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Cocktail recipes 1.0.1
Over 500 cocktails in one app.Best cocktails in the world in one app.In the Appendix you will find not only the cocktail recipes, butalso all the necessary tools for their preparation. Also, do notget lost in the variety of cocktails will help You easilysearch.Features:- Russian , English, French and Spanish.- searchphotos of cocktail- beverage category
Numbers for kids and toddlers 1.0
Educational game for early child development 1-5 years.The child will learn to count (get acquainted with numbers andsimple math).The game includes 4 modes:account- the order of numbers (sorting)- addition and subtraction- training of memory ( "Memory" with the numbers, or "Find apair")The game also helps develop fine motor skills, attention,ingenuity, perseverance and will give a lot of fun from the firstsmall victories.The child will develop many skills that are necessary for thenormal development of the child.
Породы собак - все собаки FREE 1.0.1
Все породы собак с фото и описание пород.Хотите узнать о собаках все - качай приложение, и можно найтивсю информацию о нужных породах любимых домашних питомцев.Бесплатное приложение для любителей собак !All breeds of dogs withphotos and description of rocks.Want to learn all about the dogs - download the app, and you canfind all the relevant information about your favorite petbreeds.Free application for dog lovers!
Имена для ребенка / Имя тайна 1.0.0
Приложение - книга толкования имён - мужских иженских.Имена бывают различные: прекрасные и неблагозвучные,экзотические и обширно все распространенные. Какие мужские именасчитались хорошими? Это зависело от вековой эпохи, и от страныпроживания.Выбор имени зависит от предпочтения мамы и папы ребенка.Узнать о встречающихся вокруг нас имён, вам поможет нашеприложение.Данное приложение поможет вам:- Узнать больше о своем имени- Узнать о характере собеседника- Выбрать имя для будущего ребенкаОсновные возможности приложения:- Более чем 600 имен- Для имен приведена следующая информация: астрологическаяхарактеристика, секреты общения, описание характера и многоедругое.- Поиск имен- Поддержка iPadДревние мудрецы полагали, что между именем человека, егохарактером и судьбой существует особая, скрытая связь. Более того -судьба человека предопределена его именем. Некоторые современныепсихологи исходят, в частности, из того, что имя влияет не толькона формирующийся характер, но и поведение в обществе.Это справочник имен с их толкованием. Справочник поможет узнать,что означает Ваше имя и имена Ваших друзей и близких. Содержиттолкование более 700 мужских и женских имен - значение, характер,любовь и другое."Толкование имен детей" поможет выбрать имя для ребенка.Справочник работает в режиме ОФФЛАЙН и не требуетинтернет-соединения для работы.Appendix - interpretationof the book of names - male and female.The names are different: beautiful and discordant, exotic andwidely distributed all. What are the names of the men wereconsidered good? It depended on the age-old era and the country ofresidence.Select the name depends on the preferences of mothers andfathers of the child.Consult occurring around us names, you will help ourapplication.This application will help you:- Learn more about your name- Learn about the nature of the interlocutor- Choose a name for the unborn childMain features of the application:- More than 600 names- For the names of the following information: Astrological secretsof communication, description of the nature and more.- Search for names- Support for iPadThe ancient sages believed that between the name of a man, hisnature and destiny there is a special, hidden communication.Moreover - the destiny of man is predetermined by his name. Somemodern psychologists come in particular from the fact that the nameaffects not only builds character, and behavior in society.This reference names with their interpretation. Guide will helpfind out what is your name and the names of your friends andrelatives. It provides interpretation of more than 700 male andfemale names - meaning character, love and more."Interpretation of the names of the children" will help you choosea name for the child.Reference works in offline mode and does not require an Internetconnection to work.
Coloring pages cars 1.1
Coloring pages cars
Cocktail recipes / FREE 1.0.1
Over 500 cocktails in one app.Best cocktails in the world in one app.In the Appendix you will find not only the cocktail recipes, butalso all the necessary tools for their preparation. Also, do notget lost in the variety of cocktails will help You easilysearch.Features:- Russian , English, French and Spanish.- searchphotos of cocktail- beverage category
Find a couple memory training 1.0
"Memory" develops in toddlers and youngerstudents visual memory, attention, logical thinking and analyticalskills.Children are introduced to letters, numbers and shapes, trainmemory, attention, logic, intelligence; develop fine motor skillsand coordination.Educational games for kids for every taste!Continue to delight Your kids apps for kids.Now this is not one app, but a whole series of applications.See all of the application developer.
Sorter for kids toddlers baby 4.1
Educational game for early child development 1to 5 years.The child will develop many skills that are necessary for thenormal development of the child..The child will learn to discern shapes, colors, textures, getacquainted with numbers and concepts such as beauty. The game alsohelps develop fine motor skills, attention, ingenuity, perseveranceand will give a lot of fun from the first small victories.Nice, bright and simple sorter shapes for young children tounderstand the world (for children from 1 year).
Rattle for infants & toddlers 1.0
The rattle is a simple and educationalapplication for kids. The app will help soothe and amuse your babywith fun characters and sounds.The "Rattle" can easily become the first app for Your child.The game has many features:- 5 different themes: farm animals, wild animals, birds, seaanimals and musical instruments.- bright colors and realistic sounds.- classical music for kids.- develops fine motor skills and coordination of your child.- simple and intuitive controls.effect by shaking the iPhone or iPad.Try the app beanbag for kids right now!Send Your questions, comments or suggestions
Тренировка памяти / мемори 1.0
Memory free / найди пару - тренируем памятьигра для детейЭто классическая игра тренировка памяти . Она основывается напопулярной игре в парах, где игрок требует концентрации и памяти.Это забавная игра для всех возрастов карты памяти.Как играть:Ваша задача заключается в том, чтобы найти все совпадающие пары.Нажмите на любой объект и нажмите кнопку на второй попробоватьнайти свой матч.Memory free / find acouple - train memory game for kidsIt's a classic game of memory training. It is based on thepopular game of pairs where the player requires concentration andmemory. This is a fun game for all ages card.How to play:Your task is to find all the matching pairs. Click on any objectand click on the second try to find its match.
Hand Shadow Puppets Ideas 1.0.1
Hand Shadow Puppets or Shadow play or alsoknown as shadow puppetry is an ancient form of storytelling andentertainment which uses flat articulated figures (shadow puppets)to create cut-out figures which are held between a source of lightand a translucent screen or scrim. The cut-out shapes of thepuppets sometimes include translucent color or other types ofdetailing. Various effects can be achieved by moving both thepuppets and the light source. A talented puppeteer can make thefigures appear to walk, dance, fight, nod and laugh.Shadow play is popular in various cultures; currently there aremore than 20 countries known to have shadow show troupes. Shadowplay is an old tradition and it has a long history in SoutheastAsia; especially in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Cambodia. Itis also considered as an ancient art in other parts of Asia such asin China, India and Nepal. It is also known in the West fromTurkey, Greece to France. It is a popular form of entertainment forboth children and adults in many countries around the world.Shadow puppetry originated during the Han Dynasty when one ofthe concubines of Emperor Wu of Han died from an illness. Theemperor was devastated, and he summoned his court officers to bringhis beloved back to life. The officers made a shape of theconcubine using donkey leather. Her joints were animated using 11separate pieces of the leather, and adorned with painted clothes.Using an oil lamp they made her shadow move, bringing her back tolife.Shadow theatre became quite popular as early as the SongDynasty when holidays were marked by the presentation of manyshadow plays. During the Ming Dynasty there were 40 to 50 shadowshow troupes in the city of Beijing alone. In the 13th century, theshadow show became a regular recreation in the barracks of theMongolian troops. It was spread by the conquering Mongols todistant countries like Persia, Arabia, and Turkey. Later, it wasintroduced to other Southeastern Asian countries. The earliestshadow theatre screens were made of mulberry paper. Thestorytellers generally used the art to tell events between variouswar kingdoms or stories of Buddhist sources.[1] Today, puppets madeof leather and moved on sticks are used to tell dramatic versionsof traditional fairy tales and myths. In Gansu province, it isaccompanied by Daoqing music, while in Jilin, accompanyingHuanglong music forms some of the basis of modern opera.The origins of Taiwan's shadow puppetry can be traced to theChaochow school of shadow puppet theatre. Commonly known as leathermonkey shows or leather shows, the shadow plays were popular inTainan, Kaohsiung, and Pingtung as early as the Qing dynasty(1644-1911 A.D.). Older puppeteers estimate that there were atleast a hundred shadow puppet troupes in southern Taiwan in theclosing years of the Qing. Traditionally, the eight to 12-inchpuppet figures, and the stage scenery and props such as furniture,natural scenery, pagodas, halls, and plants are all cut fromleather. As shadow puppetry is based on light penetrating through atranslucent sheet of cloth, the "shadows" are actually silhouettesseen by the audience in profile or face on. Taiwan's shadow playsare accompanied by Chaochow melodies which are often called"priest's melodies" owing to their similarity with the music usedby Taoist priests at funerals. A large repertoire of some 300scripts of the southern school of drama used in shadow puppetry anddating back to the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries has beenpreserved in Taiwan and is considered to be a priceless culturalasset.A number of terms are used to describe the different forms.-a shadow theatre using leather puppets. The figures are usuallymoved behind a thin screen and is not entirely a show of shadows asit is more of a silhouette shadow. This gives the figures somecolor, and is not 100% black and white.
Sorting shapes kids toddlers 1.0
Educational game for early child development 2to 7 years Free .The child will develop many skills that are necessary for thenormal development of the child..The child will learn to discern shapes, colors, textures, getacquainted with numbers and concepts such as beauty. The game alsohelps develop fine motor skills, attention, ingenuity, perseveranceand will give a lot of fun from the first small victories.Nice, bright and simple sorter shapes for young children tounderstand the world (for children from 1 year).
Сoffee recipes 1.0.3
The application of more than 100 coffeerecipes from around the world.Try different recipes for making coffee.Our coffee recipes translated into languages :- Russian- EnglishFrench- SpanishIn new update we will add articles on the topic:- coffee and health- how to choose coffee, quality coffee- types of coffee roasting, and instructions roasting coffee athome- what influences the coffee grinding- coffee brewing methods- dishes for serving coffeeand much more.
Sorter for kids toddlers baby 4.1
Educational game for early child development 1to 5 years.The child will develop many skills that are necessary for thenormal development of the child..The child will learn to discern shapes, colors, textures, getacquainted with numbers and concepts such as beauty. The game alsohelps develop fine motor skills, attention, ingenuity, perseveranceand will give a lot of fun from the first small victories.Nice, bright and simple sorter shapes for young children tounderstand the world (for children from 1 year).
Puzzles for kids and toddlers 1.0
Puzzles for kids and toddlers.Fun and funny characters and FREE!Kids Puzzles with animals is a puzzle game for your phone andtablet.Enjoy high quality images. The game contains images withbeautiful images of animals. Drag the image in the right places tocollect the image / picture.Free puzzle for children and kids 2 to 3 years
Овощи и фрукты для малышей 2.0.0
Интерактивные карточки с фотографиями овощи ифрукты высокого HD качества, звуками, написанием слов и озвучкой.Обучение и развитие вашего ребенка еще никогда не проходило длянего так весело и увлекательно!Играем, развлекаемся и познаем окружающий мир с первых месяцев!В интуитивно понятной и удобной форме ваш малыш знакомится смножеством слов путем простых нажатий на красочные картинки.Возможности приложения:• интерактивные карточки в 2 категориях: овощи и фрукты.• Фотографии высокого HD качества для каждого объекта.• Интуитивно понятный и удобный режим просмотра карточек простымкасанием.• Озвучка карточек.• При разработке приложения учитывались особенности восприятия ивзаимодействия ребенка с телефоном или планшетом.• Постоянное развитие приложения, добавление новых категорий,карточек и возможностей.--------------------------------------Если у вас возникли вопросы, пожелания или проблемы сиспользованием приложения, пишите, пожалуйста, на почту Это поможет намсделать приложение лучше.Interactive flashcardswith pictures of fruits and vegetables HD high quality sounds,voice acting and writing words.Training and development of your child has never passed for itso fun and exciting!Play, have fun and learn about the world in the first months!The intuitive and user-friendly form your baby gets acquaintedwith a lot of words by simply clicking on the colorfulpictures.Application features:• interactive flashcards in 2 categories: fruits andvegetables.• Photos high HD quality for each object.• Intuitive and easy viewing mode by simply touching thecard.• Voice cards.• In developing the application into account the peculiarities ofperception and interaction with the child's phone or tablet.• Continuous development of applications, the addition of newcategories of cards and features.--------------------------------------If you have any questions, wishes or problems with the application,please write to e-mail This will help usmake the app better.
The voices of birds & animal 2.0.0
Interactive cards with photos in high qualityHD, sounds, written words and voice acting.Training and development your child has never passed for it sofun and exciting!Play, have fun and learn about the world from the first months!In an intuitive and convenient way your child gets acquaintedwith a lot of words by simply clicking on the colorfulpictures.App features:• interactive flashcards in 2 categories: animals andtransport.• Before photos in high quality HD and sounds for eachobject.• Intuitive and easy-view cards with a simple touch.• Specially selected sounds of animals, birds and manyothers.• Voice cards.• When developing an application take into account thepeculiarities of perception and interaction of the child with aphone or tablet.• Continuous development of the application, adding new categories,cards and possibilities.--------------------------------------If you have any questions, suggestions or problems using the app,please, post This will help usmake the app better.
СТИРКА 1.0.0
Everything you need to know tocorrectlywash!Everything on the marking of textile products!This is a simple and convenient application containsinformationabout all the signs that are used on the clothinglabels!Not only boys, singles faced with this problem, but manywomensometimes can't understand what the symbols mean on clothes?How todecipher labels? Meet the characters on clothes, which notunderforce to understand even for experienced hostesses. Butthesesymbols are designed to tell us how to care for clothing thatlastslonger and we have preserved their original appearance.Signs for washing is particularly important to recognize.Differentwater temperatures can have a detrimental effect on wool,silk,synthetics, and some things can't be washed in machine anddrycleaning. Our app will tell you about the meaning of the symbolsofwashing, drying, bleaching, and how to wash clothescorrectly.We tried to collect data from public databases, whichexplainsall those characters that draw on the labels of ourclothes. Andfound out that many marks are duplicated, simply due tothe factthat different countries have adopted differentsymbols.We hope that our application will be useful and willbeenjoyed.The app is available in English, French, Spanish and Russian!
Valentine's Day create photo 1.0.0
February 14 - Valentine's Day HD - createyourphoto frame and send your favorite postcard!Tired of boring paper hearts for Valentine's Day?Congratulate your favorite original. Create an unusualValentine'sown hands!Features:* Various themes to create your own cards* Pasting stickers, hearts, etc.* Save postcards to your photo album* The ability to send email, instagram, Facebook, etc.We continue to please You applications for childrenandadults.Now this is not one app, but a whole series of applications atanyage .See all app developer !
Darwin Evolution: 2048 1.1
Darwin Evolution: 2048 - a fun andsimplepuzzle game. Attach the numbers and get to 2048 !You can play the animals - it's like the evolution ofDarwin(Эволюция Дарвина)!Small application size to 2048!HOW TO PLAY:Swipe (up, down, left, right) to move the tiles. Two tiles withthesame number of merge into a new number. Upon reaching 2048playerwins!Features :- Added characters / animals- The game is automatically saved- Share with your friends- Clear and simple user interface- The game works on android- Supports all devices, including tabletstags: 1024, 2048
Соедини точки для малышей 1.0
Соедини Точки - развивающая игра длядетейдошкольного возраста. Игра поможет вашему ребёнку не тольковыучитьчисла, но и развить мелкую моторику.Внимание: в русской версии присутствуют только чилса(буквыалфавита отсутствуют).Веселая занимательная игра для изучения цифр и чисел.Соединяйтеподряд цифры и открывайте картинки, которые прячутся вконтурах изцифр.После успешного замыкания всего контура проявляется фигура,котораябыла описана данным контуром.Приложение достаточно простое, чтобы ваш ребёнок мог сам внегоиграть. Для тех, кто еще не знаком с числами,показываетсяподсказка (следующая точка подсвечивается).Яркие, веселые картинки понравятся вашему малышу и смогутнадолгоувлечь его в игровой процесс.Connect the dots-educational game for children of preschool age. The game willhelpyour child learn not only the number, but also to developfinemotor skills.Warning: the Russian version there are only Chiles (lettersofthe alphabet are not available).Merry entertaining game for the study of figures andnumbers.Connect the numbers in a row and open the image that arehidden inthe contours of the figures.After the successful closure of all circuit shown figure thatwasdescribed data path.The application is simple enough so that your child can playithimself. For those who are not familiar with the numbers showingahint (the next point is highlighted).Bright, funny pictures like your kid for a long time and willbeable to captivate him in the gameplay.
Heads and tails 1.0.1
Heads and tails
Имя ребенка / имена детей 1.0.0
Приложение - книга толкования имён - мужскихиженских.Имена бывают различные: прекрасные и неблагозвучные,экзотическиеи обширно все распространенные. Какие мужские именасчиталисьхорошими? Это зависело от вековой эпохи, и от страныпроживания.Выбор имени зависит от предпочтения мамы и папы ребенка.Узнать о встречающихся вокруг нас имён, вам поможетнашеприложение.Данное приложение поможет вам:- Узнать больше о своем имени- Узнать о характере собеседника- Выбрать имя для будущего ребенкаОсновные возможности приложения:- Более чем 600 имен- Для имен приведена следующая информация:астрологическаяхарактеристика, секреты общения, описание характераи многоедругое.- Поиск имен- Поддержка iPadДревние мудрецы полагали, что между именем человека,егохарактером и судьбой существует особая, скрытая связь. Болеетого -судьба человека предопределена его именем. Некоторыесовременныепсихологи исходят, в частности, из того, что имя влияетне толькона формирующийся характер, но и поведение в обществе.Это справочник имен с их толкованием. Справочник поможетузнать,что означает Ваше имя и имена Ваших друзей и близких.Содержиттолкование более 700 мужских и женских имен - значение,характер,любовь и другое."Толкование имен детей" поможет выбрать имя для ребенка.Справочник работает в режиме ОФФЛАЙН и нетребуетинтернет-соединения для работы.Appendix -interpretationof the book of names - male and female.The names are different: beautiful and discordant, exoticandwidely distributed all. What are the names of the menwereconsidered good? It depended on the age-old era and the countryofresidence.Select the name depends on the preferences of mothers andfathersof the child.Consult occurring around us names, you will helpourapplication.This application will help you:- Learn more about your name- Learn about the nature of the interlocutor- Choose a name for the unborn childMain features of the application:- More than 600 names- For the names of the following information: Astrologicalsecretsof communication, description of the nature and more.- Search for names- Support for iPadThe ancient sages believed that between the name of a man,hisnature and destiny there is a special, hiddencommunication.Moreover - the destiny of man is predetermined by hisname. Somemodern psychologists come in particular from the factthat the nameaffects not only builds character, and behavior insociety.This reference names with their interpretation. Guide willhelpfind out what is your name and the names of your friendsandrelatives. It provides interpretation of more than 700 maleandfemale names - meaning character, love and more."Interpretation of the names of the children" will help you chooseaname for the child.Reference works in offline mode and does not require anInternetconnection to work.
Театр теней для детей - руки 1.0.1
Замечательное приложение - игра для малышейидетей.Театр теней - тени и рукиA wonderful application-a game for toddlers and children.The theater of shadows - shadows and hands
Easter eggs for Easter / Пасха 2.0.2
Give Easter eggs for Easter friends andtheirchildren.For adults and children, boys and girls, to color eggs forEaster! Dyed and painted free Easter egg.Painting Easter egg - 've never been so fun yet simple .Chooseyour egg from the basket, select color, pattern (pattern),thenphoto frames and the fun began. Decorate an Easter egg the wayyouwant.All you need to do your creativity flow. So, hurry upfriends,you can download the game for free now and paint the egguntilafter Easter.This is a free game / app that will allow without coloring tomakethe picture / postcard.==========================HOW TO PLAY(Paint eggs for Easter / postcards)==========================• Select the egg / color (paint your egg)• Apply a variety of beautiful decorative patterns on the egg(applypatterns, figure) .• Select a frame (photo) .* Write the text for your congratulations on aholiday(Easter).• Give Easter egg (picture) - send your friends photos or shareinthe feed social networks.• Easter egg coloring ready.If you like our games, don't forget to rate and review us.We will be happy to hear your feedback, this will help ustoimprove the game / application.Email us at info@booksapp.ruThe Easter egg is also possible to dye for Easter using theappaladel ( Easter Egg Maker postcards).Как говорят в России : Красим пасхальные яйца на Пасху !
Календарь беременности 1.0.0
Это приложение поможет узнать большеобеременности и проведешь ее легко и комфортно. Давай начнемпрямосейчас!Актуально для вас именно сейчас !Также, мы разработали для Вас бесплатное приложение -толковательимен. Мы собрали популярные и редкие имена длямальчиков и длядевочек.Ищите среди наших других приложений.А когда малыш родится, Вам пригодятся и другие нашиприложениядля самых маленьких :- погремушка- звуки животных и птиц, транспорта и т.д.- сортировка (формы, цвета,фигуры)- пазлы- раскраски- азбукаИщите среди наших приложений.This application willhelpto find out more about pregnancy and spend it easilyandcomfortably. Let's start right now!News for you right now!Also, we have developed a freeware application for you -theinterpreter name. We have compiled a popular and rare namesforboys and girls.Search among our other applications.And when the baby is born, you will be useful and our otherappsfor the youngest:- Rattle- The sounds of animals and birds, transport, etc.- Sorting (shapes, colors, shapes)- Puzzles- Coloring- ABCSearch among our applications.
Календарь беременности / роды 1.0.0
Это приложение поможет узнать большеобеременности и проведешь ее легко и комфортно. Давай начнемпрямосейчас!Актуально для вас именно сейчас !Также, мы разработали для Вас бесплатное приложение -толковательимен. Мы собрали популярные и редкие имена длямальчиков и длядевочек.Ищите среди наших других приложений.А когда малыш родится, Вам пригодятся и другие нашиприложениядля самых маленьких :- погремушка- звуки животных и птиц, транспорта и т.д.- сортировка (формы, цвета,фигуры)- пазлы- раскраски- азбукаИщите среди наших приложений.This application willhelpto find out more about pregnancy and spend it easilyandcomfortably. Let's start right now!News for you right now!Also, we have developed a freeware application for you -theinterpreter name. We have compiled a popular and rare namesforboys and girls.Search among our other applications.And when the baby is born, you will be useful and our otherappsfor the youngest:- Rattle- The sounds of animals and birds, transport, etc.- Sorting (shapes, colors, shapes)- Puzzles- Coloring- ABCSearch among our applications.
Coffee recipes 1.0.3
The application of more than 100 coffeerecipesfrom around the world.Try different recipes for making coffee.Our coffee recipes translated into languages :- Russian- EnglishFrench- SpanishIn new update we will add articles on the topic:- coffee and health- how to choose coffee, quality coffee- types of coffee roasting, and instructions roasting coffeeathome- what influences the coffee grinding- coffee brewing methods- dishes for serving coffeeand much more.
Connect the dots for kids 123 1.0
Connect the Dots - educational gameforpreschool children. The game will help your child learn notonlythe number but also develop fine motor skills.Note: in the Russian version contains only chiles (letters ofthealphabet).A fun entertaining game for learning letters and numbers.Connectthe dots with numbers and open pictures that are hidden inthecontours of figures.After successful circuit whole contour shape is shown, whichwasdescribed outline data.The application is simple enough that your child was able toplayit. For those who are not familiar with the numbers, itdisplaystooltip (this point is highlighted).Bright, funny pictures enjoy your baby and canpermanentlycaptivate it in the gameplay.Educational games for kids and toddlers for every taste!We continue to delight You with her children's apps.Now this is not one app, but a whole series of applications.See all of the application developer.
Spin the Bottle - free game 1.0
Game for fun company - Bottle.Everything is simple and nothing more.Sit in a circle, put in the center of your phone or tablet, twistinturn the bottle up job or just - kiss!
Вредниые пищевые добавки Е- 1.0.0
Е-Добавки - самое полное описаниепищевыхдобавок.Это приложение подскажет вам, каких добавокстоитостерегаться.Система поиска поможет Вам быстро найти описание нужнойдобавки.Правильное питание - это основа здорового образа жизни.Многиепродукты содержат различные пищевые добавки, которыеявляются"минами" замедленного действия. Их вредное влияниепроявляется несразу, а постепенно.Теперь можно легко и быстро покупать полезные продукты!E supplements - themostcomplete description of the food additive.This app will tell you what to watch out for additives.The search system will help you to quickly find a description ofthedesired additives.Proper nutrition - the foundation of a healthy lifestyle.Manyfoods contain a variety of nutritional supplements that are"mine"in slow motion. Their harmful effect is not immediately,butgradually.Now you can quickly and easily buy healthy foods!
Вредниые пищевые добавки Е 1.0.0
Е-Добавки - самое полное описаниепищевыхдобавок.Это приложение подскажет вам, каких добавокстоитостерегаться.Система поиска поможет Вам быстро найти описание нужнойдобавки.Правильное питание - это основа здорового образа жизни.Многиепродукты содержат различные пищевые добавки, которыеявляются"минами" замедленного действия. Их вредное влияниепроявляется несразу, а постепенно.Теперь можно легко и быстро покупать полезные продукты!E supplements - themostcomplete description of the food additive.This app will tell you what to watch out for additives.The search system will help you to quickly find a description ofthedesired additives.Proper nutrition - the foundation of a healthy lifestyle.Manyfoods contain a variety of nutritional supplements that are"mine"in slow motion. Their harmful effect is not immediately,butgradually.Now you can quickly and easily buy healthy foods!
Puzzles for kids - educational 1.0
Puzzles - puzzles for kids and toddlers 2 -6years (HD).Fun and funny characters (animals, birds, fish ) - for FREE!Kids puzzles with animals for the youngest preschoolers is afreepuzzle game for your phone / tablet.Enjoy the high quality of the puzzle - pictures ofanimals.The game contains baby pictures with beautiful images ofanimals(bear, owl, frog, etc.). Drag the puzzle pieces to the rightplaceto create the image / picture / puzzle.Free puzzles for children 2 - 3 and 5 - 6 years.Free puzzle for kids!Our puzzles for girls and boys of preschool age!
Rattle for infants & toddlers 1.0
The rattle is a simple and educationalapplication for kids. The app will help soothe and amuse your babywith fun characters and sounds.The "Rattle" can easily become the first app for Your child.The game has many features:- 5 different themes: farm animals, wild animals, birds, seaanimals and musical instruments.- bright colors and realistic sounds.- classical music for kids.- develops fine motor skills and coordination of your child.- simple and intuitive controls.- effect by shaking the iPhone or iPad.Try the app beanbag for kids right now!Send Your questions, comments or
Звуки животных для малышей 2.0.0
Развивающее приложение 'Звуки животныхдлядетей' поможет вашему ребенку выучить звуки животных быстроивесело.Интерактивные карточки с фотографиями животных и транспортадлямалышей высокого HD качества, звуками, написанием слов иозвучкой.Обучение и развитие вашего ребенка еще никогда не проходилодлянего так весело и увлекательно!Играем, развлекаемся и познаем окружающий мир с первых месяцев!В интуитивно понятной и удобной форме ваш малыш знакомитсясмножеством слов и звуков путем простых нажатий накрасочныекартинки.Возможности приложения "Звуки животных транспорта":• интерактивные карточки в 2 категориях: домашние животныеитранспорт.• Фотографии высокого HD качества и звуки для каждогообъекта.• Интуитивно понятный и удобный режим просмотра карточекпростымкасанием.• Специально подобранные звуки животных, транспорта имножестводругих.• Озвучка карточек.• При разработке приложения учитывались особенности восприятияивзаимодействия ребенка с телефоном или планшетом.• Постоянное развитие приложения, добавление новыхкатегорий,карточек и возможностей.--------------------------------------Если у вас возникли вопросы, пожелания или проблемы сиспользованиемприложения "Звуки животных транспорта", пишите,пожалуйста, на почту Это поможет нам сделатьприложение лучше.Developing anapplication'Animal Sounds for kids' will help your child learn thesounds ofanimals quickly and cheerfully.Interactive cards with pictures of animals and transport for kidsHDhigh quality sounds, voice acting and writing words.Training and development of your child has never passed for itsofun and exciting!Play, have fun and learn about the world in the first months!The intuitive and user-friendly form your baby getsacquaintedwith a lot of words and sounds by simply clicking on thecolorfulpictures.Features Applications "Animal Sounds transport":• interactive flashcards in 2 categories: hobbies,andtransportation.• Photos HD high quality sounds for each object.• Intuitive and easy viewing mode by simply touching thecard.• Specially selected sounds of animals, transport andmanyothers.• Voice cards.• In developing the application into account the peculiaritiesofperception and interaction with the child's phone ortablet.• Continuous development of applications, the addition ofnewcategories of cards and features.--------------------------------------If you have any questions, wishes or problems with theapplicationof "The Sound of animal transport," please This will help us make the app better.
Породы собак - все собаки 1.0.1
Все породы собак с фото и описание пород.Хотите узнать о собаках все - качай приложение, и можно найтивсюинформацию о нужных породах любимых домашних питомцев.Бесплатное приложение для любителей собак !All breeds of dogswithphotos and description of rocks.Want to learn all about the dogs - download the app, and youcanfind all the relevant information about your favoritepetbreeds.Free application for dog lovers!
February 14 Valentine's Day HD 1.0.0
February 14 - Valentine's Day HD - createyourphoto frame and send your favorite postcard!Tired of boring paper hearts for Valentine's Day?Congratulate your favorite original. Create an unusualValentine'sown hands!Features:* Various themes to create your own cards* Pasting stickers, hearts, etc.* Save postcards to your photo album* The ability to send email, instagram, Facebook, etc.We continue to please You applications for childrenandadults.Now this is not one app, but a whole series of applications atanyage .See all app developer !