David Robb ئاپەکان

Magic of Mojo 1.4
David Robb
Lost your mojo? Don’t worry! This app givesyouthe introductory chapter to the groundbreaking new book TheMagic ofMojo: The Creative Power Behind Success so you can startgettingyour mojo back today!Every day you’ll have access to over 100 ways to maintainYOURmojo – with one click of a button. Simply go to Your DailyMojo,click the button, and voilà! Your personalized daily mojomessageappears to give you the guidance you need – right now – tokeepyour mojo flowing.Your daily mojo messages come from 4 categories ofsimpletechniques (most of which only take moments to complete)designedto help you strategically tap into your creative energy.You’llalso receive updates from Ariana on specific ways to increaseyourmojo EVEN MORE so you can finally live the life you’vealwaysdesired – the life YOU were meant to live – a life wheresuccessand happiness coexist in a playfully profound way.Use this app every day for a quick pick-me-up or as astrategictool to get into the flow of your mojo.