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Texas Bariatric 1.7.11
The Texas Center For Medical And SurgicalWeight Loss offers one of the most comprehensive weight lossprograms in the state.Cutting-edge minimally invasive surgical techniques areperformed by leading bariatric surgeons; Dr. Sonny Cavazos, Dr.John J Gonzales, and Dr. Allen Alvarez.The non-surgical weight loss program is led by Dr.Anz-Cavazos.We now offer a new way to stay connected and get the support youneed with this app.With this app you can:* Track your weight loss* RSVP to support groups* Watch an online seminar* Make appointments* Access recipes* Ask us a question* And much more.
Southwest Bariatrics 3.9
Southwest Bariatric Surgeons offers acomprehensive weight loss surgery program to help severelyoverweight people lose weight, improve their health, and livelonger, happier lives. Our surgeons, licensed dietitian, clinicstaff, and patient advocates are dedicated to understanding theunique needs of our bariatric patients and to helping them reachtheir goals.We offer Lap-Band, Realize Gastric Band, sleeve gastrectomy, andgastric bypass surgery. Additionally, our surgeons performrevisions on previous bariatric procedures.Surgery is performed in Austin and Round Rock, Texas, and oursurgeons perform follow-up care personally at our clinics in Austinand Round Rock.Because long-term follow-up care is critical for the long-termsuccess of weight loss surgery patients, we consider our patientsto be “patients for life.” We are committed to serving patientslocally and over the long-term so that we can address any issuesthat arise after surgery and monitor your health in the years tocome. You will see your surgeon before you start the process towardsurgery, and your surgeon will personally monitor your health aftersurgery.Because of our long-term commitment to your success we are happyto offer this app. With this app you'll be able to:* Request Appointments* Track Your Weight Loss* RSVP to Seminars* RSVP to Support Groups* Watch Our Online Seminar* Order Your Vitamins & Supplements* Follow Our Newsletter* Learn About Weight Loss Surgery* Create a Photo Timeline Of Your Success And Share WithFriendsIf you like our app, please let us know by giving us a goodreview.
Peachtree Bariatrics 5.1.10
Peachtree Bariatrics treats you like family.The decision to have weight loss surgery is not one to be takenlightly. We understand that.In fact, some of our staff have had weight loss surgery and canrelate to the fear, excitement and concerns that you'llexperience.Our surgeons, Dr. Duncan, Dr. Hobson, and Dr. Tuggle, are someof the most talented in the country and have performed over 8000bariatric surgeries. We are with you before, after, and wheneveryou need us.Our comprehensive program offers our patients and peopleconsidering weight loss surgery this app to help you stayconnected, engaged and motivated for success.With this app you can:1.) Request Appointments2.) Food Journal3.) Create a photo timeline of your success!4.) Join our Fitbit Challenge and compete against others in ourprogram!5.) RSVP to seminars and support groups.6.) Ask out Dietitian or Counselor a question.We hope you enjoy this app and we're looking forward to helpingyou reach your weight loss goals.
BMI of Texas 1.2.17
The Bariatric Medical Institute (BMI) of Texasis one of the top Texas bariatric institutes and is located inbeautiful San Antonio!With leading experts in the field of weight loss surgery, Dr.Terive Duperier, Dr. Mickey Seger, Dr. Richard Englehardt, and Dr.Jennifer Seger, BMI of Texas makes your health theirpriority.BMI of Texas has a full range of support services that include anon-staff dietitian, personally tailored weight loss plans,cutting-edge bariatric surgery services, regular support groups andmuch more.Now we are pleased to announce that it just got easier to stayconnected to BMI of Texas.If you're considering weight loss surgery or you're already a BMIof Texas patient, this app is for you. Access our support groups,track your weight loss, access recipes, create a photo timeline ofyour success, ask us a question, refill your supplements, and muchmore can be done through our app.The Bariatric & Metabolic Institute of Texas is proud to offerone of the most comprehensive weight loss programs in Texas. Startyour journey with BMI of Texas.
Texas Bariatric Specialists 6.1.7
Led by Dr. Nilesh Patel, Texas BariatricSpecialists has become one of the premier bariatric surgeryprograms in Texas.Texas Bariatric Specialists offers a comprehensive program thatincludes an on-staff dietitian, support groups and much more.Weight loss surgery is a long journey, now we have an App tohelp you along the way.Our App lets you access our support group, ask our dietitianquestions, and discover our healthy but delicious recipes. Trackyour weight loss and take regular pictures to create a picturetimeline showing your progress. Click the share button and shareyour progress with a friend.Easily make appointments, RSVP to support group meetings and getyour questions answered fast through our App.You DO NOT have to be a patient to use the App. Enjoy!
Tu Opcion Bariatrica 1.4.9
El Dr. Manuel García dirige un equipo deespecialistas altamente capacitados para hacer de su cirugía ypérdida de peso un viaje inolvidable y con excelentes resultados.El Dr. García cree que para lograr el éxito de los pacientes decirugía bariátrica se necesita apoyo, tanto antes como después dela cirugía.Junto con todos los recursos que ofrece Tu Opción Bariátrica,estamos orgullosos de ofrecerle esta nueva aplicación para ayudarlea mantenerse conectado con el doctor y su equipo, además deproporcionarle las herramientas necesarias para lograr el éxito alargo plazo.Con esta aplicación usted puede:* Dar Seguimiento a su pérdida de peso* Acceso a consejos de cómo cuidar su cirugía* Agendar citas* Tomar fotos del antes y después de su cirugía* Hacer preguntas al equipo de especialistas* Ver videos* Estar en contacto con el Dr. García* Y mucho más.Dr. Manuel Garcia leads ateam of highly trained specialists to make your weight loss surgeryand an unforgettable trip with excellent results.Dr. Garcia believes that to achieve the success of bariatricsurgery patients need support, both before and after surgery.Along with all the resources offered Bariatric Your Choice, weare proud to offer this new application to help you stay connectedwith the doctor and his team, in addition to providing the toolsnecessary to achieve long-term success.With this application you can:* Give Monitoring your weight loss* Access to advice on how to care for your surgery* Schedule appointments* Take pictures of before and after surgery* Ask questions to the team of specialists* Watch videos* Being in touch with Dr. Garcia* And much more.
Garden State 1.12
Considering weight loss surgery? Already hadbariatric surgery?With this app you can:* Track weight loss* Track nutrition* Create a photo timeline of your success* Access bariatric friendly recipes* Request appointments* Stay connected to the Garden State Bariatrics Team* Learn about weight loss surgery* And much more...About Garden State Bariatrics:We are proud to be among a select few in NJ designated as a Centerof Excellence bariatric practice that provides your surgical andongoing medical care. Our entire team is rigorously chosen fortheir passion for our patients’ and advocates for our patients’surgical, nutritional and lifelong success.While we refer to bariatric surgery as ‘happy’ medicine – ourpatients are working on a lifelong lifestyle shift – and thisrequires expertise, passion and compassion in your bariatricmedical team. We are dedicated to 5-star service – we are here todeliver it – at every interaction you have with any member of theteam.From your first call, email or informational seminar, we look forways to effectively and consistently remove obstacles from yourjourney that may impede your ongoing success. From verifying yourinsurance and giving you all of the ins and outs to having surgery,to questions, counseling and/or finding other physicians that takeyour insurance, we happily are here to help.While so many of our patients ‘tease’ the team that we are alwayshappy and warm place to visit – we truly love our patients andwhatever we can do to assist them. We know this is an importantdecision and a lifelong change for our patients and we arecommitted that our patients receive the respect, dignity andcompassion they deserve.We value your time and know our privilege is to be here for you.Whether we are waiving a co-pay since we did not see you withinminutes of your appointment; payment plans; ongoing free events;discounts on personal trainers and free consults; to our AnnualFREE Holiday Party for all of our patients and their guests – weare always looking for ways to celebrate the journey and thesuccess of each of our patients. Every point of contact is designedto be an honorable and generous experience for anyone who choosesGSBWC.Obesity is a serious medical condition and we take your concern toaddress your health seriously. We know the decision to take the 1ststep – or stay on track – is not always an easy one. We are here –be it a smile, a hug, lots of laughter or a few tears – proud ofthe opportunity to support you- privileged to make adifference.
HonorHealth 1.9.8
Considering weight loss surgery? Alreadystarted your journey? This app is for you.With this app you can:* Track nutrition* Track exercise* Track weight loss* Request appointments* RSVP to support groups & seminars* Learn about our program* Watch an online seminar* Learn about weight loss surgery* And much more.Your Weight Doesn't Have to Define YouClinical obesity is not the isolating issue it once was. After all,more than 78 million American adults — about a third of thenation's population age 20 and older — struggle with obesity.There now are medically approved ways to effectively confront thisconcern.If you're approximately 75 pounds or more overweight with a BMI of35 or higher and have certain related health conditions, you may bea candidate for weight-loss surgery, a branch of medicine known asbariatrics.The HonorHealth Bariatric Center at Scottsdale Shea Medical Centeroffers minimally invasive techniques that can help you return to astate of balance and good health.The doctors there offer two procedures, all performedlaparoscopically (using small incisions near the belly button):gastric bypass, and sleeve gastrectomy. The best procedure for youdepends on your individual needs. Our surgeons will discuss yourbest options with you.If you have a BMI less than 35 but are obese and experiencinghealth issues related to your weight, you might be eligible for oneof our clinical trials.The Program:The team at HonorHealth has developed a comprehensive,evidence-based, multidisciplinary program to help seriously obesepatients achieve safe, sustained weight loss.The HonorHealth Bariatric Center is accredited as a Center ofExcellence from the American College of Surgeons for metabolic andbariatric surgery as well as an extensive quality improvementprogram. With bariatric surgery, a dedicated, multidisciplinaryteam provides long-term patient care to achieve weight loss successand resolution of medical conditions related to obesity. TheAmerican College of Surgeons has recognized this by awarding theCenter of Excellence designation to the surgeons and thefacility.
Khalili Center 1.8.11
The Khalili Center for Bariatric Care wasfounded by a group of doctors who are passionately committed tooffering patients the best and most comprehensive care possible.We know that weight loss surgery is a long journey. To help youbefore and after your procedure we give you a new tool - ourBariatric App.Access our dietitian, our online community, our support group,make appointments and RSVP to seminars and in-person support groupsall through our App.Track your weight loss, take pictures and share your successwith your friends.We feel strongly that the more tools we make available, thehigher your chance of success. With this App we put our practice inyour pocket.We hope that you enjoy the App.
Hurley Bariatric Center 1.9
The Hurley Bariatric Center is fullyaccredited as a Center of Excellence through the American Collegeof Surgeons and has been offering surgical weight loss options fornearly 15 years.Here, at the Hurley Bariatric Center, we take a comprehensive andholistic approach to bariatric care. Our team not only consists ofa skilled Bariatric Surgeon and Bariatric Medical Physician, butalso a Nurse Practitioner and Physician Assistant who arewell-trained in caring for the bariatric surgery patient.We have a Registered Nurse, Registered Dietitian, MedicalAssistant, and Exercise Specialists to educate and guide you bothbefore and after surgery. Additionally, we offer secretarialsupport/insurance specialists to help you through the pre-surgeryinsurance process.Most importantly, you’ll find our team really cares about ourpatients, working hard to help you achieve your goals! Here at theHurley Bariatric Center, we want to make sure you have the bestpossible chance for a positive outcome! We want to offer you newhope, new health, and a new life!We are proud to offer you one more tool in your arsenal to battleweight loss. This app will let you track your weight, take photosof your progress, connect with our staff, request appointments andmuch more.We want you engaged, connected and motivated for success.
The Davis Clinic 12.1.11
The Davis Clinic is Houston's premier andcomprehensive weight management program.Renowned bariatric surgeons, Robert Davis, MD, Garth P. Davis,MD and Tony Primomo, MD treat the disease of morbid obesity withsurgical and non-surgical techniques.And now our clinic has an App to help you along your weight lossjourney.Our App allows you to track your weight loss, take pictures,make appointments, RSVP to the latest support group meetings andweight loss seminars, ask questions of our nutritionist, and accessto our online support groupsYou DON'T have to be a patient to use our App. Enjoy.
Covenant Bariatrics 1.6.19
Covenant Bariatrics is your partner toovercome the obstacles that have prevented you from enjoying allthat life has to offer. Your Covenant weight loss team is with youevery step of the way.The Covenant Bariatric and Metabolic Center has the mostexperienced bariatric surgeons in the Great Lakes Bay Region. Ourfellowship trained, board certified bariatric surgeons specializein laparoscopic gastric bypass, laparoscopic vertical sleevegastrectomy and laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding. Ourmulti-disciplinary team of experts provides comprehensive servicesand evaluations to respond to the challenges of obesity.Begin your weight loss transformation today and discover the newyou.With this app you can:Track your weight lossRequest AppointmentsTrack your nutritionLearn about our programCreate a photo timeline of your successMuch more...Covenant offers tools like this to help you have the best weightloss journey possible.
Foothills Weight Loss 1.8
Considering Weight Loss Surgery? Already hadsurgery? This app is for you.With this app you can:* Track your weight loss.* Access bariatric friendly recipes.* Request appointments.* RSVP to seminars and support groups.* Participate in a Steps Challenge.* Learn about weight loss surgery.Foothills Weight Loss Specialists is the first surgical weightloss practice in the Knoxville area. Since 2002, we have helpedmore than 2,000 individuals lose a total of over 200,000 pounds –more than 100 tons – as a result of weight loss surgery.Foothills Weight Loss Specialists is now located at Fort SandersRegional Medical Center in Knoxville, home of the Fort SandersCenter for Bariatric Surgery. Fort Sanders is the flagship hospitalof Covenant Health.Our surgeons, Dr. Mark Colquitt and Dr. Jonathan Ray, are bothboard certified by the American Board of Surgery and are members ofthe American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery(ASMBS).The mission of Dr. Colquitt, Dr Foothillsr. Ray, and our staffis to give you the tools to help successfully transform your lifeand health with bariatric surgery!
Tucson Medical Weight Loss 1.3.29
With this app you can track your weight loss,track your nutrition, track your exercise and water, access healthyrecipes and much more.Losing weight is about more than just watching the scale drop.That’s something Tucson Medical Weight Loss clearlyunderstands.There are many different reasons why people want to lose weight.One reason could be that you want to feel better and look better,or maybe you want to improve your overall health or weight-relatedconditions and reduce your risk of illness. You want to have theenergy to enjoy everything that you love to do.That’s why you want the best Weight Loss Clinic in Tucson, AZ. FromRM3, our patented prescription medication and 3-Step weight lossprogram that helps you lose up to 20 pounds or more per month toour state-of-the-art, FDA-approved body contouring treatments andmedical spa treatments, we have it all!We work with the whole you! With a medically supervised plan thathelps you achieve your desired weight and all your goals under thesupervision of a Bariatric Physician -- a doctor who specializes inweight loss -- you will succeed.The most successful patients at Tucson Medical Weight Loss choose aWeight Loss Program that best addresses their specific health andlifestyle. They also make frequent visits to weigh-in, get weightloss shots and talk with our staff regarding their progress andchallenges. This level of commitment coupled with the most advancedmethods in modern medicine will help you achieve your goal!We hope you like our app and our program.
Well Beginnings at Houston NW 1.11
Considering weight loss surgery? Already apatient? The Well Beginnings app is here to help. With this app youcan:* Track nutrition* Learn about weight loss surgery* Access healthy recipes* Check your insurance coverage* RSVP to support groups and seminars* Ask us a question* Track exercise* Take photos of your weight loss and create a photo timeline ofyour success* Learn about our program* And much more...If the scale has controlled your life long enough, consider asolution that could change your life-Well Beginnings, a weight losssurgery program at Houston Northwest Medical Center.If you are struggling with morbid obesity, the bariatricsurgeons at Houston Northwest Medical Center offer severalbariatric surgery options (including LAP-BAND®, Roux-en Y gastricbypass and gastric sleeve) designed to promote long-term weightmanagement. When fad diets and other weight loss methods leave youwith little hope, bariatric surgery could help you lose the excessweight.The best way to get started is to download our free app. WellBeginnings, in conjunction with Houston Northwest Medical Center,offers free seminars hosted by our bariatric surgeons. By attendinga seminar, patients can personally meet with a surgeon and learnabout the various options for weight loss surgery. Our medical teamof bariatric professionals will also attend and answer questions,including information about insurance.Well Beginnings offers a viable solution through bariatricsurgery designed to help patients become healthy again. Start yourjourney today.
North Jersey Bariatrics - NJLA 2.6.12
NJLA sets itself apart from any otherbariatric program. We believe in the personal touch and havecreated a family style atmosphere where the patient is treated likea person not a number.Our team includes not only surgeons offering a full range ofbariatric surgery but we also offer physicians dedicated toanti-aging, hormonal testing and supplementation. A full range ofnutritionists including a chef, psychologists, and fitnessconsultants.Our comprehensive program is lead by some of New Jersey'spreeminent weight loss surgeons; Dr. Iannace, Dr. Vaimakis, and Dr.Fredericks.We are now pleased to offer you another great tool to make yourjourney a success.With this app you can:* Track your weight loss* Create a photo timeline of your success* Participate in our Fitbit Challenge* Access recipes* Ask our dietitian a question* Access our calendar of events* Request appointmentsAnd much more...We hope you enjoy.
Park Nicollet Bariatric Center 2.1.10
Making the decision to lose weight and takeback your health is life-changing. Many obesity-related healthconditions can be improved or resolved after bariatric surgery.At Park Nicollet Bariatric Surgery Center, we are here tosupport your weight-loss journey.We are a designated Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence, andour highly-experienced multidisciplinary team provides all the careand services you need to achieve your goals.Our comprehensive, patient-centered approach ensures you willreceive compassionate care at every step of your pre- andpost-surgical experience.We are very pleased to offer this app to supplement your journeyat Park Nicollet.With this app you can:1.) Request Appointments2.) Track Your Weight Loss3.) Create a Photo Timeline Of Your Success4.) Watch an Online Seminar5.) RSVP to Support Groups and Seminars6.) Learn About Our ProgramAnd much more. Thank you for choosing Park Nicollet.
Smart for Life 1.11
With the Smart for Life app you can:1.) Track weight loss.2.) Track nutrition3.) Use the cookie tracker.4.) Learn about our program.5.) Track water intake.6.) Request appointments.7.) Much more.Smart for Life® is America's #1 Healthy Weight Loss Program andCookie DietMost overweight people are hungry because of Insulin and Leptinresistance as well as a loss of the hunger control process. Ourweight loss program is designed to flip the sugar to protein ratiodecreasing sugar and insulin as well as Leptin resistance. It alsoteaches you a new healthy eating lifestyle that illustrates eatingsmall multiple meals and lots of vegetables.Many people who have over-stretched their stomachs will findthat after they've eaten our cookies for a few weeks; they simplycan't eat as much and get fuller, sooner.The Smart for Life® Weight Loss Program Is Designed To Work WithYour Body's Natural Ability To Lose WeightYour body will shed fat only under a very strict set ofcircumstances. The Smart for Life® Cookie Diet, delicious products,and weight loss program are designed to create these preciseconditions.In detail, these conditions include a correct protein to sugarratio in the food you eat, a low Glycemic Index and low GlycemicLoad. Eating multiple small meals throughout the day will deliverspecific amounts of protein, super fibers, and complex carbs tosuppress hunger, while keeping sugar and insulin low and triggeringthe body's fat releasing hormone, known as Glucagon.Get the weight loss results you want, starting today, with Smartfor Life®!
BMI of Georgia 1.10
The Bariatric & Metabolic Institute ofGeorgia offers both surgical and non-surgical weight loss solutionsto get you on the road to better health.If you are considering weight loss surgery, BMI of Georgiaoffers several options to our patients. Our comprehensive programnow includes an App.With this App you can track your weight loss, create a picturetimeline of your success, ask our dietitian questions, makeappointments, and so much more.BMI of GA is proud to offer sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypassand gastric banding procedures. Come out to a free seminar orconsultation to discuss which procedure might be right for you.Weight loss surgery is the first step to your new life. We lookforward to helping you get on the road to a healthierlifestyle.
Hodges Weight Loss 1.2.4
As weight increases, diseases directly relatedto obesity can begin to appear.Medical problems that commonly occur with increased weight includediabetes, high blood pressure, gastroesophageal reflux or heartburn, arthritis, high cholesterol, urinary incontinence, sleepapnea, heart disease, 50% increased risk of most cancers andincreased risk of dying if you develop cancer.Many of the medical problems associated with obesity contribute tofurther weight gain.At Hodges Weight Loss Center, we are dedicated to helping youachieve your weight loss goals. Our staff is dedicated to yoursuccess. As part of our dedication to your success we offer you theHodges Weight Loss Center App.With this app you can:Track your weight loss.Access RecipesRequest AppointmentsLearn about our program.Lear about your weight loss options.Ask questions.Take photos of your success and create a photo timeline.Get started in our program.And much more.
Texas Health FM Bariatrics 1.12
Considering weight loss surgery? Already partof our program? Live in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and need to loseweight?With this app you can:* Track your weight loss* Track your nutrition* Connect with our program* Learn about weight loss surgery* Access dietitian approved recipes* RSVP to support groups and seminars* Request appointments* Connect your wearables and bluetooth scales* Access pre and post-op instructions***And much more.Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Flower Mound is a full-service,103-bed facility with over 400 physicians on its medical staff whopractice a full range of specialties. As the area’s first acutecare hospital, Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Flower Mound iscommitted to offering comfort and care to those seeking qualityhealth services.Our mission is to improve the health of the people in our communityand, in doing so, provide our patients, families and physicianswith an exceptional experience, anticipating their needs andexceeding their expectations in service and quality of carereceived.Our Weight Loss Services (bariatric) program is designed to helppeople who are overweight and seeking medical or surgical optionswhen traditional weight loss methods have been unsuccessful.
Weight Loss Center at Cheyenne 1.6
Our weight loss surgery program is based onthe philosophy that providing the best possible surgical servicesis only one important aspect of the care provided by The WeightLoss Center at Cheyenne Regional Medical Center.We understand that weight loss surgery alone does not producesuccess.It takes a genuine desire and commitment from the patient tolearn to use the surgical “tool” that weight loss surgeryprovides.We are committed to give you the encouragement, information,follow-up and support to help you attain long term success andsafety.We are proud to offer this app to help you along your journey toweight loss success.With this app you can:* Track your weight loss* Create a photo timeline of your success* Make appointments* RSVP to seminars and support groups* Learn about your options* Access recipes and our Dietitian* And so much more.We hope you enjoy our app and we are proud to be part of yourjourney.
Center For Weight Loss Success 1.9.16
Dr. Clark's Center for Weight Loss Success isa special place that evolved as a result of striving to understandthe unique needs of people who want to lose weight.Dr. Thomas W. Clark's professional passion is to help peoplelose weight and this gives true meaning to what he doeseveryday.Along with our many in-person support tools (i.e. our gym,dietitian, etc.), we are pleased to offer you a tool that you cankeep on your phone.This app will let you:* Track your weight loss* Access our Dietitian* Take photos of your progress* RSVP to support groups and seminars* Watch an online seminar* Listen to our latest Podcasts* Request Appointments* Access Recipes* And much more...Make your weight loss surgery a success with The Center ForWeight Loss Success.
North Kansas City Hospital 1.13
Considering weight loss surgery? Already had bariatric surgery?Weight loss surgery success is a journey. The North Kansas CityBariatric Center has an app to help you along the way. With thisapp you can: * Track your nutrition. * Create a photo timeline ofyour progress. * RSVP to support groups and seminars. * Learn aboutour program. * Access bariatric friendly recipes. * Accessdischarge instructions and diet guidelines. * Connect wearables andbluetooth scales. * Track your weight loss. * And much more. TheBariatric Center at North Kansas City Hospital—the only surgicalweight loss center in the Northland—offers proven surgical weightloss options and total support for the journey to a new you. Ourfull-service Center and skilled, compassionate team provideeverything you need for lifelong success with weight control.You’re never alone in your weight loss journey at the BariatricCenter. Our highly qualified, compassionate team is deeplycommitted to helping you reach your personal weight loss goals. Weoffer a full range of life-changing services in one location.Here’s what you can expect from us: * Enjoy peace of mind knowingyou’ll be treated by a board-certified surgeon with advancedtraining in laparoscopic surgery who has performed more than 500bariatric procedures. * Get ongoing encouragement and educationfrom our professional team and our support group before and aftersurgery. * Learn to identify your triggers for overeating and howto deal with them in new ways with the help of our board-certifiedpsychiatrist. * Learn healthy eating habits from a dietitian whowill work with you before and after surgery. * Let our insuranceadvisors guide you through the complex process of insurancecoverage and finances. Get started today!
Castle Medical Bariatrics 1.8
Need to lose weight? Considering weight losssurgery? Already a patient at Castle Medical Center's bariatricprogram? This app is for you!With this app you can:* Track nutrition.* Track weight loss.* RSVP to seminars and support groups.* Learn about weight loss surgery.* Request appointments.* Track exercise.* Access healthy recipes.* Connects with Fitbit, Jawbone Up, and other wearables.* Create a photo timeline of your success* And much more...Weight-loss surgery brings radical changes to an individual—bothphysically and psychologically—and it’s important that patients areequipped with the tools they need to sustain their weight loss andlive successfully in their communities.Following surgery, patients in the program receive twelve months offollow-up care that includes group and individual counselingsessions, nutrition counseling and cooking demonstrations, fitnessclasses designed specifically for program patients, and peersupport groups that help address emotional, behavioral, and otherissues. Patients can always get additional support beyond thetwelve months.“It’s very exciting. No one else in Hawai‘i has a program quitelike ours,” Reid says. “With Castle’s established Wellness Center,we are uniquely equipped to offer a comprehensive treatmentpackage.”For more information, please call The Hawai‘i Center for Metabolicand Bariatric Surgery at (808) 263-5176.
Las Vegas Bariatrics 1.9
Considering bariatric surgery in Las Vegas?Already had surgery with the team at Las Vegas Bariatrics?This app is for you!With this app you can:* Learn about weight loss surgery.* Track your nutrition.* Manage your pre-op appointments and shorten your time tosurgery.* Access recipes approved by our dietitian.* Connect a wi-fi scale or a wearable pedometer.* Track your weight loss.* Create a photo timeline of your success.* Set-up vitamin and supplement reminders.* Use the bariatric food/water/bite timer to implement propereating habits.* Journal, create a photo timeline, access diet guidelines and somuch more!The team at Las Vegas Bariatrics believes in a comprehensiveapproach to weight loss and this app is another free tool offeredto help you on your journey.As leading Las Vegas bariatric surgery providers, we are dedicatedto helping you enhance your health, appearance and self-confidencethrough advanced weight loss surgery procedures. Our commitment toyour safety and satisfaction sets us apart from our peers.Dr. Bernie Hanna and our talented medical team will perform a setof thorough evaluations to determine which weight loss procedure isbest for you. We will explain the benefits and risks of eachprocedure and help you make educated decisions regarding yourtreatments. Once you decide to go forward with treatment, we willbe with you throughout the pre-surgery, surgery and post-surgeryphases to ensure that you feel safe, comfortable and well takencare of.
Bluepoint Medical Associates 1.1.12
Considering Weight Loss Surgery? Already hadsurgery?With Bluepoint Medical Associates app you can:Track your nutritionTrack your weight lossRequest an appointmentCreate a photo timeline of your successLearn about weight loss surgeryMuch MoreAt Bluepoint Medical Associates we have One Purpose. Changinglives for the better.Bluepoint Medical Associates serves the Northern Virginia,Washington D.C. and Maryland areas. We are a dedicated group ofmedical professionals, weight loss physicians, nurse practitioners,and sleep specialists devoted to the care and treatment of theoverweight and sleep deprived.Our long experience in taking care of thousands of patientsevery year gives us the level of expertise in weight loss,bariatric surgery and sleep medicine that no other medical group inthe area can match. Learn more about our skilled team ofexperts.
St. Vincent Weight Management 1.7
Considering bariatric surgery in Montana?Looking to lose weight? Already part of St. Vincent's WeightManagement Program?With this app you can:* Track nutrition.* Track weight loss.* Learn about our program and weight loss options.* Get started in our program.* Access diet guidelines and discharge instructions.* Set vitamins and supplement reminders.* Create your to-do checklist to stay on track.* Access healthy recipes.* RSVP to support groups and seminars.* and much more...At St. Vincent, we understand that weight management can be adifficult and personal area of health care. That’s why we offer acomprehensive range of solutions – including surgical weight lossoptions and non-surgical programs – to help you achieve andmaintain a healthy weight.We are committed to being a partner in your weight loss journey,providing you with the tools and support you need not only to loseweight initially, but to adopt a healthy lifestyle for years tocome.Using surgical procedures and/or a combination of medicine andnutrition, our specially trained staff and educators will design aweight loss and maintenance program just for you, tailored to yourunique goals.Now is the time to begin your weight loss journey.
My New Beginning 1.10
For many patients at My New Beginning,surgical weight loss is a way to regain their freedom and realize ahealthy, fulfilling future.The caring Dallas bariatric surgeons and nursing staff at My NewBeginning believe that it may do the same for you. Because, weightloss surgery is about more than a physical transformation – it’s alife-changing journey to create a better quality of life.Our team at My New Beginning is here to support you through everystep of the journey.This app is another way that we are dedicated to your support andsuccess.With this app, you can:1.) Track Your Nutrition2.) Request a Consultation3.) Access Recipes4.) Track Your Weight Loss5.) RSVP to Support Groups & Seminars6.) Ask a Questions7.) And Much More...This app is for current patients and those considering weight lossservices. We are based in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area. If you livein or around Dallas or Fort Worth and need to lose weight, pleasecontact us.
Fittnote by Dr Adrienne Youdim 1.12
Need to lose weight? Already part of ourprogram? This app is for you.With this app you can:* Track weight loss* Track nutrition* Access healthy recipes* Track activity* Learn about our weight loss program* Request appointments* Access our daily health tips* Create a photo timeline of your success* And much moreDr. Adrienne Youdim is a well-recognized expert in the areas ofweight loss and nutrition, bariatric medicine, and preventivemedicine.Formerly the Medical Director of the Cedars-Sinai Center forWeight Loss, she has partnered with hundreds of patients in helpingthem achieve their goal of better health through good nutrition andlifestyle.
Commonwealth WLC 1.11
Commonwealth Weight Loss Center's bariatricprogram is led by Dr. Andras Sandor. Known for being one of themost comprehensive programs in Massachusetts, Commonwealth WLC iscommitted to your success.And now they bring you a new tool to help support you before andafter weight loss surgery.* This app is for current patients and people considering weightloss surgery.With this app you can:Watch an online seminar, track your weight loss, participate inour Fitbit Challenge, create a photo timeline of your success,access recipes, RSVP to events, support groups, and much more.We hope you enjoy our app.
My RI Weight Loss Coach 1.9
If you are considering weight loss surgery oralready part of the Roger Williams bariatric surgery program thenthis app is for you.With this app you can:* Learn about bariatric surgery.* Find out if it's right for you.* Get started with our program.* RSVP to seminars and support groups.* Track your nutrition.* Track your weight loss* Create a photo timeline of your success.* Access diet guidelines and post-op instructions.* Create vitamin and supplement reminders.* Create a seminar to surgery checklist.* Use the bite, water and food timer.* And much more...Obesity is a very personal problem.For over a decade, the weight loss surgery team at Roger Williamshas successfully utilized surgery to help people deal with theirweight problem.Our team, led by Dr. Dieter Pohl, has performed more than 3,000weight loss surgeries and has been a "Bariatric Center ofExcellence" since 2005.Every person considering surgery is different and needspersonalized care. That's why we spend a lot of time with eachpatient to understand their needs. That includes evaluating theirhealth conditions in detail, educating them about their options,getting them ready for surgery, performing the surgery, guiding thesurgical after-care, and keeping them engaged with us to improveand maintain their health and happiness.
Vayda Medical Weight Loss 1.0.11
Need to lose weight? Vayda Medical Weight LossSpecialists are the is the premier weight loss clinic inOhio.With this app you can:* Track your nutrition* Track your exercise* Learn about medically managed weight loss* Request appointments* Create a photo timeline of your success* Access HCG friendly recipes* And much more.Unlike commercial weight loss programs, medical weight loss isdesigned to take more than just the food you eat and activities youdo into account. Only a medical doctor such as Dr. Zachary Verescan truly understand how your unique health profile contributes toyour weight loss challenges, but also how it can be used to helpyou achieve success. Dr. Veres will study your medical history,prescriptions, hormonal imbalances, metabolic rate and multipleother medical factors to design a weight loss program specificallyfor you.Once you understand how medical weight loss works, you can feelconfident that Dr. Veres is the most qualified physician to helpyou achieve your weight loss goals. Dr. Veres has received the mostin-depth, comprehensive medical weight loss training available. Notonly does he understand the physical aspects of weight loss, histraining also includes addressing any behaviors holding you backfrom reaching your weight loss goals. This means you will have ahigh-skilled, supportive and caring medical expert on your side,helping you to lose those initial pounds quickly & safely andteaching you to keep them off for good.
My Bariatric Solutions 7.1.13
**Please note: We are currently updatingtheAndroid Version - some screens will show code instead of text.Thiswill be fixed by Monday 9-1**My Bariatric Solutions offers a specializedandmulti-disciplinary bariatric surgery team who works with you onanindividualized basis to provide you with the knowledge andskillsneeded to be successful after your weight loss surgery.We provide extensive education both before and aftersurgery.Now, we are pleased to offer you a new tool you can use onyourphone. The My Bariatric Solutions App makes it easier than everforyou to stay connected and engaged. We put the tools you needatyour fingertips.With this app you can:* Watch our online seminar* Track your weight loss* RSVP to Support Groups* Create a photo timeline of your success* Request appointments* Access Recipes and our Dietitian* Participate in Our FitBit Challenge* And much more.We hope you enjoy our app.
MyNewSelf 1.7.16
Restore your health and regain confidence witha proven long-term weight loss solution.The experienced weight loss surgery team at the MyNewSelfbariatrics clinic is ready to guide you on your journey to ahealthier and more active life.We offer you this app to support your journey with MyNewSelf.Whether you are considering weight loss surgery or you've alreadyhad it this app will help you along the way.With this app you can:1.) Track nutrition.2.) Track weight loss.3.) Watch an online seminar.4.) Ask our dietitian a question.5.) Access our robust database of recipes.6.) Create a picture timeline of your success.7.) And much more.If you’re 100 pounds or more overweight, you may be a candidate formedical weight loss surgery at our St.Louis clinic.The reasons are more than cosmetic. People who are more than 30percent over their ideal weight often experience serious medicalproblems, such as heart disease and diabetes, and may be atincreased risk for certain cancers.Weight loss surgery can help you successfully reach a healthierweight and give you the opportunity to live a longer, healthier andmore active life.We hope you enjoy this app and look forward to working with you onyour journey to a healthier life.
Your New Self (DMC) 1.1.13
Considering weight loss surgery? Already hadsurgery? The Your New Self app can help.With this app you can:* Track weight loss* Access dietitian approved recipes* Track nutrition* Track water intake* Request appointments* Learn about our bariatric program* RSVP to seminars and support groupsAnd much more.Your New Self: Detroit Medical Center’s Weight Loss Solutionsprogram (otherwise known as DMC Harper Bariatric MedicineInstitute) has lead the way in developing and performing innovativeweight-loss surgery for patients who have a body mass index greaterthan 35, suffer from related health conditions and have tried otherweight-loss methods.Minimally Invasive Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass (RYGB), VerticalSleeve Gastrectomy (VSG), Adjustable Gastric Banding (LapBand),Robotic Assisted Duodenal Switch and other Robotic AssistedBariatric surgerical procedures are just a few examples of theinnovative bariatric procedures performed by our exceptionalsurgeons.Unlike open weight loss surgery, the minimally invasivelaparoscopic techniques require just six small incisions, eachabout a centimeter or less in length. Minimally invasive bariatricsurgery is associated with a decreased length of stay in thehospital, a lower rate of complications, decreased pain and ingeneral, a shorter recovery period to return to normalactivities.
St Luke's Weight Loss Surgery 3.7.14
St Luke's Weight Loss Surgery program isbasedout of Allentown, PA. St. Luke's offers one of themostcomprehensive weight loss surgery solutions in the country.Why should you choose St. Luke's to guide your journey tobetterhealth?* Zero mortalities.* We have no program fee; dietary evaluation andbehavioralhealth evaluations are also free.** Average length-of-stay for bariatric surgery is 1.3days;nearly half the national average. Complication andreadmissionrates continue to be well below the nationalaverage.* Our surgeons were first in the area to offerthesingle-incision sleeve gastrectomy.* Our surgeons are dedicated full-time to bariatric surgery.* Our surgeons are fellowship-trained in bariatric surgery.* St. Luke's bariatric team also includes twofull-timedietitians, two full-time social workers, two full-timeRNs, andsupport staff dedicated completely to the bariatricprogram.* Awarded Center of Excellence through the American SocietyforMetabolic and Bariatric Surgery.* Named a Blue Cross Blue Shield Center of DistinctionforBariatric Surgery.Named a Center of Excellence through Optimum Health (UnitedHealthCare), Health America Health Assurance and Cigna, andInstitute ofQuality for bariatrics by Aetna.** We are now pleased to off you this app to continue ourmissionof unparalleled support **With this app you can:1.) Track your weight loss.2.) Create a food journal and track you daily intake.3.) RSVP to seminars and support groups.4.) Watch an online seminar.5.) Request appointments.6.) Get your questions answered.7.) Much more...We hope you enjoy this app.
Panhandle Weight Loss Center 1.7.15
Panhandle Weight Loss Center is a uniquecenter in that we offer a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approachto weight loss.We understand the challenges of losing weight and have developed acenter to help meet those challenges. We walk hand in hand witheach one of our patients to help them lose weight.Whether it is 10 pounds or 300 pounds we offer both medical andsurgical weight loss options.We offer a comprehensive, individualized weight loss program foreach patient, which includes a medically supervised diet program,dietary counseling, metabolic testing, psychological screening andcounseling, and one-on-one counseling by Dr. Schniederjan or Dr.Neichoy.At Panhandle Weight Loss Center, our team consists of a bariatricsurgeon, dietician, bariatric registered nurse, and a certifiedpersonal trainer.And now we are pleased to offer you another resource, thisapp.With our app you can:1.) Track your weight loss2.) Request appointments3.) Connect with our Dieitian4.) Watch exercise videos5.) Access Recipes6.) Compete in our Fitbit Challenge!7.) Access discharge paperwork and surgical diet instructions8.) Create a photo timeline of your successWe hope you enjoy our app!
Banner Weight Loss Center 1.10
Banner Gateway Medical Center's weightlossprogram is one of the most comprehensive in Arizona.The bariatric program is lead by some of the country'sleadingweight loss surgeons; Dr. David Podkameni, Dr. Rob Schuster,Dr. AlChen, and Dr. Emil Graf.Along with leading experts in bariatric surgery, BannerGatewayoffers the support you need lose weight and keep it off.We provide monthly expert moderated support groups on topicssuchas; nutrition, exercise, psychology and a general open forum.Weoffer Bariatric Information Sessions five times each month.Now, we offer many of our resources in this app.RSVP to support groups or seminars, track your weightloss,request appointments, learn about weight loss surgery,accessrecipes, and much more.We recognize that choosing weight-loss surgery will haveasignificant impact on your life. We would like to help you maketheright decision for you, your family and your lifestyle. Findoutwhat Banner Gateway can do for you.
NOCH Bariatric Clinic
The official weight loss app for NOCH's Bariatric Center.
Slimmer You - UMCHackensack 2.5.16
Led by acclaimed weight loss surgeon Dr. KarlStrom, the HackensackUMC Mountainside Center for Advanced BariatricSurgery is a recognized Center of Excellence where patients begintheir journeys to happier, healthier lives.Highly experienced in successful weight loss strategies andsurgery, we offer a range of less-invasive laparoscopic procedures,including gastric bypass and gastric banding. In New Jersey and thenation, we are recognized as a leader in weight loss surgery.As one of the most successful bariatric programs in New Jersey, wealso offer the expertise and support you need to make lastingchanges. From nutrition counseling and group support to individualtherapy and the latest advances in bariatric weight loss surgery,we offer a world-class bariatric program in a convenient communitysetting.Now, we are pleased to offer you another great resource, our weightloss app.With this app you can:- Track your weight loss- Create a photo timeline of your success- Request an appointment- RSVP to support groups and seminars- Watch our online seminar- Connect with our Dietitian- Track Your Weight LossWe hope you enjoy our app!
UW Health Bariatrics 1.8
The UW Health Bariatrics - Medical andSurgicalWeight Management Program offers our patients the means toloseweight safely, restore health and improve quality of life.We believe the most important aspect of weight loss isimprovedhealth after surgery or medical therapy.The true measure of UW Health Bariatrics success istheimprovement or elimination of many weight-relatedhealthconditions.UW Health Bariatrics program staff partners with you andprovidesyou the resources needed to continue on your path to ahealthierlife.At UW Health Bariatrics we are proud to offer this app asanotherway to support your weight loss journey. With this app youcan:1.) Track your weight loss.2.) Request appointments.3.) Watch an online video about our program.4.) Learn about medical and surgical weight loss options.5.) Learn about upcoming seminars and support groups.6.) Access recipes and much more...
Iowa Weight Loss Specialists 1.2.16
Considering weight loss surgery? Alreadyhadsurgery?With this app you can:* Track nutrition* Track weight loss* Track exercise* Access dietitian approved recipes* Request appointments* Learn about weight loss surgery* Stay connected, motivated and engaged.* And much moreAt Iowa Weight Loss Specialists, we believe in havingacomprehensive team of medical professionals to provide thecarethat you need. Our team is lead by Dr. Todd Eibes MD, FACS, whohasbeen performing weight loss surgery for over 13 years and hasdonenearly 2,000 weight loss surgeries.He leads a team of medical professionals includingphysicianassistants, dietitians, mental health providers, andexercisespecialists to help guide you through your journey.You areneveralone in this process, and we will always be there toprovideguidance and support on your path to improved health.We believe that the most important aspect of the programiseducation. Every patient will receive both group andindividualteaching along the journey. All patients will receivecomprehensiveeducation prior to surgery so that you can decide ifsurgery isright for you. After surgery, all patients will receivedietary andexercise counseling along with mental health counselingasnecessary.We also offer a dedicated support group that meets monthlytodiscuss life changes after surgical weight loss. Many patientsfindstrength in the support of former patients that have beenthroughthe program.Surgical weight loss is not a quick fix but is the onlyeffectivemethod for patients who are morbidly obese to lose asignificantamount of weight and keep it off. It is the first stepin a lifelongjourney back to health.Surgery is the only effective tool in suppressing yourappetiteand controlling your portions to a level that will allowpeople whoare morbidly obese to lose weight.
Better Weigh Center 1.8
Considering weight loss surgery? Alreadyapatient? The Better Weigh Center app is for you. With this appyoucan:* Track weight loss* Track nutrition and exercise* Learn about weight loss surgery* Access healthy recipes* Access Discharge Instructions and Diet Guidelines* Purchase vitamins and supplements* Take photos of your progress and create a photo timeline* Request appointments* RSVP to seminars and support groups* Much more...We are the only weight loss surgery center based in the cityofCorpus Christi, TX that specializes in all threeBariatricSurgeries ( gastric bypass, gastric banding, gastricsleeve) ANDdoes the surgery right here in Corpus Christi!Our practice is led by Dr. Lloyd Stegemann, a weight losssurgerythought-leader in the state of Texas and the mostexperiencedbariatric surgeon practicing in Corpus Christi. Themission of ourpractice is to bring state-of- the-art weight losstechniques toCoastal Bend residents in an effort to improve thehealth andquality of life of those who suffer from weightissues.
Marry Lizzie 1.2
Cumpliendo 31 años como profesionalesenBelleza a nivel nacional, Mary Lizzie Ortiz de Ribera creóunamarca que conlleva prestigio, distinción y belleza a todaslasmujeres y varones que usan los servicios de la corporaciónMaryLizzie.Con el deseo de brindar un servicio integral a la mujer alamujer cruceña y boliviana es que nace el Centro Integral deBellezaMary Lizzie, una nueva visión en peluquería, lugar modernoyvanguardista donde el cliente podría encontrar absolutamentetodoslos servicios de belleza que necesitara en un sololugar.Contando con un equipo de trabajo de alrededor de cincuentapersonasen la actualidad Mary Lizzie se ha convertido en la marcareferentede belleza más importante de nuestra ciudad y por qué nodecirlo detodo el país.Como parte de la responsabilidad social que caracteriza aMaryLizzie, está la incorporación en su equipo de trabajo apersonascon capacidades diferentes pero que tienen los mismossueños derealización y triunfo que todos nosotros.Editorial Rey David, cuenta con tres productos MaryLizzieNovias, la revista Estilismo y el planificador Nupcial.La revista Mary Lizzie Novias fue creada con el propósitodemostrar el talento y creatividad de nuestrosfotógrafos,diseñadores, decoradores. En la actualidad se haconvertido en laguía perfecta para la organización de la boda.Toda la experiencia adquirida a través de los años dieron vidaala Escuela Mary Lizzie, con el propósito de formarprofesionalescon alta calidad y pensamiento creativo. Actualmenterepresentantespara Bolivia de la línea Pivot Point, una de lasmarcas másimportantes en el mundo de la educación en peluqueríapresente enmás de 85 países.Como nuestro objetivo es seguir creciendo e innovando,nosenorgullece dar a conocer el reciente lanzamiento de laprimeraaplicación interactiva del país con el sello de Mary Lizzieque lepermitirá a los usuarios subir, compartir, capacitarse convideostutoriales y disfrutar de una amplia galería fotográficaeinformación a través de nuestros portales web y páginas delasredes sociales. Este es un salto tecnológico que nos coloca alavanguardia de la comunicación digital. ( esto fue copiadodesociales vip)
Mather and Dr Ahmad Bariatrics 1.6
The Center of Excellence in Metabolic &Bariatric Surgery TM at John T. Mather Memorial Hospital, togetherwith Dr. Arif Ahmad, are leaders in Bariatric Surgery, performingmore than 4,500 bariatric procedures, with a proven record ofpatient safety. Procedures include the sleeve gastrectomy, gastricbypass, gastric banding and revisional surgery. All surgeries areperformed laparoscopically, through small incisions in the abdomen,for minimal scarring and improved recovery times. Dr. Ahmad alsouses state of the art technology, including the da Vinci® Robot,which results in great surgical precision and control resulting inless trauma to the patient.We are committed to providing the highest quality of individualizedand personal care to meet your needs.With this app you can:* Track nutrition* Set vitamin and supplement reminders* Receive alerts and reminders from the Bariatric COE Team* Access our seminar and support group calendar* Access education materials* Read diet guidelines and discharge instructions* Access bariatric friendly recipes* and much moreMather Hospital, together with Dr. Arif Ahmad, as Medical Directorof the Bariatric COE Program, have continuously maintained thedesignation as a Center of Excellence in Metabolic and BariatricSurgery™ by the Surgical Review Corporation (SRC), since 2007. InMarch 2016, Mather Hospital and Dr. Arif Ahmad were the first inNew York State to achieve a Center of Excellence in Robotic SurgeryTM. Once a Center of Excellence designation is achieved; it’s anongoing process that promotes continued improvement, committed tohigh quality care, ensuring efficacy of the procedure, improvedoutcomes, cost savings and increased patient satisfaction.Dr. Ahmad is a board-certified surgeon and Fellowship trained inadvanced laparoscopic surgery, as well as, bariatric surgery. Dr.Ahmad was named One of America’s Top Surgeons by Consumer ResearchCouncil; he is a designated by the SRC as a Surgeon of Excellencein both Bariatric and Robotic Surgery. Understanding the decisionto undergo weight loss surgery is not an easy one, and we offer youquality care and support every step of the way. In addition to ourextensive pre-surgical education program, we provide long-termfollow up and support to ensure the best possible sustained weightloss results.Why Mather?At Mather Hospital’s Bariatric Center of Excellence, a wide rangeof laparoscopic procedures are offered. These procedures can helpyou look and feel your best through a safe, minimally invasiveprocedure. In addition to the Center of Excellence designations,Mather Hospital is the only hospital in New York State to receive 9consecutive A ratings from The Leapfrog Group for patient safety,and Mather earned the prestigious Magnet® recognition from theAmerican Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) in June 2013 for ourquality patient care and nursing excellence.Center of Excellence in Metabolic & Bariatric and RoboticSurgery™, COEMBS™, COERS™ and the COEMBS and COERS seals aretrademarks of Surgical Review Corporation.All rights reserved.
Valley Care Clinics WLS Ctr. 1.5
Considering weight loss surgery in and aroundthe Rio Grande Valley? Already part of the Valley Care ClinicsWeight Loss Surgery Center program? Then this app is for you.With this app you can:* Track your nutrition.* Track weight loss progress.* Learn about weight loss surgery.* Watch an online seminar.* RSVP to support groups.* Access diet guidelines and discharge instructions.* Create a photo timeline of your success.* Access recipes approved by our dietitians.* And much more.Excess weight gain can put you at risk of harmful medical disordersand can make even the simplest of tasks a challenge. If you’vestruggled with other weight-loss methods, weight-loss surgery canoffer you another option. Change is possible with the righttreatment and an experienced team by your side.Our surgeons have performed over 4,000 weight-loss procedures andhave seen the positive impact it can have on their patients. Thelonger you wait to find help, the more likely you’ll developserious medical conditions related to obesity. Talk to our teamtoday and give yourself a fresh start.The Valley Care Clinics team is dedicated to your success and thisis another resource to support your journey to better health.
Baritastic - Bariatric Tracker 1.4.1
Bariatric surgery tracker: gastric bypass, gastric sleeve, lapband, balloons.
Absolutely Thin 1.15
The Absolutely Thin app is here to support your weight lossgoals.We strive to keep you connected, answer your questions andget youthe treatment you need for successful weight loss. With thisappyou can learn about our program. You can access our onlinepatientportal. You can track your nutrition, take photos of yoursuccess,and access healthy recipes. Absolutely Thin has treatedthousandsof overweight patients since 2002. With a national networkofproviders and the home office in Dallas, Texas, we ensure youareable to connect with our providers as needed. This app keepsyoufocused and on track for weight loss success.