Classic Contra Studio ئاپەکان

Kontraa Soldier Shooting 1.0
Classic Contra Studio
The player's default weapon is a riflewithunlimited ammunition that can be upgraded into one of fourotherguns. These can be obtained by destroying the pill box sensorsandflying item capsules containing them, or by defeating thered-cladguards in the enemy bases. They consist of a machine gun, alasergun that shoots a powerful beam, a fireball gun that shootsitsrounds in a corkscrew pattern, and a spread gun that spraysbulletsin five directions. There are also two auxiliary power-upsthatonly appear in certain areas when the player is armed withhisdefault gun: a rapid bullets upgrade that increases thefiringspeed of the player's shots; and a barrier that makeshiminvulnerable for a limited period. With the exception ofthemachine gun and the laser gun, each item comes in the form ofaFalcon-shaped symbol marked with a letter representing itsfunction(F, S, R and B).The first stage is a side-scrolling level where the playerisdropped into the jungle and must fend off the enemy's initiallineof defense until reaching the entrance of the first baseanddestroying the large sensor. The game switches to thepseudo-3Dview in Stage 2, as the player must fight his way througha seriesof passageways before time runs out (a display at the topof thescreen shows the map of the base and the time remaining).Theplayer proceeds to the goal by destroying the sensors ineachcorner in order to shut down the electric current blockingeachpath. Stage 3 is set in the core of the base, where the playermustdestroy a set of flashing sensors positioned above him in ordertoexpose the target at the top of the screen and destroy it. Stages4through 6 follows a similar pattern to the first three stages,withStage 4 being a vertically-scrolling level set in a waterfallinwhich the player must jump his way across various platformsuntilreaching the entrance of the second base at the top.