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Forane® PT Chart 4.3
Arkema Inc.
The Forane® PT chart and calculator app is anessential aid for busy refrigeration and AC professionals workingin the HVACR field. Forane® PT Chart provides electronic cross-unitPT charts for each refrigerant and enables users to easily inputpressure or temperature readings and immediately receive allcorresponding values in return. The app also provides quickcalculation for subcooling and superheat values, as well as helpfuldescriptions and chemical properties of available Forane® brand andgeneric refrigerants.Use Forane® PT Chart to:- Review pressure temperature (PT) charts on-the-go- Input liquid pressure or temperature readings to receivecorresponding values- Calculate subcooling and superheat values- Scan Forane® refrigerant product codes to validate authenticityand avoid counterfeit cylinders- Read product details and properties for available Forane®refrigerants- Watch educational refrigerant videos- Translate app content into a total of eight languages: English,Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese andJapanese- Visit the Forane® website for more information- Contact Arkema's Forane® team with your questionsLearn more at:
Paladin® 2.1
Arkema Inc.
The Paladin® Soil Fumigant Calculatorenablesusers to calculate buffer zone and flow meter settingsforapplications of Paladin® soil fumigant in the UnitedStates,Canada, and Mexico. It also provides direct links to thePaladin®website.Copyright ©2015 Arkema Inc. All rights reserved.
Kynar Aquatec® Roofing Calc v5
Arkema Inc.
The Kynar Aquatec® Cool Roof EnergySavingsCalculator enables building owners, architects andindustrialdesigners to calculate the potential Cool Energy Savingsfor aKynar Aquatec® cool white roof vs. elastomeric acrylic. Italsoprovides direct links to the Kynar Aquatec® Web site andtheability to e-mail questions and comments.
Luperox® Organic Peroxides 1.2.1
Arkema Inc.
The Luperox® Organic Peroxide Cross Reference app helps userstofind Luperox® organic peroxides and compare them to otherproductsin the market. With the Luperox® Organic Peroxide CrossReferenceapp, you can: • Use the product list dropdown to select aproduct,and see how it compares to a Luperox® product • Search foraproduct using the search box, and compare it to a Luperox®product• Call or send a message to an Arkema representative toreceiveinformation on costs and availability Luperox® organicperoxides byArkema are essential to the polymer and rubberindustries aroundthe world. Luperox® organic peroxides are used invariedapplications, including crosslinking, polypropylene,polyethylene,polyvinyl chloride, polystyrenes, composites,acrylics, skin care,photovoltaics, adhesives, shortstoppers andother specialtyapplications. Learn more about Luperox® organicperoxides Are you a new user? Please request accessto the apphere: © Arkema Inc. AllRightsReserved Luperox® is a registered trademark of Arkema Inc.