My Bank Personal Investors 1.7.1
The Android application “My Bank PersonalInvestors” from BNP Paribas Personal Investors – The Bank ForExpats® gives you free access to your bank at all times.This application allows you to:- Browse the summary of your multicurrency bank accounts- Make bank transfers between your accounts and to otherinternational banks- Access past bank transfers- Access your securities portfolio- Access your credit card balance- Contact directly your investment advisor via our secure messageservice
Digicash BGL BNP Paribas 7.0.3
DIGICASH MOBILE PAYMENT: FAST, CONVENIENT, SECURE &FREEDIGICASH is a free App that enables you: - to pay in stores,yourbills, in other Apps, in online shops across the Benelux, -tosend, receive and request money to and from any phone number,withtransfers via the underlying bank account(s). - Quick&convenient - Free (except mobile operator charges) - Transfersandpayments from € 0.01 up to € 2,500 - Highly secure & setyourown payment limits - Send and request money to/from anymobilenumber - with underlying bank transfer - Works for mostLuxembourgbank accounts/customers - Available in hundreds of storesand withmany (utility) bill issuers - Link loyalty cards –all-in-onepayment experience * A BANK PAYMENT APP The BGL BNPParibasDIGICASH App is linked both to your phone number and yourbankaccount(s). It meets banking-grade security standards; allpaymentsare authorised with your Fingerprint or your PIN Code. Youcan setyour security limits according to your preferences (default:EUR2,500). Payments are made using (SEPA) bank transfer (fundsmayonly be available the next working day). * QUICK ACTIVATIONTostart using the App right away, all you have to do is to link ittoyour bank account. Launch the App and you’ll be guided throughtheprocess, it’s fairly easy. * SEND, RECEIVE & REQUESTMONEYDIGICASH is by far the fastest way to transfer money betweentwopeople. Choose the recipient’s phone number from your addressbook,type in the amount, authorise the payment and a SMS/pushmessage issent to the recipient. If the recipient has alreadyactivatedDIGICASH or Payconiq, the operation is triggeredimmediately, andif not, a SMS message is send out inviting therecipient tosubscribe. Once he/she has activated DIGICASH, fundswill betransferred into the recipient’s bank account. Request moneyfromany phone number: the most convenient way to get paid back byyourfriends, family or colleagues. Simply choose their phonenumber,type in the amount and they’ll get the request. You’llreceive anotification once they have made the requested payment. *IN STOREPAYMENT WITH BEACONS Truly contactless payments with theDIGICASHBeacon: activate bluetooth on your phone, launch theDIGICASH App,hold your phone close to the Beacon device at thecash-desk and theamount to pay is automatically displayed on yourphone. Validatethe payment with your fingerprint/PIN Code andyou’re done. Inselected shops, you can even link your loyalty cardand receiveyour bonus points/euros without any further action ateach payment.* BILL PAYMENT WITH QR CODES The quickest way to paythe bills:launch the App, scan the DIGICASH or Payconiq QR Code onthe bill,confirm the payment and you’re done, typically in lessthan 10seconds. It works with your insurance and energy bills, withyourtelecom and public sector/municipality invoices providedDIGICASHor Payconiq payments are accepted. Feel free to use it atDIGICASHand Payconiq partner restaurants as well: no need to waitfor thepayment terminal, just scan the QR Code on the bill. You mayevenadd a tip and then just leave right away. * PAYMENT IN OTHERAPPS& IN ONLINE STORES Buy your transportation tickets withtheM-Ticket App, top up your kid’s Restopolis account or useDIGICASHor Payconiq on selected web sites: it is the most secureand themost convenient way to pay by clicking on the DIGICASH orPayconiqbutton in the App/web site or in the web store. No card orbankdata is transferred and nobody else can use your DIGICASH Appasall payments are authorised via fingerprint/PIN Code.
Web Banking 3.4.3
The free BGL BNP Paribas Web Banking app allows you toperformbanking transactions easily and securely wherever andwhenever youwant. ►FAST LOGIN
 The first time you log in, you’llneed to enteryour username and password. To log in after that,simply enter yourPIN or use your fingerprint. You can also chooseto make youronline banking transactions even more secure by usingyour LuxTrustToken or the LuxTrust Mobile app. ►INSTANT OVERVIEW OFYOURACCOUNTS Activating Express View enables you to checkyourpreferred accounts and cards without having to enter anycodes.►KEEP CHECK OF YOUR ACCOUNTS
 Set up alerts, for examplewhen: -you have been credited or debited above a certain amount; -yourbalance falls below a given amount; - you receive a messagefromyour bank, etc. Increase your credit card limit in real time:-reached your card limit? - going on holiday soon and planningextraexpenses and withdrawals? Instantly increase your credit cardlimitin tranches of EUR 100 up to no more than an additional EUR2,500(maximum period of 30 days). Do you want to open a newaccount? Doyou want to open an account in another currency or asavingsaccount? Go to Accounts and click Open a new account.►YOURTRANSACTIONS
 Make transfers or set up standing orders toyourusual payees. 
 Browse payments you have made over the lasttwoyears. Search for transactions in the account details section.Goto account transactions and enter a date, amount or key word:thetransaction you are looking for will appear in one click.►SECURITYABOVE ALL

 Use your LuxTrust Token or the LuxTrust Mobileapp tosecure your online banking operations: - save your payeedetails; -make a transfer to a new payee; - transfer amounts overEUR 5,000;- send an email to your advisor, etc. ►GENIUS Need helpbudgetingand managing your accounts? Genius is the everydayassistant thatsends you notifications and information about youraccountactivity. Receive personalised messages from Genius in yourWebBanking app. ►PERSONAL LOAN SIMULATION

 Do you have a projectordream? Simulate a personal loan or a mortgage directly in theWebBanking app to estimate your monthly repayments. Have anadvisorcall you back to discuss taking out a loan.
 ►OPTIMISEYOURINVESTMENTS Access the entire stock market through your WebBankingapp! Place your stock market orders, check your portfoliosin realtime and learn about market trends to make the rightdecisions atthe right time. ►NEED ADVICE? NEED HELP? Securemessaging lets youcommunicate with your advisor about your accountsor future plans.The Client Service can be contacted from Monday toFriday, from 8am to 6 pm. ►ABOUT BGL BNP PARIBAS – the bank for achangingworld

 BGL BNP Paribas is one of the biggest banks intheLuxembourg financial centre. It successfully combineslocalexpertise with the BNP Paribas Group’s power to act onaninternational scale. The Web Banking app is a freeserviceavailable to BGL BNP Paribas retail clients.
 For securityreasons,the app cannot be used on a "jailbroken" device.
myWealth Luxembourg 3.4.3
Designed especially for the private clients of BNP ParibasWealthManagement Luxembourg in addition to our online bankingservice,the myWealth app (now available on smartphone and tablet)allowsyou to access your accounts and consult detailed informationaboutyour investments (portfolio position and performance,bankingoperations history, etc). The main features of myWealth: -Generaloverview of your accounts - Summary of your portfolio(assetallocation, currency, performance, operations andfinancialinstrument category etc.) - Current account balances andmovements- Transfers between your accounts or abroad (single orstanding) -Management of your beneficiaries - Acces to yourelectronicdocuments via eDocuments (portfolio analysis, accountstatements,transaction notices, certificates, etc.) – for tabletsonly -Dialogue with your Private Banker via secure messaging -Connectionpreferences : choose a quick and easy access to yourportfolio (Muser & PIN Code) by disabling the Card Code,passwordmanagement - Follow the stock markets (indices, funds,commodities,news, etc.) To improve our app and therefore bettermeet your needsmore effectively, please send us your suggestionsvia the app oryour Private Banker. This app is designed for BNPParibas WealthManagement Luxembourg clients. Your access codes forour onlinebanking platform also allow you to connect to the"myWealth" app.BNP Paribas Wealth Management in Luxembourg is aservice of BGL BNPParibas, a public limited company. Visit to learn more about allourinternational private banking solutions. For security reasons,theapplication cannot be used on rooted devices.