Dr. Vishwanath Koti ئاپەکان

Farm Calculators 3.6
Dr. Vishwanath Koti
Agriculture production is not cope off with world populationincrease. This emphasizes maximization of production per unit areathrough multiple cropping, appropriate technologies and precisionfarming which ensures world food/nutrition security. For Precisionfarming use of exact quantity of Seeds, Fertilizers and Fertilizersis very important to enhance yield with minimal use of these inputswithout effecting soil health. Hence we are dedicating this farmcalculator to farming community to save costs by calculating exactquantity requirement of Fertilizers, Pesticides and Seeds requiredfor Farm for sustainability in farming. 1. Fertilizers (NPK)Calculator: Calculate exact quantity of NPK fertilizers requiredper unit area based on recommendation or soil testing, which savescosts and avoids excess use of fertilizers and degradation of soilhealth. 2. Pesticides/Fungicides/Herbicides Calculator: Apply exactquantity of Pesticides/Fungicides/Herbicides of different companypesticides with different active ingredients (a.i) to manage yourpests/diseases/weeds at your farm and minimize excess use of theseagriculture inputs 3. Plant Population Calculator: Calculate exactnumber of seeds for your field crops or plats required for unitarea for your horticulture crops. 4. Seed Rate Calculator:Calculate exact quantity of seeds required for your farm based onseed test weight and germination of the seeds. 5. Seed BlendingCalculator: Calculate blending of seeds of marginal lots with highgermination lots to avoid wastage of marginal seed lots accordingto Karl Pearson square method. This could be also used as wineblending calculator.