Integración y Desarrollo de Aplicaciones, S.L. ئاپەکان

Agenda Pediátrica 13.1.07
NUEVA APLICACIÓN disponible en su dispositivomóvil para almacenar todos los controles pediátricos de su bebecomo si fuera un agenda.Tendrá acceso a los datos desde su nacimiento hasta los 14 años,foto, peso, talla, posibilidad de un pequeño comentario en cadacontrol y comprobando los percentiles en los que se encuentra encada momento.Dispone de múltiples opciones para compartir los datos creando unatarjeta postal tipo foto de cada control que usted podrá enviar pormail, Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook,…Ver el historial de todos los controles almacenados, enviárselos eimprimirlos creando un libro del niñoen todo su desarrollo.Tendrá los calendarios de vacunas de su país y si vive en Españadispondrá del calendario vacunar de su Comunidad Autónoma.Gráficas con los percentiles de peso y talla desde Recién Nacido a2 años y desde los 2 a los 14 años de niños y niñas; cálculo de lasdosis por kilo de los medicamentos de la fiebre ; añadir lista decontactos como Centro de Toxicología ,Urgencias, Pediatra,Familiares, Centro Salud,……Posibilidad de enlazar con una consulta online de Pediatras quepodrán darle un asesoramiento sobre sus problemas o dudas , y conEspecialistas Pediátricos en Neonatología, Homeopatía, Crecimientoy Obesidad, Psicología, Cirugía, Enfermedades tropicales,Vacunación, Oftalmología, etc…..NEW APPLICATION availableon your mobile device to store all your baby's pediatric controlslike a diary.You will have access to data from birth to age 14, photo, weight,height, possible a little comment on each control and checking thepercentiles in which is located at all times.It has multiple options for data sharing by creating a picturepostcard of each control type you can e-mail, Twitter, WhatsApp,Facebook, ...View the history of all controls stored, send them a book and printcreating childthroughout its development.Vaccine schedules will your country and live in Spain havevaccinated your calendar region.Charts with weight and height percentiles from Newborn to 2 yearsand from 2 to 14 years children; calculating kilo dose of feverdrugs, add contact as Toxicology Center, Emergency , Pediatrician,Family, Health Centre, ......Ability to link to an online consultation of Pediatrics that maygive advice about their problems or concerns, and NeonatologyPediatric Specialists, Homeopathy, Growth and Obesity, Psychology,Surgery, Tropical Diseases, Vaccinations, Ophthalmology, etc......
Baby Notebook 13.1.07
NEW APPLICATION available on your mobiledevice to store all your baby's pediatric controls like anagenda.You will have access to data from birth to age 14, photo, weight,height, possible a little comment on each control and checking thepercentiles in which is in each moment.It has multiple options for data sharing by creating a postcardphoto of each control type that you can send by mail, Twitter,WhatsApp, Facebook, ...View the history of all stored controls, sending them and printcreating a book of children throughout their development.Vaccines will have schedules of their country and live in Spainhave calendar vaccinate your region.Charts with weight and height percentiles from birth to 2 years andfrom 2 to 14 years children; calculation of dose per kilo of drugsfever, add contact as poison control, emergency , Pediatrician,Family, Health Centre, ...Ability to link to an online consultation of Pediatrics that cangive advice about their problems or concerns, and pediatricspecialists in neonatology, Homeopathy, Growth and Obesity,Psychology, Surgery, Tropical Diseases, Vaccinations,Ophthalmology, etc.
Kinderarzt Agenda 13.1.07
NEW APPLICATION available on your mobiledeviceto store all your baby's pediatric controls like anagenda.You will have access to data from birth to age 14, photo,weight,height, possible a little comment on each control andchecking thepercentiles in which is in each moment.It has multiple options for data sharing by creating apostcardphoto of each control type that you can send by mail,Twitter,WhatsApp, Facebook, ...View the history of all stored controls, sending them andprintcreating a book of children throughout theirdevelopment.Vaccines will have schedules of their country and live in Spainhavecalendar vaccinate your region.Charts with weight and height percentiles from birth to 2 yearsandfrom 2 to 14 years children; calculation of dose per kilo ofdrugsfever, add contact as poison control, emergency ,Pediatrician,Family, Health Centre, ...Ability to link to an online consultation of Pediatrics thatcangive advice about their problems or concerns, andpediatricspecialists in neonatology, Homeopathy, Growth andObesity,Psychology, Surgery, Tropical Diseases,Vaccinations,Ophthalmology, etc.NEW APPLICATIONavailableon your mobile device to store all your baby's pediatriccontrolslike an agenda.You will have access to data from birth to age 14, photo,weight,height, possible a little comment on each control andchecking inthe PERCENTILES Which is in each moment.It has multiple options for data sharing by creating apostcardphoto of each control type did you-can send by mail,Twitter,Whatsapp, Facebook, ...View the history of all stored controls, sending them andprintcreating a book of children Throughout Theirdevelopment.Vaccines will have schedules of Their country and live in Spainhavecalendar vaccinate your region.Charts with weight and height PERCENTILES from birth to 2 yearsandfrom 2 to 14 years children; calculation of dose per kilo ofdrugsfever, add as contact poison control, emergency,Pediatrician,Family, Health Centre, ...Ability to link to on line consultation of Pediatrics did cangiveadvice about problems or Their Concerns, and pediatricspecialistsin neonatology, Homeopathy, Growth and Obesity,Psychology,Surgery, Tropical Diseases, Vaccinations, Ophthalmology,etc.