D'Uva s.r.l. Apps

Malevic - EN 1.0.0
D'Uva s.r.l.
Malevič exhibition Created in collaboration with GAMeC - Galleriad’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Bergamo e GAmm - Giunti Artemostre musei, this application will accompany you on your discoveryof one of the most important ARTIST: Kazimir Malevič. The appproposes: - a tour of the exhibition with 49 listening points - the‘find’ function to look for the listening points which interest you- the 'Phototaking' function to make and share your photos. - aboutan hour of audio contents in english. The APP, available in Italianand English, will take visitors on a fascinating journey ofdiscovery of Malevich’s masterpieces, and also of an impressivebody of works by other important exponents of the Russianavant-garde.
Villa Rufolo - EN 2.0.1
D'Uva s.r.l.
Villa Rufolo Created in collaboration with Arte'm for Villa Rufolo,this application will accompany you on your discovery of one of themost important ville: VILLA RUFOLO. The app proposes: - a tour ofthe VILLE with 9 listening points - the 'MyVisit' function tocreate your own chosen itinerary - the ‘Find’ function to look forthe listening points which interest you - the 'Phototaking'function to take photos and share them in the social networks. Aunique tool for discovering with your smartphone (iPod or iPhone) aplace with an unparallelled atmosphere and history, which is readyto unfold itself to those willing to listen.
Pantheon - Roma 1.0.0
D'Uva s.r.l.
Con l'app a Pantheon Roma puoi visitareilPantheon ovunque ti trovi.L'app Pantheon Roma propone:- un tour della Basilica con 15 punti di ascolto- la funzione MyVisit per creare il tuo percorso preferito- la fotocamera per scattare foto e condividere latuaesperienza- la mappa per individuare i punti di ascolto- la funzione trova per cercare i punti di ascolto dituointeresse- un video esclusivo della caduta dei petali perlaPentescoste- contenuti audio in italiano.D'UVA WORKSHOPDa più di 50 anni, D' Uva Workshop racconta storiepercoinvolgere il pubblico dei musei - non importa quale sia l’età,lacultura o il livello di istruzione. I nostri artisti,scrittori,designer, narratori e tecnici offrono servizi creativi,capacitànello storytelling e soluzioni multimediali. D’Uva Workshoplavoraa stretto contatto con chiese, musei, mostre e siti diinteresseculturale per sviluppare programmi diinterpretazionepersonalizzati e tour in diverse lingue, che tengonoconto dei loroobiettivi, delle loro priorità e del loro budget.D'Uva Workshopoffre una gamma completa di prodotti e servizi dallaprogettazioneallo sviluppo e gestione di video e audioguide,applicazioni emobile tour. Dal 1959, quando Giovanni D'Uva hainventato la primaaudioguida, D'Uva Workshop ha fattodell'innovazione tecnica edelle soluzioni multimediali i propripunti d'orgoglio, utilizzandoe sviluppando alcune delle più recentitecnologie, come touchscreen, chioschi, audioguide, applicazioni,geolocalizzazione,realtà aumentata, computer vision, iBeacon esocial sharing.With the app you canvisitthe Pantheon in Rome Pantheon anywhere.The app Pantheon Rome proposes:- A tour of the Basilica with 15 listening points- Function MyVisit to create your favorite trail- The camera to take photos and share your experience- The map to find the listening points- The function is to search for points of listening toyourinterest- An exclusive video of the fall of the petals forPentescoste- Audio content in Italian.GRAPE WORKSHOPFor more than 50 years, D 'Uva Workshop tells stories toengagethe public museum - no matter what the age, culture or levelofeducation. Our artists, writers, designers, storytellersandtechnical offer creative services, skills in storytellingandmultimedia solutions. D'Uva Workshop works closely withchurches,museums, exhibitions and cultural sites to developinterpretationprograms and customized tours in several languages,which takeaccount of their objectives, their priorities and theirbudget.D'Uva Workshop offers a full range of products and servicesfromdesign to development and management of video and audioguides,applications and mobile tour. Since 1959, when John D'Uvainventedthe first audio guide, D'Uva Workshop has done technicalinnovationand multimedia solutions their points of pride, usinganddeveloping some of the latest technologies, such as touchscreens,kiosks, audio guides, applications, geolocation, augmentedreality,computer vision, iBeacon and social sharing.
Keith Haring. About Art - ITA 1.1.1
D'Uva s.r.l.
Keith Haring. About Art è l'app ufficiale per visitare la mostraKeith Haring a Palazzo Reale a Milano. L’esposizione Keith Haring,About Art presenta una selezione di 26 opere, molte di dimensionimonumentali, alcune delle quali inedite o mai esposte in Italia.L'app, disponibile gratuitamente in italiano e in inglese, proponeun audiotour della mostra con 26 punti di ascolto raccontati dallaco-curatrice della mostra, la dott.ssa Claudia Zevi Dal 21/02/2017al 18/06/2017
Keith Haring. About Art - ING 1.0.0
D'Uva s.r.l.
Keith Haring. About Art is the ufficial apptovisit the temporary exhibition about Keith Haring in PalazzoRealein Milan. 
The exhibition Keith Haring, About Art presents a selection of26works, many of monumental size, some of them unpublished orneverexhibited in Italy.The app, available for free in Italian and English, offers anaudiotour of the exhibition with 26 listening points described bytheco-curator of the exhibition, Dr. Claudia ZeviFrom 02/21/2017 to 06/18/2017Keith Haring. About Artisofficially the app to visit the temporary exhibition aboutKeithHaring in the Royal Palace in Milan.The exhibition Keith Haring, About Art presents a selection of26works, many of monumental size, some of them unpublished orneverExhibited in Italy.The app, available for free in Italian and Inglese, offers anaudiotour of the exhibition with 26 listening points described bytheco-curator of the exhibition, Dr. Claudia ZeviFrom 21/02/2017 to 06/18/2017
Inferno Florence Guide 2.0.2
D'Uva s.r.l.
Florence is not just a backdrop but a protagonist of Dan Brown’slatest book, Inferno. If you’re visiting Florence or just wish youwere, this app will help you picture and understand the places inwhich scenes of Inferno are set. Get started with the map or thelist of places and begin your exploration of Florence! For eachplace in Florence mentioned in the book we’ve gone out and taken anoriginal photo, contextualized it within Dan Brown’s story anddescribed with it historically accurate information. Features: -Map of Florence with Inferno locations - GPS to locate yourposition on the map of the city - 31 listening points, lastingalmost 1 hour - Original photos to help you picture it - Quote frombook where location is mentioned - Extra historical informationabout each location - Nearby visitor tips This app is written bythe editors of The Florentine, a local newspaper cited in Inferno.Long-term residents of the city, the team counts friendly expertsin literature and art history who look forward to being yourvirtual guides to Dan Brown’s Florence. This is the ONLY app todate that provides original, fact-checked content written bymother-tongue English speakers. You will find Inferno FlorenceGuide to be a useful supplement to the book!
Palazzo Zevallos - DE 1.0.0
D'Uva s.r.l.
Palazzo Zevallos Stigliano Realizzata in collaborazione con IntesaSan Paolo per Palazzo Zevallos Stigliano, quest'applicazione viaccompagnerà alla scoperta di uno dei musei più affascinati diNapoli: PALAZZO ZEVALLOS STIGLIANO. L'app propone: - una 'Playlist'che presenta il tour del Palazzo con una selezione di 20 punti diascolto. - la funzione 'Trova' per cercare i punti di ascolto dituo interesse sia per parola che per numero di punto di ascolto. -la funzione 'Phototaking' per fare i tuoi scatti e condividere suisocial. - la funzione 'MyVisit' ti permette di creare percorsi sumisura cliccando sull'icona "cuore" di ciascun punto di ascolto.L'app consente di seguire un emozionante percorso alla scoperta diPalazzo Zevallos.
Piazza Scala - EN 1.0.0
D'Uva s.r.l.
Gallerie di Piazza Scala 19th-century Museum and 20th-centuryWorksite The Piazza Scala app, created in collaboration with theIntesa Sanpaolo bank for Gallerie di Piazza Scala, will accompanyyou on your discovery of one of the most fascinating museums inMilan. The Gallerie di Piazza Scala are housed in a uniquearchitectural complex, made up of buildings, courtyards and gardensand situated at the heart of the town. The Gallerie have an overallsurface of 8300 m2 spread over four historical buildings situatedbetween piazza della Scala, via Manzoni and via Marone. Theseconstitute a fascinating synthesis of the history of architectureand the urban development of Milan from the end of the 18th centuryup to the first decades of the 20th century. The app gives youaccess to two possible itineraries: “19th-century Museum – FromCanova to Boccioni” takes you on a discovery of the most importantworks of the 19th-century collections of the Cariplo bankfoundation and the Intesa Sampaolo bank; the second itinerary isdedicated to the 20th-century masterpieces of the Intesa Sanpaolocollection in the context of the exhibition project entitled“20th-century worksite”. The app proposes: -a “Playlist” presentingthe tour of the Gallerie with a selection of 20 listening points.-the “Find” function to search by either word or number for thelistening points which interest you. -the “Phototaking” function totake your photos and share them on the social networks. - with the“MyVisit” function you can create personalized itineraries byclicking on the “heart” icon of each listening point. - with theinteractive“Map”function of both the buildings you can follow theitinerary by identifying the position of the listening points. TheGallerie di Piazza Scala, the Gallerie di Palazzo Leoni Montanariin Vicenza and the Gallerie di Palazzo Zevallos Stigliano in Naplestogether make up the Gallerie d’Italia, the museum and culturalcomplex of the Intesa Sanpaolo bank.
Palazzo Leoni Montanari - EN 3.0.0
D'Uva s.r.l.
Palazzo Leoni Montanari Created in collaboration with Intesa SanPaolo for Palazzo Leoni Montanari, this application will accompanyyou on your discovery of one of the most important museums ofVicenza: PALAZZO LEONI MONTANARI. The app proposes: - a tour of thePalazzo with a selection of 20 listening points - the 'QR Code'function for extra information. - the 'MyVisit' function to createyour own chosen itinerary - the ‘search’ function to look for thelistening points which interest you - the 'Phototaking' function totake photos and share them in the social networks. A unique toolfor discovering with your smartphone a place with an unparallelledatmosphere and history, which is ready to unfold itself to thosewilling to listen.
Piazza Scala - IT 1.0.0
D'Uva s.r.l.
Gallerie di Piazza Scala Museo dell'800 e Cantiere del '900 L’appPiazza Scala, realizzata in collaborazione con Intesa Sanpaolo perGallerie di Piazza Scala, vi accompagnerà alla scoperta di uno deimusei più affascinati di Milano. Le Gallerie di Piazza Scala hannosede in un complesso architettonico unico nel suo genere compostoda palazzi, cortili e giardini e ubicato nel cuore della città. Unasuperficie di 8.300 mq complessivi all’interno di quattro palazzistorici situati fra piazza della Scala, via Manzoni e via Morone,sintesi affascinante della storia dell’architettura e dellosviluppo urbano di Milano fra la fine del Settecento e i primidecenni del secolo scorso. Nell’app è possibile accedere a dueitinerari: ‘Museo dell’800- Da Canova a Boccioni permettedi scoprire alcune delle opere più importante delle collezionidell’Ottocento della Fondazione Cariplo e di IntesaSanpaolo;  il secondo percorso è invece dedicato alcapolavori del Novecento della raccolta Intesa Sanpaolo,nell’ambito del progetto espositivo Cantiere del '900. L'app propone: - una 'Playlist' che presenta il tour delle Galleriecon una selezione di 20 punti di ascolto. - la funzione 'Trova' percercare i punti di ascolto di tuo interesse sia per parola che pernumero di punto di ascolto. - la funzione 'Phototaking' per fare ituoi scatti e condividere sui social. - la funzione 'MyVisit' tipermette di creare percorsi su misura cliccando sull'icona "cuore"di ciascun punto di ascolto.  - la funzione 'Mappa'interattiva di entrambi i palazzi per poter seguire il percorsoattraverso l'ubicazione dei punti di ascolto. Le Gallerie di PiazzaScala, insieme alla Gallerie di Palazzo Leoni Montanari a Vicenza ealle Gallerie di Palazzo Zevallos Stigliano a Napoli, formano leGallerie d’Italia, il polo mussale e culturale di Intesa Sanpaolo.
La Fenice Opera House – Official guide 1.0
D'Uva s.r.l.
The app will accompany you on your discovery of one of themostfamous opera theatres in the world: Gran Teatro La Fenice.Discoverthe history, the titbits and the details regarding thistheatrewhich, since its opening in 1792, has always stood out inItaly andEurope for the high quality of its artistic programme andthesplendour of its architecture. The App can be downloaded freeandenables you to move around the various areas of the theatrefromthe foyer to the Apollonian rooms, passing from the stalls totheroyal box. Two itineraries are available to accompany visitorsontheir discovery of the Opera House, one for adults and oneforchildren which has a simpler, more accessible language. Thusthewhole family can visit the theatre in an independent way,sharingan experience which is both educational and entertaining.The audiotour contains: -a tour for adults with 16 listeningpoints, for atotal of over 35 min. of audio -a tour for childrenwith 16listening points, for a total of over 30 min. of audio.-the‘keyboard’ mode for accessing the clips via the listeningpointnumber -access to contents in offline mode, so as not to useupinternet traffic, or in streaming, so as not to take up spaceonyour phone - the function “Create postcard” to make your photosandshare them in the social networks The app is available inItalian,English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian,Chinese,Japanese and LIS both for iOS and Android devices Enjoyyour visit!
PANTHEON - official app 2.1
D'Uva s.r.l.
Enrich the experience of your visit to the Pantheon with ouraudiotour.
D'Uva s.r.l.
Nuova app venezia. Prova in-app
Santa Maria della Scala (FRA) 1.0.0
D'Uva s.r.l.
Bienvenue au Complexe muséal de Santa Maria della Scala. Au coursduparcours vous recevrez les notifications des points intéressantsàproximité.
Excavations of Herculaneum - official app 1.7
D'Uva s.r.l.
Download the Herculaneum app and you will get: - useful informationfor your tour (times, how to get there, contacts etc.) - one audiotour for adults and one for children - the official map for touringthe excavations The audio tour includes: - the tour of the Parkwith 63 listening points for adults for a total of approx.150minutes of audio - the tour of the park with 44 listening pointsfor children for a total of approx.38 minutes of audio - aninteractive map - contents in Italian, English, French, German andSpanish - a fascinating interpretation of the Letter of Pliny theYounger - access to the contents in offline mode so as to save oninternet traffic or in streaming if you do not wish to take upspace on your phone - choice of listening to the audio from yourphone loudspeaker or with earphones A bit of us D’Uva is a digitalinterpretation lab which offers multimedia contents for thedescription of the cultural heritage with audio guides, videoguides, multimedia totems, mobile apps and web platforms. Alaboratory where we have fun, we experiment, we discuss and we tryto improve daily. Our aim? To set up deeper relations betweenmuseums and visitors. Together we form a close-knit,multi-disciplinary group of developers, designers, creativetalents, technology freaks, audio and video operators, architects,art historians, narrators and technicians, who love museums,churches, art towns and tourist attractions. Our projects are basedon the capacity of the digital media for involving people, and theyare developed so as to transform interaction into experience and toadd value and emotions to the audio- and video-guided itineraries.
Santa Maria l'Antica Capua 1.1.3
D'Uva s.r.l.
L’audioguida include 25 punti di ascolto [16 contenuti base e9approfondimenti] sul circuito archeologico dell’antica Capua peruntotale di 40 minuti, con immagini per approfondire l’esplorazioneedue mappe per orientarsi al meglio.
In Tuscany with Dante
D'Uva s.r.l.
In Tuscany with Dante the app to discover some of the places of theSupreme Poet
Bardolino App
D'Uva s.r.l.
Discover Bardolino, the jewel of Lake Garda.
Santa Caterina del Sasso - App
D'Uva s.r.l.
Visit the Hermitage of Santa Caterina del Sasso with the officialapp
San Gennaro Treasure - Officia 1.5
D'Uva s.r.l.
Visit the Chapel of the Treasure of St. Januarius with the officialapp
Santa Croce - Official App 4.7
D'Uva s.r.l.
Discover the Monumental Complex of Santa Croce, a unique place foreveryone.
Giorgio Cini Foundation - Offi 1.2
D'Uva s.r.l.
Visit the Giorgio Cini Foundation and the Vatican Chapels with theofficial app
Opera del Duomo Museum in Pisa
D'Uva s.r.l.
Visit the Opera del Duomo Museum in Pisa with the official app
Santa Caterina Museum Treviso 1.1
D'Uva s.r.l.
Visit the Santa Caterina Museum with the official app
Santa Maria Capua Vetere 1.0
D'Uva s.r.l.
The audio guide includes 25 listening points
Naples, uninterrupted music 1.2
D'Uva s.r.l.
5 thematics itineraries to revisit 100 years of theScarlattiAssociation
Padula Sistema Museo - Officia 1.0
D'Uva s.r.l.
MUSEUM SYSTEM PADULA - The audio guide includes 27 listening points
Pompei audioguide 1.2
D'Uva s.r.l.
Visit the Excavations of Pompeii
Abbey of Staffarda 1.0
D'Uva s.r.l.
Visit the Abbey of Staffarda
Piazzale Michelangelo - Offici 1.0
D'Uva s.r.l.
Official app of the Piazzale Michelangelo in Florence
Palazzina di caccia di Stupini 1.6
D'Uva s.r.l.
Visit the Palazzina di caccia di Stupinigi with the official app