3Temes Publishers ئاپەکان

Simple Positive Psychology 1.3
3Temes Publishers
Articles on positive psychology.Positive psychology is a new approach within psychology thattakes into account the positive aspects of human emotions andbehavior. Twentieth-century classical psychology has focusedprimarily on the treatment of mental illness. In contrast, positivepsychology aims to focus on improving quality of life andwell-being; studying the qualities, attitudes and positive emotionsof human beings; and applying this knowledge in a scientificmanner.The most important positive states are optimism, hope,perseverance, humor, flow, resilience, creativity, happiness,courage, love, caring, self-esteem, assertiveness, empathy, etc.Experiencing positive emotions leads to mental states, cognitiveprocesses and behaviors that prepare us to successfully face thechallenges that life brings as well as augment our well-being andhappiness.
Enciclopedia Salud 1.5.0
3Temes Publishers
La Enciclopedia Salud es un diccionarioilustrado de medicina, dietética y psicología. Incluye preguntas yrespuestas sobre salud. El diccionario médico tiene tambiéndefiniciones y preguntas sobre nutrición y fitoterapia. Lasdefiniciones son claras, bien redactadas y fáciles de entender. Lasrespuestas a las preguntas son concisas y breves.Health IllustratedEncyclopedia is a medicine, dietetics and psychology dictionary. Itincludes questions and answers on health. The medical dictionarydefinitions and also have questions about nutrition and herbalmedicine. The definitions are clear, well-written and easy tounderstand. The answers to questions are concise and brief.