AbbVie ئاپەکان

Die CED-App wurde gemeinsam mit Ärzten undBetroffenen für Menschen mit chronisch-entzündlichenDarmerkrankungen (CED) – Morbus Crohn und Colitis ulcerosa –entwickelt.Die kostenlose Anwendung vereint eine Vielzahl von Funktionen, diesich jeder Nutzer nach seinen individuellen Bedürfnissenzusammenstellen kann. Mit Dokumentation, Organisation undInformation unterstützt die CED-App beim Krankheitsmanagement. Siehilft, mehr über die eigene Erkrankung zu erfahren, den Verlaufimmer im Blick zu behalten oder beim Arztbesuch wichtigeInformationen und Dokumente zur CED stets griffbereit zu habensowie an Fragen an den behandelnden Arzt zu erinnern. Eineübersichtliche Darstellung und intuitive Menüführung machen dieCED-App zum alltagstauglichen persönlichen Begleiter für Smartphoneund Tablet.Die „CED-App“-Funktionen im Überblick:DOKUMENTATIONMit der praktischen Tagebuchfunktion lassen sich sowohl dietypischen Beschwerden als auch Auswirkungen der Krankheit einfachdokumentieren. Stuhlgang, Schmerzen, Allgemeinbefinden und möglicheSymptome außerhalb des Darms zählen dazu. Darüber hinaus lassensich Schlafstörungen, die Gewichtsentwicklung, Trinkmenge undEssgewohnheiten mit ein paar Klicks erfassen.AUSWERTUNGDie Auswertung der Angaben aus der Dokumentation erfolgtindividuell für einen selbst bestimmten Zeitraum. Übersichtlich undanschaulich werden die Daten als Tabelle und Diagramm ausgegeben.Auf Wunsch können sie als PDF per E-Mail versendet werden.PATIENTENAKTEBefunde, Arztbriefe, etc. immer und überall dabei. Ganz einfachkrankheitsrelevante Dokumente als Foto oder PDF-Datei direkt lokalabspreichern.TOILETTENFINDERWenn die CED akut ist, muss es manchmal ganz schnell gehen mit demGang zum WC. Besonders in einer fremden Umgebung erleichtert derToilettenfinder die Suche. Die Übersichtskarte zeigt dienächstgelegenen Toiletten in der Nähe des aktuellenStandorts.MEDIKAMENTE & ÄRZTEHier kann eine übersichtliche Liste für alle einzunehmendenArzneimittel angelegt werden. Ein Medikamentenwecker erinnertzusätzlich an die Einnahme. Auch die „Nichteinnahme“ einesMedikamentes kann vermerkt und mit dem behandelnden Arzt besprochenwerden. Durch das Hinterlegen der Kontaktdaten aller behandelndenÄrzte liegen dem Nutzer alle Ansprechpartnergriffbereit vor.KALENDERArzttermine, Fehltage und Krankheitsschübe – in der Monatsübersichtdes Kalenders lassen sich sowohl Termine eintragen als auchEreignisse festhalten. Die Erinnerungsfunktion sorgt dafür, dassnichts vergessen wird.EINSTELLUNGENWas soll notiert werden und was ist nicht notwendig? DieDokumentation kann über den Button „Meine Dokumentation“ in denEinstellungen individuell angepasst und auf dem Startbildschirm miteinem Klick geöffnet werden.Ebenso lässt sich das Hintergrundbild ganz nach persönlichemGeschmack auswählen.Über „Backup erstellen“ werden die Eingaben in einerverschlüsselten Datei als Sicherheitskopie gespeichert. Einvierstelliger PIN Code schützt auf Wunsch vor dem unerwünschtenZugriff auf die CED-App.SCHNELLZUGRIFFIn einer Menüleiste am unteren Bildrand sind neben den„Einstellungen“ die Funktionen „Erinnerungen“ und „Notizen“aufrufbar.Unter „Erinnerungen“ können alle Weck- und Erinnerungsfunktionenauf einem Blick verwaltet werden wie z. B. Arzttermine oderMedikamenteneinnahme.Mit der „Notizen“-Funktion können – auch nach Themen sortiert –alle krankheitsrelevanten Aspekte notiert werden.The CED app has beenshared with doctors and concerned for people with inflammatorybowel disease (IBD) - Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis -developed.The free application combines a variety of functions that can beselected according to each user's individual needs. Withdocumentation, organization and information support the CED appdisease management. It helps to learn more about their own illness,always keep an eye on the course or at the doctor's keep thoseimportant information and documents for CED at hand and to recallquestions to the attending physician. A clear display and intuitivemenus makes the CED app for everyday use personal companion forsmartphone and tablet.The "CED-app" features at a glance:DOCUMENTATIONThe handy diary function, both the typical symptoms and effects ofthe disease can be easily documented. Stools, pain, general healthand symptoms outside of the intestine are among them. In addition,let insomnia, record the weight gain, fluid intake and eatinghabits with a few clicks.EVALUATIONThe analysis of the data from the documentation is doneindividually for a self-determined period of time. Concise andclear the data is output as a table and graph. On request, they canbe sent as a PDF file via e-mail.PATIENTS ACTReports, discharge letters, etc. always and everywhere. Simplyabspreichern disease-relevant documents directly locally as a photoor a PDF file.TOILET FINDERIf the CED is acute, it must sometimes happen very quickly with thetransition to the toilet. Especially in a strange environment ofthe toilet finder makes the search. The map shows the nearesttoilets near the current location.DRUGS & MEDICALHere is a comprehensive list of all medicines to be occupied to becreated. A drug alarm clock reminds addition to the intake. The"non-revenue" of a drug can be noted and discussed with thetreating physician. By posting of contact details for all doctorsare the users all contactshandy before.CALENDARMedical appointments, sick days and relapses - in the month view ofthe calendar can be both Entering appointments and events hold. Thememory function ensures that nothing is forgotten.SETTINGSWhat should be noted and what is not necessary? The documentationcan be customized by clicking on "My Documentation" in the settingsand open on the home screen with one click.Similarly, the background image can be selected according topersonal taste."Create Backup" entries in an encrypted file will be saved as abackup on. A four-digit PIN code protects at the request ofunwanted access to the CED App.QUICK LINKSIn a menu bar at the bottom of the picture next to the "Settings"functions "Memories" and "Notes" callable.Under "memories", all alarm and reminder functions are managed at aglance such. As doctor's appointments or medication.With the "Notes" function can - sorted by subject - alldisease-relevant aspects are noted.
Complete – Medication Tracker 17.0
Please see Indications and Important Safety Information, includingBOXED WARNING
Injection 2.0.2
Voir français ci-dessous.If you are taking HUMIRA, this practical app was made for you! Inminutes, it can turn your mobile device into a smart injectionreminder alarm, set to your prescribed schedule. Features include acustomizable snooze function and a visual injection-sitetracker.If you use the current app: This new update will overwrite thecurrent app. This means that once you download the update you willno longer have access to the information you saved in the currentapp. Please make a note of any important information saved in yourcurrent app before you download the update.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Si vous prenez HUMIRA, cette application pratique a été conçue pourvous! Elle permet de créer en quelques minutes des alarmespratiques de rappel d'injections sur votre appareil mobile, selonl'horaire qui vous a été prescrit. Elle est dotée d'une fonction derappel d'alarme personnalisable et de suivi visuel des pointsd’injection.Si vous utilisez déjà cette application : La nouvelle mise à jourviendra écraser la version existante de l’application, ce quisignifie que lorsque vous téléchargerez la mise à jour, vousn’aurez plus accès aux renseignements que vous avez sauvegardésdans votre application. Veuillez prendre note de tous lesrenseignements importants que vous avez sauvegardés dans votreapplication avant de télécharger la mise à jour.
Renal Chart 1.7
Renal Chart consente di calcolare il valore diGFR (Globular Filtration Rate) sulla base di formule riconosciute(CKD–EPI, MDRD e Cockcroft-Gault) e di incrociare i valori di GFR edi Albuminuria/Proteinuria sulla base delle linee Guida KDIGO 2012.L’Applicazione non è destinata a diagnosticare, trattare,alleviare, curare, prevenire o gestire alcuna malattia.L’Applicazione può essere scaricata gratuitamente ed è destinata alMedico.Renal Chart allows you tocalculate the value of GFR (Globular Filtration Rate) on the basisof recognized formulas (CKD-EPI, MDRD and Cockcroft-Gault) andcross the values ​​of GFR and Albuminuria / Proteinuria along thelines KDIGO Guide 2012. The application is not intended todiagnose, treat, alleviate, treat, prevent or manage any disease.The application can be downloaded free of charge and is intendedfor physician.
Calculadora ASRVD 1.0.0
"La Calculadora ASRVD es una aplicaciónmóvilque ofrece recomendaciones prácticas para guiar al nefrólogoyotros especialistas involucrados en el manejo de los trastornosdelmetabolismo mineral en la enfermedad renal crónica (ERC), paraeluso de los medicamentos destinados a controlar los altos nivelesdePTH, en particular de ASRVD (Activador Selectivo del ReceptordeVitamina D) en Venezuela.La Calculadora ASRVD no es un sustituto del juicio delmédico.Ninguna decisión debe estar basada únicamente en losresultadosobtenidos con esta aplicación.La Calculadora ASRVD permite:- Realizar cálculos para pacientes que inician tratamientoconASRVD- Realizar cálculos para pacientes que ya están en tratamientoconASRVD- Realizar ajustes de niveles de calcio y fósforo en sangre- Realizar sugerencias de ajustes nutricionales- Acceder a la información sucinta de Zemplar- Acceder al tutorial de la aplicación""The ASRVD Calculator isamobile application that provides practical tips toguidenephrologists and other specialists involved in the managementofdisorders of mineral metabolism in chronic kidney disease(CKD),for the use of drugs to control high levels PTH, particularlyASRVD(Selective Receptor Activator Vitamin D) in Venezuela.Calculator ASRVD is not a substitute for the judgment ofthephysician. No decision should be based solely on theresultsobtained with this application.ASRVD Calculator allows:- Perform calculations for patients starting treatmentwithASRVD- Perform calculations for patients who are alreadytakingASRVD- Make adjustments of calcium and phosphorus levels in blood- Make suggestions nutritional adjustments- Access to the summary information of Zemplar- Access the tutorial application"
MIP App 2.2.0
MIP is responsible for registration of patients by a doctor thatsends data to a personnel to contact and track patients withtreatment
AbbVie Mobile News 20.7.0
"Please note – you must be an employee or contractor of AbbVie touse this application. “AbbVie Mobile News” is a centralized sourceto find the latest AbbVie news and content right at yourfingertips. Highlights: · You can browse categories, search orsimply view the newest, most important content right now. · Like,comment and interact with our content. · Stay up to date with pushnotifications, plus get real-time updates when new content isavailable. · Share AbbVie-approved content. It’s easy, just pickfrom your social channels, share now or auto schedule. Download nowto discover all the great content and features."
1.62% Treatment Experience 1.2.1
"Please see Important Safety Information,including the BOXED WARNING on Secondary Exposure for AndroGel®(testosterone gel) 1.62% here: ( Please see FullPrescribing Information, including Medication Guide here:( 1.62% Treatment Experience app offers you resources to helpyou get the most out of your AndroGel 1.62% therapy—includingtracking your medication use, registering for possible savings, andreminding you when to follow up with your doctor.TRACKINGA major part of AndroGel 1.62% treatment is just making sure thatyou’re taking it as directed. This is why the app offers amedication tracker. Simply tap the “Track Today” button after eachuse. You can also see your history to help you better monitor yourAndroGel 1.62% use.REMINDERSThe 1.62% Treatment Experience app allows you to set medicationreminders and notifies you when it’s almost time to refill yourprescription or follow up with your doctor.COVERAGEGot a question about your insurance coverage? No problem. The applets you look up your plan to see if you’re covered for AndroGel1.62%.EDUCATIONCheck out our Content Library, where you’ll find articles abouttopics ranging from proper use to the importance of establishing aroutine.SAVINGSSign up for The Restoration ProgramTM to receive your Savings Card,which you can immediately add to your Android Pay for quick andeasy access. With the Savings Card, you can spend as little as $10per month* on your prescription.This app is intended for use only by U.S. patients over the ageof 18.*Eligibility: Available to patients with commercial prescriptioninsurance coverage for AndroGel 1.62%. Co-pay assistance program isnot available to patients receiving prescription reimbursementunder any federal, state, or government-funded insurance programs(for example, Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE, Department of Defense,or Veterans Affairs programs) or where prohibited by law. Offersubject to change or discontinuance without notice. Restrictions,including monthly maximums, may apply. This is not healthinsurance. See complete Terms and Conditions at©2016 AbbVie Inc. North Chicago, IL 60064 852-1881651 November2016"
AbbVie Congress TV
AbbVie Congress TV bringt den Kongress zuIhnennach Hause!
CED Dokumentation und Tipps
CED app - for those affected with inflammatory bowel disease
Опора Mobile 1.0
"Мобильное решение для вашего здоровья.Электронный дневник ""Опора Mobile"" это современныйинструмент,позволяющий ежедневно следить за своим здоровьем, незабывать оприеме лекарств и посещении мед учреждений, своевременноотмечатьвсе изменения в самчувствии и видеть наглядную статистику.""The mobile solutionforyour health.Electronic diary "" Support the Mobile "" is a modern toolthatallows daily to monitor their health, forget about taking drugsandvisiting medical institutions, timely observe any changesinsamchuvstvii and see the visual statistics. "
SmartSens 0.0.1
SmartSens è un'applicazione che consentedicalcolare il valore del Simple Erosion Narrowing Score(SENS)basato sulla conta delle lesioni. L’Applicazione non èdestinata adiagnosticare, trattare, alleviare, curare, prevenire ogestirealcuna malattia. L’Applicazione può essere scaricatagratuitamenteed è destinata al Medico.SmartSens isanapplication that allows you to calculate the value of theSimpleErosion Narrowing Score (SENS) based on lesion counts.Theapplication is not intended to diagnose, treat, alleviate,treat,prevent or manage any disease. The application can bedownloadedfree of charge and is intended for physician.
AbbVie GMA Events 2.32
The GMA meeting application is developed to support the group staffmeeting.
RapidFlow 1.0.3
Please note - you must be an employee or contractor of AbbVie tousethis application. This is a form based workflow routingapplication.The business form is filled with required data by thebusiness userand upon submission routes through the approval cycledefined by thebusiness logic of the application.
PartnerApp 3.0.3
Bessere Übersicht und weniger Wege mit der PartnerApp:Daspraktische Tool begleitet Sie im Alltag mit Morbus CrohnoderColitis ulcerosa und vereinfacht Ihr Krankheitsmanagement miteinerVielzahl durchdachter Funktionen. Die PartnerApp unterstütztSiedurch die Dokumentation Ihres Gesundheitszustands und mitdemCalprotectin-Test für zu Hause dabei, gemeinsam mit Ihrem ArztIhreCED zu kontrollieren und die Therapie individuell auszurichten.Engvernetzt mit Ihrem Gastroenterologen: Die Daten undTestergebnisseder PartnerApp stehen Ihrem Arzt zur Verfügung,sodass der nächsteArzttermin optimal vorbereitet ist. Sie sparenZeit, denn derTransport von Stuhlproben entfällt. Im Gespräch mitIhrem Arztgeben die Auswertungen eine nützlicheOrientierung.Maßgeschneiderter Service von AbbVie Care: DiePartnerApp ist einexklusives Angebot für Teilnehmer von AbbVieCare. Sie ist einfachanzuwenden, kostenfrei und in Ihreindividuelle Betreuung durch dasServiceprogramm eingebunden.
AbbVie Events App 5.79.0
Mobile event guide for AbbVie Meetings and Events.
AbbVie BTS Events
The application provides access to meetings across Abbvie BTSorganization
Rheumin8 2.4.34
Too busy to listen to lengthy podcasts? You will love Rheumin8anengaging new podcast series that delivers the latest thinkinginRheumatology, in around 8-minutes! Brought to you byAbbvieAustralia, and recorded with leading medical experts, eachpodcastfocuses on a range of specific and current areas inRheumatology,including: • Can joint erosion occur early in disease?• Steps tosuccessfully transition teens with juvenile arthritis •Couldankylosing spondylitis be a gut microbiome driven condition? •Arepatients being vaccinated as often as they should? •Ultrasoundperspectives and looking beyond the surface Stay at theforefrontof the changing Rheumatology landscape in Australia bystreamingRheumin8 directly to your phone. Rheumin8 has beendeveloped byAbbVie Australia Pty Ltd for listening by AustralianHealthcareProfessionals. To request access to listen to Rheumin8please clickon the following link: access our privacypolicy please go This emailaddress is not intendedfor the notification of adverse events orother medical enquiries.To report an adverse event, productcomplaint or if you have anyother medical enquiry, please contactAbbVie Medical Information or call (AU):1800 043 460 (option 2) or(NZ): 0800 900 030.
HEPAdisk 1.0.1
HEPAdisk è un tool mobile che permette di valutare l’impattodell’Epatite C sulla qualità della vita dei pazienti. Lo strumentoprincipale dell’app è un questionario formato da dieci domande,ognuna delle quali si riferisce a un diverso aspetto della vitaquotidiana del paziente. Una rappresentazione grafica e numericadel risultato del questionario permette al clinico di avere unquadro immediato di quanto la malattia impatti la qualità dellavita del paziente, consentendogli di gestirlo sulla base delle sueesigenze. L'app è disponibile in Italiano e Inglese.
HEPVie 2.0
Abbvie hepatology mobile app
MedVision 0.2
The MedVision US AbbVie Medical Affairs app provides disease-stateeducation, resources, and tools for healthcare providers within thegastroenterology therapeutic area.
AbbVie Com Você 1.3
AbbVie Patient Support Program
IBD Disk 2.0
App IBD DISK helps you keep track of the daily impact of yourillness
AbbVie Supply Chain Mobile App 1.1
"AbbVie Supply Chain Mobile Platform is a unique brandedplatform,which include the following features: ProductAuthenticationBarcode Reader Driver Verification & HistoryDevice TrackerPlus Traffic Service Request Package Hierarchy UserScan History"
myHUMIRA 1.3.0
"ヒュミラ®治療をスムーズに生活にとりいれて続けて頂くために、パソコンやスマートフォンからいつでもご利用いただけるヒュミラ®投与患者さま向けの無料のサポートプログラムです。myHUMIRAプログラムがサポートできること注射日や通院日をメール/SMSで知らせるアラート機能体調や症状を記録/グラフ化する機能 患者様向け資材の参照機能 myHUMIRAProgram is free supportprogram for the patients who are takingHumira product toincorporate into daily life smoothly and to keeptaking. myHUMIRAprogram support as below. Alert functionalities bysending email orSMS message for injection and appointment withdoctor. Recordfunctionalities for patients' health conditions andmake thoserecords to show on figure. View functionality ofdocumentations forpatients."
Programa Humanizar Baby 1.0
Aplicativo para o pre-cadastro dos pacientes no PSP (ProgramadeSuporte ao Paciente) que tenham recebido uma prescrição deumproduto AbbVie para a prevenção de doença grave dotratorespiratório inferior causada pelo vírus sincicialrespiratório(VSR) em pacientes pediátricos com alto risco paradoença por VSR.Tenha acesso a plataforma em três etapas simples: -Inscriçãoon-line Preencha o nosso formulário de forma rápida. -Aguardeaprovação Em até 3 dias úteis nós retornamos para paraospais/responsáveis legais dos pacientes para finalizar o cadastro.-Comece a usar Nós fornecemos informações, materiais eassistênciaúteis para ajudá-lo no seu tratamento através detelefone, e-mail echat e também através de visitas presenciais evirtuais, de acordocom o regulamento do programa. Estamos àdisposição por meio dotelefone 0800-776-8343, Segunda à Sexta-Feira(exceto feriados),das 9h às 18h e através doção: Aplicativo destinadoexclusivamente a pacientes comprescrição.
HIDRAdisk 1.1
HIDRAdisk è un tool mobile che permette di valutarel’impattodell’idrosadenite suppurativa (HS) sulla qualità dellavita deipazienti. Lo strumento principale dell’app è unquestionarioformato da dieci domande, ognuna delle quali siriferisce a undiverso aspetto della vita quotidiana del paziente.Unarappresentazione grafica e numerica del risultato delquestionariopermette al clinico di avere un quadro immediato diquanto lamalattia impatti la qualità della vita del paziente,consentendoglidi gestirlo sulla base delle sue esigenze. L'app èdisponibile inItaliano e Inglese.
AbbVie Care Italia 1.2.0
App ufficiale del programma di supporto al paziente AbbVie Care.
Magic Kids
Magic Kids is a mobile educational game for children with Crohn'sdisease.
IBD Disk UK 3.0
IBD Disk app helps you track the day to day impact of your disease.
DocXchange 2.0.2
DocXchange community app, share information and files with doctors.
PSODisk 6.1
PSODisk is a visual tool dedicated to people with psoriasis.
AbbVie PPS Events
PPS Events is the annual internally-focused program for the AbbVie
AMI Facial Anatomy and Cadaver
Experience facial anatomy with 360⁰ view of cadaver layerdissection
PSS: Early ID 1.3
An engaging, fun, educational app to learn more about Post StrokeSpasticity
EndoWheel 1
A self-administered endometriosis burden tracking tool.
IBD Disk USA 1.0
IBD Symptom Tracker
AbbVie CoS 5.0
CoS is the annual internally-focused program for the AbbViescientific community
IBD Disk New Zealand 3.0
IBD Symptom Tracker
Adolescents with RA and IBD and their relatives
IBD Disk Morocco 2.0
Application for tracking enteritis patients
IBD Disk Tunisia 3.0
Mobile application for patients with inflammatory bowel disease
myAbbVieCare 5.0.0
Personalised treatment support for people prescribed certainAbbViemedications.
AbbVie Imunologia 1.0
AbbVie Patient Support Program
OnADose 1.0
OnabotulinumtoxinA dosing & reconstitution for UShealthcareproviders
IBD Disk Saudi Arabia 3.0
IBD Symptom Tracker
AMI Education and Consultation 1.0
Utilize technology to enhance aesthetic consultations andpatienteducation
IBD Disk Belgium 3.0
IBD Disk
IBD Disk 3.0
IBD Disk is a mobile application for IBD patients
AbbVie Vap Customer Service 2.0
AbbVie Vaporizer Customer Service System