通知バーで切替 1.4
「通知バーで切替」は、画面上部にある通知バーで、「電波検索」、「バックライトの常時点灯」、「画面の自動回転」を切替えれるアプリです。初心者の方にも使いやすくをコンセプトとして、設定などは必要最小限に留め、カスタマイズや拡張性はありませんが、直感で操作できる様になっております。このアプリは無料で提供する為に、設定画面下部に広告を配信させて頂いております。■電波検索とは■通常、携帯が電波を取得するタイミングは数分おきです。圏外から電波のある場所に移動しても、すぐに電波が再取得されず、しばらくは『圏外』のままになってしまう事が良く起こります。この様な場合に、ワンタッチですぐに電波の再取得を行い電波がある場所にいる時には、電波を回復します。こんな時に便利・地下鉄で駅に着いても圏外のままで、なかなか電波が入らない。・新幹線で途中で電波が切れてしまった。・急ぎでメールを送りたいのになかなか送信できない。使い方1、アプリを起動します。(起動画面は設定画面になってます)2、画面の電波検索項目にある電波検索チェックボタンをONにします。3、設定画面を閉じます。4、画面上部に電波マークが出ているのを確認してください。5、後は、電波を検索して電波を回復させたい時に画面上部にある通知バーをスライドさせてタッチして下さい。6、もし電波がある場所にいる場合には数秒で電波回復します。■バックライトの常時点灯■画面上部の通知バーを利用して、常時点灯をON/OFF切替れます。■画面の自動回転■いわゆるオートローテーションを切替える機能です。画面上部の通知バーで切替が出来るので、わざわざホーム画面に戻らなくても良いのでとても便利です。■パーミッションについて■・システムの全般設定の変更画面の縦横自動切換え機能の設定、画面消灯設定、電波検索に使用してます。・完全なインターネット アクセス・ネットワーク状態の表示上記二つは、広告配信の為のみに使用しています。
eye sight recovery PRO 1.2
This application is a version as which the eyesight recovery is not displayed.There are someone whose sight have recovered from 0.6 to 1.2 forjust 4 weeks (It depends on people)"eye sight recovery" is for an application for your eye sightrecovery■Function■Access history-This function helps you to confirm your exercise history-You cannot feel soon the effect of eye sight recovering, sometimesit makes you reluctant to continue exercises.-This access history function keeps your motivation because you cansee how much you have made efforts.Offering 2 patterns exercises-We offer you 2 kinds of exercisesOffering some photos at exersice2-We offer you many kinds of photos at excercises2■Attention■This application doesn't guarantee eye sight recovering. The effectdepends on each peopleWhen you see the screen, please see it from over 40cm away . Don'texercise over 5 minutes onceIn case of feeling tired on your eyes or something bad, please stopexercises and consult to doctors.When you record access history, please checking
Reflex game 1.4
"Reflex game" is a game of reflexes.Using the ranking function, try to update the personal best fast!!Range aim of God! !①Green square is displayed after the countdown .②We will move randomly when you touch the green square.③It is completed with a total of 10 times to touch.■Features■-Sound effect at the time of the touch offers three types, it willbe played back at random.Equipped with silent functionReflexes and dynamic visual acuity, and exercise.• Built-ranking function■Rank■Beginner: 6 seconds unitsCommoner units: 5 secondsProfessional units: 4 secondsRange of God: stand 3 seconds
Monster&Defense 1.21
Monster Defense
すね毛をペンペンしてアリさんを作るゲーム 1.4
Blacksmith 1.55
A small country surrounded by natureIn that small country, there was a very skilled blacksmith「 I will study at that furniture maker's store and I will becomethe world's best blacksmith!」This is the story of a boy who had this resolve close to hisheart.■ The flow of the game1. Dig in the mine2. Refine the ore that was mined3. Solve the problems of the adventurers and get a blueprint4. Make products based on the blueprint5. Acquire money by selling products
放置ゲーム 今日から家具屋!! 1.3
※初回起動時に、1分程時間が掛かる事があります。※データの読み書きを行っておりますので、そのままお待ち下さい。※データの読み込み中に、ホーム画面を押すなどすると、正しく動作しない事がありますので、ご注意下さい。自然に囲まれた小さな国。その小さな国に、たいへん腕の良い家具職人がおりました。「その家具職人の店で修業して、世界一の家具職人に俺はなる!」これは、そんな志を胸に抱いた少年の物語。■伐採や合成をこなしながら、設計図を入手したり、店舗を拡張する、放置ゲームです。■放置ゲームならでは、自分のタイミングで遊べるから楽しい!■やり込み要素もいっぱい!■隠し設計図多数!君は図鑑を埋める事が出来るか!?※ When you first start,it may take time about one minute.※ Because reading or writing data, Please wait.※ When reading the data, such as pressing the home screen, so itmay not work properly, please be careful.A small country surrounded by nature.In the small country, was cage furniture craftsman very goodarm."I have trained in store the furniture craftsman, I will be acabinet-maker in the world!"This is the story of a boy who entertained the breast suchaspirations.■ While doing the synthesis and logging, you can get theblueprint, to extend the store, it is left for the game.■ fun to play because only game left, at the timing of theirown!■ element is also full of crowded spear!■ hidden blueprint number! You can do is to fill the picturebook! ?
私はゾンビを使ってやつらを駆逐する 1.01
■ゾンビが産まれる不思議な培養装置を使ってゾンビ育成■全15種類のゾンビを君は発見できるか!?新種を発見して図鑑を埋めよう!■設備を強化して効率良くゾンビを育てよう!■強化出来る設備は3種類、組合せでレア出現確率が変わる!?■発見したゾンビを使ってタワーオフェンスモード(タワーディフェンスではありません。)■一定条件を満たすとタワーオフェンスモード(タワーディフェンスではありません。)が出現!!ステージは全部で30ステージ!全部クリアで感動のエンディング!?■タワーディフェンスの攻撃側となって拠点を攻めろ!!■タワーディフェンスの攻撃側を操作するこのゲーム、鍵となるのはゾンビの種類と物量のみ気合で攻めろ!!■遊び方■育成モード特殊なゾンビ培養装置では自然ににゾンビが生成されます。生成されたゾンビをタッチするとゾンビパウダー(ZP・お金の役割)が手に入ります。このゾンビパウダーを使って装置のレベルを上げ効率良く拠点の全制圧を目指しましょう。各装置の役割・収容人数  収容人数はゾンビの生成上限を表しています。制圧モードと共通です。・ライト  ライトをレベルアップさせる事によってレアゾンビが生成されやすくなります。  レアゾンビは育成モードで一度生成されると図鑑に記録され、制圧モードでも生成出来るようになります。・ゾンビ培養スピード  ゾンビ培養スピードはゾンビが生成されるスピードがアップします。タワーディフェンスいわゆるタワーディフェンスの攻撃側になって拠点を制圧する事が目的になります。とりあえず物量でなんとか押し切れる系のゲームです。つまったらひたすらゾンビパウダーを貯めて物量で押し切ろう!制圧モードはゾンビパウダーが200ZP以上の時に実行出来ます。ゾンビパウダーを消費してゾンビを生成し、時間内に旗のある建物を占拠すればクリアです。(この時に消費するゾンビパウダーは育成パートと共通です。)防御施設の特徴・剣  攻撃レンジが狭いが攻撃間隔が短い・弓  比較的攻撃レンジが広い・大砲  攻撃レンジは狭いが攻撃力が絶大、攻撃間隔は長い・魔法  防御を無視して攻撃防御施設のランク防御施設には三段階のランクがあり青<緑<赤の順に強くなります。効果音協力PANICPUMPKINhttp://pansound.com/panicpumpkin/index.htmlポケットサウンドhttp://pocket-se.info/■ zombie is born zombietraining with a mysterious culture apparatus ■Whether all 15 types of zombies you can find! ?Let's fill the picture book to discover a new species!■ Grow efficiently zombies to strengthen the equipment! ■Enhanced possible facilities 3 types, rare occurrence probabilitychanges in combination! ?■ The (not a tower defense.) Tower offense mode using thediscovered zombies ■(Not a tower defense.) Certain conditions are met and the toweroffense mode appearance! !All stages in the 30 stage!All impressed by the clear of ending! ?■ The Semero bases to become the attacking side of the towerdefense! ! ■To manipulate the attacking side of the tower defense this game,The key of zombie types and amount onlyYell at the Semero! !■ How to play ■Training modeZombie is generated naturally is a special zombie cultureapparatus.If you touch the generated zombie zombie powder (role of ZP ·money) goes into hand.Let's aim to overwhelm all of efficiently bases raise the level ofequipment using this zombie powder.The role of each device· CapacityCapacity represents the upper limit generation of zombies. This iscommon with suppression mode.LightReazonbi are more likely to be generated by that to level up thelight.Reazonbi is recorded in the picture book Once generated at thegrowth mode, so that you may also be used to produce suppressionmode.Zombie culture SpeedZombie culture speed you up speed that zombie is generated.Tower DefenseBecome a attacking side of the so-called tower defense will be thatyour goal is to overwhelm the base.This is the time being somehow Oshikireru system of game inamount.Let Oshikiro in amount and accumulating your earnestly zombiepowder Once jammed!Suppression mode is zombie powder can be performed when morethan 200ZP.Generates a zombie by consuming zombie powder, it is clear ifoccupying a building with a flag in time. (Zombie powder to beconsumed at this time are the same as training part.)Features of defense facilitiesKenHave a shorter narrow but attack interval attack range· BowIs relatively wide attack range· CannonAttack range is narrow but attack power is great, attack intervalis long· MagicAttack, ignoring the defenseRank of defense facilitiesThere is a rank of three stages in the defense facility blue Soundeffects cooperationPANICPUMPKINhttp://pansound.com/panicpumpkin/index.htmlPocket soundhttp://pocket-se.info/
ゾンビ育成&ディフェンス ゾンビを育ててタワーディフェンス 1.4
これはタワーディフェンスですか?いいえ、タワーオフェンスです。■ゾンビが産まれる不思議な装置を使ってゾンビ育成■全15種類のゾンビを君は発見できるか!?新種を発見して図鑑を埋めよう!■設備を強化して効率良くゾンビを育てよう!■強化出来る設備は3種類、組合せでレア出現確率が変わる!?■発見したゾンビを使ってタワーディフェンス■一定条件を満たすと世界征服モードが出現!!■物語■あなたはゾンビ研究の第一人者としてゾンビの研究に生活のすべてを捧げてきました。そしてゾンビの培養に成功し、自在にゾンビを生成する技術を手に入れました。そしてふと気づいたのです。このゾンビ培養技術を使えば世界を征服出来るのではないかと…。■遊び方■育成モード特殊なゾンビ培養装置では自然ににゾンビが生成されます。生成されたゾンビをタッチするとゾンビパウダー(ZP・お金の役割)が手に入ります。このゾンビパウダーを使って装置のレベルを上げ効率良く世界征服を目指しましょう。各装置の役割・収容人数  収容人数はゾンビの生成上限を表しています。世界征服モードと共通です。・ライト  ライトをレベルアップさせる事によってレアゾンビが生成されやすくなります。  レアゾンビは育成モードで一度生成されると図鑑に記録され、世界征服モードでも生  成出来るようになります。・ゾンビ培養スピード  ゾンビ培養スピードはゾンビが生成されるスピードがアップします。世界征服モード世界征服モードはゾンビパウダーが200ZP以上の時に実行出来ます。ゾンビパウダーを消費してゾンビを生成し、時間内に旗のある建物を占拠すればクリアです。(この時に消費するゾンビパウダーは育成パートと共通です。)防御施設の特徴・剣  攻撃レンジが狭いが攻撃間隔が短い・弓  比較的攻撃レンジが広い・大砲  攻撃レンジは狭いが攻撃力が絶大、攻撃間隔は長い・魔法  防御を無視して攻撃防御施設のランク防御施設には三段階のランクがあり青<緑<赤の順に強くなります。音楽協力PANICPUMPKINhttp://pansound.com/panicpumpkinポケットサウンドhttp://pocket-se.infoThistower defense are you?No, tower offense is .■ zombie training with a mysterious device zombies born ■How can you find the zombie of 15 different! ?Let's fill the picture book to discovernewspecies!■ Bringupthe zombies efficiently to strengthen the equipment! ■Rare occurrence probability is changed three types, incombinationequipment that can be enhanced!?■TowerDefense with a zombie you have found ■World domination mode and meet certainappearance!!■Story■You've devoted all of life to the study of the zombie as aleadingexpert in zombie research.And so you've got the technology to successfully culture ofzombie,to generate a zombie freely.And I realized suddenly.That it might be able to conquer the world if I use thistechnology... zombie culture.■ ■ HowtoplayTrainingmodeZombie is generated naturally in a special zombiecultureapparatus.(Role of ZP · money) zombie powder is to come when you touchthezombies that are generated.Let's aim at world domination efficiently raise the level ofthedevice using this zombie powder.Theroleof each unit·CapacityOccupancy represents the upper limit of the zombie generation.Theparameters are the same as for the world domination mode.LightReazonbi is likely to be generated by that to level upthelight.Reazonbi is recorded in a picture book when it is generated onceinthe training mode, you will be able to live in the worldformedconquest mode.Zombie culture speedSpeed ​​at which the zombie is generated is up to speedzombieculture.Worlddomination modeWorlddomination mode can be executed when 200ZP of more thanzombiepowder.It is clear to generate a zombie by consuming zombie powder,ifoccupying the building with the flag in time. (Zombie powder tobeconsumed at this time are the same as thetrainingpart.)Featuresof defense facilitiesKenAttack range is narrow but attack interval is shortBowAttack range is relatively wide-CannonAttack range is small but great attack power, attack intervalislonger, MagicAttack without regard to defenseRankofdefense facilitiesIt is strong in the order of blue Music cooperationPANICPUMPKINhttp://pansound.com/panicpumpkinSound pockethttp://pocket-se.info
mosquito! 1.3.1
■ The main functions ■- Three kinds of mosquito sound, 20khz, 17khz, and 15khz,wereprepared.Are general.20khz is to 18 years old.17khz is to 29 years old.It is said that 15khz can be caught to 39 years old.- Volume can be set up."Google is what was reproduced based on the contents createdandoffered, and is using [ with a display of 3.0 licenses ofCreativeCommons ] the icon of this page according to the conditionsof astatement."
Blocks 1.1
Simple Puzzle
A ball is put into a hole 1.4
This game is an easy game which puts aballinto a hole.■ How to play ■If the tap of the upper part of a screen is carried out, a ballwillappear and it will fall according to gravity.It is clear if a ball is put into a lower hole.It is game over, when a ball hits an obstacle and falls to rightandleft.■ Feature ■- I prepared ten stages in all.- While beginning, it is easy, but it is becomingdifficultgradually.- A characteristic sound effect is comfortable!- Timing is a serious happening anyhow!- It is the best for killing time!
rearrange dots 1.0
rearrange dots is a very simple puzzle, butitwill make you forget the passing of time and get youhooked!It's easy to play! Move two together at a time, and move themintothe specified order!how to play①Move 2 together.②Each one cannot be moved individually.③The number of allowed moves is shown on the top left ofthescreen.④Move the ones above so that the top and bottom rows have thesameorder.⑤Once the top and bottom rows have the same order, the stageiscleared.
unites 1.1
"Unites" is a brand new puzzle gamewithelements of puzzle classic.Would put in the frame of the same color blocks with arrows onthecard below! !If I fill the frame with clear use up all the cards! !
A goal net will be torn!■ Easy operationOperation is Easy!It is easy operation of a shot at swipe !■ RankingA ranking function is carried.It can compete for the user and the number of goal netdestructionin the world.■ TitleA title changes with the number of total goal netdestruction!It all comes out and there is a title how many? It can aimandcomplete!■ Contribute to twitter.The function to contribute a score to twitter
Don't Touch The Red 2Jump ver 1.0
Double Jump Only !Don't Touch The Red
Single Player Hockey 1.0
Single Player Hockey
Basin and the old man 1.0
Large pinch uncle! !The old man will help you become a hero!Play the basin to operate the weapon!(Liquor) are properly passed to the great favorite of the oldmanold man!
ReflexesGame3D 1.21
It's unbelievable how much fun a touchthenumbers game becomes when you make it 3D!!■Time Attack Mode■It's all about reflexes and memory!!Give it your full concentration, and push the limit!How to play  1. Remember the positions of the numbers as thecube makes one rotation.  2. Touch the numbers in order from one through15, and go for speed.■Combo Challenge Mode■You have 10 seconds!Touch the numbers quickly to keep earning combos!How to play  1. Remember the positions of the numbers as thecube makes one rotation.  2. Touch the numbers, starting with one.  3. Touch the numbers in rapid succession toincrease your time.  4. Go for the most numbers you can touch within the time limit.
escape quiz -difficult escape- 1.1
An Escape Game Combined with Riddle QuizzesTry to escape by solving a variety of riddles and usingyourintuition!■Level of difficulty ■The level of difficulty is slightly high; however, the riddlescanbe solved if you are a junior high school students or older.■There is more than one correct answer ■There are multiple answers.For one stage, there may be two correct answers?!Do you think you can find all the answers?!■Use the hint button ■If you are really stuck for ideas, use the hint button!
Trap!free 1.2
The ultimate weapon appearance of aportableguard!!"The ultimate weapon of a portable guard" is an application apttothose who do not want a sweetheart to see a cellular phone.When a cellular phone inclines, it is a simple applicationwhichsounds sound, but the contents of the application are powerfuljustbecause they are simple!!For example, even if a personal identification number is set upandit is relieved, that the personal identification numberwasdisclosed in fact and while sleeping, things are not thatapersonal identification number is broken!It will be out, if a cellular phone is leaned even if itsaysvery!If volume is set as MAX, he will notice absolutely.moreover, the joke for surprising a friend -- it can use also asanapplication.
ninjutsu art of water-escape 1.0
The ninja who was able to give the missionstobear.Hide from foolish king, making full use of the way of [ninjutsuartof water-escape]!!
piyofall 1.13
■ How to play ■If the tap of the cloud is carried out, a chick will appear anditwill fall according to gravity.It is clear if a chicken hits a nest.It is game over when a chicken falls to the ground.■ Feature ■- I prepared 60 stages in all.- While beginning, it is easy, but it is becomingdifficultgradually.- A characteristic sound effect is comfortable!- Timing is a serious happening anyhow!- It is the best for killing time!-This application can play for free
小学生向け 計算トレーニング「ぷらたす」 1.1
ぱちんこ回転率測定~はかりちゃん~ 1.0