Hubclub ئاپەکان

Soko 1.1
Sokoban puzzle game with fun and challenginglevels!The big difference from other games is basically the controls! Youcan move your character by tapping onto the screen, to anydirection as long as you have a path.At certain levels you can unlock new characters!.Your feedback is important, please let us now yoursuggestions!
Fly Escape 1.0
Fly for your freedom while you avoid gettingeaten by ferocious spiders !The instructions are quite simple :- tap to fly forward- don't get yourself ripped into pieces by the spiders- get a high score, compare it to your friends and unlockachievementsThe more you fly, the more you live.
Unde e Fuego? 1.0
Fuego este cel mai mare artist roman! Pe langafaptul ca este un mare artist este si un mare patriot, princantecele lui face ca romanii din diaspora sa se simta mai aproapede casele si de familiile lor din tara.Scopul jocului este de a gasi dublurile in cel mai scurt timpposibil!Pentru mai multe aplicatii dedicate lui Fuego, cel mai mareartist din toate timpurile, lasati un feedback!Fuego is the largestRoman artist! Besides being a great artist and a great patriot isthrough his songs do as the Romans diaspora feel closer to theirhomes and families in the country.The aim of the game is to find duplicates in the shortest timepossible!For many applications dedicated to Fuego, the greatest artist ofall time, leave feedback!
Radio Hits One 1.0
Calitatea este prin ea însăși cea maibunăreclamă. În plină invazie de zgomote inutile și enervante,rimestupide și imitații de prost-gust, toate asimilate muzicii“lamodă” și repetate obsesiv, agasant, Radio Hits One vinecualternative care se numesc Sting, Joe Cocker, Tina Turner,Eagles,Scorpions, Eric Clapton, Bon Jovi, Roxette, U2, TracyChapman,Santana, Iris, Barry White, Chris Isaak, Kim Wilde, BonnieTyler,Sade, Depeche Mode, Gary Moore, Dire Straits, Alicia Keys… șiamenumerat numai câteva dintre surprizele pe care ți le-ampregătitaici. Pentru că tu știi să asculți mai cu talent ! :) Șipentru căatunci când asculți muzică nu trebuie să obosești, ci săterelaxezi, să-ți “oxigenezi” deopotrivă mintea și sufletul.RH1 te invită în Music Hall Of Fame !Just relax and get your music !
Color Frenzy 1.2
This is an amazing game, hard enough topushyour skills to the ultimate level.See by yourself how hard can be to move a bucket in order tocatchsome raindrops.Too easy for you? Give it a try!In normal mode you must catch with your bucket only thedropsthat are shown in the top golden bar in order to obtain thecolorshown in the green square !In hard mode you will see only the color that you must obtainandyou have to guess which colors to catch !This game will test your:-intuition-agility-memory-attention
Blockjump 1.0
Jump from wall to wall while you avoidlandingon a window. Go as high as you can!
Coconut 1.0
With Coconut companion you can send audionotesinto your code in Atom. In this way you can have bettercodedescription for you and your team. You have to download firsttheCoconut package for Atom. You may have to download QR Codescannerfor easier synchronization with Atom.