Ido Development Foundation (IDF) ئاپەکان

NYCommute - Service Status 2.0.1
Ever needed to simply know what is the servicestatus of all the MTA (™) operated trains / buses / bridges /runnels?Now you can!Very simple interface, very quick, responsive and simple touse.Just select the type of service you want to look at, andimmediately see the status, or mark a few "lines" as favorites, andlook at the status of your favorites lines (long click on a line tomark as favorite)Easy to share results with friends, so they will know when toexpect.Status is updated every time you run the app or when you click"Refresh", no background, battery draining services.The service status is getting the information directly from MTA(™) website, which means it is the most up to date informationavailable.I am always happy to hear suggestions, ideas and thoughts, feelfree to contact me via e-mail or trough the G+ community for thisapp.To become a beta tester:1. Join this G+ community: Follow this link: subway, service status, NYC, MTA, train, bus, trains,buses, New York, Metropolitan Transit Authority, commute, path,bridge, tunnel, bridges, tunnels, metro, underground
UDP TCP Server 51.4
UDP TCP Server - Send & Receive UDP/TCP packets / commands
UDP TCP Server - No Ads 50.1
Ido Development Foundation (IDF)
Ever needed to send a UDP/TCP commands from your Android device toaUDP/TCP enabled device on your WiFi or Cellular network? Nowyoucan! Featuring: * UDP incoming and outgoing support * TCPincomingand outgoing support * Internet DNS support * User-definedbuttonsto store pre-set commands to send * Unlimited userdefinedtemplates to use for different UDP/TCP clients (templatessave IPand Port settings as well) * Send commands to multiple IP'sandports at the same time * Acting as a server, can get responsesbackfrom the network * Buttons support colors, if the command thatwassent matches the command that was received, button becomesgreen,otherwise, becomes red * Easy to use * Simple and cleaninterface *Supports Android 2.2 and up * Pre-stored templates tocontrol"Sharp - AQUOS TV" / "NEC - TV's" * Buttons can have anycolor youwant!! If you have any questions, please visit ourforum: Like us on facebook: us on Twitter: @idodevfoundatio If youwish to use ourapplication as a remote control for you windows PC,you can usethis great TCP server: ->Download ->TCP-IP-Server (includes a manual in English as well)If you wouldlike to create a template on a PC and then load it tomyapplication, you can create a XML file based on this structure,andplace it in this path on your device/UDPTCPServer/Templates/Sample XML: If youwant to become a betatester: A quick guide:1. Go toMenu->Settings and define the IP / Port / Protocol youwish tosend commands to 2. Go to Menu->Button Config and definewhatyou would want each button to show (as label) and send(ascommand), notice, you can also long-press on a button tomodifyit's settings 3. Click buttons to send commands A few notes:*Scroll down to see the phone IP and port it is listening on *Youcan change buttons heights (Menu->Settings->Scroll alltheway down) * You can long press a button to modify it's settings*You can change the number of buttons shown on screen * You cansavea set of labels + commands as a template, to easily changethedevices you are controlling (Click the + sign at the ActionBar)*You can use some of my pre-stored templates (Menu->Loadfrompre-stored templates) How to use "handle incoming settings"-developed for Phil Green: 1. Enable the feature in the settings2.Set the application to 'listen' on a UDP port 3. Send a UDPstringto the device in this SPECIFIC format: **B,,,,,,; You canhave asmany button as you want within the same string, here is anexampleof how to use this: **B05,,TestName5,,PEACE,,#ffffff00;**B06,,TestName6,,123,,#ff0000ff;**B07,,,,456,,#ff00ffff;4. Note: the stringMUST end with ';' 5. If you wish to only changethe label and notthe command or color, simply leave that blank, forexample:**B07,,,,OK,,,,; This will set Button 7 command to be "OK"and willnot change the color or name (label) How to use responsesfrom"handling incoming messages": The purpose here is to allowtheremote device to confirm that the settings were set properly.Touse this: 1. Enable in settings (both the handling ofincomingmessages and the reply) 2. Set the correct outgoingsettings(IP/Port), of where the application should send theresponse to 3.Send a "setting" string The protocol is this:**R++,,+ PossibleStatus Codes: 01 - success 02 - error Sample replystring will be:**R01,,45 Which means, incoming settings wereprocessed without aproblem and it took a total of 45ms. Pleasecontact me should youhave any questions Keywords: UDP , TCP , send, receive , packets ,network , control , scringo , server ,template, smarthome, home