FiraBarcelona ئاپەکان

Equiplast app 1.0
Install the Equiplast app in your mobiledevice for easy access to the latest information on the event.* Technology demostrations* Innovative products and productive processes* Industry novelties* Specialized congresses and seminars* Networking areaThis app offers the following features:* Information on the activity programme* Speakers information* Management of contacts made during the event* Exhibitors information and search* Dates, schedules, location and lay out of the event* Follow the event on Twitter with the hashtag #Equiplast* Add speakers, sessions and exhibitors to your favorites
Lead Retrieval Fira 1.2.0
Advanced Lead Retrieval in Real TimeFira Barcelona new Lead Retrieval service offersadvancedtechnology and real-time functionality at an excellentvalue formoney.- New and Enhanced Functionalities such as fast input surveysanddocuments sharing.- Real-time sync of leads data in the cloud and advanced searchandreporting- Excellent value for money for a minimum cost per lead andamaximum return on your time and resources.
BBB - Construmat 2.1
All the relevant information for BeyondBuilding Barcelona - Construmat. This tool offers the followingfunctions:• Information about the activity program, sorted by types ofevents and days.• The list of speakers with detailed information about them and thesessions they take part in.• Management for the contacts made during the show.• The exhibitors’ list, alphabetically organized.• General show information: dates, opening hours, address, map andfloor plan.• Follow the event on Twitter with hashtag #BeyondBuildingB and#Construmat• Management of “favorites” for speakers, sessions andexhibitors.
Piscina & Wellness Barcelona 2.0.2
Put the Piscina & Wellness Barcelona appon your mobile device for easy access to the latest information onthe event.This app offers the following features:• Information on the activity programme, organized by event anddate.• Speakers organized alphabetically and by session, includingdetailed information.• Management of contacts made during the event.• Dates, schedule, location and layout of the congress.• Follow the event on Twitter with hashtag #PiscinaWellness• Add speakers, sessions and sponsors to your Favourites
Smart City Expo Puebla 1.3
Smart City Expo Puebla Congress istheinternational event of Smart City Expo World Congress forLATAMthat is reference since 4 years ago in the city ofBarcelona,Spain.Smart City Expo Puebla will be happening at the ExpositorCenternext 16th, 17th, and 18th of February of 2016. The event willhavemore than 100 speakers, 500 different cities, and 80 companieswithstands.
Hispack&Bta Packaging & Food 1.2
All the relevant informationforHispack&Bta. Packaging & Food Technologies. Thistooloffers the following functions:• Information about the activity program, sorted by typesofevents and days.• The list of speakers with detailed information about them andthesessions they take part in.• Management for the contacts made during the show.• The exhibitors’ list, alphabetically organized.• General show information: dates, opening hours, address, mapandfloor plan.• Follow the event on Twitter with hashtag #Hispackand#BtaBcn2015• Management of “favorites” for speakers, sessionsandexhibitors.
Graphispag 1.0
Access to the application of Graphispagthroughyour mobile device and you will have the latest informationof theevent in a useful and simple way.This app offers the following features:• Information on the activity programme, organized by eventanddate.• Speakers organized alphabetically and by session,includingdetailed information.• Exhibitors organized alphabetically.• Management of contacts made during the event.• Dates, schedule, location and layout of the show.• Follow the event on Twitter with hashtag #Graphispag• Add speakers, sessions and exhibitors to your Favourites.
Hostelco 1.0
Toda la información útil de Hostelco,SalónInternacional del Equipamiento para la Restauración, HoteleríayColectividades* Programa de actividades.* Conferencias y ponentes* Herramienta para la gestión de contactos durante el evento.* Expositores organizados afabeticamente.* Fechas, horarios, localización y mapa sectorial.* Seguimiento #Hostelco2014* Creación de favoritos: ponentes, sesiones y expositores
Expoquimia 1.0
Install the Expoquimia app in yourmobiledevice for easy access to the latest information on theevent.Technology demostrationsInnovative products and productive processesIndustry and scientific noveltiesSpecialized congresses and seminarsNetworking areaThis app offers the following features:* Information on the activity programme* Speakers information* Management of contacts made during the event* Exhibitors information and search* Dates, schedules, location and lay out of the event* Follow the event on Twitter with the hashtag #Expoquimia* Add speakers, sessions and exhibitors to your favorites
Lead Retrieval Fira 1.0.3
Advanced Lead Retrieval in Real TimeFira Barcelona new Lead Retrieval service offers advancedtechnology and real-time functionality at an excellent value formoney.- New and Enhanced Functionalities such as fast input surveys anddocuments sharing.- Real-time sync of leads data in the cloud and advanced search andreporting- Excellent value for money for a minimum cost per lead and amaximum return on your time and resources.
Eurosurfas 1.0
Install the Eurosurfas app in yourmobiledevice for easy access to the latest information on theevent.* Technology demostrations* Innovative Products and productive processes* Industry novelties* Specialized congresses and seminars* Networking areaThis app offers the following features:* Information on the activity programme* Speakers information* Management of contacts made during the event* Exhibitors information and search* Dates, schedules, location and lay out of the event* Follow the event on Twitter with the hashtag #Eurosurfas* Add speakers, sessions and exhibitors to your favorites
MIHealth Forum 2.0
This app offers the following features:• Information on the activity programme, organized by eventanddate.• Speakers organized alphabetically and by session,includingdetailed information.• Sponsors organized alphabetically.• Management of contacts made during the event.• Dates, schedule, location and layout of the congress.• Follow the event on Twitter with hashtag #MIHealthForum• Add speakers, sessions and sponsors to your Favourites.
Barcelona Meeting Point 2.6
Download the application of Barcelona MeetingPoint and you will have the latest information of the event in auseful and simple way.This app offers the following features:• Information on the activity program, organized by event anddate.• Speakers organized alphabetically. Including detailedinformation.• Exhibitors organized alphabetically.• Dates, schedule, location and layout of the congress.• Following BMP’s twitter.• Add to favorite speakers, sessions and exhibitors.
Lead Retrieval by Fira 2017 1.0.2
Advanced Lead Retrieval in Real TimeFira Barcelona new Lead Retrieval service offers advancedtechnology and real-time functionality at an excellent value formoney.- New and Enhanced Functionalities such as fast input surveys anddocuments sharing.- Real-time sync of leads data in the cloud and advanced search andreporting- Excellent value for money for a minimum cost per lead and amaximum return on your time and resources.
Graphispag 2017 1.1
Access to the application of Graphispagthroughyour mobile device and you will have the latest informationof theevent in a useful and simple way. This app offers thefollowingfeatures:• Information on the activity programme, organized by eventanddate.• Speakers organized alphabetically and by session,includingdetailed information.• Exhibitors organized alphabetically.• Management of contacts made during the event.• Dates, schedule, location and layout of the show.• Follow the event on Twitter with hashtag #Graphispag• Add speakers, sessions and exhibitors to your Favourites.
Valmont Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week 2.1.4
VBBFW Digital Experience is the new Valmont Barcelona BridalFashion Week digital platform that’s been designed to promote thefuture of bridal fashion, keep the market connected to create newinternational business opportunities and unveil the latest trends.From 18 to 22 September designers, buyers, the press, weddingplanners, digital influencers, fashion lovers and brides-to-be fromall over the world will meet on this single digital platform withendless possibilities: - Fashion Shows: We bring the show to you!Our catwalk is transformed into a spectacular cyclorama offering arevolutionary and innovative staging to showcase the latestcollections of the very best international designers. Save thefashion shows in your diary, watch them on your computer or tabletand comment on them on your mobile; a multi-screen experience to donot miss anything. - Trade Show: Only for professionals. The standsbecome the communication channels of the major brands of the bridalfashion world, where you can link up with the designers via thechat and video chat services. Within each channel the brands willdisplay their collections and products by means of photos, videosand downloadable technically-detailed materials in PDF format toenable you to do all your business. The Trade Show will last until18 October. - Events: Enjoy the contents related to design, beauty,art and creativity in all their expressions. - Partners: We presenta new section in which you can enjoy a whole host of experiencesrelated to the world of art, beauty, design and creativity providedby our partners. Download it now and start enjoying the DigitalExperience of Valmont Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week!
Smart City Expo World Congress 1.4
Access the application of Smart City Expo World Congress &SmartMobility Congress through your mobile device and you willhave thelatest information of the event in a useful and simpleway. This appoffers the following features: • Access to the GlobalAgenda withall the detailed information (dates, time, location,tracks...) ofthe congress program, side events, agora andactivities. • List ofCongress speakers including detailedinformation. • Exhibitors list• Twitter feed: #SCEWC19 and #SMC19.• Favorites: add speakers,sessions and exhibitors. • Networkingtool. • Rating sessions: giveyour feedback.
Digital Future Society 1.3
Access the application of Digital Future Society through yourmobiledevice and you will have the latest information of the eventin auseful and simple way. This app offers the following features:•Access to the Global Agenda with all the detailedinformation(dates, time, location, tracks...) of the summit • Listof speakersincluding detailed information. • Twitter feed:#DFS_SCEWC19.
Tomorrow.City 1.1.0
Tomorrow.City is an over-the-top (OTT) service containing themoststate-of-the-art content on cities and urban innovation.Talks,case studies, podcasts, articles and much more featuring topurbanleaders. Connect for the Smart City Live 2020 and experienceahighly curated B2B live streaming. Join a global networkofprofessionals from all sectors within thetechnology,sustainability and mobility industries. Access to newtrends andinnovative projects creating thriving communitiesworldwide. Takeadvantage of the most relevant disseminationplatform about cities.Imagined by Smart City Expo World Congress,the world’s leadingevent for cities.
BizBCN y Saló de l’Ocupació 1.3.3
La aplicación móvil de Bizbarcelona y Saló de l’Ocupació 2021 eslaguía interactiva y el catálogo de expositores y entidades delossalones, que se celebra del 9 al 11 de Noviembre de 2021 enelrecinto de Montjuïc de Fira de Barcelona. EMPRESAS Y ENTIDADESEnla app de Bizbarcelona y Saló de l’Ocupació 2021 puedesconsultarel catálogo completo de empresas participantes yentidades, coninformación sobre su ubicación y sus datos decontacto. PROGRAMA DEACTIVIDADES Consulta el programa deactividades y conferencias deBizbarcelona y Saló de l’Ocupació2021. Podrás encontrar loshorarios y ponentes/entidades de todaslas presentaciones,conferencias, mesas redondas… de los eventos yactividades quetienen lugar en los dos salones. ORGANIZA TU VISITAToda lainformación práctica para organizar tu visita a Bizbarcelonay Salóde l’Ocupació 2021: fechas, horarios, dirección,transportes,programa… y la posibilidad de personalizar tuexperiencia guardandotodas tus sesiones favoritas. INFORMACIÓN ÚTILY REDES SOCIALESTambién puedes seguir toda la actividad en redessociales y unirtea la conversación en redes sociales con el hastag#salocupacio21#bizbarcelona21 #MaiEnsAturem.
Smart City Expo & Tomorrow.Mobility 1.0.8
Access the application of Smart City Expo World Congress&Tomorrow.Mobility World Congress through your mobile deviceand youwill have the latest information of the events in a usefulandsimple way. This app offers the following features: Access totheGlobal Agenda with all the detailed information (dates,time,location, tracks...) of the congress program, side events,agoraand activities. List of Congress speakers includingdetailedinformation. Exhibitors list Twitter feed: #SCEWC21 and#TMWC21.Favorites: add speakers, sessions and exhibitors.Networking tool.Rating sessions: give your feedback.
Alimentaria & HOSTELCO
United for excellence. The International food and hospitalityreference platform
Lead Retrieval by Fira 3.2.0
Capture visitors data, real-time sync, take notes and surveys,share documents
Barcelona Wine Week 2022
Barcelona Wine Week. Discover the new vintage of Spanish wine.
Hispack 2022 1.0
L'aplicació mòbil d’Hispack 2022 és la guia interactiva i elcatàlegd'expositors del saló, que se celebra del 24 al 27 de maigdel 2022en el recinte Gran Via de Barcelona. EMPRESES I PRODUCTESA l'appHispack 2022 pots consultar el catàleg completd'empresesparticipants en el saló, amb informació sobre la sevaubicació,dades de contacte i també una selecció dels productes queofereixenen el seu estand. AGENDA Consulta el programa complet dejornades iesdeveniments d’Hispack 2022. Podràs trobar els horaris iponentsde totes les sessions que tenen lloc en el saló: HispackUnboxing,Best in Class, Boosters, side events, Premis Liderpack...ORGANITZALA TEVA VISITA Utilitza el cercador del catàlegd'expositorsd’Hispack 2022 per buscar empreses en el mapa delrecinte o bé percategories i sectors. INFORMACIÓ ÚTIL I XARXESSOCIALS Obtinguesinformació útil per a la teva visita a Hispack2022: dates,horaris, adreça...També pots seguir tota l'activitat aTwitter iunir-te a la conversa en xarxes socials sobre #Hispack22
Graphispag 2022 1.0
L'aplicació mòbil de Graphispag 2022 és la guia interactiva ielcatàleg d'expositors del saló, que es celebra del 24 al 27 demaigdel 2022 en el recinte de Gran Via de Fira de Barcelona.EMPRESES IPRODUCTES A l'app Graphispag 2022 pots consultar elcatàleg completd'empreses participants en el saló, amb informaciósobre la sevaubicació, dades de contacte i també una selecció delsproductes queofereixen en el seu estand. PROGRAMA D'ACTIVITATSConsulta elprograma complet d'activitats de Graphispag 2022. Podràstrobar elshoraris i ponents de totes les activitats que tenen llocen elsaló: Diàlegs. Impulso, zona de coneixement. Impressions.Showroomd’aplicacions gràfiques. A més a més, a l’Hispack UNBOXING,en elcórner sobre experiència d’ús del pavelló 2 d’Hispack,esdescobrirà el futur del packaging. ORGANITZA LA TEVAVISITAUtilitza el cercador del catàleg d'expositors de Graphispagperbuscar empreses en el mapa del recinte o bé per categoriesisectors. INFORMACIÓ ÚTIL I XARXES SOCIALS Obtingues informacióútilper a la teva visita a Graphispag: dates, horaris,adreça...Tambépots seguir tota l'activitat a Twitter i unir-te a laconversa enxarxes socials sobre #Graphispag22
ISE 2022–The official show app
The official app of Integrated Systems Europe 2022, 10-13May,Barcelona
ISE 2023-The official show app 1.0.3
The official app of Integrated Systems Europe 2023, 31 Jan - 03Feb, Barcelona
Nexe 2.2.2233211
Nexe is the internal communication application of Fira de Barcelona
Smart City Expo & T.Mobility 1.3.0
Get the latest information about SCEWC22 & TMWC22 withtheofficial app.
Equiplast 1.0.2
Guía interactiva y el catálogo de expositores del salón
Smart City Expo World Congress 1.0.1
Get the latest information about Smart City Expo Congress withtheofficial app.
Biz BCN i Saló de l’Ocupació 1.1.3
Interactive guide to the Bizbarcelona and Employment Fairs 2023
IoTSWC & CybersecurityCongress 1.0.3
Get the latest information about #IOTSWC23 & #BCC23 withtheofficial app.
Piscina & Wellness Barcelona 1.0.1
Piscina & Wellness Barcelona digital interactive guideandcatalogue.
Gastronomic Forum Barcelona 23 1.0.1
The essential event for professionals in the world of gastronomy.
Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week 1.0.9
APP for Barcelona bridal Fashion Week Event.
Expoquimia 1.0.2
Interactive guide and catalog of exhibitors of the show
Alimentaria FoodTech 1.0.1
The platform for the equipment industry and food technology.
Construmat 1.0.3
Construmat 2023 mobile app interactive guide of the trade show.
Piscina&Wellness Barcelona 21 1.9
Piscina & Wellness Barcelona on your mobile:exhibitors,conferences, meetings and more