/ October 18, 2014
(4.6/5) (8)


Ebola Live Map´s content is aggregatedfromfreely available information from the following sources:



Is a team of researchers, epidemiologists and softwaredevelopersat Children's Hospital Boston founded in 2006, is anestablishedglobal leader in utilizing online informal sources fordiseaseoutbreak monitoring and real-time surveillance of emergingpublichealth threats. The freely available Web site'healthmap.org' andmobile app 'Outbreaks Near Me' deliverreal-time intelligence on abroad range of emerging infectiousdiseases for a diverse audienceincluding libraries, local healthdepartments, governments, andinternational travelers. HealthMapbrings together disparate datasources, including online newsaggregators, eyewitness reports,expert-curated discussions andvalidated official reports, toachieve a unified and comprehensiveview of the current global stateof infectious diseases and theireffect on human and animal health.Through an automated process,updating 24/7/365, the systemmonitors, organizes, integrates,filters, visualizes anddisseminates online information aboutemerging diseases in ninelanguages, facilitating early detectionof global public healththreats.


WHO is the directing and coordinating authority for healthwithinthe United Nations system. It is responsible forprovidingleadership on global health matters, shaping the healthresearchagenda, setting norms and standards, articulatingevidence-basedpolicy options, providing technical support tocountries andmonitoring and assessing health trends.


MEDBOX is an innovative online library aimed at improvingthequality of healthcare in humanitarian action, worldwide.

An independent internet platform supported byinternationalagencies and scientific institutions active inhumanitarianassistance and development, MEDBOX collates theincreasing numberof professional guidelines, textbooks andpractical documents onhealth action available online today andbrings these into thehands of humanitarian aid workers: when theyneed it, where theyneed it.


Due to the ad hoc and unpredictable nature of manyinternationalresponses to emergencies, the internationalhumanitarian community(UN agencies, International Organisations andI/NGOs) reviewed pastoperations and identified consistent gaps andweaknesses. Toaddress these issues the UN Emergency ResponseCoordinator, throughOCHA, introduced an Agenda for Reform inSeptember 2005. The reformwas targeted to improve partnershipbetween humanitarian actors andtherefore enhance the overallresponse to emergencies, and wasrapidly developed along three keyaxes, known as the three pillarsof the reform: (1) Development ofclusters at global and countrylevels. (2) Strengthening of the roleof the HumanitarianCoordinator at field level. (3) Modification tokey aspects of thefunding mechanisms.

About EDIS
The Hungarian National Association of Radio Distress-SignallingandInfocommunications (RSOE) operates Emergency andDisasterInformation Service (EDIS) within the frame of its ownwebsitewhich has the objective to monitor and document all theevents onthe Earth which may cause disaster or emergency. Theservice isusing the speed and the data spectrum of the internet togatherinformation. They are monitoring and processing severalforeignorganisation's data to get quick and certifiedinformation.

App Information Ebola Live Map

  • App Name
    Ebola Live Map
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    October 18, 2014
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.3.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Media Soft Interactive
  • Installs
    500 - 1,000
  • Price
  • Category
    Health & Fitness
  • Developer
    Visit website Email eaguilera@mediasoftinteractive.com
    Reforma Agraria 4-101, Club de Golf México, Tlalpan, Distrito Federal, CP 14620, México.
  • Google Play Link

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iDog APK
¡Bienvenidogs!Con esta App te transportarás al increíble mundo de los perros.Vive cada experiencia al máximo junto a tu mejor amigo. Descubretodo lo que iDog tiene para que su vida sea más sencilla y muchomás divertida.DOG PLACESTodo un mundo por descubrir juntos, encuentra desde veterinarias,hoteles, pensiones, lugares pet-friendly y más.DOG TVComparte con iDog todas las aventuras que viven juntos y diviértetepor horas con nuestra selección de videos.LOST DOGSi tu amigo se extravió da aviso a la comunidad y entre todospodremos ayudar a encontrarlo.DOG MAGAZINEEntérate de los cuidados que debes tener con tu amigo, lugares ymucho más para que sean más felices juntos.OTTOBOXRegalos únicos, seleccionados con especial cuidado para darle a tumejor amigo la felicidad que merece.DOG SHOP (PRÓXIMAMENTE)Encuentra todo lo que tu mejor amigo necesita, como increíblesaccesorios, juguetes únicos y mucho más.Bienvenidogs!With this app you will be transported to the amazing world of dogs.Live every experience to the fullest with your best friend.Discover all that iDog is to make your life easier and morefun.DOG PLACESA whole world to discover together, is from veterinary, hotels,pet-friendly places and more.DOG TVShare with iDog all the adventures that live together and have funfor hours with our selection of videos. LOST DOGIf your friend was lost he gives notice to the community andtogether we can help find him.DOG MAGAZINEGet the care you should have with your friend, places and much moreto be happier together.OTTOBOXUnique gifts, selected with special care to give your best frienddeserves happiness.DOG SHOP (COMING SOON)Find everything your best friend needs, as incredible accessories,unique toys and more.
Nuestra Agua APK
Bienvenido(a) a Nuestra agua. Aquí podrásinformarte sobre las fuentes de agua en tu localidad, áreas derecarga, infraestructura, disponibilidad, usos, tratamiento,amenazas y alternativas para una adecuada gestión del agua en tucuenca; además podrás conocer a las organizaciones que trabajan afavor de su calidad y administración, difunden y promueven elintercambio de datos para facilitar la compresión de su ciclo yproponen acciones que contribuyen a su aprovechamiento sustentable.Las cuencas son el territorio por donde corre el agua hacia unacorriente principal para desembocar en un punto común de salida(océanos o lagos). Por sus características ambientales, son launidad territorial más adecuada para la gestión del agua.En México contamos con 1,471 cuencas hidrográficas. Conpropósitos administrativos, la Comisión Nacional del Agua (Conagua)las ha agrupado en 731 cuencas, en 37 regiones hidrológicas y éstasa su vez en 13 regiones económico-administrativas. La herramientaque ahora consultas se basa en la propuesta desarrollada en 2009por el ahora denominado Instituto Nacional de Ecología y CambioClimático (“Cuencas hidrográficas de México. Diagnóstico yPriorización” Cotler, 2010), que las agrupó en 393 cuencasregionalizadas de acuerdo a sus características socio ambientales yeconómicas.En cuanto compartas tu ubicación, el sistema te llevará a lacuenca en la que estás (tomará aproximadamente 10 segundos). Siquieres conocer información de otra cuenca o no quieres compartirtu ubicación da clic en “Búsqueda” y “Buscar puntos en el mapa”para revisar la información de la cuenca que deseas consultar.Nuestra agua se nutre con las aportaciones de organizaciones ypersonas interesadas en el tema. Está a tu disposición para que laenriquezcas con tus contribuciones.Gracias por compartirinformación, dudas, comentarios y sugerencias.Welcome (a) to our water.Here you can read about the sources of water in your area, rechargeareas, infrastructure, availability, use, treatment, threats andalternatives for proper management of water in your watershed; youcan also meet organizations working in favor of their quality andmanagement, disseminate and promote the exchange of data tofacilitate the compression cycle and propose actions thatcontribute to its sustainable use.Watersheds are the land where the water flows into a mainstreamto lead to a common point of departure (oceans or lakes). For itsenvironmental features, they are the most appropriate territorialunit for water management.In Mexico, we have 1,471 watersheds. For administrativepurposes, the National Water Commission (Conagua) has grouped in731 watersheds in 37 hydrological regions and these in turn into 13economic-administrative regions. The tool now consultations arebased on a proposal developed in 2009 by the now called NationalInstitute of Ecology and Climate Change ("Watersheds of Mexico.Diagnosis and Prioritization" Cotler, 2010), which brought together393 basins regionalized according to their environmental andsocio-economic characteristics.As you share your location, the system will take you to thebasin in which you are (it will take approximately 10 seconds). Ifyou want to know information from another basin or do not want toshare your location click on "Search" and "Search dots on the map"to review the information you want to consult basin.Our water is fed by contributions from organizations andindividuals interested in the subject. It is available to theenriquezcas with your contribuciones.Gracias to share information,questions, comments and suggestions.
Esta App es para que puedas generar y planeartus rutas, a través de la red de transporte público del DistritoFederal: RTP, microbús y trolebús.This App is for you togenerate and plan your routes through the network of publictransport in Mexico City: RTP, minibus and trolley.
Ebola Live Map APK
Ebola Live Map´s content is aggregatedfromfreely available information from the following sources:http://healthmap.org/https://extranet.who.int/http://www.logcluster.org/http://www.medbox.org/http://hisz.rsoe.hu/ABOUT HEALTHMAPIs a team of researchers, epidemiologists and softwaredevelopersat Children's Hospital Boston founded in 2006, is anestablishedglobal leader in utilizing online informal sources fordiseaseoutbreak monitoring and real-time surveillance of emergingpublichealth threats. The freely available Web site'healthmap.org' andmobile app 'Outbreaks Near Me' deliverreal-time intelligence on abroad range of emerging infectiousdiseases for a diverse audienceincluding libraries, local healthdepartments, governments, andinternational travelers. HealthMapbrings together disparate datasources, including online newsaggregators, eyewitness reports,expert-curated discussions andvalidated official reports, toachieve a unified and comprehensiveview of the current global stateof infectious diseases and theireffect on human and animal health.Through an automated process,updating 24/7/365, the systemmonitors, organizes, integrates,filters, visualizes anddisseminates online information aboutemerging diseases in ninelanguages, facilitating early detectionof global public healththreats.ABOUT WHOWHO is the directing and coordinating authority for healthwithinthe United Nations system. It is responsible forprovidingleadership on global health matters, shaping the healthresearchagenda, setting norms and standards, articulatingevidence-basedpolicy options, providing technical support tocountries andmonitoring and assessing health trends.ABOUT MEDBOXMEDBOX is an innovative online library aimed at improvingthequality of healthcare in humanitarian action, worldwide.An independent internet platform supported byinternationalagencies and scientific institutions active inhumanitarianassistance and development, MEDBOX collates theincreasing numberof professional guidelines, textbooks andpractical documents onhealth action available online today andbrings these into thehands of humanitarian aid workers: when theyneed it, where theyneed it.ABOUT THE LOGISTIC CLUSTERDue to the ad hoc and unpredictable nature of manyinternationalresponses to emergencies, the internationalhumanitarian community(UN agencies, International Organisations andI/NGOs) reviewed pastoperations and identified consistent gaps andweaknesses. Toaddress these issues the UN Emergency ResponseCoordinator, throughOCHA, introduced an Agenda for Reform inSeptember 2005. The reformwas targeted to improve partnershipbetween humanitarian actors andtherefore enhance the overallresponse to emergencies, and wasrapidly developed along three keyaxes, known as the three pillarsof the reform: (1) Development ofclusters at global and countrylevels. (2) Strengthening of the roleof the HumanitarianCoordinator at field level. (3) Modification tokey aspects of thefunding mechanisms.About EDISThe Hungarian National Association of Radio Distress-SignallingandInfocommunications (RSOE) operates Emergency andDisasterInformation Service (EDIS) within the frame of its ownwebsitewhich has the objective to monitor and document all theevents onthe Earth which may cause disaster or emergency. Theservice isusing the speed and the data spectrum of the internet togatherinformation. They are monitoring and processing severalforeignorganisation's data to get quick and certifiedinformation.
Aplicación de la Federación Mexicana deGolfque te permitirá consultar información relevante, noticias,torneosy enlazar con sus redes sociales.Implementation oftheMexican Golf Federation will allow you to checkrelevantinformation, news, tournaments and link to yoursocialnetworks.
Difusión Cultural UACM es una aplicación quetiene como objetivo dar a conocer las diferentes actividades,talleres, coloquios, diplomados y eventos culturales que se llevana cabo en los planteles, de una manera fácil y accesible.Cultural disseminationUACM is an application that aims to present the differentactivities, workshops, seminars, courses and cultural events thattake place on campus, in an easy and accessible way.
Trueque Libre APK
Esta app está diseñada para que intercambiestutiempo libre por una actividad, en la cual recibiras algunbeneficiocomo productos y servicios. Para realizar estasactividades deberasinscribirte en la página y descargar laaplicación, en la cualtendras acceso a un usuario y puedasinscribirte en la actividad quemas te convenga.De la misma forma podras ofrecer alguna actividadintercambiandolocon otro usuario por su tiempo libre.This app is designedtolet you exchange your time for an activity in which youwillreceive some benefit as products and services. To performtheseactivities You MUST register for the site and downloadtheapplication, in which you will have access to a user and cansignup for the activity that suits you.In the same way you can offer some trading it with otheruseractivity for their free time.