Amrita School of Engineering,Bangalore ئاپەکان

Its My Amrita 3.0.2
Amrita School of Engineering seeks to preparegraduates with a solution-mindset and with a high degree of ethicalstandards.Are you new to Amrita family? Want to be a part of our big fat warmAmrita family? Not sure about which course to choose? Confused withthe ample choices and streams? Want to know your course syllabi?Did u just lose your way to Amrita School of Engineering? Want toknow how qualified and efficient your lecturer is? Want to learnmore about how you can contact your mentors? Want to know how youcan keep yourself updated about the co-curricular andextra-curricular activities in Amrita? Do you know what is the newidea your forum just came up with this week?ItsMyAmrita is a one stop solution for all of this and many more.ItsMyAmrita guides you and helps to solve all your queriesregarding Amrita school of engineering. Be it from the syllabi tothe lecturer who handles it, from the technical forums to theextra-curricular club activities, from the infrastructure overviewto the maps and directions that lead you to the temple of learning,it addresses all your queries.You get to access the information here by selecting one of thestream below:HomeThis introduces you to our beloved Amma ,the mother of all, underwhose grace and guidance we have our temple of learning, AmritaVishwa Vidyapeetham. Here you are introduced to the variouscampuses of engineering.LibraryAmrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Central Library uses an automatedLibrary Information system connected to the LAN/ WiFi for quickinteraction with the library irrespective of the place in thecampus where one is located. The Library database system consistsof more than 45,500 books, 300 journals, 4000 Project reports,5300back-volumes, 50 Magazines,3800 project reports , and 4000 CD/DVDresources.Library also subscribes to 5000 Online Journals,Conference Proceedings & Standards, viz., IEL (IEEE &IEE),ASME,ACM and Springer link through INDEST-AICTE consortium.The Central library also has access to the digital library of theState University of New York at Buffalo.FacultyAren’t you interested to know how qualified is your lecturer inhis/her discipline? What is their area of specialization? Wouldn’tall this make your job of choosing your mentor easier? That’s theaim of this section.ForumsYour just not a book worm, Are you? wouldn’t you want to know whatis the new in the college next week? which event or seminar yourforum is hosting?? what’s the new event in your Amritadhara club?This section fetches your thirst for all the above problems.Route Map:New to ASE, Bangalore? Lost your way? There isn’t a reason topanic! ItsMyAmrita directly tracks you to the destination withoutany hassle.FeedbackWe value your views and suggestions. Please write into us to let usknow if there is any problem/suggestion that you want us toaddress.SnapshotsThis will give you some visual appearance of the Campus and itsActivities.
Song of Krishna 1.0
The Srimad Bhagavad Gita is a dialoguebetweenLord Krishna and Arjuna, narrated in theBhishma Parva of the Mahabharata. It comprises eighteendiscoursesof a total of 701 Sanskritverses. A considerable volume of material has been compressedwithinthese verses. On thebattlefield of Kurukshetra, Sri Krishna, during the course ofHismost instructive and interestingtalk with Arjuna, revealed profound, sublime andsoul-stirringspiritual truths, and expounded therare secrets of Yoga, Vedanta, Bhakti and Karma.All the teachings of Lord Krishna were subsequently recordedasthe Song Celestial orSrimad Bhagavad Gita by Bhagavan Vyasa for the benefit ofhumanityat large. The world is undera great debt of gratitude to Bhagavan Vyasa who presented thisSongCelestial to humanity for theguidance of their daily conduct of life, spiritual upliftmentandSelf-realisation. Those who areself-controlled and who are endowed with faith can reap thefullbenefit of the Gita, which is thescience of the Soul.
It's My Amrita 1.1
ItsMyAmrita is a platform thatprovidesinformation on our esteemed institution, our highlyqualifiedfaculty and their research interests, and the studentactivitiesensemble Amritadhara, and issues regular updates onevents ofinterest in and around the campus.The application also has a soft copy of the annual calendarforconvenience, and a link to AHAN, the school's official blog,whichpossesses further information on events conducted.Developed by FACE, the application is maintained in associationwithLekhani, The Press Club.