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Cek Identitas KTP
Aplikasi ini menampilkan data Identitas dariNomor NIK KTP seseorang.Keakuratan dan tersedia atau tidaknya informasi yang ditampilkantergantung pada penyedia data informasi tersebut. Penyedia datainformasi tersebut menggunakan data website KPU.Jika suka mohon untuk berikan comment dan rating.Jika menemukan bug atau memberikan feedback silakan email data tidak ditemukan bukan berarti KTP anda tidak valid,karena data menggunakan data KPU mungkin data KTP anda belumterupdate dari data KPU.This application displaysdata from the Identity ID Number NIK someone.The accuracy and availability of the information displayed dependson the data provider of the information. The information dataprovider using the data KPU website.If you like, please comment and give rating.If you find a bug or give feedback please email DISCLAIMERIf the data is not found does not mean your ID card is not valid,because the data using the data KPU your ID card data might beoutdated data from the Commission.
FlashLight Shake It 1.6.0
SHAKING your Phone to use the FLASHLIGHT
Police Light and Siren Prank 2.3.1
Police Light and Siren simulator panel on your mobile phone to makea prank:)
Don't Let Them Fight 2.0
Don't Let Them Fight is a casual slide game type which is wheretheplayer must not allow the fighters fight with each other,bykeeping them away from other fighters. This super fun gameconsistsof several levels difficulty
LED Scroller (Running Text) 1.7.1
Use your Phone to make a Messages LED Ticker Board or Running TextLED