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GG Relationship Doubt & Obsessions (ROCD) 2.01.69
Ggtude Ltd
Created by Dr. Guy Doron (IDC), clinical psychologist andresearcher Feel like you're missing out on the perfectrelationship? Finding it hard to commit? Experiencing constantdoubts? Suffering from obsessive thinking? Want to expand your mindand make it more adaptive? GGRO is here to help! RELIEVINGOBSESSIVE THINKING IS POSSIBLE Throw away negative thoughts.Approach positive ones. Learn to identify your inner self talk andrespond quickly. Train daily and improve your wellness. SCIENCEBACKED New findings support the effectiveness of the core mechanismused in GG apps. According to CBT models, negative self talk –individuals’ ongoing interpretations of the self, others and theworld - maintain psychological difficulties such as low selfesteem, mood, obsessive, ROCD and maladaptive thinking. HOW DO IMANAGE MY ROCD? The foundations of a healthy mind are built uponflexible beliefs. Our beliefs have the potential to bias and affectour ability to deal with daily situations. For example, if Ibelieve that “my partner has to be perfect” or “I have to be 100%certain about my partner“ - I won't be able to live up to theseexpectations and my ability to deal with relationships willdecrease. BELIEFS AND SELF TALK Beliefs and self talk areinterrelated. Once we learn to embrace healthier and more adaptiveself talk, it can change our beliefs and help us get rid of theones that negatively affect our well being. HOW GG APPS WORK Theapplication is designed to: 1. Increase your awareness of negativeand obsessive thoughts. 2. Train you to identify and challengenegative thoughts. 3. Increase your access to neutral, adaptive andpositive thoughts. 4. Increase the accessibility of the aboveprocesses. 5. Provide daily mood and self esteem boost. IS THIS APPSIMILAR TO PSYCHOLOGICAL THERAPY? Our app platform is not designedto be used as a therapy or treatment, however: 1. It is being usedby CBT therapists as a complementing tool. 2. It helps inmaintaining healthy thinking during or after therapy. 3. It isfound to relieve symptoms of anxiety, worries, obsessions andrelationship OCD. TRAIN YOUR THOUGHTS The basic task in the app issimple - you will be presented with thoughts. If the thoughtpromotes negative self talk - throw it away by dragging iton-screen. If the thought promotes positive or neutral thinking,accept it by dragging it towards you. The longer we train making ita habit, the more automatic this process becomes. HOW MUCH SHOULD ITRAIN EACH DAY? To feel better and improve your mind’s flexibility,start today! We believe apps allow us to learn and train quicklyand effectively. GG Apps are designed to be most effective in shorttraining sessions. You are advised to complete up to 3 levels perday, which should only take between 2-4 minutes. LEVELS AND TOPICSThe app's many topics and themes are broken down into more than 40levels. Each level has a pool of self talk statements (orthoughts). Users are required to complete a random set of 'blocks'to complete the level. The topics include: self esteem, belief inchange, self criticism, negative thinking, coping, positive boost,comparing, perfectionism, embarrassment, uncertainty, commitmentanxiety, social fears, self as an object, danger and threat,distrust, fear of abandonment, and more. Training using thisapplication, allows for gradual, steady learning of more adaptiveself-talk thereby helping to break the vicious thought cycle ofobsessive thinking. WHAT IF I COMPLETED ALL THE LEVELS? The key tousing the app is learning new topics, but even more importantly -training daily. There are levels designed as "daily training" foryou to play once you completed your base course. LEARN MORE ABOUTTHE FACTS BEHIND GG APPS Visit our website: OTHERAPPS BY GG GG OCD Training App GG Body Image Distress &Preoccupation GG Confidence & Self esteem Good Blocks
Self-manage Depression: Daily exercise (GGDE) 2.3.4
Ggtude Ltd
Do you feel stuck? Wish to feel better, hop out of thenegativecycle and enjoy better wellbeing? GGDE helps peopleself-managetheir depression by learning how to develop healthierinnerdialogue and use this power to improve their mentalhealth.IMPROVING DEPRESSION IS POSSIBLE Throw away your negativethoughts.Accept your positive thoughts. Learn to identify yourinnerconversation and respond to real life thoughts. Train dailyandimprove your thinking and achieve mental wellness. SCIENCEBACKEDNew findings support the effectiveness of the core mechanismusedin GG apps. According to CBT models, negative self talk–individuals’ interpretations of the self, others and the world-maintain psychological difficulties such as depression, lowmoodand maladaptive behaviours. DO I SUFFER FROM DEPRESSION?TESTINGYOUR DEPRESSION LEVEL We all sometimes want to know howoursituation compares to others and where we are located on thegraph.In GG Depression, we introduce an intuitive and quick way forselfevaluation - the Assessment level. Please note that theassessmentis just a guide designed for personal feedback as well asmean forour system to personalise content based on the results.Theassessment test should NOT be used as medical/psychologicaladvice.HOW DO I PREVENT DEPRESSIVE THOUGHTS? The foundations ofhealthythinking and self-talk are built upon beliefs. Our beliefshave thepotential to bias and affect our ability to deal withdailysituations. For example, if I believe that "My choices have tobeprefect", I won't be able to live up to these expectations.Myconfidence will decrease, my mood will become low, anddepressivethoughts will take over. BELIEFS AND SELF TALK Beliefsand selftalk are interrelated. Once we learn to embrace healthierand moreadaptive self-talk, it can change our beliefs and help usget ridof the ones that negatively affect our confidence and selfesteem.IS THIS APP SIMILAR TO PSYCHOLOGICAL THERAPY? Our appplatform isnot designed to be used as a therapy or treatment,however: 1. Itis being used by CBT therapists as a complementingtool. 2. Ithelps in maintaining self esteem during or aftertherapy. 3. It isfound to relieve symptoms of anxiety, worries,obsessions and more.STATEMENTS (OR THOUGHTS) The basic task in theapp is simple - youwill be presented with thoughts. If the thoughtpromotes negativeself talk - throw it away by dragging iton-screen. If the thoughtpromotes positive or neutral thinking,accept it by dragging ittowards you. The more we train, the moreautomatic this processbecomes. HOW MUCH SHOULD I TRAIN EACH DAY? Tofeel better andimprove your thinking, start today! GG Apps aredesigned to be mosteffective in short training sessions. You areadvised to completeup to 3 levels per day, which should only takebetween 2-4 minutes.LEVELS AND TOPICS The app's many topics andthemes are broken downinto more than 40 levels. Each level has apool of self talkstatements (or thoughts). The topics include:belief in change,self criticism, negative thinking, hopelessness,helplessness,positive boost, being active, loneliness, feelings,self blame,comparing, perfectionism, emotions, social fears, fearofabandonment, trusting and more. You can also test yourself toseehow well your confidence progresses with our self assessmenttool.LEARN MORE ABOUT THE FACTS BEHIND GG APPS Visit ourwebsite: Privacy policy: of use:
GG Research 3.3.7
Ggtude Ltd
GGtude app for studies
GG Sex Life 2.01.69
Ggtude Ltd
Improve your sex life and enjoy more confidence in bed
Body+ Positive body mindset 2.1.5
Ggtude Ltd
Begin accepting your body, feeling better about your look andloving it, today!
#SelfLove (GG Confidence & Sel 4.0.0
Ggtude Ltd
Daily exercises to improve your self-esteem, confidence andmotivation Anxiety, Mood & Sleep 4.2.5
Ggtude Ltd
Daily CBT exercises to improve your obsessions, mood & buildmotivation (GG OCD)
Thinkable Mental Wellness 0.7.1
Ggtude Ltd
Learn to reduce anxiety using the power of supportive thinking
Ggtude Ltd
Manage your mental health in short daily exercises