Bob Ibanez ئاپەکان

C.I.A. Lock Picking Manual 1.0
Bob Ibanez
This is the official C.I.A. lock pickingmanual.The manual was given to all C.I.A. operatives.With this manual you learn how locks are designed.How to defeat thelock and the tools that aremost used.This manual is for reference only.
Virgin Optimus V Stock Rom 1.0
Bob Ibanez
This is the stock rom for the Virgin MobileOptimus V phone. It can be used to return your phone if it has beenrooted and rom'd to the original state when new.This should only be used if you understand how to use it.I am notresonsible if you damage your phone.You have been warned.Check out the link included in the app to find out how it isdone.You also must have a Gmail account to download the stock V zipfile.Also Dolphin Browser HD is also needed as it can download zipfiles.The standard android browser will not download zipfiles.This app will download the zip file to the downloads folder on yourSD card.Version 1.0
MarineCorps.FirstAidManual 1.0
Bob Ibanez
The official U.S. Marine Corps. First AidManual with over 220 pages.This manual meets the first aid training needs of individualservicemembers. Because medical personnel will not always be readilyavailable,the nonmedical service members must rely heavily on their ownskills andknowledge of life-sustaining methods to survive on the integratedbattlefield.This publication outlines both self-aid and aid to other servicemembers(buddy aid). More importantly, it emphasizes prompt and effectiveaction insustaining life and preventing or minimizing further suffering anddisability.First aid is the emergency care given to the sick, injured, orwounded beforebeing treated by medical personnel. The term first aid can bedefined as“urgent and immediate lifesaving and other measures, which canbeperformed for casualties by nonmedical personnel when medicalpersonnelare not immediately available.” Nonmedical service members havereceivedbasic first aid training and should remain skilled in the correctprocedures forgiving first aid. This manual is directed to all service members.Theprocedures discussed apply to all types of casualties and themeasuresdescribed are for use by both male and female servicemembers.Keywords:U.S. Military,Marine Corps,PDF.
U.S. Marine Corps.Martial Arts 1.0
Bob Ibanez
This is the official U.S. Marine Corps.Martial Arts Manual1. PURPOSEToday's Marines operate within a continuum of force where conflictmay change fromlow intensity to high intensity over a matter of hours. Marines arealso engaged inmany military operations other than war, such as peacekeepingmissions or noncom-batant evacuation operations, where deadly force may not beauthorized. During non-combative engagements, Marines must determine if a situationwarrants applyingdeadly force. Sometimes Marines must decide in a matter of secondsbecause theirlives or the lives of others depend on their actions. To make theright decision,Marines must understand both the lethal and nonlethal close combattechniques need-ed to handle the situation responsibly without escalating theviolence unnecessarily.Marine Corps Reference Publication (MCRP) 3-02B, Close Combat,provides the tac-tics, techniques, and procedures of Marine Corps close combat. Italso provides thedoctrinal basis for the Marine Corps Close Combat Training Program(MCCCTP).2. SCOPEThis publication guides individual Marines, unit leaders, and closecombat instructorsin the proper tactics, techniques, and procedures for close combat.MCRP 3-02B isnot intended to replace supervision by appropriate unit leaders andclose combat in-struction by qualified instructors. Its role is to ensurestandardization and execution oftactics, techniques, and procedures throughout the MarineCorps.3. SUPERSESSIONMCRP 3-02B supersedes Fleet Marine Force Manual (FMFM) 0-7, CloseCombat,dated 9 July 1993. There are significant differences between thetwo publications.MCRP 3-02B should be reviewed in its entirety.Keywords:US Army Navy Marine Corps.Survival How-To Pdf.Shooting Manuals,Martial Arts,SelfDefenseHand to Hand Combat.
Marine Corps Survival Manual 1.0
Bob Ibanez
This is the official U.S. Marine CorpsSurvival Manual with 571 pages.This is a handy book to keep withyou on your phone.You never know when you might need these survivalskills.Teaches all the skills you will need to survive in thewilderness or in case of a major disaster.Keywords:Marine Corps,U.S. Marine Corps,U.S. Military,SurvivalSkills,Survival Manual,Manual,PDF,Self Help,Disaster,Emergency,Howto
OriginalBannedHackersHandbook 1.0
Bob Ibanez
This is the original banned in the u.s.hackers handbook.If you want to learn to hack you have to startwith the basics.This book will show you how its done.Perhaps Ishould tell you what you can reasonably expect from thishandbook. Hacking is an activity like few others: it issemi-legal,seldom encouraged, and in its full extent so vast that noindividualor group, short of an organisation like GCHQ or NSA, could hopetograsp a fraction of the possibilities. So this is not one ofthosebooks with titles like Games Programming with the 6502 where, ifthebook is any good and if you are any good, you will emerge withsomemastery of the subject-matter. The aim of this book is merely togiveyou some grasp of methodology, help you develop theappropriateattitudes and skills, provide essential background and somereferencing material--and point you in the right directions formoreknowledge. Up to a point, each chapter may be read by itself; Ihavecompiled extensive appendices, containing material which will beofuse long after the main body of the text has been absorbed.This book is over 130 pages in length.Enjoy.
U.S.A.F.Handbook 2.0
Bob Ibanez
Today, we are a force unmatched byanyonein the world, seasoned by over 16 years of continuous combatoperations. We are the leaders in Global Vigilance, GlobalReach, Global Power, and most importantly, highly skilled andmotivated Airmen.Our Airmen are the most important piece to execute our Air,Space, and Cyberspace power and the key to the success of theTotal Force. From the front lines of the Global War on TerrortoHomeland Defense and humanitarian missions, our Total Forceaccomplish amazing tasks everyday amidst the stressful situa-tions in which they are deployed—everyday, everywhere.This handbook highlights the tools and capabilities thatempow-er our Airmen, both on the ground and in the air to besuccess-ful in their warfighting endeavors and the defense of thenation.The systems and equipment highlighted in the following pagesshowcase the technological lengths to which we will go toensurethat we will now and in the future continue to be the world’smost capable Air Force as we fly and fight in Air, Space, andCyberspace.This handbook is a tool just like the equipment listed withinitspages. Use it as the resource for which it was intended andto-gether we will continue to focus on winning the Global War onTerror and ensuring the safety and security of our greatnationand its citizens.The Official U.S.A.F. Handbook 326 pagesWhen you purchase this handbook you also will get the pdfsentto your e-mail.
Lock Picking Secrets 1.0
Bob Ibanez
The big secret of lock picking is that it'seasy. Anyone can learn how to pick locks.The theory of lock picking is the theory of exploiting mechanicaldefects. There are afew basic concepts and defnitions but the bulk of the materialconsists of tricks for openinglocks with particular defects or characteristics. The organizationof this manual reflects thisstructure. The first few chapters present the vocabulary and basicinformation about locksand lock picking. There is no way to learn lock picking withoutpracticing, so one chapterpresents a set of carefully chosen exercises that will help youlearn the skills of lock picking.The document ends with a catalog of the mechanical traits anddefects found in locks andthe techniques used to recognize and exploit them. The firstappendix describes how to makelock picking tools. The other appendix presents some of the legalissues of lock picking.The exercises are important. The only way to learn how to recognizeand exploit thedefects in a lock is to practice. This means practicing many timeson the same lock as wellas practicing on many different locks. Anyone can learn how to opendesk and filing cabinetlocks, but the ability to open most locks in under thirty secondsis a skill that requirespractice.Before getting into the details of locks and picking, it is worthpointing out that lockpicking is just one way to bypass a lock, though it does cause lessdamage than brute forcetechniques. In fact, it may be easier to bypass the bolt mechanismthan to bypass the lock.It may also be easier to bypass some other part of the door or evenavoid the door entirely.Remember: There is always another way, usually a better one.Learn from the expertsThis book will teach you all the secretsEveryone who buys this application will get the pdf for all yourdevices emailed to you.
S.A.S. Self Defense Manual 2.0
Bob Ibanez
The purpose of this book is to offer theordinary law abiding citizen a series of testedand tried techniques which will help him or her avoid becoming avictim on the streets oftodays urban jungles.Around 90% of successful self defense is toavoid violence.getting into afight is easy avoiding a fight is the hard part.But if you do getinto a fight you will win ifyou practice and use the S.A.S. self defense techniques covered inthis manual.Over 150 pagesof tried and tested fighting techniques.So live to fight another day.
Navy SEAL Physical Fitness 1.0
Bob Ibanez
This is the official U.S. Navy Seal Physical Fitness Guide.300 pages long.This is the Guide to have on your phone if youwantto be as tough as a Navy Seal.This Guide has been prepared for the Seal community withseveralgoals in mind.Promote long term cardiovascular health.Prevent injury and accelerate return to duty.Maintain physical readiness at all times.Enhance physical ability to perform special operations atanytime.Key Words:U.S. Navy,U.S. Military,PhysicalFitness,NavySeal,Pdf,Physical Fitness Guide,U.S. Manual.
U.S. M-9 Pistol Manual 1.0
Bob Ibanez
This is the official U.S. Military M-9 PistolManual.This manual will help keep your M-9 pistol in tip topcondition.Make sure your pistol is clean. Before loading, inspect the barrelto ensure it is clean and free offoreign objects. Shooting with an obstruction in the barrel such asdirt, mud, grease, or lodgedbullet could cause injury to the operator, or damage to thepistol.Use only ammunition authorized in chapter 4.Hearing damage may occur unless proper hearing protection is wornwhen firing the pistol.For further information on safety, care, and handling ofammunition, refer to TM 9-1300-206.For further information on first aid, refer to FM 21-11.
U.S.M.C. Rifle Manual 1.0
Bob Ibanez
This is the official U.S.M.C. user manual forrifles covering the M-16.This manual covers all forms of services and usage of the militaryrifle.This application runs on phones or tablets running Android 4.0 orhigher.It also needs a wireless or 4G internet connection for initialdownload.Adobe reader and Chrome are also needed.Both can be downloadedfromGoogle Play from inside the application.The manual is over 150 pages.
Marine Corps Sniping Manual 1.0
Bob Ibanez
This is the official United States MarineCorps Sniping Manual.It goes thru all the training marines need tobecome a scout sniper.Showing all the tactics and techniques usedto become an elite sniper.This manual is 204 pages long.Allcustomers who purchase this application will get the pdf of themanual sent to your e-mail.
Marine Corps Signal Manual 1.0
Bob Ibanez
Efficicient combat operations depend onclear,accurate and secure communication among ground units,navaland supporting air forces.control and coordination are achieved bythe most rapid means of communication available between men andunits.when electrical means of communication are not available.Astation to station system of visual communication is a means fortransmitting orders,information,and requests for aid andsupport.This is the official U.S. military signal manual used by allbranches of the militaryVersion 1.0saves manual to your phone or tablet,data must be enabled to readfrom the web.This application runs on phone or tablet.Best used in landscape mode
U.S.M.C. Map Reading Manual 1.0
Bob Ibanez
The purpose of this field manual is to providea standardized source document formilitarywide reference on map reading and land navigation. Thismanual applies to everysoldier in the military regardless of service branch, MOS, or rank.This manual also containsboth doctrine and training guidance on these subjects. Part Oneaddresses map reading andPart Two, land navigation. The appendixes include a list ofexportable training materials, amatrix of land navigation tasks, an introduction to orienteering,and a discussion of severaldevices that can assist the soldier in land navigation.You Must have Android 4.0 or higher and you must have wireless or4G enabledChrome Browser and Adobe reader are needed and are included in thisapplication for download.
Handbook of Knots Manual 1.0
Bob Ibanez
this is the Handbook of Knots Manual. If youare an outdoorsman,Hunter,Fisherman,Camper,or in the Military thisis the app for you.With this app on your phone a some rope you willbe able to tie,secure,move,or hoist anything.With over 150 pages and diagrams.An incredible amount of extremely useful informationon the subject of knots,hitches,splices,fancy work,block andtackle,and wire rope.s\Starting out with a description of constructionandcare of rope,there are tables of breaking strengths and weights ofvarious ropes,definitions of the names applied by sailors to different types oflines and adviceon care and handling of these knots.With easy to follows instruction and illistrations include forevery knot and hitch.Keywords:Knots,Rope,Hitches,Secure,Tie,Manual,Pdf
Ultimate How To Bump Lock's 1.0
Bob Ibanez
Every commercial location and every consumercan potentially be the victim of atechnique of opening locks known as bumping. If they useconventional pintumbler cylinders where they live, work, or transact business, thenthey may beat risk. A separate report has been released that demonstrates thatmillions ofpost office rental mailboxes provided by the U.S. Postal Serviceand by a privateglobal mail delivery service can be opened in seconds with a bumpkey. Thereare hundreds of millions of pin tumbler locks worldwide, and thus,this is not anabstract issue. Although mailboxes may require a higher level ofsecurity, thereare hundreds of other applications that may be just as critical andvulnerable.This application will give you all the information you need to beable to bump anylock and open it within minutes.This is version 1.0 and requires internet connection.This application was designed for 7 inch and 10 inchtablet's.For best reading result's please use landscape mode.This application will run on any android phone.
HarleyDavidsonFLElectraGlide 1.0
Bob Ibanez
elcome to the Harley-Davidson MotorcyclingFamily! Your new Harley-Davidson Electra-Glide motorcycle isdesignedand manufactured to be the finest in its field. The instructions inthis book have been prepared to provide a simple andunderstandable guide for your motorcycle's operation and care.Follow the instructions carefully for its maximum per-formance and your personal motorcycling pleasure.Your owner's manual contains instructions for owner care andmaintenance of a minor nature. Information covering repairof major units such as engine, transmission, etc. is provided inthe Harley-Davidson Service Manual. Work of this kind re-quires the attention of a skilled mechanic and the use of specialtools and equipment. Your Harley-Davidsondealer has thefacilities, experience and genuine Harley-Davidson parts necessaryto properly render this valuable service.