H.Ito ئاپەکان

九星気学で運勢と相性占い 1.9
九星気学を使って、その日の運勢や他人との相性を算出します。主な機能・日の九星の計算・吉方位の計算・個人の登録と九星の計算・傾斜の計算・その日の運勢計算・他人との相性計算・年と傾斜の九星の解説・本人切り替え機能詳細説明・日の運勢日の運勢は、個人の本命星(年盤)、月命星(月盤)、傾斜が、その日の年盤、月盤、日盤でどの位置にあるかで、得点付けをして、100点満点で計算したものです。50位でそこそこ、70・80位でかなり良いと言えます。基本的に100点はほぼ出ないと思います。高い点数が出る場合は、偏った九星の持ち主と偏った日となります。・吉方位個人の本命星(年盤)が、その日の年盤、月盤、日盤で、凶方位の五黄殺、暗剣殺、本命殺、的殺がないところで、歳破、月破、日破がないところとして算出しています。・相性本人の本命星(年盤)、月命星(月盤)、傾斜と、相手の本命星(年盤)、月命星(月盤)、傾斜で、相生(助ける・助けられる)、比和、相克で得点付けをして、100点満点で計算しています。本人からの相性と相手からの相性で点数が違うのは、相生の助けると助けられるかの関係で変わります。日の運勢と同様で、50位でそこそこ、70・80位でかなり良いと言えます。基本的に100点はほぼ出ないと思います。高い点数が出る場合は、偏った九星の持ち主同士となります。Use the horoscopepneumatically, calculate the affinity with others and fortune ofthe day.Main functionAnd calculation of the horoscope of the dayAnd calculation of Lucky directionsAnd calculation of the horoscope and the registration ofindividualAnd calculation of slopeFortune-calculation of the day· Love Calculator with othersAnd explanation of astrology and tilt yearPerson-switching functionDetail descriptionFortune-dayFavorite star of individuals (year record), month life star (Monboard), fortune for the day, the inclination,On whether there is in any position year record of the day, monthboard, on a daily board,It is a thing you do not see the scoring, was calculated at 100points.It may be said that rather well # 50, and pretty good in70.80.I think 100 points is not nearly out basically.If the high score comes out, it is the date on which it was biasedand owner of horoscope skewed.-Lucky directionsYear record of the day, month board, favorite star of individuals(years board) is, on a daily board,Where killing bezoar of evil orientation, Ankensatsu, sacrificedfavorite, it is not Yaga, theIt is calculated as where there is fracture-year-old, and fracturemonth, day is breaking.-AffinityFavorite star of the person (record year), month life star (Monboard), and slope, the other favorite star (year record), monthlife star (May Edition), by inclination,By the scoring Aioi (enable for help, help), Khiva, in the battleof wills, it is calculated with 100 points.Count the difference in affinity from the other and chemistry fromthe person in question,I will change in relation to or helped with the help of Aioi.You say that the same as the fortune of the day, rather well # 50,and pretty good in 70.80.I think 100 points is not nearly out basically.If the high score comes out, it becomes the owner of each horoscopeskewed.
Memorize Builder (TTS reader) 1.6
This app is a simple application to speak andrepeat words with TTS (Text to Speech).This app can help to memorize the words or sentences you want tomemorize.You can memorize with just repeating the definition from textbook,specification, Wikipedia, and so on.This app apply various fields such as social, science, information,engineering.Also you can adjust the speed to hear. A bit rapid speed isrecommended.TTS can only use one language at a time. If you want to memorizeforeign languages, please use the definition from foreigndictionary like English-English dictionary.
Word & Sentence Test 1.7
This app is for testing and learning theforeign language's sentences. If you learned important sentences,you could use that language by just changing the words. With thisapp, you can study as if you are playing a game. Main feature ofthis app is as below.- Automatic Test SelectionThe low accuracy-rate-question is automatically selected.- Answer Button Automated LocateAnswer is shuffled and locate as buttons.- UndoYou can undo.- TTS(Text-to-Speech)Read the answer with TTS.- Add, Delete, Edit for TestsYou can add, delete, and edit your tests.- Tab Separated TextThis app recognize that the text with questions and answersseparated by tab as tests.- Many LanguagesIn case of the languages with spaces such as English, divide by thespaces.In case of the languages without a space such as Chinese, divide bycharacters one by one.
Word & Sentence Test with Ad 1.7
This app is for testing and learningtheforeign language's sentences. If you learned importantsentences,you could use that language by just changing the words.With thisapp, you can study as if you are playing a game. Mainfeature ofthis app is as below.- Automatic Test SelectionThe low accuracy-rate-question is automatically selected.- Answer Button Automated LocateAnswer is shuffled and locate as buttons.- UndoYou can undo.- TTS(Text-to-Speech)Read the answer with TTS.- Add, Delete, Edit for TestsYou can add, delete, and edit your tests.- Tab Separated TextThis app recognize that the text with questions andanswersseparated by tab as tests.- Many LanguagesIn case of the languages with spaces such as English, divide bythespaces.In case of the languages without a space such as Chinese, dividebycharacters one by one.
ToDo Manage 1.3
This App is for managing for to do and/ortasksyou haveYou can confirm and update the progress by percent foryourtasks.Also, you can add the task when immediately you come upwithit.This App can be used for shopping list and/or want list.