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Pip Cam - Photo Editor - 📷 2.0.2
PIP Cam Photo Editor is extremely powerful photo editing softwarewith amazing filters, effects, frames, stickers, texts and muchmore! * Edit your photos with your fingertips and create amazingresults in seconds. Import photos from the gallery or shoot withthe camera in the app. * Share your photos with friends directly onInstagram, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp or your other favoritesocial networks. What can you do with PIP Cam | Photo Editor FREEFeatures ● 5 effects to apply to your images or photos. ● Changethe aspect ratio of the photo (ratio). ● Change the effect patternto suit your wishes (tailored and easy to use). ● Photo-in-photoeffect (PIP). ● Crop and orient images and/or photos. ● Choose thefont and add text to your photos. ● Add different exclusivefilters. ● Add stickers to images or selfies. ● Add frames to yourphotos to give it more prominence. Features of the functionalities📷 Add Effects to your images/photos 📷 This photo editor has thebest effects for you to edit your photos and personalize yourimages in a unique way. Choose an effect to give your photo aprofessional artistic style. 🔶Color Effects (change and modifypatterns and color ranges of the photography). 🔶Bokeh effect(creates blur effects or light flashes that will make yourphotography unique). 🔶Pixel effect (add smoke, gradient, vignetteor splash effects to your photos). 🔶Shattering effect (createsbeautiful scattering effects). 🔶PIP Camera (combine your photoswith a large number of designs and backgrounds, create backgroundblurs and make beautiful and unique collages). ✂️ Cut yourimages/photos ✂️ Includes a tool to cut images effectively andeasily. It also has different cutting formats ready to post onsocial networks or chats, such as Instagram or Facebook. 😍 Addfilters 😍 With the help of this photo filter tool, you can applydifferent filters improving the appearance of your photos andselfies, standing out in all social media applications. Choose fromfilters warm, natural, pink, artistic, sepia, black and white,contrast, vignette and many more. Give it your personal touch togain more followers and I like it. 🤩 Stickers 🤩 When editing photosyou can apply crazy cool stickers to your photos. Decorate and letyour imagination run wild. ✨ Text editor ✨ Decorate your photoswith incredible texts, you just have to choose the font and thecolor. Enjoy our easy to use photo editor. Our team of programmersand designers has worked hard to provide you with the best photoeditor. Don't forget to rate 5 stars on Google Play if you like PIPCam - Photo Editor. With PIP Cam - Photo Editor, your photos willlook like famous stars on social networks We would love to hearyour feedback on the PIP Cam - Photo Editor app! Send your commentsto:
Word Search - Word Puzzle Game 3.0.0
Relax, train your brain and improve your vocabulary with words from21 languages
Preguntar: preguntas de cultura general! 3.5
👍 Juego de preguntas, donde podras competir contra el mundo... 👍Constante actualizacion de preguntas y categorias, Gratis opremium. 👍 Siempre aprendes con preguntar, porque suma informacioninteresante a cada pregunta! Por qué deberías descargar el juego:✔️ juego perfecto ✔️ diversión y alivio del estrés 👨👩👧 Puede serjugado por sus hijos o cada miembro de su familia Como Jugar aPregutar Acuérdate que puedes comprar la versión Free concategorías Premium! :) ✔️ Al iniciar el juego debes iniciar sesioncon Google o faebook así con ello podrás competir en la tabla depuntajes ! ✔️Luego de iniciar sesion, debes elegir una categoría depreguntas y tratar de responder la mayor de cantidad de preguntasen el menor tiempo! ✔️Hay ayudas que puedes tomar y usar comoestrategia en cada juego. 50/50: Esta te ayuda disminuyendo lacantidad de respuestas, haciendo mas fácil la respuseta. Solopuedes usar 2 veces por partida! Próxima Pregunta: Si sientes queno podrás con esa pregunta puedes pasar a la siguiente y mejorar elpuntaje. Solo puedes usar 2 veces por partida! ✔️ Preguntar es unjuego de preguntas clasificadas en 6 temas: Geografía,Entretenimiento, Historia, Arte y Literatura, Ciencia, Deporte. ✔️Cada pregunta tiene varias respuestas y solo una de ellas es lacorrecta. 🎇 Siempre se actualizan las base de preguntas! Compitecon el mundo! ◆ Puedes ver tus progresos y comparar tus resultadoscon los de tus amigos con los rankings y los logros. ◆ Para poderacceder a ellos debes estar registrado a Google+ y disponer deconexión a Internet. ◆ Puedes compartir en facebook tu puntaje. ◆En los rankings podrás ver cuál es tu mejor partida y en quéposición estás respecto a todos los jugadores. ◆ ◆ Como buen juegode trivial, preguntas y respuestas de cultura general, contamos conmiles de preguntas de diferentes categorías: general, geografía,espectáculos, historia, arte y literatura, ciencia y deportes ◆ ◆ ◆Un jugador Podrás jugar tu solo en cualquiera de las categorías yacumular puntos en un ranking por cada categoría. ¡Escalaposiciones en la clasificación y obtén tu merecida recompensa! ◆ ¡Ymucho más! Preguntar, tu trivial de tablero
Easy Clean 1.1
Easy Clean is perfect when your devicerunsslow, or if you stop to play games, or if too hot, or if youneedto free up space to store more pictures and songs.How can we help?We can make it easier to optimize their games and computermemory,stop the overheating, optimize battery life and improveprocessingapplication. These are the main causes that significantlyaffectthe life of the equipment.Highlights of Clean- Optimizer Easy☆ Comprehensive: After analyzing the behavior of amillionapplications Easy Clean can hone your objectives (detect andcleanand waste cache files) with perfect accuracy.☆ Quick and Intuitive: Easy to use, super fast and luxuriousdesign,most striking effects of transitionFeatures Easy Clean (Optimizer)► TEMPERATURE CONTROLLERRefreshes your device detecting and stopping applications thatcausethis overheat.► CLEANING junk filesCache eliminates residual files for more space, increase thespeedand improve the performance of your device and SD card.► OPTIMIZER DEVICEOptimizes games and applications, frees up memory (RAM) andspeedsup your device. In less than 3 click you have yoursuper-optimizeddevice to do whatever you want with much more power,withoutadjustment to run below!Optimizer CPUCalculate how much CPU they are using the applications onyourdevice. Stop applications that consume too much battery,delayingtheir device and overheat.
Driving Licence Practice - USA 1.2.8
App that allows candidates to prepare for Vehicles Driving LearnerLicense
Walking Dead 1.8
When downloading a game Domingame raisinsbrandbecome part of a world of free games , enjoying each month ofnewstyles and genres .Domingame is associated with your google account which youusedto connect and access to all our content and also to receivegiftsfrom the new sagas platform.Every star you have associated with your account can redeem forfreeplaytime ( 1 Star / 30 min ) .
Aptitude & Career guidance 7.3.8
Discover the right career based on aptitudes, interests andpersonality