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TraceSubway (지하철 추적) 13.3
"Check train to move in real time on theSubway Map."The real-time location on the subway train route map will bedisplayed,Choose your departure station and the direction is selected,Train arrival information is displayed in more detail.Scheduled arrival time based mode,Display time of arrival by train to SeptemberArrival time at thetime of real-time location tracking information is notdisplayed.As of the scheduled arrival time,If you press a train, the train's arrival time information isdisplayed on the left side, andIn addition, when you press each station, the station around themaps.Only scheduled arrival time based alarm function can be setup,The arrival time does not have an alarm can be set. (+ Minutes -one set)Arrival time information as a separate subway.※ The production and planning: YGR, service deployment: KDY,design: KTH, Illustrations: KGD