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247 PIZZA DELIVERY demo 60
Mobile app for the client and deliveryman, demo app. Mobile appcreation for You with a brand logo and design for 3 days. Website +Admin Panel for order form administration. Demo Website for booking& delivery service https://3bit.app Book for you:abto3bit@gmail.com, 098 1002012 More detailed information at ourwebsite https://3bit.app MOBILE APP Customer 1. Pizza Order: -Order form - pizza type, cost, discounts (if any), additionalservices in the order (for example, extra cheese and the additionalservice cost). Amount of the selected product, taking into accountadditional services and discounts (if any) before sending theorder. - sending an order; - get the delivery by the Client; - theclient location of on the map (choose the route for delivery on themap). With GPS disabled, you are asked to go to the deliveryaddress input form; - After order, you receive the order status,the possibility of order cancellation 2. Order history saving.Order estimation. Pizza deliveryman - for working: - Start / Stopwork (beginning / end of the work of the carrier, his location, ifGPS is enabled transfer the information to the database server ). -Order list. A constantly updated list of active orders on the map.Hot order buttons: Accept order, Reject accepted, Call customer bycontact number, View order on card - view all available customerson the map in a radius (to choose 1,5,10,20,30,50 km), Go to theexecution . When the order is received, information is sent to thedatabase server. - Work in the mode of the accepted order. The timeorder, the route movement (if available in the order), mileage, inaddition: view the route map and car location (address). Hotbuttons (Order, Trip, Done, Payment). 2. Messages. Chat betweendeliverer & administration of the pizzeria (Send, Delete,Delete all). 3. Settings: - Sender Alias ​​/ username (+ AccessPassword), Callsign. - Make / model of car - Color, car number -Contact phone number - Driver Icon - Photos of the car / driver -Map (Google, OSM) - Language (English, Russian, Ukrainian) - Savedata on satellites and battery charge (number of satellites andcharge in percent) DEFAULT ON - GPS measurement error (save moreaccurate values, to accuracy in places) DEFAULT NOT INSTALLED -Time of GPS location (save time in how many seconds) DEFAULT SET =30 sec - Distance of the GPS location (save once when traveling adistance in meters) DEFAULT SET = 50 m WEBSITE Order form. The costorder calculation, additional options in the order (cheese,mushrooms, etc.), personal user discounts. Delivery order.Registered user selects order delivery. The personal area of ​​theregistered user. Chat messages between the pizzeria administration.Sent orders view with cancellation possibility. Google &OpenStreetMap is available. More detailed - https://3bit.app Bookfor you: abto3bit@gmail.com, 098 1002012
247 TAXI DRIVER demo 56
Mobile app for client and driver, order forms, demo version.Develop your branded mobile application with logo and design for 3days. Website + control panel. Software for business organizationof taxi services and transportation. Demo version on the sitehttps://3bit.app. Your Branded Website + Admin panel development ofwith your logo and design for 3 days. Our contacts: +38 (098)1002012, by mail: abto3bit@gmail.com, Skype - ABTO3BIT Developmentplatform - https://3bit.app Client Mobile app functions 1. Order ataxi: - Order form (additional conditions: animal, airconditioning, smoking, child seat, wagon / free trunk). Distanceand cost before the order will be send. Availability of the cost& data order for the taxi driver after the order sent (withcustomer discounts). - Location on the map (choose the route of thetrip on the map). When GPS is off, it is suggested to go to theform of entering the address of the destination and destination forthe trip. - Getting the order status, available for ordercancellation ( taxi card view - brand / model, color, number,additional options). 2. The order history saving. Evaluation oftransport of the travel order. Driver Mobile application functions1. Work as a Driver: - Start / Stop work (Sending information tothe database server about the beginning / ending of the driver'swork, the driver's location, if GPS is enabled). - Order list. Aconstantly updated list of active orders on the card. Hot orderbuttons: Accept order, Reject accepted, Call customer by contactnumber, View order on the card - view all available customers onthe map in a radius (to choose 1,5,10,20,30,50 km), Go to theexecution In the taximeter. When you receive an order, you areinformed about the database server. - Taximeter. Work in the modeof the accepted order. The time of the order, the route of movement(if available in the order), mileage, in addition: view the routemap and the location of the car (address). Hot buttons (Landing,Trip, Done, Payment). 2. Messages. Chat between taxi drivers, taxiadministration (Send, Delete, Delete all). IN THE FUTURE VERSION(temporary support on the site). 3. Settings: - Driver alias /username (+ access password), callsign. - Make / model of car -Color, car number - Contact phone number - Driver Icon - Car /driver picture - Map (Google, OSM) - Language (English, Russian,Ukrainian) - Save data on satellites and battery charge (number ofsatellites and charge in percent) DEFAULT ON - GPS measurementerror (save more accurate values, up to accuracy in places) DEFAULTNOT INSTALLED - GPS location time (save times in how many seconds)DEFAULT SET = 30 sec - Distance of the GPS location (save once whentraveling a distance in meters) DEFAULT SET = 50 m To address onph. +38 (098) 1002012, by mail: abto3bit@gmail.com, Skype -ABTO3BIT
247 demo 60
Try the demo 247 App and order your own Trip/Delivery/BookingApp.App has 4 booking style mode of the Android app : -TripService(for goods or peoples transportation from A to Blocations)- Delivery Service(products delivery by location) - CarRentalService (ride now or ride later Car Rental booking, Taxicabbooking from pickup to dropoff locations) - Taxi Service (fasttaxicab booking from pickup to dropoff address by googleplacesframework inputs). Application Forms Start UI form withSignIn andregister buttons. At the top of start form link for nextUI formwith easy registration (by SignUp) or try demo provides.SignIn andRegister UI forms for login and new user registration(forgotpassword link for email sending from passwords recoveryservice byphone number). Before user registration Cognalis (detailsonhttp://cognalys.com) phone verify provider mobile appframeworkcheck user's phone number ( registration has beencompleted aftersuccess phone number verified). Sliding panel UImenu and userprofile UI form (transport information can be inputsonly fordrivers/deliverymans user's type). Settings, Messages andOrdershistory UI forms for putting API key to the Android app, chatforusers and user's orders preview. Products and Services (by cartorservice) UI form for products/services select for booking. TripandDelivery UI booking forms and products/services UI form (oftripbooking style). Easy and EasyAB UI booking forms (pickupanddropoff location/address search for trip book now).Searchinglocation address of pickup and dropoff using googleplacesframework ( require google map API key, detailsonhttps://developers.google.com). Customer's after UI bookingformsin order status mode : Accepted, Processed, DeliveringandCompleted finishing a trip. Trip by transport review and river(asUser) User review (review UI form). Customer's payment UI formfororder payment with PayPal payment provider framework using intheAndroid app by default (Require PayPal API key and signupasmerchant, details on https://developer.paypal.com) The Androidappin Customer or Driver mode works. To switch on/off mode needtoclick on Car/Figure flat round button. Driver mode UI forms (Apinsis an active Customer's orders), in Easy and EasyAB bookingstylemode inquiry UI form on active Customer's order in Driverlocationarea opened (for take order). Landing and Delivery(landing,delivering, completed) in Driver mode UI forms in trip,Delivery,Easy and EasyAB booking style. After an order is set tocompletedDriver should review (see review UI form) an User asCustomersimilar to Customer mode works. Start easy your business.Demoversion on the site https://3bit.app Our contacts: +38(098)1002012, by mail: abto3bit@gmail.com, Skype - ABTO3BIT
Location GPS Tracker 45
GPS Tracker, Send my Location, Route and Geofence control
Black app Driver 0.0.5
Demo taxi driver app for your taxi service
VIP taxi Odessa demo
VIP taxi Odessa demo application
Car Rental Dubai demo 11
Car Rental in Dubai demo application