Hand4Help ئاپەکان

Help@Hand: Emergency Button 2.5p
Help@Hand allows you to send emergencymessagesto your Trusted Contacts with the single press of abutton. The testmessage contains your location and the type ofemergency you arefacing. As long as the alarm beacon is active,your Trusted Contactswill keep receiving your updated locationwith a specified timeinterval.You have multiple options available to activate theemergencyalarm to send messages:• Activate the emergency beacon by going into the app, you canalsospecify the type of emergency you are facing. Use this optionwhenyou are not facing a critical emergency.• You can place a widget on your home-screen to activate thebeacon.This saves your time but you will not be able to specifythe type ofemergency you are facing.• In extreme situations or when you just don’t have the timetounlock your lockscreen to access the app, just press thepowerbutton 3 times to activate the beacon. This allows you tosendemergency messages discreetly to your Trusted ContactsWhenever you activate the emergency beacon, a notificationwillbe created to let you know that the beacon is active, andemergencymessages are being sent to your Trusted Contacts. Onceyoudeactivate the emergency beacon, the app will stop sendingmoremessages.More Features:If the recipient of emergency messages also has Help@Handinstalledon their device, the app will sound an alarm on receivinganemergency message from a Trusted Contact, and let therecipientknow that their Trusted Contact is in trouble so thatappropriateaction can be undertaken. The app also tracks and mapsall thereceived emergency alerts using Google Maps. All the privateisstored on the device, we do not store any personal informationonour servers (for more details, see our privacy policy).You can also get the location of your Trusted Contacts usingtheapp. For this to work, your Trusted Contact needs to havetheHelp@Hand installed, and you have to be listed as a TrustedContactin the app. The Trusted Contact also needs to allow you togettheir location.This app uses the GSM network sending and receivingmessages,therefore, even if your Trusted Contacts are in a locationwhereinternet coverage is not available, you will still be able togetand send the location coordinates (getting the locationnamerequires internet access, therefore without internet accessyouwill only be able to get the location coordinates).