1.0.2 / May 15, 2014
(5.0/5) (1)











"Ran Quiz [Sengoku battleOperations]" is a full-scale history quiz app Shizugatakenotatakaiextensive knowledge and the Battle of Sekigahara, andKawanakajimanotatakai, concerning a number of battle that tookplace in the Warring States Period is tried.

«Recommended point»

■ site for a fee, issue group of high quality that one millionpeople a total challenged
In real history quiz got overwhelming support and various historyportal site of official mobile, problem of high quality andoverwhelming volume has been loved by many fans history.

■ questions Difficulty another history buff from beginners toenjoy history
Quiz is prepared in three stages of beginner, intermediate andadvanced, you can start to choose the difficulty level that was inthe knowledge of their own. There is also a feature that willappear on the exam at random from all of the quiz that is included,it does not get tired no matter how many times doing.

■ 10 questions feel free, question style of 100 questions can beselected carefully
You can challenge the 10 questions either to challenge all all 100questions on the degree of difficulty for each, were randomlyselected, you can choose the question style. Without a time limitto answer, can be enjoyed in the play that suits them slowly andcarefully.

■ friendly design that can be a little quiz time
Because it is a kind design that can be from a continuation of theissue you left off, you can enjoy to pass the time a littletime.

■ detailed commentary to become study even if wrong
Because it is seen more explanations of the problem of all of theanswers, you can learn the history of the Warring States period indeep problems wrong.

«Problem sample»

· What blunder Tokugawa Ieyasu lost to Mikatagaharanotatakai is,that had committed to rout in?
• In Hitotoribashinotatakai, and led the followers slight, havesaved Masamune Date of inferior, at the cost of his own life, whodo you think?
• When you chase the Uesugi urged to withdraw in Keicho Dewabattle, best Yoshimitsu or transmitted to where it has beenhit?
• Is is said in Nagashinonotatakai, Yamagata Akirakei and waskilled what while mouth to one estimate?

App Information クイズの乱[戦国合戦編]

  • App Name
  • ناوی پاکەیج
  • Updated
    May 15, 2014
  • قەبارەی فایل
  • پێویستی بە ئەندرۆیدە
    Android 2.2 and up
  • وەشان
  • گەشەپێدەر
  • دابەزاندن
    10 - 50
  • Price
  • هاوپۆڵ
  • گەشەپێدەر
  • Google Play Link

UM.Succeed,Inc. درێژە...

クイズの乱[戦国武将編] 1.0.2 APK
『クイズの乱[戦国武将編]』は、戦国時代に活躍した戦国大名やその家臣など、戦国時代に生きた数多くの武将にまつわる幅広い知識が試される本格歴史クイズアプリです。≪オススメポイント≫■有料サイトで、のべ100万人が挑戦したハイクオリティーな問題群携帯公式の各種歴史ポータルサイトなどで絶大な支持を得た本格歴史クイズで、圧倒的なボリュームと高いクオリティの問題は多くの歴史ファンに愛されています。■歴史初心者から歴史マニアまで楽しめる難易度別で出題初級・中級・上級の3段階でクイズが用意され、自分の知識にあった難易度を選んで始められます。また、収録されているすべてのクイズからランダムで出題される機能もあり、何度やっても飽きません。■気軽に10問、じっくり100問の出題形式が選択可能難易度毎に全100問すべてに挑戦するか、ランダムに選ばれた10問に挑戦するか、出題形式を選べます。解答するのに制限時間もなく、じっくり自分に合った遊び方で楽しめます。■ちょっとした時間にクイズができる親切設計中断した問題の続きからできる親切設計なので、ちょっとした時間のひまつぶしにも楽しめます。■間違っていても勉強になる詳しい解説付き解答したすべての問題の詳しい解説が見られるので、間違った問題でも深く戦国時代の歴史を学ぶことができます。≪問題サンプル≫・長束正家は豊臣秀吉に仕える前、誰の家臣であったか?・常陸の戦国大名佐竹義重の父親は誰か?・松永久秀から見て、松永久通はどのような関係となるか?・武田信玄の弟、武田信廉(信綱)は出家後に何と号したか?"Ran Quiz [SamuraiOperations]" is a full-scale history quiz app wide range ofknowledge, such as the vassal or Sengoku daimyo who played anactive part in the Warring States period, concerning a number ofwarlords who lived in the Warring States period is tried.«Recommended point»■ site for a fee, issue group of high quality that one millionpeople a total challengedIn real history quiz got overwhelming support and various historyportal site of official mobile, problem of high quality andoverwhelming volume has been loved by many fans history.■ questions Difficulty another history buff from beginners toenjoy historyQuiz is prepared in three stages of beginner, intermediate andadvanced, you can start to choose the difficulty level that was inthe knowledge of their own. There is also a feature that willappear on the exam at random from all of the quiz that is included,it does not get tired no matter how many times doing.■ 10 questions feel free, question style of 100 questions can beselected carefullyYou can challenge the 10 questions either to challenge all all 100questions on the degree of difficulty for each, were randomlyselected, you can choose the question style. Without a time limitto answer, can be enjoyed in the play that suits them slowly andcarefully.■ friendly design that can be a little quiz timeBecause it is a kind design that can be from a continuation of theissue you left off, you can enjoy to pass the time a littletime.■ detailed commentary to become study even if wrongBecause it is seen more explanations of the problem of all of theanswers, you can learn the history of the Warring States period indeep problems wrong.«Problem sample»· Before you serve Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who Nagatsuka Seiie orwas vassal?-Father of Sengoku daimyo Satake Yoshishige of Hitachi, who do youthink?- When viewed from the Matsunaga Hisahide, Matsunaga Hisamichi iswhat kind relationship?· What brother of Takeda Shingen, Takeda ShinRen (Nobutsuna) Didthe issue after the priest?
クイズの乱[三国志基本編] 1.0.3 APK
『クイズの乱[三国志基本編]』は、三国志に登場する武将や、有名な赤壁の戦いなどの出来事、三国志にゆかりのある用語や地名など、三国時代(魏・呉・蜀)のあらゆる事柄にまつわる幅広い知識が試される本格歴史クイズアプリです。≪オススメポイント≫■有料サイトで、のべ100万人が挑戦したハイクオリティーな問題群携帯公式の各種歴史ポータルサイトなどで絶大な支持を得た本格歴史クイズで、圧倒的なボリュームと高いクオリティの問題は多くの歴史ファンに愛されています。■歴史初心者から歴史マニアまで楽しめる難易度別で出題初級・中級・上級の3段階でクイズが用意され、自分の知識にあった難易度を選んで始められます。また、収録されているすべてのクイズからランダムで出題される機能もあり、何度やっても飽きません。■気軽に10問、じっくり100問の出題形式が選択可能難易度毎に全100問すべてに挑戦するか、ランダムに選ばれた10問に挑戦するか、出題形式を選べます。解答するのに制限時間もなく、じっくり自分に合った遊び方で楽しめます。■ちょっとした時間にクイズができる親切設計中断した問題の続きからできる親切設計なので、ちょっとした時間のひまつぶしにも楽しめます。■間違っていても勉強になる詳しい解説付き解答したすべての問題の詳しい解説が見られるので、間違った問題でも深く三国志の歴史を学ぶことができます。≪問題サンプル≫・劉備率いる義勇軍が、最初に黄巾軍と戦った場所はどこ?・赤壁の戦いにおいて曹操が敗走した際、江陵を目指した曹操軍が華容道を通った理由とは?・諸葛瑾は孫権にある動物に似ているとからかわれた。その動物とは?・西涼の雄、馬騰には漢人と何民族の血が流れていた?"Ran a quiz [ThreeKingdoms Basic]" is, place name or term that Yukari and warlordswho appears in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, events such as thebattle of the famous red wall, the Romance of the Three Kingdoms,etc., all things Three Kingdoms period of (Wei Wu-Shu) It is a realhistory quiz app that extensive knowledge is tried concerning.«Recommended point»■ site for a fee, issue group of high quality that one millionpeople a total challengedIn real history quiz got overwhelming support in the history andvarious portal sites official mobile, problem of high quality andoverwhelming volume are loved by history many fans.■ questions Difficulty another history buff from beginners toenjoy historyQuiz is prepared in three stages beginners, intermediate andadvanced, you can start to choose the difficulty was to myknowledge. There is also a feature that will appear on the exam atrandom from all of the quiz that is included, it does not get tiredno matter how it is done.■ 10 questions willingly, questions format of 100 questions canbe selected carefullyYou can challenge the 10 questions either to challenge all all 100questions in every difficulty, was randomly selected, you canchoose the format questions. Without a time limit to answer, can beenjoyed in the play that suits them carefully.■ kind design that can be a little quiz timeBecause it is a kind design that can be from a continuation of theissue you left off, you can enjoy to pass the time a littletime.■ detailed commentary made to study even if wrongBecause it is seen detailed explanation of the problem of all ofthe answers, you can learn the history of the Three Kingdoms deeplyin the issue that is wrong.«Problem sample»-Volunteer army who is Liu 備率 is, where is where you fought theyellow width army first?-Why and Cao Cao army when Cao Cao was rout in the fight againstred wall, aimed at Gangneung has passed the Huarong road?-Zhuge Jin was teased and is similar to the animal in the Sun Quan.And the animal?Yu west of Ryo, what ethnic Han Chinese and blood was flowing inTengchong horse?
クイズの乱[戦国合戦編] 1.0.2 APK
『クイズの乱[戦国合戦編]』は、関ヶ原の戦いや賤ヶ岳の戦い、川中島の戦いなど、戦国時代に起こった数多くの合戦にまつわる幅広い知識が試される本格歴史クイズアプリです。≪オススメポイント≫■有料サイトで、のべ100万人が挑戦したハイクオリティーな問題群携帯公式の各種歴史ポータルサイトなどで絶大な支持を得た本格歴史クイズで、圧倒的なボリュームと高いクオリティの問題は多くの歴史ファンに愛されています。■歴史初心者から歴史マニアまで楽しめる難易度別で出題初級・中級・上級の3段階でクイズが用意され、自分の知識にあった難易度を選んで始められます。また、収録されているすべてのクイズからランダムで出題される機能もあり、何度やっても飽きません。■気軽に10問、じっくり100問の出題形式が選択可能難易度毎に全100問すべてに挑戦するか、ランダムに選ばれた10問に挑戦するか、出題形式を選べます。解答するのに制限時間もなく、じっくり自分に合った遊び方で楽しめます。■ちょっとした時間にクイズができる親切設計中断した問題の続きからできる親切設計なので、ちょっとした時間のひまつぶしにも楽しめます。■間違っていても勉強になる詳しい解説付き解答したすべての問題の詳しい解説が見られるので、間違った問題でも深く戦国時代の歴史を学ぶことができます。≪問題サンプル≫・三方ヶ原の戦いに敗れた徳川家康が、敗走中におかしてしまったという失態とは?・人取橋の戦いで、わずかな郎党を率い、自らの命と引き替えに劣勢の伊達政宗を救ったのは誰か?・慶長出羽合戦で撤退する上杉勢を追撃した際、最上義光はどこに被弾したと伝わるか?・長篠の戦いにおいて、一説に山県昌景は何を口にくわえたまま戦死したと言われるか?"Ran Quiz [Sengoku battleOperations]" is a full-scale history quiz app Shizugatakenotatakaiextensive knowledge and the Battle of Sekigahara, andKawanakajimanotatakai, concerning a number of battle that tookplace in the Warring States Period is tried.«Recommended point»■ site for a fee, issue group of high quality that one millionpeople a total challengedIn real history quiz got overwhelming support and various historyportal site of official mobile, problem of high quality andoverwhelming volume has been loved by many fans history.■ questions Difficulty another history buff from beginners toenjoy historyQuiz is prepared in three stages of beginner, intermediate andadvanced, you can start to choose the difficulty level that was inthe knowledge of their own. There is also a feature that willappear on the exam at random from all of the quiz that is included,it does not get tired no matter how many times doing.■ 10 questions feel free, question style of 100 questions can beselected carefullyYou can challenge the 10 questions either to challenge all all 100questions on the degree of difficulty for each, were randomlyselected, you can choose the question style. Without a time limitto answer, can be enjoyed in the play that suits them slowly andcarefully.■ friendly design that can be a little quiz timeBecause it is a kind design that can be from a continuation of theissue you left off, you can enjoy to pass the time a littletime.■ detailed commentary to become study even if wrongBecause it is seen more explanations of the problem of all of theanswers, you can learn the history of the Warring States period indeep problems wrong.«Problem sample»· What blunder Tokugawa Ieyasu lost to Mikatagaharanotatakai is,that had committed to rout in?• In Hitotoribashinotatakai, and led the followers slight, havesaved Masamune Date of inferior, at the cost of his own life, whodo you think?• When you chase the Uesugi urged to withdraw in Keicho Dewabattle, best Yoshimitsu or transmitted to where it has beenhit?• Is is said in Nagashinonotatakai, Yamagata Akirakei and waskilled what while mouth to one estimate?
クイズの乱[戦国基本編] 1.0.3 APK
クイズの乱[幕末基本編] 1.0.4 APK
『クイズの乱[幕末基本編]』は、江戸幕府末期から坂本龍馬や新撰組などが活躍した明治維新、西南戦争までの内憂と外患に揺れた激動の時代に生きた人物、事件・出来事、文化・風俗などあらゆるジャンルの知識が試される問題を多数収録した本格歴史クイズアプリです。≪オススメポイント≫■有料サイトで、のべ100万人が挑戦したハイクオリティーな問題群携帯公式の各種歴史ポータルサイトなどで絶大な支持を得た本格歴史クイズで、圧倒的なボリュームと高いクオリティの問題は多くの歴史ファンに愛されています。■歴史初心者から歴史マニアまで楽しめる難易度別で出題初級・中級・上級の3段階でクイズが用意され、自分の知識にあった難易度を選んで始められます。また、収録されているすべてのクイズからランダムで出題される機能もあり、何度やっても飽きません。■気軽に10問、じっくり100問の出題形式が選択可能難易度毎に全100問すべてに挑戦するか、ランダムに選ばれた10問に挑戦するか、出題形式を選べます。解答するのに制限時間もなく、じっくり自分に合った遊び方で楽しめます。■ちょっとした時間にクイズができる親切設計中断した問題の続きからできる親切設計なので、ちょっとした時間のひまつぶしにも楽しめます。■間違っていても勉強になる詳しい解説付き解答したすべての問題の詳しい解説が見られるので、間違った問題でも深く幕末の歴史を学ぶことができます。≪問題サンプル≫・坂本龍馬が寺田屋事件の際に使用した拳銃は誰から贈られたもの?・「魁先生(さきがけせんせい)」と異名をとった新選組隊士といえば誰?・「八十里 腰抜け武士の 越す峠」。これは誰が詠んだ句?・井伊直弼が彦根藩主に就任する以前、部屋住みの時期を過ごした邸宅の名前は?"Ran a quiz [BakumatsuBasic]" is the person who live in a time of upheaval that shook theGaikan and domestic trouble Meiji Restoration, up to SatsumaRebellion, such as Shinsengumi and Ryoma Sakamoto was active fromthe Edo shogunate late, incidents and events, It is a real historyquiz app which recorded a number of issues that are testedknowledge of all genres, such as culture and customs.«Recommended point»■ site for a fee, issue group of high quality that one millionpeople a total challengedIn real history quiz got overwhelming support in the history andvarious portal sites official mobile, problem of high quality andoverwhelming volume are loved by history many fans.■ questions Difficulty another history buff from beginners toenjoy historyQuiz is prepared in three stages beginners, intermediate andadvanced, you can start to choose the difficulty was to myknowledge. There is also a feature that will appear on the exam atrandom from all of the quiz that is included, it does not get tiredno matter how it is done.■ 10 questions willingly, questions format of 100 questions canbe selected carefullyYou can challenge the 10 questions either to challenge all all 100questions in every difficulty, was randomly selected, you canchoose the format questions. Without a time limit to answer, can beenjoyed in the play that suits them carefully.■ kind design that can be a little quiz timeBecause it is a kind design that can be from a continuation of theissue you left off, you can enjoy to pass the time a littletime.■ detailed commentary made to study even if wrongBecause it is seen detailed explanation of the problem of all ofthe answers, you can learn the history of the Edo period in thedeep problem that is wrong.«Problem sample»-Pistol Ryoma Sakamoto have used to Terada shop incident thatfrom whom it was given?· Who Speaking of Shinsengumi Corps officer who took the nickname"Sakigake teacher (pioneer teacher)" and?- "Pass of over eighty of the samurai village coward". This clauseWho poem?· Before Ii Naosuke, will serve to Hikone lord, name of residencespent time corner room?
ニッポン城めぐり(GPSスタンプラリー・戦国位置ゲーム) 4.6.13 APK
GPS stamp rally around 3,000 castles that existed mainly during theWarring States period.