GMOペパボ株式会社 ئاپەکان

How was your day today?Why not record your life?With the JUGEM BLOG App for Android, you can:・Create blogs quickly and easily・Post and edit articles (as public/private/draft)・Upload and attach photos・Select category・Register and manage accounts・Post articles to Twitter・Fetch Instagram images・Embed videos from Youtube easilyThis app is appropriate for diary keeping, diet and householdaccount management and more.We hope all of blogger like it.
電子書籍 ブクログのパブー 1.1
地獄のミサワの女に惚れさす名言集 - 毎日読める1コマネタ 1.2.0
----------------------------------------------------バージョン1.2.0の更新内容:・プッシュ通知のON/OFFが切り替えられるようになりました。----------------------------------------------------名言ネタに爆笑するのも、ちょっとだけ笑うのもOK!暇つぶしにぴったりの「地獄のミサワの女に惚れさす名言集」の公式アプリがAndroidに登場!★ネタは平日は毎日更新!★1,100枚以上ものネタを収録しているので、通勤通学などの暇つぶしに最適!★タッチとスワイプでサクサク見れるから、ブラウザより見やすい!★TwitterやFacebookで楽々シェア!友達に教えよう!★「寝てねーわ」「つれー」などのキーワード検索が可能に!★気に入ったネタは簡単に保存できる!★ランキング機能を搭載!みんなが好きな人気キャラクターや人気のネタがわかる!★最新のネタが公開されると、通知がくるのでうっかり見逃さない!★地獄のミサワの新刊情報もいち早くゲット!【地獄のミサワって誰?】雑誌『ジャンプSQ』や『LINEスタンプ』、『Zipper』、『MEN'SNON-NO(メンズノンノ)』などで活躍中の人気漫画家・地獄のミサワ。毎日16万回以上閲覧されている人気ブログ「地獄のミサワの女に惚れさす名言集」を平日毎日更新中です。(c)地獄のミサワアプリ開発・協力:株式会社バーグハンバーグバーグGMOペパボ株式会社-------------------------------------------------- -Updates of version 1.2.0:-I came to be switched ON / OFF of the push notification.-------------------------------------------------- -You burst out laughing in Quotations story also, laugh a littlebit also OK!The official app of "Quotations pointing fell in love with thewoman of Jigokunomisawa" perfect appeared in Android to killtime!★ story updated daily on weekdays!★ So you're also included 1,100 or more pieces of the story, it ismost suitable to pass the time, such as commuting!★ Because watch crunchy swipe the touch, easy to see from thebrowser!★ easily share on Facebook and Twitter! The Tell a friend!★ allows keyword search for "I'll just not sleep" and "Tsure"is!★ can be stored easily story you like!★ It is equipped with a ranking function! Everyone know the storyof the favorite and popular popular character!★ I do not miss the latest inadvertently story is published,notification, so come!★ new book information of Jigokunomisawa also quickly get!Who is [Jigokunomisawa? ]Popular cartoonist Jigokunomisawa active in magazine and "Jump SQ","LINE stamp", "Zipper", "MEN'S NON-NO (Men's Nonno)" and the like.It is updated every day during the weekdays "Quotations pointingfell in love with the woman of Jigokunomisawa" popular blog hasbeen viewed 160,000 times or more each day.(C) JigokunomisawaApplication development and cooperation:Ltd. Berg Berg hamburgerGMO Pepabo Ltd.
ロリポップ for Android 1.2.3
ロリポップ! は、GMOペパボ株式会社が運営するレンタルサーバーサービス「ロリポップ! レンタルサーバー」 をご利用の方が、より便利にサービスをお使い頂くためのアプリです。ロリポップ! の特長・ ロリポップ!FTP forAndroidを使えば、いつでも、どこにいても、お客様のサーバーにアクセスできますので、クラウドストレージ感覚でご利用いただけます。・ネットワーク環境があればどこでもサーバファイルの操作ができます。カメラで撮った写真をそのままアップロードも可能です。音楽、動画ファイルのストリーミング再生にも対応。・ 通信はFTPESを使用し暗号化通信を行いますので、セキュリティの心配はありません。※ AndroidOS2.2 以上対応です。※「Android」は、Google Incの商標または登録商標です。Lollipop!, Rentalserverservice that GMO Pepabo Corporation operatedThose who use is the app to have you use the service moreconvenient"lollipop! Rental server".Features of the lollipop!• By using a lollipop! FTP for Android, at any time, whereveryouare, so you can access to your server, available in cloudstoragesense.And operation of the file server can be anywhere if there isanetwork environment. You can also upload as photos taken withthecamera. Also supports streaming music, and video files.And communication, so do the encrypted communication by usingtheFTPES, we do not have to worry about the security.※ It is the corresponding AndroidOS2.2 or more.※ "Android" is a registered trademark or trademark ofGoogleInc.
ハンドメイドマーケットアプリ - minne(ミンネ) 9.40.3
A handmade market where you can purchase and sell carefullyselected pieces that suit your lifestyle. The number ofartists/brands is 880,000, the number of registered works hasexceeded 16.79 million, and the number of app downloads hasexceeded 14.53 million.
30days Album
All the precious memories with us.
カラーミーショップ - ネットショップ 運営アプリ
More than 40,000 stores nationwide are active! It is the officialapp of net shop operation service "color me shop" for beginners whoare also safe.
SUZURI(スズリ)- オリジナルグッズを手軽に作成・販売 1.44.0
SUZURI is an app that allows you to make, sell, and buy the largestoriginal goods in Japan.