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Joyce Meyer - Daily Devotional 2.0.0
Install Free Now - Joyce Meyer Ministries, Enjoying Everyday Life,Hand of Hope.
Joel Osteen - Audio Sermons and Podcast 1.0
Joel Osteen is a native Texan and the Pastor of LakewoodChurch,which according to Church Growth Today is America's largestandfastest growing church. Each week Joel delivers God's messageofhope and encouragement to more than 38,000 attendees. AccordingtoNielsen Media Research, Joel is the most watchedinspirationalfigure in America. His weekly sermon is broadcast intoevery U.S.television market where it is viewed by seven millionAmericanseach week and more than 20 million each month. His weeklybroadcastis also seen in almost 100 nations around the world. Weare sothankful for the opportunity to share the greatest message ofallwith individuals, families and communities all over the world.Thisministry is committed to helping people from all walks oflifeexperience the unconditional love and unending hope found onlyin apersonal relationship with Jesus Christ. Joel Osteen's Sermonsappis fresh every day: New daily devotional, new messages andnewsermons. NOTE: Internet or WiFi connection is required in orderforthe app to access the audio messages and sermons. This appcontain:1. Sermons 2. Daily Devotionals 3. Play the speech 4.Podcasts “Youweren’t created to be average. You were created toexcel. You havea destiny to fulfil, an assignment to accomplish.”Joel Osteen“People of excellence go the extra mile to do what’sright.” JoelOsteen “Choosing to be positive and having a gratefulattitude isgoing to determine how you’re going to live your life.”Joel Osteen“Life’s too short to spend it trying to keep othershappy. Youcan’t please everyone, to fulfil your destiny stay trueto yourheart.” Joel Osteen “Get your mind going in the rightdirection andyou’ll get your life going in the right direction.”Joel Osteen“Don’t let the fear of what other people are going tothink keepyou from your miracle.” Joel Osteen “We may get knockeddown on theoutside, but the key to living in victory is to learnhow to get upon the inside.” Joel Osteen “In life you will realisethat there isa purpose for everyone you meet. Some will test you,some will useyou, and some will teach you. But most important arethe ones thatbring out the best in you. Those are the ones worthkeepingaround.” Joel Osteen “No one can offend you withoutyourpermission. They can say whatever they want, but you have therightto ignore it.” Joel Osteen DISCLAIMER: The developer of thisapp(MTSOFT) is not a representative, affiliate or subsidiary oftheJoel Osteen Ministries, but believes in what God is doingthroughhis ministry. Therefore any enquiry or request as regardsthe Bibleteachings accessible through this app should be sent tothe JoelOsteen Ministries.
Dr. Myles Munroe - Sermons and Podcast 1.0
This app was developed in honour of a great man of God (DrMylesMunroe) who lived to fulfil his purpose, and made a positiveimpactin the lives of millions of people all over the world throughhisteachings, publications and mentorship. NOTE: Internet orWiFiconnection is required for loading and playing the audiosermons,Youtube videos, and accessing some E-books. This appcontain: 1.Sermons 2. Daily Devotionals 3. Play the speech 4.Podcasts MylesMunroe, OBE (20 April 1954 – 9 November 2014) was aBahamianevangelist and ordained minister avid professor of theKingdom ofGod, author, speaker and leadership consultant whofounded and ledthe Bahamas Faith Ministries International (BFMI)and Myles MunroeInternational (MMI). He was chief executive officerand chairman ofthe board of the International Third World LeadersAssociation andpresident of the International Leadership TrainingInstitute aswell as the author of numerous books. Additionally, hisanalysis ofprominent past leaders who made positive impacts onhumanity,despite having to overcome all odds, is revealing. Dr.Munroe waswidely known for his leadership training seminars thatbecame aname brand internationally. Many Fortune 500 companieshired him asa Business Consultant.
Billy Graham – Sermons 2.0.0
Billy Graham Daily Devotion,Billy Graham's Sermons
T.D. Jakes Motivation 2.0.0
Bishop T.D Jakes Sermons/Devotionals - Sermons and Podcast
Dr. Charles Stanley - Sermons
Dr. Charles Stanley - audio and podcast In Touch Ministries