Chetaru ئاپەکان

Musicideo – Music Video Maker 1.8
Music Video Maker with Reverse Video Functionality & FilterEffects
MindBalance 1.0
Check and challenge your memory with this brain game – Mind Balance
TicTacToe Wonderrrr 1.0
TicTacToe Wonderrrr is game with explore your mind throughintelligent moves.
Tribe365 1.69
Tribe365 is the world’s first culture implementation programme,bringing measurability and control to culture, allowing staff andcompanies alike to get the most out of work. The Tribe365 appaccompanies the Tribe365 programme which is run by businessconsultants globally. Users will always need logins which areprovided by the business consultants. The Tribe365 app is the homefor interacting and keeping up to date with your culture deliveredthrough the Tribe365 programme. The Tribe365 consists of 4 mainmodules; Directing (DOT), Connecting (COT), Supercharging (SOT) andImproving (IOT). Each one has specific functions and uses for yourTribe and is essential to getting your culture right.
FoundationForJobs 1.3
Are you a young person looking for employment in Darlington?Thefoundation for Jobs Application is the first step intoemployment.Get involved with Foundation for Jobs via theapplication, see whatevents are coming up, feedback on events yougo to or how you wantthings to work. The Foundation for Jobscampaign is a joint public& private sector initiative to tackleyouth unemployment inDarlington. Working with industry it aims tocreate additionalapprenticeship places and internships, as well asbuilding closerlinks with business for young people while still atschool, aproven strategy for preventing them falling intounemployment.
Chetaru 1.4
Chetaru customer app is for our clients to let us know anythingthatis needed as quickly and easily as possible. SoftIntelligenceprocess all submitted data maintaining high dataquality andconfidentiality.
सुदेश राय 1.3
सुदेश राय जी का जन्म सीहोर के एक संपन्न व्यवसायी तथासमाजसेवीस्वर्गीय गेन्दालालजी राय के घर 10 अगस्त 1969 को हुआlपारिवारिकसंस्कारों के चलते सुदेश राय जी का रुझान बचपन से ही जनसेवाकी ओर थाl स्कूल व कॉलेज की शिक्षा पूरी करने के पश्चात सुदेश राय जीनेपूर्णकालिक जनसेवा करने हेतु राजनीति को अपने माध्यम के रूप मेंचुनाl 2008 में अपने राजनीतिक जीवन की शुरुआत करते हुए सुदेश राय जी2013में निर्दलीय चुनाव जीतकर विधायक बनें तथा आज भाजपा के साथ एकसमर्पितसिपाही के तौर पर अपने विधानसभा क्षेत्र में जनसेवा करते हुएनिरंतरविकास की अप्रतिम गाथा लिख रहे है l
QRCodian 1.2
QRCodian is a tool which is simple and very convenient to use.Ithelps to generate the QRCode for the typed text. Also, givesthefunctionality to scan the code and gain the informationwrappedinside the QR code. Many content types are supported by theappincluding text, URL, phone number, SMS and Email. How theappworks: Just open the app to scan the QRCode. Focus on the QRcodeand tap anywhere on the device screen to start the scanning.Onceafter completing the scanning you will see the information andwillget the option to browse, share and save. The app also providesthefunctionality to create the QRCode for several content types.Youjust need to insert the text and the app will generate theQRCodefor the same. The image of the generated QR code can bestored inthe device, and the information obtained from the scannedQR codeis stored in the app that can be used in the future ifneeded. Youcan share the obtained information on the socialplatforms likeWhatsapp, Facebook and Twitter. And also if theinformation is URLthen you can browse using the option browse, allthe other contenttypes obtained can be shared and saved.