Call Federal Credit Union ئاپەکان

Call Federal Card Controls 3.9.1
Call Federal Credit Union
Alerts Ensure Safe, Secure Card Usage Alerts for PIN andSignaturetransactions can be set up to keep you informed of yourdebit andcredit card usage and help you quickly detect unauthorizedorfraudulent activity. The app can send an alert when a card isusedor when a transaction has been attempted but is declined –andadditional customizable alert options are available. Alertsareimmediately after a transaction has taken place. LocationBasedAlerts and Controls The My location control canrestricttransactions to merchants located within a certain range ofyourlocations using your phone’s GPS, transactions requestedoutsidethe specific range can be declined. The My Region controlusescity, state country or zip code on an expandable interactivemap,transactions requested by the merchants outside of aspecificregion can be declined. Usage Alerts and Controls Spendinglimitscan be established to allow transactions up to a certaindollarvalue and decline transactions when amounts exceed yourdefinedthresholds. Transaction can be monitored and managed forspecificmerchant categories such as gas stations, departmentstores,restaurants, entertainment, travel and groceries. Andyoutransaction can also be monitored for specific transaction typesinstore purchases, e-commerce transactions, mail/phone orders andATMtransactions. Card on/off Setting When the card is“on”transactions are allowed in accordance with your usagesettings.When the card is “off” no purchase or withdrawals areapproveduntil the card is subsequently turned back to “on”. Thiscontrolcan be used to disable a lost or stolen card, preventfraudulentactivity in the card.