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Tracking of salary and working hours 1.3.0
Tracking of salary and working hours is a convenient app forkeeping records of finances and working hours, created to helppeople who have a free work schedule and not a regular salary. Theprogram allows you to keep a detailed record of the earned money inthe selected currency, worked time units (you yourself specify -days, hours, minutes or other units convenient for you), as well asforecast income based on the unit cost of time. The application"Tracking of salary and working hours. Personal finance assistant"makes it possible to sort the received income and working hours bycategories or dates. In the version of application 1.2, you canwork with database backups, now you do not have to worry about thesafety of your income and work time log. You can also transfer acopy of the database to another smartphone, saving all the data andcontinuing to work with them when changing the device. All receiptsare unique and do not stack within the date. Now you can log theincome and working time in more detail by applying a new groupingoption to categories. To create accounting categories, a separatescreen is used.   The application's interface ensures fastfilling of the database with information, thus not distracting theuser from the cases. In the process of interface design, the mainfocus is on a combination of convenience and informativeness. Themain part of the main screen is occupied by an interactivecalendar, in which events are marked by the days of the month.Other elements on the screen are also ready for interaction withthe user: clicking on dates leads to the opening of reports fordifferent time intervals, for amounts of time and money - to openthe forms of replenishment of this data. Thus, the entire interfaceis sharpened for fast and intuitive, intuitive interaction. Theoutput "Profitability Accounting" provides in the form of a reporteither for a configurable period of time or for a predeterminedamount of money received, worked hours, projected income. Thereport screen contains three tabs in which the output is sorted byyear, month, day, and also a tab with a custom date range. Reportsare displayed using infographics, depending on the selected daterange, for convenience of user perception and general visibility.Filling income accounting with input data occurs using a specialform that can be called from both the main lower menu and byinteracting with other sections of the interface. In the dialogbox, you must specify the data that you want to add, as well as thedate and comment (if desired). The date is set by default, the onethat is currently selected in the main calendar. The applicationallows you to protect data from unauthorized access by using apincode. This feature is optional and is disabled by default. Youcan enable pincode authorization in the application settings, thereyou also need to specify the secret question and answer that willbe used to restore the forgotten password. Also in the settings itis recommended to specify the monetary unit of measurement(currency), as well as the cost of one hour of your work (tocalculate the forecasted income).
Moddy. Expenses and revenues 1.0.3
Moddy is lightweight, simple anduser-friendlyapplication for conducting financial accounting,control ofpersonal or family budgets, tracking expenses and income.Theapplication has all the necessary means and tools for effectiveandcomfortable doing the budget, including:- Simple, intuitive and responsive interface. Most of thevisualelements on the display are interactive and are designedfortransitions to the different operations;- Quickly add new expense or income operations. The appremembersyour previous action, substitutes default the mostcommonly usedcategories, currencies;- Planning of the budget for the coming months or years. Keepyourbudget under complete control, pre-setting the scope ofcosts,which you want to stick. A comparison of the reality and theplanswill always be in front of your eyes in a "progress bar" onthemain screen and in the process of adding new operations;- Category management income and expenses. All of yourmoneytransactions will be well structured for easy analysis;- The application is focused on keeping not only a personalbudget,but the total family budget. You can add people involved inthefilling of the budget, as well as persons using theavailablefinances. Thus, you will have a complete picture of thebudget,both in structured categories, and for the people;- The possibility of multi-currency account. You should chooseabase currency for reporting, add the same operation can be inanyexisting currency. The application supports onlinecurrencyconverter, as well as manually adding;- Built-in calculator allows you to conveniently add severalsimilaroperations, without having to remember and not adding theamount inthe mind;- Submission of reports in a flexible format. You can quicklyviewreports by using predefined templates for a day, month, year,or tochoose the required period;- Infographics (pie chart) for statistics allows you to haveavisual representation of financial flows;- Export transactions to a file with the extension CSV, meaningany"tabular" reading room;- Backup database being stored in the cloud;- Separate widgets for expenditure and revenue, showingstatisticsfor the current day and month, as well as to quickly moveon to adda new operation or view detailed statistics;- The lack of advertising and paid content.Active work is underway on the application. In the near futuretoadd:- Cyclic operation with automatic notifications and adding;- Can protect your data with a PIN.The following resolution requires the application of:- Android.permission.INTERNET - online currency conversionandsending error reports;- Android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - recordingbackupstatistics and CSV files;- Android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - backups reading.
Стихи о любви: признания 1.9.9
Treat your loved ones updated daily beautiful poems about love
Book of Dreams: Meanings 1.3
In this application, we have tried to bringtogether all of the most popular and sought-downers in the endturned out more than 50,000 keywords and their interpretations.With you can learn what it means to a particular dream or come atnight image using this guide to the dreams you in hotpursuit.The app currently contains the following directories on dreams:Dream Interpretation Miller Dream book Freud, dream interpretationVanga, dream interpretation of Nostradamus, Dream InterpretationLofa Dream Interpretation Azar, Connik Canaanite, Ukrainian DreamBook, Children's Dream Book, Little Dream Book, Russian dream book,Dream Interpretation "Food", Chinese dream interpretation , Dreamsof flowers, Wedding dream book, Dream Interpretation Velez Dreambook for women, Dreams men of Assyria dream book, DreamInterpretation Hasse Dream Interpretation Tsvetkov, correct dreambook, electronic dream book, Connik Meneghetti, Muslim dream book,Slavic dream book, English dream book, Family dream interpretation,French Dream Book, Esoteric Dream Book, Love dream book, DreamInterpretation Longo, intimate dream interpretation, dreaminterpretation Modern, ancient dream interpretation, dreaminterpretation the House of the Sun, Vedic dream book Sivananda,East women's Dream Book, Nobles, N.Grishinoy dream interpretation,dream interpretation Taflisi Old Persian, Old Russian dream book,Spiritual Dream Book, Egypt, dream interpretation pharaohs(Kenherhepeshefa), Mirrored dream book psychological states, Indianshaman's dream book, The Islamic dream interpretation ibn Sirin,Italian psychoanalytic dream interpretation A.Roberti, Culinarydream interpretation, dream interpretation Moon, People's beliefsand dream interpretation will (folklore), the Russian dream book,Self-dream book (Dream Book Vrublevskaya ), tales and mythologicaldream interpretation, of interpreters (1829)The application includes a convenient search "on the fly", smarttips will show you the available words and phrases that couldpotentially be of interest to you. The application interface isadapted to the night time for the most comfortable reading.Database of dreams and dreams already enormous, but certainly willbe regularly updated with new interpretations of dreams.Dreams of old helps people decode the images of his dreams, abetter understanding of themselves and to lift the veil of secrecyover the future. The interpretation of dreams, images and colorsthat we see in a dream - an ancient and complex science, but thedream book online can simplify the search for the answer to yourquestion. Meaning of dreams can not be overstated, since it is thevoice of your unconscious mind.How dreams are associated with events occurring with the personawake? Awake, each of us gets a huge amount of information, theflow is continuous and inexhaustible. Our consciousness is forcedto leave only the most important and relevant information in thememory, as it were, by filtering out everything else. However, aperson remembers in minute detail everything that goes with it atany given time.This is thanks to the work of the subconscious, collects andanalyzes all incoming information. In sleep our subconscious mindcomes to the fore, bringing them to the man unnoticed informationthrough dreams - vivid imaginative action unfolding before the eyesof the sleeper.That is why the significance of dreams is difficult tooverestimate, although it is possible that in some cases, theircontent is influenced by vivid impressions of the past day, or ismerely a reflection of just the events. However, our dreams areinexhaustible sources of information. The most common prediction ismade based on them coming true. Our dream book-app, containing ahuge number of interpretations of dreams in Russian, will allow youto more accurately understand the images and come to youdreams.
Книги русских классиков 2.0.16
Collection of literary masterpieces of all eras from Russianwriters of classics for free
Лучшие Классические книги 1.9
A large collection of full versions of classic books to read forfree and offline.
Лучшие книги о любви: классика 2.0.6
Collection of the best free love books written by classics of worldliterature
Лучшие бесплатные философские 2.0.5
Collection of the best free philosophical books from writers ofworld literature
Лучшие приключенческие книги п 2.0.10
Collection of the best free adventure books from the worldliterature classics
Лучшие книги об инвестициях и 2.0.5
Free books about investments that will teach you how to managemoney effectively
Лучшие бесплатные книги англий 2.0.5
Collection of free books-masterpieces of all eras from Englishclassics writers
Quotes, thoughts and sayings o
A large collection of famous quotations, winged phrases andinteresting thoughts
Лучшие книги об эзотерике бесп 2.0.7
Collection of the best free books on esotericism for readingwithout the Internet
Лучшие книги о буддизме беспла 1.3
A collection of free books on Buddhism for reading without theInternet
Хиромантия для начинающих. Зна 1.6
Palmistry for beginners and practitioners help in divination by thelines on the hand
Русские пословицы и народные п 1.2
The collection of Russian proverbs and sayings of different nationson all occasions. 100000+
Лучшие книги о Православии 2.0.3
A collection of the best free books on Orthodoxy for readingwithout the Internet
Лучшие энциклопедии мира 1.1
Collection of the best free books in the genre Encyclopedia forreading without the Internet
Лучшие книги мира в жанрах фан 2.0.3
Collection of the best books of fantasy genres, fantasy fromwriters of literature for free
Лучшие книги 16-19 веков беспл 1.9
The best books of the world literature classics of the 16th, 17th,18th and 19th centuries are free to read
СМС извинения в стихах: коротк 1.5
Nakosyachil to your favorite? No problem! Send a text message withcreative excuses
The Astral World 1.5
Information about the astral world, souls, auras, biofields andconscious dreams
Лучшие книги для школьников 2.0.18
A large collection of the best free books for students of differentages
Лучшие книги 20 века 2.0.13
Collection of full versions of the masterpieces of the XX centuryfrom the classics read for free
Лучшие исторические книги классиков бесплатно
Collection of the best free historical books from the classics ofworld literature
Tricks with cards, coins, rope 1.9
Card tricks, tricks with coins, ropes, matches and many others