A New Spring ئاپەکان

MemoTrainer NIBE-SVV 2.5.7
A New Spring
MemoTrainer NIBE-SVV is an online questiondatabase with 500+ questions which offers you an excellentpreparation for your knowledge-based Wft examination! MemoTrainerNIBE-SVV personalizes your road to qualification. It actively helpsyou prepare by zooming in on those topics you have not yetmastered. MemoTrainer NIBE-SVV automatically adjusts to yourknowledge level and needs.And what's more: after your qualification you can still useMemoTrainer to keep your knowledge up to date!
A New Spring
MemoTrainer AppThe MemoTrainer application can be used exclusively in combinationwith courses from educators or corporates that use the aNewSpringe-learning platform. Your learning journey will be availablethrough a app on your mobile phone. Learn when and wherever youlike.What can you do with this app?- The MemoTrainer app helps you to learn- Gives insight on your personal learning journey- See what needs to be done or can be done- Content is made available for review on the go- Send message to students or your teacher- Give your opinion on content and see what others have said- Train your individual weak points (MemoTrainer)- Stay up to date through notifications of trainings- and a lot more…
Welten MemoTrainer 2.6.3
A New Spring
De Welten MemoTrainer maakt jouw trainingpersoonlijk. Iedereen die te maken heeft met leren, weet dat kennissnel wegzakt. De Welten MemoTrainer activeert de kennis die jedreigt te vergeten. Met een minimale inspanning leg je de kennisvast in je lange termijn geheugen.Op grond van individuele scores en je doel, bepaalt de WeltenMemoTrainer het moment en de inhoud van de volgende training. Dezetraining bevat die onderwerpen waaraan jij aandacht moet besteden.De Welten MemoTrainer geeft inzicht in jouw voortgang enkennisniveau. Bovendien word je herinnerd aan nieuwetrainingen.Voor wie?Volg je een Wft opleiding van Welten, dan kun je de WeltenMemoTrainer applicatie gebruiken.
IVZO.net - In voor zorg! 1.7
A New Spring
Ben je bezig met de invoering van zelfsturingin jouw (zorg)organisatie? Met IVZO.net, de app van In voor zorg!,heb je nu overal toegang tot praktische handvatten om binnen je(zorg)organisatie met zelfsturende teams aan de slag te gaan. Vindde juiste hulpmiddelen, op het moment dat je ze nodig hebt.Hoe werkt het?Met ivzo.net heeft In voor zorg! een community ingericht terondersteuning van bestuurders en professionals in(zorg)organisaties die bezig zijn met de invoering van zelfsturing.Ben je al lid van de community op ivzo.net? Dan heb je met deze appnu alle ondersteuning ook direct mobiel bij de hand! Ben je noggeen lid van www.ivzo.net, ga dan naar de site en meld je aan voorde community Zelfsturing in de zorg.In voor zorg! is een programma voor de langdurige zorg van hetministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport en Vilans,kenniscentrum langdurende zorg.Are you concerned withthe introduction of self in your (health) organization? WithIVZO.net the app to care!, You now have anytime access to practicaltools to go. Within your (care) organization with self-managingteams to work Find the right tools, at the moment you needthem.  How does it work?With ivzo.net has to care! a community designed to support managersand professionals (health) organizations involved with theintroduction of self. Are you already a member of the community toivzo.net? Then you have this app now supports all mobile directlyat hand! Not yet a member of www.ivzo.net, go to the site and signup for the Self in community care.  For concern! is a program for long-term care of the Ministry ofHealth, Welfare and Sport and Vilans, knowledge long-termcare.
A New Spring
De Trainweb app van Railinfra Opleidingengeeft je toegang tot jouw opleidingen in Trainweb. Je kunt leren,toetsen maken en dagelijks oefenen met de vragen via de Memotrainerfunctie. Ook worden je voortgang en resultaten van elke opleidinggetoond. Door deze app kun je leren waar en wanneer je wilt.The Trainweb appRailinfra Education gives you access to your programs in Trainweb.You can learn, create tests and practice daily with questions overthe MemoTrainer function. Also, your progress and results of eachprogram are shown. Through this app you can learn whenever andwherever you want.
Online Onderwijs 2.5.7
A New Spring
De Online Onderwijs MemoTrainer app maakt jouwtraining persoonlijk. De trainingen in de MemoTrainer passen zichautomatisch aan jouw kennisniveau en doel aan. Een doel zoubijvoorbeeld kunnen zijn eenbelangrijk examen of het onderhouden van kennis, zodat dit wordtopgeslagen in het langetermijngeheugen. De MemoTrainer™ is een dienst van het adaptieveelearning platform aNewSpringen is nu als mobiele applicatie beschikbaar.Waarom MemoTrainer app?Kennis in het lange termijn geheugenAls je kennis niet herhaalt, zal dit snel wegzakken. OnzeMemoTrainer™ activeert kennis die je dreigtte vergeten, zodat je dit met een minimale inspanning in je langetermijn geheugen kan opslaan.Persoonlijke trainingOp basis van individuele scores en je gestelde doel bepaalt deMemoTrainer™ het moment en deinhoud van de volgende training. Deze training bevat dieonderwerpen waaraan jij aandacht moetbesteden. MemoTrainer™ geeft duidelijke feedback en inzicht in jouwvoortgang en kennisniveau.Bovendien word je herinnerd aan nieuwe trainingen. Zo krijgtiedereen een trainingsschema opmaat.Voor wie?Volg je een opleiding, training of cursus bij een opleider oforganisatie die het aNewSpringplatform inzet, dan kun je deze MemoTrainer™ applicatiegebruiken.De MemoTrainer™ applicatie:• zorgt voor kennisopbouw en -onderhoud;• traint individuele zwakke plekken;• bevordert studiediscipline door het aanbieden van kleinehoeveelheden stof in een vast ritme(micro learning);• maakt gebruik van herinneringsberichten;• verbetert het rendement van leren.The Online EducationMemoTrainer app makes your personal training. The workouts in theMemoTrainer automatically adapt your knowledge and target. A goalcould for example be aimportant exam or maintaining knowledge so that it is stored in thelongterm memory. MemoTrainer ™ is a service of the adaptive elearningplatform aNewSpringand is now available as a mobile application.Why MemoTrainer app?Knowledge in long-term memoryIf you do not repeat knowledge, this will quickly subside. OurMemoTrainer ™ activates knowledge that threatensforget, so you can save it., with minimal effort in your long termmemoryPersonal trainingBased on individual scores and your objective determines theMemoTrainer ™ the moment and thecontent of the following training. This training contains subjectsthat you should payspend. MemoTrainer ™ provides clear feedback and insight into yourprogress and knowledge.Furthermore, you are reminded of new trainings. So everyone gets atraining schedulesize.For who?Follow an education or training course at a trainer or organizationthat aNewSpringplatform deployment, you can use this MemoTrainer ™application.MemoTrainer ™ application:• ensures knowledge building and maintenance;• trains individual weaknesses;• promote study discipline by offering small amounts of substancein a fixed rhythm(Micro-learning);• uses reminders;• improves the efficiency of learning.
Reference app 1.7
A New Spring
With the Reference app you can quickly getaccess to the the theory you’ve learned about. This way you willhave detailed knowledge available on your smart phone in case youwant to apply it. The Reference app mobile application is availablefor the adaptive e-learning platform aNewSpring.Why the Reference app?We have developed the Reference app to give you the access to allthe theory you’ve learned about in your course. This way you canapply this knowledge where and whenever you want.How does it work?Our reference app checks what you have learned in the course andmakes sure this information becomes available in the app. You willhave all your new knowledge mobile at hand!Who is it for?The Reference app can be used exclusively in combination withcourses from educators or corporates that use the aNewSpringe-learning platform.This app is a handy add-on tool for the existing students to accessthe theory they have learned on the go!Some content is better viewed using tablets!
A New Spring
The SCFB E-trainer app gives our coursemembers extra preparation to pass their final exam. The appprovides students with tests and sample questions. These questionsare presented specifically to the needs of an individual student.The app focuses on topics that show lacuna in the knowledge ofcourse members.The app enables students to practise unlimited and independent oftime and place
Studieplan MemoTrainer
A New Spring
De gratis Studieplan MemoTrainer-app is eenunieke trainingsapplicatie die special ontwikkeld is voorStudieplan-cursisten. Thuis of onderweg… Met de StudieplanMemotrainer-app train je op uitgekiende wijze altijd en overal jekennis van de leerstof. Net zolang tot je alles kent en onthoudt.Meer dan 350 opleidingenStudieplan heeft een breed assortiment met ruim 350 beroeps-,ondernemers-, taal-, hobby- en beautycursussen. Allemaal voor eenlage prijs. Studieplan heeft voor iedereen een pakkende cursus. Ofje nu verder wilt komen in je carrière of meer wilt doen met jeinteresse in een taal of hobby.Studeren bij Studieplan is praktisch en flexibel. Jelesmateriaal is perfect afgestemd op zelfstudie. Het is duidelijkgeschreven, start altijd bij basis en leidt je stap voor stap doorde leerstof heen.Kijk voor meer informatie op www.studieplan.nlTrain je kennis van de leerstof met de StudieplanMemoTrainer-app!Deze app:Is speciaal ontwikkeld voor Studieplan-cursistenHerhaalt de leerstof, net zolang tot je het kent en onthoudtIs altijd en overal te gebruikenThe free Study PlanMemoTrainer app is a unique training application developedespecially for Study Plan participants. At home or on the road ...The Study Plan MemoTrainer app you train always clever way andeverywhere your knowledge of the subject matter. Just as long asyou know to all and remember.More than 350 coursesStudy Plan has a wide range of over 350 professional,entrepreneurial, language, hobby and beauty courses. All for a lowprice. Study Plan is a compelling course for everyone. Whether youwant to do now want to further your career or your interest in alanguage or hobby.Studying at Study Plan is practical and flexible. Your materialis ideally suited to self-study. It is clearly written, alwaysstart with basics and leads you step by step through thematerial.For more information on www.studieplan.nlTrain your knowledge of the subject matter of the Study PlanMemoTrainer app!This app:Is specifically designed for students Study PlanRepeats the curriculum, until you know and rememberIs always and anywhere
OVD Memotrainer 2.5.7
A New Spring
OVD MemoTrainer supports your learningprocess.Each memo trainer consist of several processing andcontrolquestions. The OVD MemoTrainer activates your knowledge andhelpsyou prepare for tests or exams. Your scores and your goalsdeterminethe moment- and content- of the next training. As soon asyou havemastered a certain topic, the next training will give youlessquestions on that topic and more questions on topics you donotmaster yet. Clear feedback gives you insight in your progressandknowledge level.The OVD MemoTrainer app:- supports your topical knowledge- trains individual weak spots- reminds you when the next training is available- improves the output of your learning.
Trainweb Naslag 1.9
A New Spring
De Trainweb Naslag app geeft je toegang totdeinhoud van je cursussen in Trainweb.The Trainweb Referenceappgives you access to the content of your courses inTrainweb.
fire-learning memotrainer 2.6.0
A New Spring
MemoTrainer™ makes your trainingpersonal.Training will automatically adjust to your level andtraining goallike an exam date or knowledge maintenance.Why MemoTrainer™?Store knowledge in your long-term memory!Everyone knows that knowledge fades away quickly. Oursmartexercises (MemoTrainer™) activate knowledge that is likely tobeforgotten, so you can store this knowledge in your long-termmemorywith minimal effort.Personal trainingSmart exercises activate the right knowledge for everystudent.Based on your individual scores the platform determines themomentand the content of the next training. This training containsthosesubjects you need to learn most. Fire-learning providesclearfeedback and insight in your progress and knowledgelevel.Furthermore you are reminded per e-mail of new trainings.This wayeverybody gets a personal training scheme.Who is it for?The MemoTrainer™ application can be used exclusively incombinationwith courses from educators or corporates that usetheFire-Learning e-learning platform.MemoTrainer™:- knowledge build up and retention;- trains the individual development points;- stimulates the study discipline by offering small quantitiesofmaterial in a steady rhythm (micro learning);- involves students actively with reminder e-mails;- improves the return on training.
nThen! Online Trainer
A New Spring
This Online Exam Trainer of nThen! enablesyouto practice with exam questions that are a part of theBestPractice training portfolio of nThen!With this Online Exam App you are able to:- practice exam questions that support our training courses- see the reasoning behind the answers you have given to theexamquestions- get reference to the relevant guidance for extrabackgroundinformation- track you study progress- instantly create new sets of exam questions- set the daily frequency with which you would like to practiceOn our website www.nthen.nl you can enroll in ourregular‘contact’ training courses or our online courses. You mayalsocontact us if you have any questions, also if it is relating toourcustom-made or ‘in-house’ training portfolio.
A New Spring
Waarom NESPRESSO TRADE ACADEMY? Kennis in het lange termijn geheugen Als je verkregen kennis niet herhaalt, zakt deze snellerweg.Onze MemoTrainer activeert kennis die je dreigttevergeten, zodat je deze met een minimale inspanning in jelangetermijn geheugen kan opslaan.   Persoonlijke training Op basis van individuele scores en je gestelde doelbepaaltde NESPRESSO TRADE ACADEMY App het moment en de inhoudvan devolgende training. Deze training bevat die onderwerpenwaaraan jijaandacht moet besteden. De NESPRESSO TRADE ACADEMYApp geeftduidelijke feedback en inzicht in jouw voortgangenkennisniveau.   Bovendien word je herinnerd aan nieuwe trainingen. Zokrijgtiedereen een trainingsschema op maat en naar zijn ofhaarbehoeften! Voor wie? Volg je de NESPRESSO TRADE ACADEMY, dan kunjede NESPRESSO TRADE ACADEMY App gebruiken.  NESPRESSO TRADE ACADEMY APP: - Zorgt voor kennisopbouw en –onderhoud; - Traint individuele zwakke plekken; - Bevordert studiediscipline door het aanbieden vankleinehoeveelheden stof in- een vast ritme (micro learning); - Maakt gebruik van herinneringsberichten; - Verbetert het rendement van leren.Why NESPRESSOTRADEACADEMY?Knowledge in long-term memoryIf you do not repeat obtained knowledge, this drops offmorequickly. Our MemoTrainer activates knowledge that threatenstoforget, so you can save it with minimal effort in your longtermmemory.personal trainingBased on individual scores and your objective the NESPRESSOTRADEACADEMY App determines the time and content of the nexttraining.This training contains subjects that you need to payattention. TheNespresso TRADE ACADEMY App provides clear feedbackand insightinto your progress and knowledge.Moreover, you will be reminded of new trainings. So everyonegetsa training program customized to his or her needs!For whom?follow the NESPRESSO TRADE ACADEMY, you can use the NespressoTRADEACADEMY App.Nespresso TRADE ACADEMY APP- Provides knowledge building and maintenance;- Develops individual weaknesses;- Promotes study discipline by offering small amounts of dust- A fixed rate (micro-learning);- Uses reminders;- Improves the efficiency of learning.
Gazelle Academy 8.0.3
A New Spring
The Gazelle Academy is an online E-learning platform for allprofessionals who work with Gazelle bicycles. The aim is to informyou about the Gazelle brand, improve your sales and help you tomaintain Gazelle bicycles. The Gazelle Academy will also provideyou with the skills and knowledge to become a certified Gazelleexpert. With the Gazelle Academy app you can follow the educationalcourses at home, on the road or at work. The app can only be usedby B2B partners and employees of Royal Dutch Gazelle. Download theapp, complete the course, download your certificate and become aGazelle Expert!
Hooty 7.5.2
A New Spring
Get Your Practical Video Clips At Your Fingertips. MASTERCUTTING-EDGE WEALTH CREATION STRATEGIES Powerful global onlinelearning platform on creating multiple sources of income in thestock market, property investment, cryptocurrency, onlinemarketing, Pre-IPO, entrepreneurship and so much more... LEARN FROMTHE EXPERTS, SPEAKERS and BEST SELLING AUTHOR This app is yourgolden ticket to learn from international speakers, best sellingauthors and experts with proven track record. You'll receive weeklylesson from them that combined with activities to help you to learnfaster. MICROLEARNING WITH JUST 15 MINUTES A DAY, NEW LESSON EVERYWEEK Learning how to build your wealth and income don't have to belong, painful and boring. Hooty Mobile Learning app is designed forthe modern world - Fast, Straight Forward and Effective with newlesson releasing every week! LEARN ANYWHERE, AT YOUR OWN PACEDownload your courses to learn offline and make your commutes andflights productive. Set your own time, and listen to courses inaudio mode when you're on the go. NO MORE LEARNING ALONE Interactwith tens of thousands of participants who will learn together withyou. Hold each other accountable, ask questions and exchange yourlearning experience with the others. So come in and say Hi! Freeand Premium Hooty Mobile Learning topics including: - StocksInvestment - Property Investment - Cryptocurrency Trading - Salesand Marketing - Building Profitable Businesses - Digital Marketing- Becoming a Highly Paid Expert - Money Mastery and many more...Download the app and start enjoying Free content with an option toupgrade to access our full library of wealth creation lessons andvideos. We love feedback. Email us at help@hootyowl.com
Vomar Leermarkt App 8.1.5
A New Spring
Access your Vomar Leermarkt, learn where and when it suits you.
GITP 8.1.5
A New Spring
Online learning environment GITP
Smart-e-learning 8.1.5
A New Spring
you can learn with the smart e-learning application and practicewhenever and wherever you want.
LPiLEARN 7.5.8
A New Spring
As the role of L&D evolves to meet the needs ofadigitally-empowered workforce, your skills are more importantthanever. LPiLEARN helps you quickly gain knowledge on theessentialskills that learning experts say are in demand right now.Rapidupskilling for future-proof L&D Quickly get up-to-speed.Buildyour future capability and readiness by learning theessentialskills needed in L&D. One Place, One Price Save timeand effortsearching for content. LPiLEARN is a treasure troveofexpertly-sourced resources and programmes – all in one placeandall for a single annual fee. Practical and results-driven Leavethetheory aside for when you have more time. LPiLEARN helps youlearnas you go with practical how-to guides andmoment-of-needresources. What you can do with LPiLEARN Focus yourefforts onfuture-proof L&D Align your learning with the skillsglobalexperts say are in demand right now. From Data Analytics toVirtualClassrooms, you’ll find actionable and practical resourcesto helpyou get up-to-speed quickly and effectively. And witheverythingconveniently aligned to the LPI Capability Map, you canbeconfident that what you’re learning is both current andessential.Earn valuable credentials LPiLEARN includes twoprofessionalfoundation certifications (with more on the way!) •Digital AssetDesign – gain the confidence and know-how to createengagingdigital learning resources. • Video Production – attainthespecific skills needed to create, produce and distributecompellingvideos for learning. Showcase your achievements withdownloadablecertificates and digital badges. Get everything youneed, in oneplace Download and use hundreds of practical guides andhow-toresources from the industry’s most respected learningproviders andthought-leaders.
aNewSpring 8.1.5
A New Spring
Download this app if you are enrolled in the aNewSpring learningplatform.
ACM Learning 8.1.5
A New Spring
With this app (medical) training and knowledge are maintained.
Leren Online 8.1.5
A New Spring
Download the Learning Online app immediately and get the most outof your training.
UK Customs Academy 8.0.3
A New Spring
This app enables students of the UK Customs Academy to followonline courses via their smartphone or tablet. The app provideseasy navigation between the different modules and courses. The UKCustoms Academy offers distance learning courses for all of itsprofessional qualifications. These courses provide students withflexibility to start their studies at any time, and to access thelearning materials whenever they like, from any location in theworld.
Tax Talks 8.1.5
A New Spring
Simply follow webinars and e-learning on the latest taxdevelopments
GGZ Ecademy leeromgeving 8.1.5
A New Spring
Learn where and whenever you want with mental health Ecademylearning app.
KleurRijker 8.1.5
A New Spring
Learn Dutch fast and easy. Prepare for the civil exam(inburgeringsexamen).
Pink L&D 8.1.5
A New Spring
The Pink Elephant App offers full training support for blendedlearning courses.
Springlish 8.1.0
A New Spring
A personal learning journey
LOKAAL 58 8.1.0
A New Spring
The LOCAL 58 app you have all the theory lectures and mock exams.
A New Spring
With this app you gain access to the online learning portal ofVijfhart.
Wwise 8.1.0
A New Spring
WWise Training App allows learners the opportunity to study whenconvenient.
SmartTrainer 4.3.1
A New Spring
Maintain your knowledge and learn at your own pace, whereandwhenever you want. The SmartTrainer is a smart, onlinelearningsolution with optimal results. The SmartTrainerautomaticallyadapts to your individual knowledge level. All youronline coursematerial is accessible through this app. For moreinformation visitwww.smarttrainer.nl
Sdu Opleidingen
A New Spring
Easy access to your digital learning environment.
FBTO Business School 4.3.1
A New Spring
Bij de FBTO Business school volg je opleidingen die je nodig hebtinje dagelijkse werkzaamheden bij FBTO. Deze opleidingen kun jevolgenwaar en wanneer het jou uitkomt.
Stellar Labs 7.5.8
A New Spring
Are you following a training programme at Stellar Labs or one ofourclients? Use our platform on the go or from the comfort of yoursofato build your knowledge and ensure your future career. Whatcan youdo with this app? - Learn on the go using your mobile ortablet -Check your progress on your personal learning journey -Chat withand get support from your peers and mentors - Reach yourpersonalgoals with our spaced learning tool. We’ve learned frombrainscience how to support technical learning in the most naturalandeffective way to guarantee you have the knowledge, skillsandaptitudes for success. You’ll never have to sit throughboringtraining! You’ll be immersed in an engaging, high energylearningexperience using the most effective techniques from thescience oflearning to guarantee your speed to performance. Duringface toface Lab sessions you’ll transfer theoretical knowledgeintopractical skills, working with peers and expert mentors tobuildyour confidence and abilities. Our digital platform buildsyourknowledge piece by piece and measures your progress topersonaliseyour learning journey and ensure your success. Workbasedactivities give you a relevant context so you apply whatyou’relearning straight away. And the app means you’ll be promptedandnudged into remembering and testing what you know to guaranteeyoursuccess.
CIEH e-Learning 8.1.5
A New Spring
Access your CIEH e-Learning journey whenever and wherever you like.
CowSignals® Training Company 8.1.0
A New Spring
"Use this app for your personal CowSignals® Learning Journey."
Teknologisk Institut 7.5.8
A New Spring
Vad kan du göra med appen? -Ta del av alla delar av kursinnehållet-Skicka meddelanden direkt till kursledaren och andrakursdeltagare -Delta i diskussioner - Repetera kursinnehåll Kortoch gott – du kangå hela kursen från start till slut direkt i dintelefon.
SPV Leerplein 8.1.5
A New Spring
Following an education at SPV? This app gives you access to ourlearning square.
Nursing Challenge
A New Spring
Earn 33 accreditation points
Debat.NL 8.0.3
A New Spring
Verbeter je overtuigingskracht met de Debat.NL app.
Etex Lead to Inspire Program 8.1.0
A New Spring
Digital Learning Space for the Lead to Inspire Development Journeyfor Etex
YEARTH Academy 8.1.0
A New Spring
With the YEARTH app you have access to your online learningenvironment 24h/day.
Kennisplein MUMC+
A New Spring
Refer to the handy task support MUMC + (for employees).
JS eLearning 8.1.0
A New Spring
App support internal training JS.
Skilled Managers 8.1.5
A New Spring
The app gives you access to Skilled Managers courses viasmartphoneor tablet.
A New Spring
Login, learn and interact with KEVIN.MURPHY + COLOR.ME Education.
Leerplein SA 8.1.7
A New Spring
With the Leerplein SA app you can follow courses whereverandwhenever you want.
Sealearn 8.1.5
A New Spring
Have you been invited to join Sealearn? Learn when and whereveryoulike.