2.2.1 / January 5, 2014
(4.2/5) (245)



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Thank you for your support, representation evaluated asfollows:
Freedom Rider 1984: total energy when needed, bring me joy!
Potato chapter: We work faster updates, no ads without deliberatelyvulgar.
baby works: often smiled, relieve stress, you and I need.
Dzzp888: morning laugh, spirit day.

Funny embarrassing figure Popular Picks:
Funny pictures, laugh hilarious! Expert in civil, Ray Atlas, funnyTrolltech, God Tucao ...
Connotation of comics, we understand! Korean comics, runawaycomics, Kolo Rahim, small dots, Legion demon, small pure, jokesWikipedia ...
Meng cute pet, decompression must! Is too Lolita, Baby Chicks, WangStar who meow star who ...
Embarrassments dynamic map, moving pictures, oh! Cup of life, pitfather spoof, exaggerated animation, two young family ...

== Update records:

❤. New dual-list collection easier sharing
❤. Offline download optimized to support multiple offlinedownload
❤. Supports night mode, night Gengshuang
❤. Supports Comments Off load faster
. ❤ BUG fix: a new plan can now close properly notify
. ❤ performance optimization: reducing crashes and suspendedanimation may

To do the best funny pictures applications and work!

App Information 搞笑囧图-不笑你打我

  • App Name
  • ناوی پاکەیج
  • Updated
    January 5, 2014
  • قەبارەی فایل
  • پێویستی بە ئەندرۆیدە
    Android 2.2 and up
  • وەشان
  • گەشەپێدەر
    头条网 toutiao.com
  • دابەزاندن
    10,000 - 50,000
  • Price
  • هاوپۆڵ
  • گەشەپێدەر
  • Google Play Link

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搞笑囧图-不笑你打我 2.2.1 APK
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内涵漫画(时时更新) 1.0 APK
头条网 toutiao.com
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时尚街拍-搭配达人分享与点评 1.2 APK
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美图精选(16类图片时时更新) 1.3 APK
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真实美女-每天100位漂亮MM 1.4 APK
头条网 toutiao.com
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创意家居图集-装饰设计参考大全 1.1 APK
头条网 toutiao.com
实时更新人气创意家居美图,为您提供家装设计新鲜灵感,免费无广告!创意家居App特色:★创意齐共享:极其方便的将创意家居美图分享给新浪/腾讯微博与人人网/开心网好友。★顶出高人气:可对每张创意家居图片进行顶踩,按照您的口味推荐更多精彩段子!★点评更滋味:每张家居图片都有人气点评,无需注册即可与众多家居爱好者互动!★收藏最心爱:一键保存心爱家居图片,并且可以同步到人气兴趣社区 xiangping.com创意家居App内容:地域风情:中华古典/英国皇家/北欧极简/日系和式...户型分类:温馨卧室/爱心厨房/大气客厅/清爽浴室...品物类型:创意家具/有爱配饰/时尚灯具/现代家电...图片风格:精彩概念/真实拍摄/设计图片...
精辟语录 2.1 APK
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有这样一个app:★它汇聚亿万网友的犀利观点★它感知社会脉搏,人间冷暖★它深刻剖析社会现象,睿智点评社会问题★它为你呈现不可思议的论调,彪悍的人生格言正如你所见,它不仅仅是一个app,它是一种有态度的生活方式。它的特性:★每日实时更新:每天从亿万网友的评论中,为你精选最睿智最精辟的百余条。★秀出你的态度:每条语录都有人气评论,让大家看到你的独特视角!★顶出高人气:可对每条语录进行顶踩,让我们按照您的口味推荐更多精彩语录!★精彩齐共享:极其方便的将精辟语录分享给新浪/腾讯微博粉丝与人人网/开心网好友。精辟语录摘选:★爷爷告诉我,说他娶奶奶的时候只用了“半斗米!”爸爸告诉我,说他娶妈妈时总共用了“半头猪!”等我要结婚的时候,用了我爹妈“半条命!”——一网友结婚感言★什么是GDP?两辆汽车相撞,一辆需要大修,一辆全毁,需要重买,保险公司也只好理赔。正当三方都很沮丧的时候,一个经济学家对他们说,感谢你们又为汽车修理业、汽车制造业、汽车销售业创造了几十万元的GDP。★林肯在参加总统竞选中,被选民问及财产问题时:“我有一个妻子和三个儿子,都是无价之宝。此外,租有办公室,桌一张,椅子三把,一个大书架,架上的书值得每个人一读。我本人既穷又瘦,脸蛋很长,不会发福,我没有什么可以依靠的,唯一可依靠的就是你们。”★荣誉的最高境界:你已远离江湖,江湖还在传说你;喝酒的最高境界:你还知道他是谁,他已经不知道你是谁;交友最高境界:久不联系,常在心中;爱情的最高境界:虽已白发苍苍,依然会执手相视;事业的最高境界:家人想你,单位念你;生命的最高境界:哭着来,笑着走。★懒惰像生锈一样,比操劳更能消耗身体。★一日不读书,无人看得出;一周不读书,开始会爆粗;一月不读书,智商输给猪。There is such anapp:★ It brings together the sharp point of view of the hundreds ofmillions of users★ it senses the pulse of the community, and human well-being★ profound analysis of social phenomena, wisdom Reviews socialissues★ It presents you incredible tone, sturdy MottoAs you can see, it is not just an app, it is a lifestyle attitude.It features:★ daily updated in real time: from the review of hundreds ofmillions of users every day, for your selection of the most wiseand the most incisive hundred.★ Show off your attitude: each Quotations have the last, we see youa unique perspective!★ top of the high popularity: Quotations on each step on the top,so we recommended according to your tastes wonderfulquotations!★ exciting Sarkozy share: extremely easy to share insightfulquotations to the the Sina / Tencent microblogging fans with theAll / happy friends.Insightful quotations excerpt:★ grandfather told me, that he married my grandmother used onlyhalf bucket meters! "My dad told me that when he married my motherspent a total of" semi pigs! "And so when I want to get marriedwith my father and mother" Half-Life! "- a friends marriagereflections★ What is GDP? The two cars collided, and one in need of majorrepairs, one was completely destroyed, you need to re-buy,insurance companies also had claims. While the Tripartite veryfrustrating when an economist said to them, thank you again for theauto repair industry, automobile manufacturing, auto sales industrycreated a few hundred thousand dollars of GDP.★ Lincoln run for president, voters asked property issues: "I havea wife and three sons, are priceless. Lease office desk, threechairs, a large bookcase, shelf book's worth a read I am poor andthin, long face, not fat, I can rely only rely on what you are."★ highest state honor: you have been away from the rivers andlakes, rivers and lakes are still legends you; highest level ofdrinking: You know who he is, he has no idea who you are; Datinghighest state: Jiubu contact, often in their hearts; the higheststate of love: Although white-haired, still doubted view; highestlevel of career: The family wanted to unit read you; highest stateof life: crying, laughing and walking.★ lazy, like rust, consumes faster than labor wears body.★ day without reading, no one can see; week without readinginitially Baocu; January is not reading, IQ loss to pigs.
笑多了会怀孕 1.0 APK
头条网 toutiao.com
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