Black Bean Engagement ئاپەکان

DMC2014 1.2
Black Bean Engagement
There are 243 million internet users inIndiawhich is expected to soar to 400 million in a coupleofyears.There are 950 million mobile subscribers in India out of which130million access Internet through theirmobile phones. 86% of Indian with web access visit at leastonesocial media site such as Face book, Twitterand others. This has influenced the way people buy productsandservices – be it banking, ticketing, news,property, electronics, jewellery etc. Email, Internet andmobilehave emerged as major media vehicles forreaching the customers. According to a new research one in 3FMCGshoppers go online first to gatherinformation about brands and prices before going to a physicalstoreto buy the product. Consequentlydigital marketing is becoming mainline marketing.
Black Bean Engagement
It’s a great time to be a ProductEntrepreneurin India with the buzz in domestic markets, increasedinterest inIndian start-ups by overseas investors and withmanyfoldimprovement in infrastructure, India has become anattractiveground to breed start-ups. NASSCOM 10k Project is aimedat helping10,000 start-ups to germinate & grow in IndiaNASSCOM Product Conclave 2013 at Bangalore, in October lastyearwas a great success and a true show of strength by theIndiansoftware products industry. The event spread over three dayssawhigh voltage, adrenalin pumping, action filled activitiesinvolvingmore than 1400 software development practitionersinteracting,learning and sharing. NPC2013 had 180+ speakers, manyof themstars/super achievers in their own field includingNandanNilekani,Rahul Sood, RajanAnandanwho shared their experienceswith an eageraudience. It was a carnival of fresh thinking,innovation andmatch-making. After the huge success of NPC2013 andon the demandof the industry, NASSCOM is pleased to announce NPCWest at Pune, afull day of excitement, knowledge share, networkingand setting upagenda for the future of Indian product industry. NPCPune isplanned on March 05, 2014 and will be attended by starspeakersfrom the Product Industry, VCs,PracticingEntrepreneurs,Consultants.The focus of NPC Pune is to set a stage for Indian start-upsandemerging companies to access knowledge & support availableinthe ecosystem on building their markets, create performingteamsand secure funding. People’ s Choice Awards showcasing Top10Products in the NASSCOM Emerge category will also beannouncedduring NPC Pune. You can take advantage of workshops onDigitalMarketing, B2B Sales planning and Product Design.NPC Pune will see a turnout of around 400 delegates and alineupof software Product industry, VC industry&EntrepreneurSpeakers. We will also bring you the softer touch withaninteresting speaker from outside the industry.This NASSCOMProductConclave is being held in Pune, a strategic hub of IndianProductStart-ups. We wish to encourage all companies located in theregionto participate and take advantage of interacting with some ofthesuper achievers in the Indian Products arena.
AppilyMarried 1.0
Black Bean Engagement
Every couple has a tale to tell theirfriendsand family.AppilyMarried is your wedding event app designed fortoday'scouple and families who want to use technology to ease thestressof guest management, and need a robust communication tool toandbetween guests.AppilyMarried makes it easy for you and your guests toSavedates, for all the ceremonies that are a part of yourwedding.The Event Agenda page lists all the events and also thedifferentvenues for each of these ceremonies, along with all therelevantinformation.Our Tight integration with mapping software's, providesyourguests a complete route mapping and real-time direction tothevenue.The photo and video gallery provide a platform to not onlysharemoments in the wedding journey but also provide apictorialintroduction of family and friends to the bride andgroomssides.The integrated communication suite provides a platform totosend, save the date reminders, event reminders, invitations,andreal time sticky notifications.The RSVP module tracks the acceptance of invitations andallowsyou to plan for the resources needed to provide thedesiredhospitality to your guests.There's a lot you can do with AppilyMarried, download a demo,andride the experience.Your Moments, Your Journey. From The Start To The Wedding DayAnAfter Shared With Your Friends And Family. Enjoy Every MomentOfYour Wedding And Let The Wedding-App Do The Management.
Tiecon Pune 2014 1.2
Black Bean Engagement
TiECon Pune 2014 is a largest conference forEntrepreneurs. Bring together Entrepreneurs, investors andindustry. Foster generation and discussion of entrepreneurialideas. Develop a sustainable entrepreneurial infrastructure withinPune.
BPM 2016 1.0
Black Bean Engagement
Security has been articulatedconventionallywith the three key concepts of ‘confidentiality’,‘integrity’ and‘availability’. However, eventually more conceptssuch as‘protect’, ‘defend’ and ‘deter’ have been added toarticulate themeaning of security. The discussion of security hasconventionallybeen around these words, giving emphasis toprevention anddeterrence. However, this has been changing due tothe revelationof many new age attacks, increasing exposures, highlyvisiblecompromises, relatively large scale disruptions observedandsurprising examples of exploitations. There are numerous waysinwhich these attacks, compromises and exploitation can happen.Anysystem built for only protection and deterrence is bound tofallshort of the challenges. Hence, the focus of securitydeliberationis now shifting from ‘protection’ and ‘deterrence’, todetect and‘response’. ‘Detection’, ‘Monitoring’,‘Responding’,‘Investigating’ and ‘Recovering’ are becoming keyconcepts forcontemporary security deliberations.Due to rapid digital transformation of businesses,underlyinginfrastructure is becoming more complex. The requests foraccess toorganisational resources are rising multi-fold; demandofflexibility and seamless operations are bringing new devicesandways of connectivity and drive of hyper-specializationareextending an origination’s boundaries rapidly. Security threats,onthe other hand, are becoming more focused and targeted,bydeploying more and more sophisticated techniques. This wasevidentin the revelation of many targeted attacks, whichdeployedmulti-vector, multi-channel, flexi-architecture method intheoperations spread across multi-geography. Nation states add tothegravity of the problem by arranging significant resourcesforsophistication of techniques, development of customisedattacktools and finding unknown vulnerabilities. Such advancedattacksremain in the systems for many days, months or even yearsbeforedetection.Human intervention-driven conventional methods may notreallywork. Many permutation and combinations, varied historicalandcurrent contexts and vast aspects are required to considerasecurity decision. This amounts to collecting and processingalarge set of information for security decision-making. Thestreamof information collected from security and IT sources playsanimportant role in taking a real-time decision. A decisionalsonecessitates factoring many historical contexts anddevelopments.Historical data processing, thus, must also be animportant aspectfor taking effective security decision. Datascience, as a fieldhas been evolving to solve many pertinentbusiness problems. Thesheer challenges of security offer quiteinteresting challenges tothe field of data science. Security hasemerged as a critical areafor application of data science.Security Data Science is now becoming a founding block of mostofthe contemporary security solutions. Different use cases ofsecuritydata science have been developed into solutions and manymore arebeing discovered. DSCI Best Practices Meet (BPM) focuseson thecontemporary evolution of security by organising its contentanddeliberations under a dominant theme. This year’s version willfocuson ‘Security Data Science’. Apart from delving intofundamentals, itwould extensively deliberate on different usecases of security datascience that are shaping the securitytechnology market. The Meetwill also provide an opportunity toundertake review of policydevelopment, deliberations on globalissues related to security andprivacy, and check the progress ofcyber security industrydevelopment efforts.
Atmosphere 1.0
Black Bean Engagement
Atmosphere is a feature rich event appthatconnects you with the Google Atmosphere India Event 2016 ."Realiseyour digital potential – through smart, secure technologythatempowers a modern workforce" - the same vision is echoed by theappas well. The app empowers you to live the event . Everyeventdetail - from agenda to speakers , from venue navigation tolivepolls , is contained within this app for you!So make full use of this smart , secure technology and consumetheevent like never before!
Marico Events App 1.0
Black Bean Engagement
The Marico Events App gives you access toallthe event information of the Organizational Communication2016event on your mobile device. You can confirm your attendance,participate in polls , surveys and share your feedback withease.Information available within the app includes agenda ,speakers,FAQs , event venues , how to get there , and capability toconnectwith your colleagues. Also get hooked with the in-app games.
Royal Swag 1.6
Black Bean Engagement
The Royal Swag application serves as a forcemultiplier for the sales of Royal Stag brand of Pernod Ricard. Themain aim of the app is to motivate the sales teams, enable reviewof sales team performance and foster better communication andavailability of information.
Black Bean Engagement
BW Businessworld Smart Cities Conclave &Awards is a platform that endeavors to engage smart cities thoughtleaders and innovators to bring forth smart and sustainable ideasthat can link our progressive cities to solutions that are bestsuited for them. Download the BW SCCA App to stay abreast of thehappening at the hottest Smart Cities event in the country.The BW SCCA App allows you to consume the Conclave like neverbefore. With the app on your phone, nominate awards, take part inSpeaker QnA's and more!Now register at the Conclave with the BW SCCA App on your phone.No queues, No waiting. It's that simple!
NHRD National Conference 1.1
Black Bean Engagement
“Spirit of Entrepreneurship” helps individualsinnovate, inspire and create. It is the genesis of an enterprise.Over several conversations and focus groups we found an operatingdefinition on how the “Spirit” manifests at work – it is aboutbuilding a sense of purpose, being agile, getting things done,ability to take risk, being resourceful, and above all doing thingswith passion.This year’s National HRD Network’s conference celebrates thisspirit of enterprise. Further we explore the theme across threedifferent contexts – young companies that are Gaining Momentumtypically those beyond a startup stage with a unique culture andspirit, organisations that do well year after year and stayrelevant over time due to their ability to reinvent constantly – wecall them as Sustaining Momentum, and finally those who areRe-Imagining Momentum - organisations that are learning to dance inthe midst of all the disruptions around them. We further exploreHR’s role in creating and sustaining this spirit.  
JankiAkshat 1.1
Black Bean Engagement
Join and delve into Janki and Akshat'sWeddingusing the JankiAkshat App. From ceremony times to sendingthem yourlove. This little app has all that you need to show yourlove tothe cute couple!
Black Bean Engagement
The Ignis Drive app compliments the allnewIgnis. From checking the agenda to understanding what's inthehood. Download the app, forAgenda - The complete event Agenda on your palm!Look books - Check out stunning pictures of the Ignis.Ignis Moments - Selfies and morePit Stops - Know where you can fill in on that masala dosa!BLE Sensor Recognition - Get detailed information about the Ignisbyjust standing near it and turning on your BlueTooth!
NPC Pune 2017 1.0
Black Bean Engagement
Immerse yourself in the excitementofnetworking with experts, investors, founders and mentors.Plungedeep into meaningful conversations with your peers.Submergeyourself into the gyan and the anti-gyan sessions.Anddelight inthe experience from NPC Pune 2017 app!
Squeeeze App 1.0
Black Bean Engagement
Squeeeze is a tournament platform, that allows you to discoverandchallenge the best in indoor games. If you want to be a partofthis culture, download the app, play & WIN! Users log in totheapp, enter the access code which they'll find at the venue andgainaccess to tournaments happening around them!
AGM eVoting App - Cast Votes & 1.0.1
Black Bean Engagement
Manage quorum with real time updates & cast your voteswithease.