO APK
The PRO version is ad-free and enthallt 100 more home remedies!
100 Tipps für das Putzen PRO APK
The PRO version is ad-free and contains 20 more tips!
Pregnancy Food Guide PRO 1.0.8 APK
Congratulations on your pregnancy! With thisapp we would like to give you a helpful tool, which will make foodsafety and good nutrition as simple as possible for you for thenext nine months. What types of fish contain the least amount ofmercury? Which types of cheese should you first strike off of yourshopping list? And attending your next business lunch; what can youeat without worrying whether you’ll get toxoplasmosis? This appfeatures a traffic light food labelling system of almost 1000foodstuffs – they are categorized according to the level of dangerto the unborn baby. Due to the background information and advice,you will feel more secure in the complex evaluation of the safetyof unknown foods.How the app works:At first there is a theoretic part, which informs you in a nutshellabout the most common foodborne diseases (toxoplasmosis,listeriosis, and salmonella.)The core of the app is the food search. Here you can initiallychoose between an alphabetic or a filtered search. At first glanceyou can see whether a foodstuff is classified as green, orange orred.Green-labelled food means that pregnant women can generally consumeit safely - even if it is not necessarily healthy. Of coursecalories and nutritional value are another matter. On the samenote, the permitted foods are always allowed in moderation. Thisapplies especially to spices, herbs, and nuts. If you have a variedand balanced diet, you don't have to worry anymore. Orange let'syou know that the safe consumption of the foodstuff depends onseveral factors (time of pregnancy, personal situation, the art ofpreparation, quantity, ...) But do not worry at first about thequantity of the orange entries, but do note the advice. Just clickon the corresponding food label. You should absolutely avoid allred-labelled foodstuffs. They affect the development of your babyand damage it in the long-term.Using the filtered search, however, you can adapt the list of thevarious risks and food categories to your individual situation. Youcan easily browse all accessible foods. Or you can filter throughfood categories and find out which cheese from your favouritecamemberts you can replace during the pregnancy.By clicking the star you can finally add the desired food to yourpersonal shopping list.By the way, with the help of our hints and advice you will also getguidelines for specific food categories and several more ideas foreveryday use. That way you can ensure even greater food safetywithout getting hysterical.We wish you a relaxed pregnancy. All the best!Kirstin & Roman
Babyentwicklung im 1. Jahr PRO APK
The PRO version is ad-free and contains all the information to 12months
Baby Names PRO APK
PRO Version: Ad free + French, Spanish and Italian names!