1.0.0 / November 8, 2012
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** E se uma Bela jovem se apaixona porumaterrível Fera? **
PlayTales incorpora a sua galeria um dos clássicos mais popularesdaliteratura infantil, A Bela ea Fera.
Linda história de amor entre uma jovem gentil e uma terrívelfera.Ou não tão terrível. Porque por trás de sua aparência feia,seesconde grandes sentimentos, um grande coração, e muita ternuraeamor por sua jovem amada.
Mas esta linda história de amor começa de forma bruta. AFera,autoritaria e isolada no início, aprisiona um negociantequeprocura uma rosa para uma de suas filhas e, quase por engano,éintroduzido no covil da criatura horrível. O homem, doentevoltapara seu lar, mas em troca uma de suas filhas deve viver comFeraem sua casa. Aí começa esta história de amor curiosa ecativanteentre Bella ea Fera.
A história demonstra, mais uma vez, que a verdadeira belezavivedentro das pessoas e vai além de mera aparência física.
Com ilustrações lindas e coloridas que irão deliciar osmaispequenos, graças ao grande número de elementos interativos esomincorporado. A partir de 8 anos. Imprescindível emsuacoleção!
Características Adicionais
• Supresas interativas garantidas!
• 14 páginas de gráficos em cores.
• Narração de texto.
• efeitos de som encantador!
• Música Original.
• Opção "Leia-me" ou "ler para mim".
• Para leitores a partir de oito anos.
** And if a youngBelafalls for a terrible Beast? **
PlayTales incorporates your gallery one of the most popularclassicsof children's literature, Beauty and the Beast.
Beautiful love story between a young man and a gentleterriblebeast. Or not so terrible. Because behind their uglyappearance,hides great feeling, a great heart and a lot oftenderness and lovefor her young lover.
But this beautiful love story begins on a gross basis. TheBeast,authoritarian and isolated at first, imprisons a merchantlookingfor a rose to one of his daughters and, almost by mistake,isintroduced into the lair of the hideous creature. The man,sickback to his home, but in exchange one of his daughters shouldlivewith the Beast in your home. So begins this curious lovestorybetween Bella and captivating and the Beast.
History demonstrates, once again, that true beauty liveswithinpeople and goes beyond mere physical appearance.
With beautiful and colorful illustrations that will delightthelittle ones, thanks to the large number of interactive elementsandembedded sound. From 8 years. A must in your collection!
• guaranteed interactive surprises!
• 14 pages of color graphics.
• Narration text.
• lovely sound effects!
• Original Music.
• Option "Read me" or "read to me".
• For readers from eight.

App Information A Bela ea Fera HD

  • App Name
    A Bela ea Fera HD
  • ناوی پاکەیج
  • Updated
    November 8, 2012
  • قەبارەی فایل
  • پێویستی بە ئەندرۆیدە
    Android 2.0 and up
  • وەشان
  • گەشەپێدەر
    PlayTales Books Classic
  • دابەزاندن
    10 - 50
  • Price
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  • Google Play Link

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Los tres cerditos APK
Érase una vez, tres cerditos que necesitabanun refugio donde estar a salvo del lobo feroz. Cada uno de ellos,construyó una casita diferente pero... ¡no todas resistirían elsoplido del hambriento lobo!Los tres cerditos es una tierna historia con la que los niñosaprenderán que el esfuerzo y la constancia son las herramientasnecesarias para conseguir todo lo que nos propongamos.PlayTales presenta una simpática versión del cuento clásicopensado para los más pequeños. Con sus divertidas animaciones, susilustraciones a todo color y un texto sencillo pero cargado desimbolismo, “Los tres cerditos” se convierte en un cuento idealpara disfrutar en familia. Pásalo en grande con las aventuras deestos astutos hermanitos y ayúdales a escapar de un lobo tontorrón.¡No te lo pierdas!Once upon a time, threelittle pigs a shelter where they needed to be safe from the big badwolf. They each built a different house but ... not all resist theblowing of the hungry wolf!The Three Little Pigs is a tender story that children will learnthat hard work and perseverance are the tools to get everything wepropose.PlayTales has a nice version of the classic tale intended forchildren. With fun animations, its colorful illustrations andsimple text but full of symbolism, "Three Little Pigs" becomes anideal place for families to enjoy the story. Enjoy yourself withthe adventures of these clever little brothers and help them escapea goofy wolf. Do not miss it!
Las aventuras de Tom Sawyer 1.0.0 APK
PlayTales presenta uno de los grandes clásicosde la literatura estadounidense: Tom Sawyer, una historia cargadade valores ideal para transmitir a los niños la importancia de lajusticia, la amistad y la familia.Sus divertidas animaciones, sus ilustraciones a todo color y sustextos redactados de manera sencilla pero completa, convierten estelibro en la manera ideal de acercar a los más pequeños la gran obrade Mark Tawin.Disfruta en familia de esta adaptación de la mítica novela yacompaña a Tom, Huck y Becky en su inolvidable aventura repleta demisterios sin resolver. Un villano furtivo, un tesoro oculto, unacueva secreta y mucho más te espera en este viaje inolvidable aorillas del río Misisipi. ¿A qué estás esperando?PlayTales presents one ofthe great classics of American literature: Tom Sawyer, a historyloaded perfect for giving children the importance of justice,friendship and family values.Its funny animations, its color illustrations and texts writtenin simple but complete, make this book the ideal way to bring thesmaller the great work of Mark Tawin.Enjoy a family this adaptation of the legendary novel andaccompanies Tom, Huck and Becky in his unforgettable adventure fullof unsolved mysteries. A sneaky villain, a hidden treasure, asecret cave and much more awaits you in this unforgettable journeyon the banks of the Mississippi River. So what are you waitingfor?
Peter Pan APK
Prepare yourself for the adventure of a lifetime!Enjoy this children’s classic brought to life withinnovativetechnology and interactive features! Join Peter Pan andall hisfriends in this magical storybook featuring 25 pages fullofbeautiful illustration, engaging animation, fun sound effects,tonsof interactivity, and original music. You can enjoy listeningtothe narrator read the story or choose to read it yourself withourvarious reading modes: “Read to Me”, “AutoPlay”, and “ReadbyMyself”.Download “Peter Pan” and begin on your grand adventure inNeverlandtoday!
Pinocchio. APK
It all started one day when Gepetto, awidowered carpinter, decided to make a beautiful wooden puppet. Henamed the puppet Pinocchio. Gepetto was a good man and he wishedwith all his heart that Pinocchio were a real boy, so that he mayhave a son. A blue fairy agreed to make Gepetto’s dream a reality,but only if Pinocchio behaved himself and learned to be a good boy.Full of love and friendship, “Pinocchio” is a wonderful storyfor the whole family that will delight young readers.Enjoy this classic tale full of adventures, journeys andunforgettable experiences, available now in Playtales.Features:-18 colorful scenes full of animations and interactivefeatures-Original music-Fun and entertaining narration-Choose between autoplay, “read to me”, and “read by myself”options
God made you special APK
The new interactive book from VeggieTales ishere! “God Made You Special” is the perfect story for teachinglittle ones that God made each and every one of us special andunique!“God Make You Special,” Veggie friends explain how God made themdifferent and how special it makes them feel. And - the Veggies canhelp you discover what is unique about you and what makes youspecial too!“God Made You Special” teaches children about self-confidenceand self-worth in an entertaining and interactive way. Featuringcolorful scenes, eye-catching animations, and exciting soundeffects this story makes learning and reading fun for the wholefamily.Enjoy two different reading modes; you can choose to read thestory yourself or let the VeggieTales characters narrate the storyfor you! There’s also a read-along feature with highlighted wordsso little ones can follow the words as they’re read aloud.Join your VeggieTales friends and discover how truly special youare! Don’t miss out on this adorable interactive story!
Melody Street 1.0.0 APK
“The House On Melody Street” interactive eBooktells the heart-warming story of the instruments of the orchestralearning to live in harmony.The storyline, written in rhymes and set to a symphonic score,includes lessons about friendship, tolerance, and mutualunderstanding. The musical score represents different dialoguesbetween the various characters, portraying each one with its ownunique sound. Children are introduced to the musical families ofthe orchestra- Strings, Woodwinds, Percussion, Brass and Pluck, andlearn to recognize them by look, sound, character and familyorientation.The first chapter introduces the five story house in which themusical instrument families live. Children get to interact and formpersonal relationships with each of the lovable characters throughfun and imagination filled touch-screen activities. As the storyunfolds in the following chapters, we discover that living togetheris no easy task, when one isn’t willing to accept the other'suniqueness. Timpani Tim is too loud, Old Lady Harp's cat goesthrough the trash, Sammy Snare is rowdy and Terry Trombone'scooking smells. But on one sunny morning, a new neighbor arrivesand comes up with a plan to help them live in harmony.Listen to the sound of each instrument and follow along with thestory... you will discover a new surprising interactive featurewith every read! This app is wonderful for children and theirdevelopment through fun activities and entertaining musicaleducation."All who read and listen will enjoy this adventure into themusic world, while learning some life long values". - Donna Rolfe,The Dove Foundation.About the creators:WHAT IS MELODY STREET?"Melody Street introduces children to the wonderful world of music.We carry a message that is pure at heart, fully artistic andoverwhelmingly beneficial to the mental, social, and of coursemusical development of children. Our goals are simple- to connectchildren with music, and to teach them about the importance ofliving in harmony. We invite you and your loved ones to the magicalmusical world of Melody Street and encourage you to explore,experience, and enjoy." The Melody Street TeamFEATURES:- Introduction to 18 different musical instruments.- Child friendly interactive interface on each page.- Narrated by musical prodigy, Ethan Bortnick.- Auto play version that plays like a movie.- Fluid design with animation.- For ages 3+.
Pinocho. APK
Todo comenzó un día en que Gepetto, uncarpintero viudo, decidió crear una preciosa marioneta de madera depino a la que llamó Pinocho. Gepetto era un hombre bueno y deseabacon todas sus fuerzas que Pinocho fuera un niño de verdad así que,el hada azul decidió hacer su sueño realidad, pero, Pinocho deberíaaprender a ser un buen niño y a portarse bien.‘Pinocho’ es un cuento para toda la familia que hará lasdelicias de los más pequeños de la casa con historiasdivertidísimas cargadas de amor y amistad.Disfruta de una historia repleta de aventuras, viajes yexperiencias inolvidables. Vuelven los clásicos, vuelve 'Pinocho'disponible ahora en PlayTales.Características del cuento:18 escenas repletas de color, animación e interactividadMúsica originalNarración del texto amena y divertidaOpciones autoplay, “léemelo” y “leerlo yo mismo”It all started one daywhen Gepetto, a widowed carpenter, decided to create a beautifulpine wooden puppet that was called Pinocchio. Gepetto was a goodman and wished with all his might that Pinocchio be a real boy so,the blue fairy decided to make his dream come true, but Pinocchiomust learn to be a good boy and behave.Pinocchio is a story for the whole family that will delight thelittle ones of the house with hilarious stories full of love andfriendship.Enjoy a story full of adventure, travel and unforgettableexperiences. The return of the classic, returns Pinocchio PlayTalesavailable now.Features story:18 scenes full of color, animation and interactivityOriginal MusicNarrative text enjoyable and funAutoplay options, "read to me" and "read it myself"
The three little pigs . APK
Once upon a time, there were three little pigswho needed a place to hide from a big, bad wolf. Each one of thepigs built a different house, but not all of them could stand up tothe huffing and puffing of the hungry wolf!"The Three Little Pigs" is a tender story that teaches kids theimportance of effort and persistance in achieving our goals.PlayTales presents a sweet version of this classic story, withvery young children in mind. With its fun animations, colorfulillustrations, and simple but meaningful text, "The Three LittlePigs" is a perfect story for the whole family to enjoy. Have funwith these three clever brothers and help them to escape from thefoolish wolf. Don´t miss out!