Antonio Pastorelli ئاپەکان

PastoDeco© 3.9.1
Antonio Pastorelli
PastoDeco© is a diving decompressionplanification app for both Technical and recreational dives.Features:Buhlmann deco models ZH-L16A, ZH-L16B* or ZH-L16C* with Erikbaker's Gradient FactorsVPM/B and VPM/B-GFS deco modelsMetric and Imperial unitsOpen circuit and CCR Rebreather closed circuitAir, Nitrox, Trimix, Heliox, Helitrox, Heliair divesAltitude divesMultilevel divesRepetitive dives with interval gas breathing gas and tissuesoff-gassing charts*Per-dive customizable parameters*Bailout profilesContingency backup profiles ( time / depth violations )Step by step gas consumption traking and tanks volumes editCNS and OTU's trackingDive charts with interactive tissues load chartSave dive projectsScreenshot, Copy to clipboard, or send by email RunTimesCustomizable last stop depth ( 3~9 meters or 10~feet )Deep stops *Customizable SAC rate ( at ascent, descent, deco stops, CCR )Customizables ascent / descent speedsCustomizables tank switch time ( OC, CCR to OC, leaving Trimix*)Customizables deco stepsCustomizables setpoints depending of depthPossibility to download Shearwater Predator, Petrel, Petrel2 diveProfiles ( with separate app Shearwater Downloader )Available in: English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese,Poland, German, Greek, Turkish, Chinese, Russian(*) Pro versionNOT COMPATIBLE WITH INTEL ATOM DEVICES
PastoBlend 2.1.0
Antonio Pastorelli
PastoBlend© CCR Real gases Blenderis a software for recreational and technical scuba diving gasblending ( Nitrox, Trimix, Héliair ).It's based on Van der Waals state equation ( real gases ), witch ismore accurate than perfect gases, especially if you fill at higherpressures ( 300 bars / 4.350 Psi ).It calculates best mix ( ideal mix ) for OC Open circuit divesand CCR Rebreather dives, by entering END or PpN2, and PpO2 fordiluent and Bailout.It calculates fills in Partial Pressure, continuous fill, orBanked EAN.In Trimix continuous flow mode, it show you the state of the two O2sensor, to obtain desired trimix.Top-Up calculated resulting mix by adding to a tank with givenpressure and mix, content of another ( or multiples ) tank(s) withdifferents mixes.What-if calculates resulting mix, starting with a tank and givenpressure/mix and adding to it given quantity of O2, He and Air.Supported units: meters, feet, bars, Psi, °C, °F, cubicinchesMultilanguage: English, French, Italian, SpanishCalculation of filling priceCalculation of minimal Bank tank pressure
PastoDeco Pro© 4.7.1
PastoDeco© is a diving decompressionplanification app for both Technical and recreational dives.Features:Buhlmann deco models ZH-L16A, ZH-L16A or ZH-L16C with Erik baker'sGradient FactorsVPM/B and VPM/B-GFS deco modelsMetric and Imperial unitsOpen circuit and CCR Rebreather closed circuitAir, Nitrox, Trimix, Heliox, Helitrox, Heliair divesAltitude divesMultilevel divesRepetitive dives with interval gas breathing gas and tissuesoff-gassing chartsPer-dive customizable parametersBailout profilesContingency backup profiles ( time / depth violations )Step by step gas consumption traking and tanks volumes editCNS and OTU's trackingDive charts with interactive tissues load chartSave dive projectsScreenshot, Copy to clipboard, or send by email RunTimesCustomizable last stop depth ( 3~9 meters or 10~feet )Deep stopsCustomizable SAC rate ( at ascent, descent, deco stops, CCR )Customizables ascent / descent speedsCustomizables tank switch time ( OC, CCR to OC, leaving Trimix)Customizables deco stepsCustomizables setpoints depending of depthPossibility to download Shearwater Predator, Petrel, Petrel2 diveProfiles ( with separate app Shearwater Downloader )Available in: English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese,Poland, German, Greek, Turkish, ChineseIf you want to try it, there is a free version of PastoDeco on PlayStoreNOTE:Having a PastoDeco Pro for Android let's you to purchase aPastoDeco Pro desktop ( Win or Mac ) for only 5,99€ instead of19,90€.Download desktop free version on and register to pro version( inside the app ) providing Play Store order number anddate.
Predator downloader 1.0.0
Antonio Pastorelli
This app is no longer supported.Please search for Shearwater Download.
PastoDeco© Light 5.0.0
Antonio Pastorelli
PastoDeco© is a diving decompression planification app for bothTechnical and recreational dives. Features: Buhlmann deco modelsZH-L16A, ZH-L16B* or ZH-L16C* with Erik baker's Gradient FactorsVPM/B and VPM/B-GFS* deco models Metric and Imperial units Opencircuit and CCR Rebreather closed circuit Air, Nitrox, Trimix,Heliox, Helitrox, Heliair dives Altitude dives Multilevel divesRepetitive dives with interval gas breathing gas and tissuesoff-gassing charts* Per-dive customizable parameters Bailoutprofiles* Contingency backup profiles* ( time / depth violations )Step by step gas consumption traking and tanks volumes edit CNS andOTU's tracking Dive charts with interactive tissues load chart Savedive projects Screenshot, Copy to clipboard, or send by emailRunTimes Customizable last stop depth ( 3~9 meters or 10~feet )Deep stops and Pyle Stops * Customizable SAC rate ( at ascent,descent, deco stops, CCR ) Customizables ascent / descent speedsCustomizables tank switch time* ( OC, CCR to OC, leaving Trimix )Customizables deco steps* Customizables setpoints depending ofdepth Possibility to download Shearwater Predator, Petrel, Petrel2dive Profiles ( with separate app Shearwater Downloader ) MaxDepth: 70m/230f - Pro version: 500m/1640f Available in: English,French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Poland, German, Greek,Turkish, Chinese, Russian (*) Pro version You can upgrade to ProVersion with In-App purchase. NOT COMPATIBLE WITH INTEL ATOMDEVICES
Downloader for Shearwater 1.4.0
This app let's you to download dive datafromShearwater Predator, Petrel or Petrel2 dive computers.Once dive database was downloaded it can be viewed withPastoDeco©or PastoDeco Pro© app ( search for it on Play Store).In PastoDeco, once you have planned a dive, then made itunderwaterwith your Shearwater dive computer, you can show chartwith bothplanned dive and real dive to show up differences orwarnings (e.g. high ascent speed, missed deco ... ).You can also show all pre-dive settings and dive parameters ofyourdive computer.If you have several devices with Pastodeco installed, even ifondifferents platforms ( Android, iOS, Windows, Mac Osx ) youdon'tneed to have a Shearwater Downloader app on each device.When dive database is downloaded, in PastoDeco app you can senditon the cloud, and retreive it on each device.This app requires a device with Bluetooth capabilities.This app requires PastoDeco© or PastoDeco© Pro v. 3.1.0orhigher.Shearwater is a registered trademark of Shearwater Research.
PastoDeco© Demo 5.0.0
Antonio Pastorelli
PastoDeco© is a diving decompression planification app for bothTechnical and recreational dives. ***This is a demo version justfor testing the app. For real use, download PastoDeco© Light orPastoDeco© Pro*** Features: Buhlmann deco models ZH-L16A, ZH-L16B*or ZH-L16C* with Erik baker's Gradient Factors VPM/B and VPM/B-GFS*deco models Metric and Imperial units Open circuit and CCRRebreather closed circuit Air, Nitrox, Trimix, Heliox, Helitrox,Heliair dives Altitude dives Multilevel dives Repetitive dives withinterval gas breathing gas and tissues off-gassing charts* Per-divecustomizable parameters Bailout profiles* Contingency backupprofiles* ( time / depth violations ) Step by step gas consumptiontraking and tanks volumes edit CNS and OTU's tracking Dive chartswith interactive tissues load chart Save dive projects Screenshot,Copy to clipboard, or send by email RunTimes Customizable last stopdepth ( 3~9 meters or 10~feet ) Deep stops and Pyle Stops *Customizable SAC rate ( at ascent, descent, deco stops, CCR )Customizables ascent / descent speeds Customizables tank switchtime* ( OC, CCR to OC, leaving Trimix ) Customizables deco steps*Customizables setpoints depending of depth Possibility to downloadShearwater Predator, Petrel, Petrel2 dive Profiles ( with separateapp Shearwater Downloader ) Max Depth: 70m/230f - Pro version:500m/1640f Available in: English, French, Italian, Spanish,Portuguese, Poland, German, Greek, Turkish, Chinese, Russian (*)Pro version You can upgrade to Pro Version with In-App purchase.NOT COMPATIBLE WITH INTEL ATOM DEVICES