Experenti ئاپەکان

Veneto Experience 2.0.0
If you are interested in getting to know the products of excellenceand the history behind the territory of Veneto, using one of themost advanced ICT technologies, this is the App for you. Awonderful winged lion, icon of Venice, will get you through themost attractive and undisclosed beauties that Veneto Region offers.The winged lion will help you in choosing the most suitable journeyaccording to your needs and expectations. A huge catalogue ofinterest will allow you to live your own personal EXPERIENCE inVeneto Region. You can choose between a number of categories:agrifood, creative industries, furniture and manufacturing.Download Veneto Experience App for your Android or iOS device, scanthe elements and enjoy your tour. Make your choice in augmentedreality and bring home a piece of Veneto!
MCZ@HOME 2.2.2
MCZ@Home: view an entire collection of pellet stoves in augmentedreality
AR Ditre 1.2
AR Ditre è l'app di realtà aumentata ideataperdare vita alla vostra comunicazione.Il punto di forza di AR Ditre è la possibilità di integrarsicontutti i vostri strumenti di comunicazione aumentandonel'efficaciae fidelizzando clienti e prospect.Scarica i pdf seguendo il link "Scopri di più", stampa ilpdf,inquadra le stampe (tag) attraverso l'applicazione e vediicontenuti prendere vita: trasforma i tuoi supporti inpuraesperienza.La piattaforma AR Ditre permette di arricchire stampe, progettieoggetti d'arte attraverso l'integrazione della realtàconinformazioni digitali.AR Ditre può essere utilizzata per aumentare i contenuti insettoriquali:- Cataloghi e packaging- Architettura e modellazione- Prototipazione industriale- Turismo e Musei- Editoria- Smart CitiesInoltre, AR Ditre permette di condividere la tuaesperienzaaumentata anche con gli amici attraverso l'inviodiscreenshot.Ditre AR augmentedrealityapp is designed to give life to your communication.The strength of AR Ditre is the ability to integrate with allofyour communication tools to improve their effectiveness andloyaltyof customers and prospects.Download the pdf by following the link "Learn more", printingpdf,framed prints (tags) through the application and see thecontentcome to life: turn your media into pure experience.The platform allows to enrich AR Ditre prints, designs andartobjects through the integration of reality withdigitalinformation.AR Ditre can be used to increase the content in areas suchas:- Catalogues and packaging- Architecture and Modeling- Prototype industrial- Tourism and Museums- Publishing- Smart CitiesIn addition, AR Ditre allows you to share your experiencealsoincreased with friends by sending screenshots.
ARgo+ 1.0.2
Argo+ è la piattaforma tecnologica direaltàaumentata ideata per trasformare i nostri corsi inun’esperienzaindimenticabile.Il punto di forza di Argo+ è l’integrazione delle piùprogreditetecnologie (realtà aumentata, comunicazione mobile, etc.)in otticabusiness allo scopo di sorprendere, coinvolgere efidelizzare gliutenti.Scarica i tag, inquadrali attraverso l'applicazione e vediicontenuti prendere vita: trasforma l'apprendimento inpuraesperienza.Argo + isthetechnological platform augmented reality designed to transformourclasses into an unforgettable experience.The strength of Argo + is the integration of the mostadvancedtechnologies (augmented reality, mobile communications,etc.) inthe optical business in order to surprise, engage andretainusers.Download tags, inquadrali through the application and seethecontents come to life: learning turns into pureexperience.
PAMA 1.0
PAMA is leader among machinetoolsmanufacturers of large boring and milling machines with appr.90years of know-how, located in Northern Italy.The products are internally designed, manufactured andtested:SPEEDMAT HP horizontal machining centers for boring, millingandturning, SPEEDMAT boring and milling centers, SPEEDMILLmillingmachines, SPEEDRAM floor type boring and milling machines,SPEEDRAMHP floor type boring and milling machines and VERTIRAMgantry typevertical machining centers equipped by a full rangeofroto-traversing tables, turning tables, tool magazines andheadattachments for several fields of application: for aerospace,die& mold, power generation (steam, gas and wind turbines),earthmoving machines, heavy industry (mechanical andmetallurgicalequipment), shipyard (diesel engines, propulsions anddeckequipment), etc.Over 80% of production is exported (China, India, Russia,Germany,France, USA via a network of direct sales andservicefacilities).
Digitalic 1.4
"Digitalic Experenti rende viva lacarta,aggiunge contenuti, modelli 3D, video alla rivistaDigitalic.Si tratta di un’applicazione che trasforma il mensileDigitalicnella prima rivista a realtà aumentata.Scaricate la App e quando vedete il simbolo giallo con ilcavalloalato sulle pagine del magazine, inquadrate la rivista conuntablet o un smartphone e assisterete a qualcosa di magico.I contenuti prendono vita sulla schermo, modelli 3D sistaccanodalla carta ed entrano nel modo reale, i video siaggiungono allapagina e sembrerà di poterli toccare.Digitalic Experenti è un’innovazione unica e rende interattivalacarta. I contenuti aggiuntivi non solo appaiono nello schermodellosmartphone ma vengono visualizzati all’interno della pagina,nediventano parte.""Digitalic Experentimakesalive the paper, adds content, 3D models, videomagazineDigitalic.It is an application that turns your monthly Digitalic thefirstmagazine to augmented reality.Download the app and when you see the yellow with the wingedhorseon the pages of the magazine, the magazine framed with atablet orsmartphone and we will see something magical.The content come alive on screen, 3D models are detached fromthepaper and come in a real way, the video is added to the pageandfeel like you can touch them.Digitalic Experenti is a unique innovation and an interactivemap.Additional content not only appear on the screen of yoursmartphonebut are displayed on the page, they become part of it."
Experenti 4.2.1
Experenti augments your reality in order to create a WOW experience
Consenso Informato 2.0.0
CSI - Super Informed Consent Medical facilitated by AugmentedReality.
COSTA 1.0.1
Scopri il mondo Costa - Parchiedutainmentattraverso le più belle immagini di Italia in Miniatura,Oltremare,Acquario di Cattolica e Aquafan. Potrai scoprire la magiadisentirti grande ad Italia in Miniatura, incontrare i delfini,irapaci ed altre affascinanti creature ad Oltremare, immergertinelmondo marino dell’Acquario di Cattolica con pinguini, squalielontre e tuffarti nelle piscine e scivoli mozzafiato di Aquafan,ilparco aquatico più famoso d’Europa.Discover the world Coast-Parks edutainment through the most beautiful images of ItalyinMiniature, Oltremare, Aquarium of Cattolica and Aquafan. Youwilldiscover the magic of feeling great to Italy in Miniature, meetthedolphins, birds of prey and other fascinating creaturestooverseas, immerse yourself in the underwater world of theAquariumof Cattolica with penguins, sharks and otters and dive intopoolsand breathtaking slides of Aquafan, Waterpark Europe'smostfamous.
Charnwood Live Fire 1.0.5
CHARNWOOD LIVE FIRE is an AR platform for placing a Charnwood stovein your room
REAL-LIFE con i riconoscimento immagini fascoprire i contenuti extra presenti nelle immagine pubblicitarie.Aggiungendo una nuova gamma di soluzioni per interagire con lapubblicità e gli eventi e crea azioni di ambient marketing basatesulla tecnologia. REAL-LIFE è nuovo modo per collegare il reale aldigitale che dovrebbe essere il passo successivo per un'impresa chevoglia crescere nelle attività di vendita.Con REAL-LIFE sara sufficiente puntare un oggetto o un'immaginereale con il proprio smartphone o tablet, l'app la riconoscerà everrà ampliato sul vostro display istantaneamente con contenuticome video ,animazioni ,audio o pagina web.REAL-LIFE with imagerecognition to discover extra content present in the advertisingimage. Adding a new range of solutions to interact with advertisingand events and creates ambient marketing actions based on thetechnology. REAL-LIFE is a new way to connect the actual digitalshould be the next step for a company that wants to grow in salesactivities.With REAL-LIFE will simply point an object or a real image withyour smartphone or tablet, the app will recognize it and will beexpanded on your screen instantly with content such as videos,animations, audio or web page.
Siemens BIMU 2018 1.0.0
Digitalization in Machine Tool Manufacturing - Implement now!Bimu2018 Milano. Con questa APP potrete conoscere lediversepossibilità offerte dalla realtà aumentata con ilcontrolloSinumerik
The POLISTUC CONNECT application is addressed to all users ofwoodpaints. That APP can be downloaded free of charge, while onlysomefeatures can be used on request and reserved to customersandindustry professionals. POLISTUC CONNECT allows you to consultanddownload all the official catalogues of the various productlinesin PDF format: • Water-based paints for interior; •Water-basedpaints for outdoor; • Stains; • Tintometrical Systems; •Paintswith special effects; With this APP you can save all thecataloguesin your portable device and consult them at any time,evenoff-line. Discover more about our products with POLISTUCCONNECTand you will always be in direct contact with Polistuc news.
bags4Dreams 1.5.0
B4D is communication system enhancing aimed at developinginternational markets through involvement with high technologycontent in A.R
Fendt IDEAL AR 1.0.4
Experience Fendt IDEAL brand new combine in augmented reality.Framethe card to discover IDEAL. Hove your Apple or Android deviceoverthe picture to appreciate the unique styling of IDEAL, itskeyfeatures and the main funcionalities of IDEALharvestTM.DiscoverIDEAL wows in augmented reality: Dual Helix,AutoDockTM,IDEALbalanceTM, Streamer 210, TrakRide. Download FendtIDEALAugmented Reality for free.
Serenissima Ristorazione presenta la propria app in realtàaumentatache ti guiderà nella visita di un ristorante aziendale.Scopri iflussi, le isole gastronomiche e l'area di consumo.Vivil’esperienza della realtà aumentata dei nostriristoranticomodamente da casa o dall'ufficio, scaricando il tageinquadrandolo con la fotocamera interna dell’app. Conl’innovativouso della realtà aumentata la planimetria prende vita,mostrandogli arredi, i materiali, i pannelli grafici e le propostedellalinea self. Ma non finisce qui: potrai scoprire come gestiregliinterni e gli esterni della tua mensa aziendale, dalle superficiinlegno, ferro o altri metalli, tutto in pochi semplici “tap”!
Gabbiani Venezia 1.1.1
Welcome to the world of Gabbiani Venezia. We'll show you some ofthemagic held in all of our creations through augmented realityandvirtual reality.
Ar4all 1.3.2
Augmented Reality for all
Festival GO 1.0.0
Explore the Expo area of ​​the Festival with augmented reality
Dolomitime 1.0.0
Explore the past of the Dolomites and discover how they were 200million years ago.
San Marco AR 1.1.1
Discover San Marco’s world with the new augmented reality app!
Discover the best quality Venetian wines
IDEAL from Massey Ferguson AR 1.0.3
Experience the new IDEAL from Massey Ferguson combine harvesterinaugmented reality. By hovering your Apple or Android deviceoverthe printed cards, you will experience the unique features oftheIDEAL from Massey Ferguson; such as the Dual Helixrotors,AutoDockTM, IDEALbalanceTM, Streamer 210, Trakride,IDEALharvestTMsystem and so much more.
Fire Attitude 4.1.0
Use augmented reality to visualize different 3D stove models inyour home.
Corà Parquet Live 3.1.0
Display Corà Wood Flooring products in your own environment thanksto AR.
Go.Color 1.3.0
Colouring your walls in augmented reality with San Marco'swater-based paints
The turning point today
NEDCON AR Storage App. NEDCON brings your business into a newspace.
CARMIX PLUS is the new app to step into the CARMIX dimension.Findthe Carmix sticker on equipments or catalogues and use the apptoscan the tags and watch how the contents become real. WithCARMIXPLUS you will experience the new augmented reality platformwithvideo and 3D models pointing out the strongest advantages andmainkey points of Carmix philosophy such as, loading, mixing,qualitycontrol, weighing scale, etc. Furthermore CARMIX PLUS alsoallowsyou to share your augmented experience with fiends bysendingscreenshot.
Visio Medic 1.0
Patients have access to an interactive guide to its referencecenter.
Discover the best quality Venetian wines
Cycletaurus 1.0.0
Life is a beautiful ride
Deda Next 1.0.3
An app to talk about the social impact of digitaltransformationprojects
Siemens MECSPE 2018 1.0.1
Digitalization in Machine Tool Manufacturing in MecSpe 2018