JaPra ئاپەکان

Tebak Nama Penyanyi Dangdut 1.2
Kuis Tebak Nama Penyanyi Dangdut adalah aplikasi game yang kamibuat untuk mengasah pengetahuan dan kemampuan ingatan kalianmengenai lagu dangdut indonesia dan nama penyanyinya.Suka lagu dangdut? Jangan mengaku Dangdut Mania jika tidak bisamenebak nama penyanyi berikut ini!Caranya cukup mudah. Jawab pertanyaan dengan membaca sepenggallirik lagu dangdut ini dan tebaklah nama penyanyinya.Jika kamu benar dalam menebak akan ada penambahan koin (+15),jika salah akan ada pengurangan koin (-5). Kamu hanya bolehmelakukan 3 kesalahan dalam menebak, jika lebih maka akan kembalike awal mula permainan.Mudah bukan? Ayo kumpulkan koin sebanyak-banyaknya ! Buktikanbahwa kamu adalah master dalam memecahkan teka teki !!Ajak juga teman kamu untuk memainkan tebak-tebakan gokil iniagar lebih asyik dan kumpulkan point sebanyak-banyaknya karena itumembuktikan pengetahuanmu baik.Jika ada hal-hal yang tidak berkenan dalam permainan tebakan ini,silahkan hubungi kami. Jangan lupa untuk memberi komentar maupunrate untuk aplikasi ini.Tunggu apa lagi? Segera mainkan Tebak Nama Penyanyi Dangdutuntuk mengusir kebosanan kamu!DangdutSinger Quiz Guess the name of the game is the application we madeto hone your knowledge and memory capabilities of the Indonesiandangdut song and the singer's name.Like dangdut songs? Do not claim Dangdut Mania if it can notguess the name of the singer following!Quite easy. Answer the questions by reading this piece dangdutsong lyrics and guess the name of the singer.If you are correct in guessing there will be additional coin(+15), if there would be a reduction of one coin (-5). You can onlydo 3 errors in guessing, if more then going back to the beginningof the game.Easy is not it? Let's collect coins as much as possible! Provethat you are the master in solving puzzles !!Also invite your friends to play a guessing gokil is so much funand collect as many points as it proves good knowledge.If there are things that are not pleasing in the game guess this,please contact us. Do not forget to comment and rate for thisapplication.What are you waiting for? Guess the play immediately Dangdutsinger name to repel boredom you!
Tebak Nama Penyanyi 1.0
Kuis Tebak Nama Penyanyi adalah aplikasi game yang kami buat untukmengasah pengetahuan dan kemampuan ingatan kalian mengenai lagu popindonesia dan nama penyanyinya.Caranya cukup mudah. Jawab pertanyaan dengan membaca sepenggallirik lagu ini dan tebaklah nama penyanyinya.Jika kamu benar dalam menebak akan ada penambahan koin (+15),jika salah akan ada pengurangan koin (-5). Kamu hanya bolehmelakukan 3 kesalahan dalam menebak, jika lebih maka akan kembalike awal mula permainan.Mudah bukan? Ayo kumpulkan koin sebanyak-banyaknya ! Buktikanbahwa kamu adalah master dalam menebak nama penyanyi !!Ajak juga teman kamu untuk memainkan tebak-tebakan gokil iniagar lebih asyik dan kumpulkan point sebanyak-banyaknya karena itumembuktikan pengetahuanmu baik.Jika ada hal-hal yang tidak berkenan dalam permainan tebakan ini,silahkan hubungi kami. Jangan lupa untuk memberi komentar maupunrate untuk aplikasi ini.Tunggu apa lagi? Segera mainkan Tebak Nama Penyanyi untukmengusir kebosanan kamu!Quiz Guessthe Singer name is a game application we made to hone yourknowledge and memory capabilities of the Indonesian pop song andthe singer's name.Quite easy. Answer the questions by reading a piece of thelyrics of this song and guess the name of the singer.If you are correct in guessing there will be additional coin(+15), if there would be a reduction of one coin (-5). You can onlydo 3 errors in guessing, if more then going back to the beginningof the game.Easy is not it? Let's collect coins as much as possible! Provethat you are the master in guessing the name of the singer !!Also invite your friends to play a guessing gokil is so much funand collect as many points as it proves good knowledge.If there are things that are not pleasing in the game guess this,please contact us. Do not forget to comment and rate for thisapplication.What are you waiting for? Guess play immediately Name singer torepel boredom you!
Tebak Siapa Aku 1.0
Tebak Siapa Aku merupakan aplikasi permainan asah otak untukmenguji imajinasimu dengan menebak sesuatu berdasarkan petunjukyang ada.Caranya cukup mudah. Jawab pertanyaan dengan membaca ataumelihat petunjuk yang diberikan, bisa berupa kalimat ataupun sebuahgambar.Jika kamu benar dalam menebak akan ada penambahan koin (+15),jika salah akan ada pengurangan koin (-5). Kamu hanya bolehmelakukan 3 kesalahan dalam menebak, jika lebih maka akan kembalike awal mula permainan.Mudah bukan? Ayo kumpulkan koin sebanyak-banyaknya ! Buktikanbahwa kamu adalah master dalam memecahkan teka teki !!Ajak juga teman kamu untuk memainkan tebak-tebakan gokil iniagar lebih asyik dan kumpulkan point sebanyak-banyaknya karena itumembuktikan pengetahuanmu baik.Jika ada hal-hal yang tidak berkenan dalam permainan tebakan lucuterbaik ini, silahkan hubungi kami. Jangan lupa untuk memberikomentar maupun rate untuk aplikasi ini.Tunggu apa lagi? Segera mainkan Tebak Siapa Aku untuk mengusirkebosanan kamu!Guess WhoI am is the application of brain teasers to test your imaginationto guess something based instructions.Quite easy. Answer questions by reading or viewing theinformation given, can be a sentence or a picture.If you are correct in guessing there will be additional coin(+15), if one would be a reduction of coins (-5). You can only do 3errors in guessing, if more then going back to the beginning of thegame.Easy is not it? Let's collect coins as much as possible! Provethat you are the master in solving puzzles !!Also invite your friends to play the guessing game is so muchfun gokil and collect as many points as it proves goodknowledge.If there are things that are not pleasing in the game guess thebest funny this, please contact us. Do not forget to comment andrate for this application.What are you waiting for? Immediately play Guess Who I to getrid of boredom you!
Tebak Gambar 1.0
Aplikasi Tebak Gambar adalah permainan asahotak ringan, berupa kumpulan gambar yang disusun sedemikian rupasehingga menimbulkan kosakata baru.Game ini cukup kreatif dan unik dalam menguji kemampuan berpikirotak kita untuk menjawab setiap soal yang ada.Hati-hati jangan sampai kehabisan waktu dalam menjawabnya. Ayomain Tebak Gambar yang seru dan menyenangkan ini!Guess applicationPictures are mild brain teasers, a collection of images arranged insuch a manner giving rise to new vocabulary.This game is quite creative and unique in testing the ability ofour brain to think to answer any questions that exist.Be careful not to run out of time to answer. Let's play Guessthe exciting and fun Picture this!
Aneka Resep Ikan & Seafood 1.0
Aplikasi Resep Masakan Indonesia seri AnekaResep Ikan & SeafoodApplication RecipesIndonesia Aneka series Fish & Seafood Recipes
Aneka Resep Telur 1.0
Aplikasi Resep Masakan Indonesia seri AnekaResep TelurApplication RecipesIndonesia Aneka series Eggs Recipe
Aneka Resep Sayuran 1.0
Aplikasi Resep Masakan Indonesia seri AnekaResep SayuranApplication RecipesIndonesia Aneka series Vegetable Recipes
Aneka Resep Bebek 1.0
Aplikasi Resep Masakan Indonesia seri AnekaResep BebekApplication RecipesIndonesia Aneka series Duck Recipe
Tebak Wajah Dangdut 1.0
Aplikasi Tebak Wajah Dangdut adalah permainanuji ingatan, berupa potongan gambar wajah penyanyi dangdut yangkurang lengkap.Jangan merasa sebagai dangdut mania jika tidak bisa menebak siapaartis dangdut ini.Caranya cukup mudah. Jawab pertanyaan dengan menerka nama artisdangdut dari beberapa potongan gambar berikut ini.Jika kamu benar dalam menebak akan ada penambahan koin (+15),jika salah akan ada pengurangan koin (-5). Kamu hanya bolehmelakukan 3 kesalahan dalam menebak, jika lebih maka akan kembalike awal mula permainan.Mudah bukan? Ayo kumpulkan koin sebanyak-banyaknya ! Buktikanbahwa kamu adalah master dalam memecahkan teka teki !!Ajak juga teman kamu untuk memainkan tebak-tebakan gokil iniagar lebih asyik dan kumpulkan point sebanyak-banyaknya karena itumembuktikan pengetahuanmu baik.Jika ada hal-hal yang tidak berkenan dalam permainan tebakan ini,silahkan hubungi kami. Jangan lupa untuk memberi komentar maupunrate untuk aplikasi ini.Tunggu apa lagi? Ayo main Tebak Wajah Dangdut yang menyenangkanini!Application Face GuessDangdut is a game of memory test, in the form of pieces of faceimage dangdut singer incomplete.Do not feel as dangdut mania if you can not guess who this dangdutartist.Quite easy. Answer the questions to guess the name of the artistdangdut of some pieces of the picture below.If you are correct in guessing there will be additional coin(+15), if one will be a reduction coins (-5). You can only do 3errors in guessing, if more then going back to the beginning of thegame.Easy is not it? Let's collect coins as much as possible! Provethat you are the master in solving puzzles !!Also invite your friends to play the guessing game is so muchfun gokil and collect as many points as it proves goodknowledge.If there are things that are not pleasing in the game guess this,please contact us. Do not forget to comment and rate for thisapplication.What are you waiting for? Let's play Guess Face Dangdut thisfun!
Butterfly Crush 1.1
Butterfly Crush is a fun puzzle game full oflove. Switch and match your way in this joyful and addictive puzzleadventure.You will love the fun, creativity and excitement of this greatcasual game.How To PlayClick matching butterfly to clear them from the board before time'sup. You must pick matching pairs that are not diagonal, but side toside or on top of each other.
Kuis Tes Warna 1.0
Apakah kamu tahu otak kanan mencoba untukmengatakan warna tetapi otak kiri bersikeras untuk mengucapkankata.Kamu hanya memiliki tiga detik untuk menentukan apakah katawarna sesuai dengan warna yang ditampilkan.Kamu harus membuat pilihan yang tepat berdasarkan apa yang kamulihat dalam waktu singkat.Berhati-hatilah ketika warna tidak sesuai teks.Do you know the rightbrain tries to say the color but left brain insisted to say theword.You only have three seconds to determine whether said colormatch the color displayed.You have to make the right choices based on what you see in ashort time.Be careful when the color does not match the text.
Kuis UUD 1945 1.0
Aplikasi ini dibuat untuk mengulang kembalisampai sejauh mana kita mengetahui pasal-pasal yang terkandungdalam UUD 1945.Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945, ataulebih dikenal dengan UUD '45, adalah hukum dasar tertulis ataubasic law, yang juga merupakan konstitusi pemerintahan negaraRepublik Indonesia.Sebagai warna negara Indonesia yang baik, layaknya kita wajibtahu tentang dasar pembentukan Undang-undang dasar negara kita, danyang sekarang bisa diakses dalam bentuk permainan.Jika ada hal-hal yang tidak berkenan dalam aplikasi ini,silahkan hubungi kami. Jangan lupa untuk memberi komentar maupunrate untuk aplikasi ini.Semoga bermanfaat ya :)This application was madeto repeat the extent to which we know the clauses contained in the1945 Constitution.Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945, or betterknown as the Constitution of '45, is the basis of the written lawor basic law, which is also the constitutional government of theRepublic of Indonesia.As good color Indonesian state, like we ought to know about thebasic formation of constitution of our country, and which can nowbe accessed in the form of the game.If there are things that are not pleasing in this application,please contact us. Do not forget to comment and rate for thisapplication.Hopefully useful ya :)
Tebak Wajah 1.0
Aplikasi Tebak Wajah adalah permainan ujiingatan, berupa potongan gambar mata dan bibir dari beberapa orangterkenal di tanah air.Mereka berprofesi di berbagai bidang, seperti penyanyi,pemainsinetron, pelawak, bahkan pengacara. Wajah-wajah mereka seringmuncul di layar kaca.Caranya cukup mudah. Jawab pertanyaan dengan menerka nama tokohdari beberapa potongan gambar berikut ini.Jika kamu benar dalam menebak akan ada penambahan koin (+15),jika salah akan ada pengurangan koin (-5). Kamu hanya bolehmelakukan 3 kesalahan dalam menebak, jika lebih maka akan kembalike awal mula permainan.Mudah bukan? Ayo kumpulkan koin sebanyak-banyaknya ! Buktikanbahwa kamu adalah master dalam memecahkan teka teki !!Ajak juga teman kamu untuk memainkan tebak-tebakan gokil iniagar lebih asyik dan kumpulkan point sebanyak-banyaknya karena itumembuktikan pengetahuanmu baik.Jika ada hal-hal yang tidak berkenan dalam permainan tebakan ini,silahkan hubungi kami. Jangan lupa untuk memberi komentar maupunrate untuk aplikasi ini.Tunggu apa lagi? Ayo main Tebak Wajah yang menyenangkan ini!Application Face Guess isa game of memory test, in the form of pieces of drawing the eyesand lips of some famous people in the homeland.They work in various fields, such as singer, a sitcom actress,comedian, and even lawyers. Their faces often appear on the screen.Quite easy. Answer the questions to guess the name of thecharacter of some of the pieces of the picture below.If you are correct in guessing there will be additional coin(+15), if one will be a reduction coins (-5). You can only do 3errors in guessing, if more then going back to the beginning of thegame.Easy is not it? Let's collect coins as much as possible! Provethat you are the master in solving puzzles !!Also invite your friends to play the guessing game is so muchfun gokil and collect as many points as it proves goodknowledge.If there are things that are not pleasing in the game guess this,please contact us. Do not forget to comment and rate for thisapplication.What are you waiting for? Let's play this fun Guess Face!
Kuis Kelas 1 SD 1.0
Aplikasi ini ditujukan untuk adik-adik kelas 1SD, dengan beberapa soal mengenai pengetahuan umum hinggamatematika.Bagaimana caranya? Baca dahulu soalnya dengan teliti lalupilihlah jawabannya dengan benar.Jika adik-adik benar dalam menebak akan ada penambahan koin (+15),jika salah akan ada pengurangan koin (-5). Adik-adik hanya bolehmelakukan 3 kesalahan dalam menebak, jika lebih maka akan kembalike awal mula permainan.Mudah bukan?Semoga dengan adanya aplikasi ini belajar akan lebihmenyenangkan!This application isintended for juniors 1 SD, with some questions about generalknowledge to mathematics.How to? Read carefully because first and then choose the correctanswer.If brothers correct in guessing there will be additional coin(+15), if one will be a reduction coins (-5). Younger siblings canonly do 3 errors in guessing, if more then going back to thebeginning of the game.Easy is not it?Hopefully with this application learning will be more fun!
Aneka Resep Gulai 1.0
Aplikasi Resep Masakan Indonesia seri AnekaResep GulaiApplications IndonesiaRecipes Stew Recipe Various series
Desain Rumah dan Interior 1.0
Aplikasi ini adalah versi seluler untukwebsite DesainRumahGratis.Com sebagai sumber inspirasi gambardesain interior untuk rumah minimalis dan modern.= APLIKASI INI MEMBUTUHKAN KONEKSI INTERNET UNTUK MENGAKSESDATA/ARTIKEL =This application is amobile version for DesainRumahGratis.Com website as a source ofinspiration for the interior design of the house image minimalistand modern.= THIS APPLICATION REQUIRES INTERNET CONNECTION TO ACCESS DATA /ARTICLES =
Kisah Motivasi Sukses 1.0
Kumpulan Cerita Motivasi Inspiratif Dan KisahSukses Tentang Kehidupan Beserta Para Tokoh TerkenalInspirational AndMotivational set Story Success Story About Life Along The FamousPersonalities
Tebak Lagu Dangdut 1.2
Aplikasi Tebak Lagu Dangdut adalah permainanuji ingatan, berupa penggalan lirik lagu dangdut yang kuranglengkap.Jangan merasa sebagai dangdut mania jika tidak bisa melengkapilirik berikut.Ayo main Tebak Lagu Dangdut yang menyenangkan ini!Application Guess theSong Dangdut is a game of memory test, in the form of a fragment ofsong dangdut incomplete.Do not feel as dangdut mania if it can not complete the followinglyrics.Let's play Guess the Song Dangdut this fun!
Tebakan Bergambar Kocak 1.0
Tebakan Bergambar Kocak ini cocok bagi kamuyang suka tantangan dan permainan tebak gambar untuk mengasah otak.Perhatikan dengan teliti setiap gambar yang muncul karenasemuanya itu adalah petunjuk untuk menemukan tebakan kata yangtepat. Tebak Kata Bergambar cocok bagi kamu yang suka tantangan danpermainan tebak gambar untuk mengasah otak.Perhatikan baik-baik gambar yang kami tampilkan, dan akan ada 2kolom jawaban yang harus diisi dengan jawaban yang benar sesuaidengan petunjuk gambar. Semua jawaban di game tebakan lucu iniberupa dua kata. tebakan gambar ini cocok untuk mengisi waktu luangkamu. Semua gambar yang ada dijamin bikin kamu geregetan danpenasaran..Jika kamu benar dalam menebak akan ada penambahan koin (+15),jika salah akan ada pengurangan koin (-5). Kamu hanya bolehmelakukan 3 kesalahan dalam menebak (hanya punya 3 'nyawa'), jikalebih maka akan kembali ke awal mula permainan.Ada 3 pilihan bantuan:1. Menghilangkan 3 huruf, dikurangi 40 koin.2. Membuka 1 huruf lainnya, dikurangi 25 koin.3. Membuka huruf pertama, dikurangi 10 koin.Fitur aplikasi tebak tebakan kocak ini antara lain:- Tampilan yang sederhana- Penggunaan yang mudah- Cocok untuk mengurangi kepenatan dalam menghadapi rutinitassehari-hari- Dapat digunakan tanpa koneksi internet (offline)- Yang paling utama aplikasi ini 100% Gratis :DCatatan:- Untuk tampilan yang lebih baik saat menggunakan aplikasi tebakanlucu ini, gunakan handphone dengan ukuran layar 4 inch ataulebih;- Jika ada hal-hal yang tidak berkenan dalam permainan tebaktebakan ini, silahkan hubungi kami.Mudah bukan? ayo kumpulkan koin sebanyak-banyaknya ! Buktikanbahwa kamu adalah master dalam memecahkan teka teki !!Picture Kocak guess issuitable for you who like challenges and guessing game images tosharpen the brain.Look carefully every picture that emerged as everything it is aclue to find guess the right words. Guess the word Illustratedsuitable for you who like challenges and guessing game images tosharpen the brain.Look carefully at the picture we show, and there will be 2columns answers to be filled with the correct answer according tothe instructions drawings. All answers in this funny game guess theform of two words. guess this image is suitable to fill your sparetime. All the pictures that are guaranteed to make you geregetanand curious ..If you are correct in guessing there will be additional coin(+15), if one will be a reduction coins (-5). You can only do 3errors in guessing (only has 3 'lives'), if it is then it will goback to the beginning of the game.There are 3 options for help:1. Eliminate 3 letter, minus 40 coins.2. Open one other letter, minus 25 coins.3. Open the first letter, minus 10 coins.Guess guess hilarious app features include:- Display a simple- Easy of use- Suitable for reducing fatigue in the face of daily routine- Can be used without an internet connection (offline)- The most important of these applications 100% Free: DNote:- For a better view when using applications guess this funny, use aphone with a screen size of 4 inches or more;- If there are things that are not pleasing in the game guess guessthis, please contact us.Easy is not it? Let's collect as many coins! Prove that you arethe master in solving puzzles !!
Tebak Ibukota Negara 1.0
Tebak Negara dan Ibukota merupakan permainanasah otak ringan, karena menguji kemampuan dan pengetahuan kitauntuk mengingat / menebak bendera suatu negara dan ibukotanya didunia.Bisa menjawab satu tebakan akan menimbulkan rasa penasaran untuktebakan berikutnya.Perhatikan dengan teliti setiap gambar yang muncul karenasemuanya itu adalah petunjuk untuk menemukan tebakan kata yangtepat. Tebak Ibukota Negara cocok bagi kamu yang suka tantangan danpermainan tebak gambar untuk mengasah otak.Perhatikan baik-baik gambar yang kami tampilkan, dan akan ada 2kolom jawaban yang harus diisi dengan jawaban yang benar sesuaidengan petunjuk gambar. Semua jawaban di game tebakan asik iniberupa dua kata. Tebakan gambar ini cocok untuk mengisi waktu luangkamu. Semua gambar yang ada dijamin bikin kamu geregetan danpenasaran..Jika kamu benar dalam menebak akan ada penambahan koin (+15),jika salah akan ada pengurangan koin (-5). Kamu hanya bolehmelakukan 3 kesalahan dalam menebak (hanya punya 3 'nyawa'), jikalebih maka akan kembali ke awal mula permainan.Ada 3 pilihan bantuan:1. Menghilangkan 3 huruf, dikurangi 40 koin.2. Membuka 1 huruf lainnya, dikurangi 25 koin.3. Membuka huruf pertama, dikurangi 10 koin.Fitur aplikasi tebak tebakan kocak ini antara lain:- Tampilan yang sederhana- Penggunaan yang mudah- Cocok untuk mengurangi kepenatan dalam menghadapi rutinitassehari-hari- Dapat digunakan tanpa koneksi internet (offline)- Yang paling utama aplikasi ini 100% Gratis :DCatatan:- Untuk tampilan yang lebih baik saat menggunakan aplikasi tebakanasik ini, gunakan handphone dengan ukuran layar 4 inch ataulebih;- Jika ada hal-hal yang tidak berkenan dalam permainan tebaktebakan ini, silahkan hubungi kami.Mudah bukan? ayo kumpulkan koin sebanyak-banyaknya ! Buktikanbahwa kamu adalah master dalam memecahkan teka teki !!Guess the State and theCapital is a mild brain teasers, because they test our knowledgeand ability to recall / guess the flag of a country and its capitalin the world.Can answer the riddle will lead to curiosity to the nextriddle.Look carefully every picture that emerged as everything it is aclue to find guess the right words. Guess the State Capital issuitable for you who like challenges and guessing game images tosharpen the brain.Look carefully at the picture we show, and there will be 2columns answers to be filled with the correct answer according tothe instructions drawings. All answers in this cool game guessesthe form of two words. Guess this image is suitable to fill yourspare time. All the pictures that are guaranteed to make yougeregetan and curious ..If you are correct in guessing there will be additional coin(+15), if one will be a reduction coins (-5). You can only do 3errors in guessing (only has 3 'lives'), if it is then it will goback to the beginning of the game.There are 3 options for help:1. Eliminate 3 letter, minus 40 coins.2. Open one other letter, minus 25 coins.3. Open the first letter, minus 10 coins.Guess guess hilarious app features include:- Display a simple- Easy of use- Suitable for reducing fatigue in the face of daily routine- Can be used without an internet connection (offline)- The most important of these applications 100% Free: DNote:- For a better view when using applications guess this cool, use aphone with a screen size of 4 inches or more;- If there are things that are not pleasing in the game guess guessthis, please contact us.Easy is not it? Let's collect as many coins! Prove that you arethe master in solving puzzles !!
Tebak Tebakan Bergambar 1.0
Aplikasi Tebak Tebakan Bergambar akan mengujinalar kamu pada titik maksimalnya!Perhatikan dengan teliti setiap gambar yang muncul karenasemuanya itu adalah petunjuk untuk menemukan tebakan kata yangtepat. Tebak Kata Bergambar cocok bagi kamu yang suka tantangan danpermainan tebak gambar untuk mengasah otak.Perhatikan baik-baik gambar yang kami tampilkan, dan akan ada 2kolom jawaban yang harus diisi dengan jawaban yang benar sesuaidengan petunjuk gambar. Semua jawaban di game tebakan lucu iniberupa dua kata. tebakan gambar ini cocok untuk mengisi waktu luangkamu. Semua gambar yang ada dijamin bikin kamu geregetan danpenasaran..Jika kamu benar dalam menebak akan ada penambahan koin (+15),jika salah akan ada pengurangan koin (-5). Kamu hanya bolehmelakukan 3 kesalahan dalam menebak (hanya punya 3 'nyawa'), jikalebih maka akan kembali ke awal mula permainan.Ada 3 pilihan bantuan:1. Menghilangkan 3 huruf, dikurangi 40 koin.2. Membuka 1 huruf lainnya, dikurangi 25 koin.3. Membuka huruf pertama, dikurangi 10 koin.Fitur aplikasi tebak tebakan kocak ini antara lain:- Tampilan yang sederhana- Penggunaan yang mudah- Cocok untuk mengurangi kepenatan dalam menghadapi rutinitassehari-hari- Dapat digunakan tanpa koneksi internet (offline)- Yang paling utama aplikasi ini 100% Gratis :DCatatan:- Untuk tampilan yang lebih baik saat menggunakan aplikasi tebakanlucu ini, gunakan handphone dengan ukuran layar 4 inch ataulebih;- Jika ada hal-hal yang tidak berkenan dalam permainan tebaktebakan ini, silahkan hubungi kami.Mudah bukan? ayo kumpulkan koin sebanyak-banyaknya ! Buktikanbahwa kamu adalah master dalam memecahkan teka teki !!Picture Guess Guessapplication will test your reasoning on maximum points!Look carefully every picture that emerged as everything it is aclue to find guess the right words. Guess the word Illustratedsuitable for you who like challenges and guessing game images tosharpen the brain.Look carefully at the picture we show, and there will be 2columns answers to be filled with the correct answer according tothe instructions drawings. All answers in this funny game guess theform of two words. guess this image is suitable to fill your sparetime. All the pictures that are guaranteed to make you geregetanand curious ..If you are correct in guessing there will be additional coin(+15), if one will be a reduction coins (-5). You can only do 3errors in guessing (only has 3 'lives'), if it is then it will goback to the beginning of the game.There are 3 options for help:1. Eliminate 3 letter, minus 40 coins.2. Open one other letter, minus 25 coins.3. Open the first letter, minus 10 coins.Guess guess hilarious app features include:- Display a simple- Easy of use- Suitable for reducing fatigue in the face of daily routine- Can be used without an internet connection (offline)- The most important of these applications 100% Free: DNote:- For a better view when using applications guess this funny, use aphone with a screen size of 4 inches or more;- If there are things that are not pleasing in the game guess guessthis, please contact us.Easy is not it? Let's collect as many coins! Prove that you arethe master in solving puzzles !!
Tebak Lawan Kata 1.0
Tebak Lawan Kata merupakan game yang kami buatkhusus untuk anda yang suka tantangan dan berguna untuk mengasahpengetahuan dan kemampuan kalian dalam menganalisa. Perhatikanbaik-baik gambar yang kami tampilkan, dan akan ada kolom jawabanyang harus diisi dengan jawaban yang benar sesuai dengan petunjukgambar. Semua jawaban di game tebak gambar ini berupa dua kata.Permainan tebak nama tempat ini cocok untuk mengisi waktu luangkamu. Semua gambar yang ada dijamin bikin kamu geregetan danpenasaran.Ada kata-kata yang maknanya serupa, ada juga kata-kata yangmaknanya berlawanan. Yang maknanya berlawanan dapat disebut sebagaiLawan Kata atau ANTONIM.Games Tebak Lawan Kata merupakan permainan asah otak ringan,karena menguji kemampuan kita dalam menjawab dengan kata yangmemiliki makna yang berlawanan.Jika kamu benar dalam menebak akan ada penambahan koin (+15),jika salah akan ada pengurangan koin (-5). Kamu hanya bolehmelakukan 3 kesalahan dalam menebak (hanya punya 3 'nyawa'), jikalebih maka akan kembali ke awal mula permainan.Mudah bukan? ayo kumpulkan koin sebanyak-banyaknya ! Buktikanbahwa kamu adalah master dalam memecahkan teka teki !!Guess opposite words is agame that we made for you who like a challenge and useful to honeyour knowledge and ability to analyze. Look carefully at thepicture we show, and there will be an answer column to be filledwith the correct answer according to the instructions drawings. Allanswers in this picture guessing game in the form of two words. Thegame guess the name of this place suited to fill your spare time.All the pictures that are guaranteed to make you geregetan andcurious.There are words of similar meaning, there are words whosemeaning is the opposite. Whose meaning opposite can be called asopposite words or antonyms.Games Guess opposite words a mild brain teasers, because theytest our ability to respond with words that have oppositemeanings.If you are correct in guessing there will be additional coin(+15), if one will be a reduction coins (-5). You can only do 3errors in guessing (only has 3 'lives'), if it is then it will goback to the beginning of the game.Easy is not it? Let's collect as many coins! Prove that you arethe master in solving puzzles !!
Tebak Betul Salah 1.0
Aplikasi Tebak Betul atau Salah akan mengujiwawasan, daya ingat serta nalar kamu pada titik maksimalnya!Apakah wawasan yang kamu miliki saat ini sudah cukup untukmenaklukan aplikasi brain-killer yang satu ini?Apakah nalar dan logika kamu bisa menjawab tantangan simpel yanghanya tersedia 2 pilihan jawaban ini?Apakah daya ingat kamu mampu mengingat pelajaran semasa sekolahdulu dan kejadian-kejadian konsumsi umum yang pernah terjadi didunia ini dan patut diingat?Cukup jawab pernyataan yang ditampilkan di depan layarsmartphone atau tablet kamu. Analisa apakah pernyataan yangditampilkan adalah sebuah pernyataan yang Benar atau pernyataanyang Salah. Dan sentuh tombol yang tersedia untuk memberikanjawaban kamu. Betul atau Salah?Perhatikan baik-baik pernyataan-pernyataan yang kami tampilkan,dan akan ada 2 pilihan jawaban benar atau salah yang harus dipilihdengan jawaban yang benar sesuai dengan petunjuk gambar. Semuajawaban di game tebakan lucu ini berupa pilihan ganda. tebakangambar ini cocok untuk mengisi waktu luang kamu. Beberapa kalimatpetunjuk yang mengarah ke jawaban dari setiap tebakan, sehinggabisa menimbulkan rasa menarik, lucu dan menyenangkan. Semua gambaryang ada dijamin bikin kamu geregetan dan penasaran..Jika kamu benar dalam menebak akan ada penambahan koin (+15),jika salah akan ada pengurangan koin (-5). Kamu hanya bolehmelakukan 3 kesalahan dalam menebak (hanya punya 3 'nyawa'), jikalebih maka akan kembali ke awal mula permainan.Fitur aplikasi tebak tebakan kocak ini antara lain:- Tampilan yang sederhana- Penggunaan yang mudah- Cocok untuk mengurangi kepenatan dalam menghadapi rutinitassehari-hari- Dapat digunakan tanpa koneksi internet (offline)- Yang paling utama aplikasi ini 100% Gratis :DCatatan:- Untuk tampilan yang lebih baik saat menggunakan aplikasi tebakanlucu ini, gunakan handphone dengan ukuran layar 4 inch ataulebih;- Jika ada hal-hal yang tidak berkenan dalam permainan tebaktebakan ini, silahkan hubungi kami.Mudah bukan? ayo kumpulkan koin sebanyak-banyaknya ! Buktikanbahwa kamu adalah master dalam memecahkan teka teki !!True or False Guessapplication will test the insight, memory, and reasoning you at thepoint of maximum!What insights do you have today is enough to conquer thebrain-killer application this one?Are reason and logic you can answer a simple challenge that only 2options available this answer?Are you able to recall memories from school during the lesson andgeneral consumption events that have occurred in this world and itshould be remembered?Just answer the statement that is displayed in front of thescreen smartphone or tablet you. Analysis of whether the statementshown is a statement True or False statements. And touch buttonsare available to give you an answer. True or False?Look carefully at the statements that we show, and there will be2 choices right or wrong answer to choose the correct answeraccording to the instructions drawings. All answers in this funnygame guess the form of multiple choice. guess this image issuitable to fill your spare time. Some sentences clues that lead tothe answer of every riddle, so that it can cause a sense ofexciting, funny and fun. All the pictures that are guaranteed tomake you geregetan and curious ..If you are correct in guessing there will be additional coin(+15), if one will be a reduction coins (-5). You can only do 3errors in guessing (only has 3 'lives'), if it is then it will goback to the beginning of the game.Guess guess hilarious app features include:- Display a simple- Easy of use- Suitable for reducing fatigue in the face of daily routine- Can be used without an internet connection (offline)- The most important of these applications 100% Free: DNote:- For a better view when using applications guess this funny, use aphone with a screen size of 4 inches or more;- If there are things that are not pleasing in the game guess guessthis, please contact us.Easy is not it? Let's collect as many coins! Prove that you arethe master in solving puzzles !!
Kuis Tes IQ 1.0
Kuis Tes IQ merupakan game yang kami buatkhusus untuk anda yang suka tantangan dan berguna buat mengasahotak anda.Cara bermain:- Perhatikan baik-baik petunjuk gambar yang kami tampilkan.- Akan akan ada 2 kolom jawaban.- Isi dengan jawaban yang benar sesuai dengan petunjuk gambar.Bisa menjawab satu tebakan akan menimbulkan rasa penasaran untuktebakan berikutnya. Semakin naik level ketagihan untuk bisamenyelesaikan game ini.Tebakan gambar ini cocok untuk mengisi waktu luang kamu.Beberapa kalimat petunjuk yang mengarah ke jawaban dari setiaptebakan, sehingga bisa menimbulkan rasa menarik, lucu danmenyenangkan. Semua gambar yang ada dijamin bikin kamu geregetandan penasaran..Jika kamu benar dalam menebak akan ada penambahan koin (+15),jika salah akan ada pengurangan koin (-5). Kamu hanya bolehmelakukan 3 kesalahan dalam menebak (hanya punya 3 'nyawa'), jikalebih maka akan kembali ke awal mula permainan.Fitur aplikasi tebak tebakan kocak ini antara lain:- Tampilan yang sederhana- Penggunaan yang mudah- Cocok untuk mengurangi kepenatan dalam menghadapi rutinitassehari-hari- Dapat digunakan tanpa koneksi internet (offline)- Yang paling utama aplikasi ini 100% Gratis :DCatatan:- Untuk tampilan yang lebih baik saat menggunakan aplikasi tebakanlucu ini, gunakan handphone dengan ukuran layar 4 inch ataulebih;- Jika ada hal-hal yang tidak berkenan dalam permainan tebaktebakan ini, silahkan hubungi kami.Mudah bukan? ayo kumpulkan koin sebanyak-banyaknya ! Buktikanbahwa kamu adalah master dalam memecahkan teka teki !!IQ Test Quiz is a gamethat we made for you who like a challenge and useful for honingyour brain.How to play:- Look carefully at the images we display instructions.- There will be no second answer column.- Fill in with the correct answer according to the instructionsdrawings.Can answer the riddle will lead to curiosity to the next riddle.Increasingly addicted to level up to complete this game.Guess this image is suitable to fill your spare time. Somesentences clues that lead to the answer of every riddle, so that itcan cause a sense of exciting, funny and fun. All the pictures thatare guaranteed to make you geregetan and curious ..If you are correct in guessing there will be additional coin(+15), if one will be a reduction coins (-5). You can only do 3errors in guessing (only has 3 'lives'), if it is then it will goback to the beginning of the game.Guess guess hilarious app features include:- Display a simple- Easy of use- Suitable for reducing fatigue in the face of daily routine- Can be used without an internet connection (offline)- The most important of these applications 100% Free: DNote:- For a better view when using applications guess this funny, use aphone with a screen size of 4 inches or more;- If there are things that are not pleasing in the game guess guessthis, please contact us.Easy is not it? Let's collect as many coins! Prove that you arethe master in solving puzzles !!
Kuis Asah Otak 1.0
Kuis Asah Otak merupakan game yang kami buatkhusus untuk anda yang suka tantangan dan berguna buat mengasahotak anda.Cara bermain:- Perhatikan baik-baik petunjuk gambar yang kami tampilkan.- Akan akan ada 2 kolom jawaban.- Isi dengan jawaban yang benar sesuai dengan petunjuk gambar.Bisa menjawab satu tebakan akan menimbulkan rasa penasaran untuktebakan berikutnya. Semakin naik level ketagihan untuk bisamenyelesaikan game ini.Tebakan gambar ini cocok untuk mengisi waktu luang kamu.Beberapa kalimat petunjuk yang mengarah ke jawaban dari setiaptebakan, sehingga bisa menimbulkan rasa menarik, lucu danmenyenangkan. Semua gambar yang ada dijamin bikin kamu geregetandan penasaran..Jika kamu benar dalam menebak akan ada penambahan koin (+15),jika salah akan ada pengurangan koin (-5). Kamu hanya bolehmelakukan 3 kesalahan dalam menebak (hanya punya 3 'nyawa'), jikalebih maka akan kembali ke awal mula permainan.Fitur aplikasi tebak tebakan kocak ini antara lain:- Tampilan yang sederhana- Penggunaan yang mudah- Cocok untuk mengurangi kepenatan dalam menghadapi rutinitassehari-hari- Dapat digunakan tanpa koneksi internet (offline)- Yang paling utama aplikasi ini 100% Gratis :DCatatan:- Untuk tampilan yang lebih baik saat menggunakan aplikasi tebakanlucu ini, gunakan handphone dengan ukuran layar 4 inch ataulebih;- Jika ada hal-hal yang tidak berkenan dalam permainan tebaktebakan ini, silahkan hubungi kami.Mudah bukan? ayo kumpulkan koin sebanyak-banyaknya ! Buktikanbahwa kamu adalah master dalam memecahkan teka teki !!Brain Quiz is a game thatwe made for you who like a challenge and useful for honing yourbrain.How to play:- Look carefully at the images we display instructions.- There will be no second answer column.- Fill in with the correct answer according to the instructionsdrawings.Can answer the riddle will lead to curiosity to the next riddle.Increasingly addicted to level up to complete this game.Guess this image is suitable to fill your spare time. Somesentences clues that lead to the answer of every riddle, so that itcan cause a sense of exciting, funny and fun. All the pictures thatare guaranteed to make you geregetan and curious ..If you are correct in guessing there will be additional coin(+15), if one will be a reduction coins (-5). You can only do 3errors in guessing (only has 3 'lives'), if it is then it will goback to the beginning of the game.Guess guess hilarious app features include:- Display a simple- Easy of use- Suitable for reducing fatigue in the face of daily routine- Can be used without an internet connection (offline)- The most important of these applications 100% Free: DNote:- For a better view when using applications guess this funny, use aphone with a screen size of 4 inches or more;- If there are things that are not pleasing in the game guess guessthis, please contact us.Easy is not it? Let's collect as many coins! Prove that you arethe master in solving puzzles !!
Tebakan Bergambar Gokil 1.0
Tebakan Bergambar Gokil ini cocok bagi kamuyang suka tantangan dan permainan tebak gambar untuk mengasah otak.Perhatikan dengan teliti setiap gambar yang muncul karenasemuanya itu adalah petunjuk untuk menemukan tebakan kata yangtepat. Tebak Kata Bergambar cocok bagi kamu yang suka tantangan danpermainan tebak gambar untuk mengasah otak.Perhatikan baik-baik gambar yang kami tampilkan, dan akan ada 2kolom jawaban yang harus diisi dengan jawaban yang benar sesuaidengan petunjuk gambar. Semua jawaban di game tebakan lucu iniberupa dua kata. tebakan gambar ini cocok untuk mengisi waktu luangkamu. Semua gambar yang ada dijamin bikin kamu geregetan danpenasaran..Jika kamu benar dalam menebak akan ada penambahan koin (+15),jika salah akan ada pengurangan koin (-5). Kamu hanya bolehmelakukan 3 kesalahan dalam menebak (hanya punya 3 'nyawa'), jikalebih maka akan kembali ke awal mula permainan.Ada 3 pilihan bantuan:1. Menghilangkan 3 huruf, dikurangi 40 koin.2. Membuka 1 huruf lainnya, dikurangi 25 koin.3. Membuka huruf pertama, dikurangi 10 koin.Fitur aplikasi tebak tebakan kocak ini antara lain:- Tampilan yang sederhana- Penggunaan yang mudah- Cocok untuk mengurangi kepenatan dalam menghadapi rutinitassehari-hari- Dapat digunakan tanpa koneksi internet (offline)- Yang paling utama aplikasi ini 100% Gratis :DCatatan:- Untuk tampilan yang lebih baik saat menggunakan aplikasi tebakanlucu ini, gunakan handphone dengan ukuran layar 4 inch ataulebih;- Jika ada hal-hal yang tidak berkenan dalam permainan tebaktebakan ini, silahkan hubungi kami.Mudah bukan? ayo kumpulkan koin sebanyak-banyaknya ! Buktikanbahwa kamu adalah master dalam memecahkan teka teki !!Picture Gokil guess issuitable for you who like challenges and guessing game images tosharpen the brain.Look carefully every picture that emerged as everything it is aclue to find guess the right words. Guess the word Illustratedsuitable for you who like challenges and guessing game images tosharpen the brain.Look carefully at the picture we show, and there will be 2columns answers to be filled with the correct answer according tothe instructions drawings. All answers in this funny game guess theform of two words. guess this image is suitable to fill your sparetime. All the pictures that are guaranteed to make you geregetanand curious ..If you are correct in guessing there will be additional coin(+15), if one will be a reduction coins (-5). You can only do 3errors in guessing (only has 3 'lives'), if it is then it will goback to the beginning of the game.There are 3 options for help:1. Eliminate 3 letter, minus 40 coins.2. Open one other letter, minus 25 coins.3. Open the first letter, minus 10 coins.Guess guess hilarious app features include:- Display a simple- Easy of use- Suitable for reducing fatigue in the face of daily routine- Can be used without an internet connection (offline)- The most important of these applications 100% Free: DNote:- For a better view when using applications guess this funny, use aphone with a screen size of 4 inches or more;- If there are things that are not pleasing in the game guess guessthis, please contact us.Easy is not it? Let's collect as many coins! Prove that you arethe master in solving puzzles !!
Kuis Cerdas Matematika 1.0
Kuis Cerdas Matematika adalah game edukasiyang membantu anak-anak untuk belajar matematika dengan carabermain yang menyenangkan.Proses pembelajaran berlangsung dalam perjalanan permainan dimana anak perlu memecahkan latihan matematika berikut ini.Dengan permainan ini di harapkan anak-anak dapat lebih tertariklagi untuk belajar matematika.Smart Maths Quiz is aneducational game that helps children to learn math in a fun way toplay.The learning process takes place in the course of a game wherechildren need to solve the following maths exercises.With this game in the hope children can be attracted again tostudy mathematics.
Teka Teki Bergambar 1.0
Teka Teki Bergambar merupakan game yang kamibuat khusus untuk anda yang suka tantangan dan berguna untukmengasah pengetahuan dan kemampuan kalian dalam menganalisa.Perhatikan baik-baik gambar yang kami tampilkan, dan akan ada 2kolom jawaban yang harus diisi dengan jawaban yang benar sesuaidengan petunjuk gambar. Semua jawaban di game tebak gambar iniberupa dua kata. Permainan tebak gambar cerdas ini cocok untukmengisi waktu luang kamu. Semua gambar yang ada dijamin bikin kamugeregetan dan penasaran.Jika kamu benar dalam menebak akan ada penambahan koin (+15),jika salah akan ada pengurangan koin (-5). Kamu hanya bolehmelakukan 3 kesalahan dalam menebak (hanya punya 3 'nyawa'), jikalebih maka akan kembali ke awal mula permainan.Mudah bukan? ayo kumpulkan koin sebanyak-banyaknya ! Buktikanbahwa kamu adalah master dalam memecahkan teka teki !!Picture Puzzle is a gamethat we made for you who like a challenge and useful to hone yourknowledge and ability to analyze. Look carefully at the picture weshow, and there will be 2 columns answers to be filled with thecorrect answer according to the instructions drawings. All answersin this picture guessing game in the form of two words. Thisintelligent guessing game images suitable to fill your spare time.All the pictures that are guaranteed to make you geregetan andcurious.If you are correct in guessing there will be additional coin(+15), if one will be a reduction coins (-5). You can only do 3errors in guessing (only has 3 'lives'), if it is then it will goback to the beginning of the game.Easy is not it? Let's collect as many coins! Prove that you arethe master in solving puzzles !!
Kumpulan Doa Anak Muslim 1.0
Kumpulan Doa Anak Muslim adalah aplikasi yangberisi doa anak sehari-hari, lengkap dengan bacaan Arab, Latin, danTerjemahannya, untuk memudahkan pengguna khususnya anak-anak /remaja dan orangtua yang ingin mengajari anaknya, untuk mempelajaridoa anak sehari-hari.Doa-doa yang terdapat dalam aplikasi ini disusun agar mudahdipelajari.Muslim Children setPrayer is an application that contains a child's daily prayer,complete with Arabic literature, Latin, and translation, tofacilitate users, especially children / teenagers and parents whowant to teach their children, to learn the child's dailyprayers.The prayers contained in this application is structured to beeasily learned.
Tebak Artis Ganteng Indonesia 1.0
Game sederhana dengan menebak nama ArtisGanteng Indonesia berikut ini.Caranya cukup mudah. Lihat fotonya lalu ketiklah namanya dikotakyang tersedia.Ayo cek seberapa hafal kamu dengan wajah artis gantengIndonesia!Simple game to guess thename Artis Indonesia Ganteng below.Quite easy. See the picture then start typing the name in boxavailable.Let's check how familiar you are with the handsome face ofIndonesian artist!
Tebak Nama Tempat 1.0
Tebak Nama Tempat merupakan game yang kamibuat khusus untuk anda yang suka tantangan dan berguna untukmengasah pengetahuan dan kemampuan kalian dalam menganalisa.Perhatikan baik-baik gambar yang kami tampilkan, dan akan ada 2kolom jawaban yang harus diisi dengan jawaban yang benar sesuaidengan petunjuk gambar. Semua jawaban di game tebak gambar iniberupa dua kata. Permainan tebak nama tempat ini cocok untukmengisi waktu luang kamu. Semua gambar yang ada dijamin bikin kamugeregetan dan penasaran.Jika kamu benar dalam menebak akan ada penambahan koin (+15),jika salah akan ada pengurangan koin (-5). Kamu hanya bolehmelakukan 3 kesalahan dalam menebak (hanya punya 3 'nyawa'), jikalebih maka akan kembali ke awal mula permainan.Mudah bukan? ayo kumpulkan koin sebanyak-banyaknya ! Buktikanbahwa kamu adalah master dalam memecahkan teka teki !!Guess the place name is agame that we made for you who like a challenge and useful to honeyour knowledge and ability to analyze. Look carefully at thepicture we show, and there will be 2 columns answers to be filledwith the correct answer according to the instructions drawings. Allanswers in this picture guessing game in the form of two words. Thegame guess the name of this place suited to fill your spare time.All the pictures that are guaranteed to make you geregetan andcurious.If you are correct in guessing there will be additional coin(+15), if one will be a reduction coins (-5). You can only do 3errors in guessing (only has 3 'lives'), if it is then it will goback to the beginning of the game.Easy is not it? Let's collect as many coins! Prove that you arethe master in solving puzzles !!
Tebak Siapa Artis 1.0
Tebak Siapa Artis merupakan aplikasi permainanasah otak untuk menguji imajinasimu dan daya ingatmu dengan menebaknama artis berdasarkan petunjuk yang ada.Caranya cukup mudah. Jawab pertanyaan dengan membaca ataumelihat petunjuk yang diberikan.Jika kamu benar dalam menebak akan ada penambahan koin (+15),jika salah akan ada pengurangan koin (-5). Kamu hanya bolehmelakukan 3 kesalahan dalam menebak, jika lebih maka akan kembalike awal mula permainan.Fitur aplikasi tebak tebakan kocak ini antara lain:- Tampilan yang sederhana- Penggunaan yang mudah- Cocok untuk mengurangi kepenatan dalam menghadapi rutinitassehari-hari- Dapat digunakan tanpa koneksi internet (offline)- Yang paling utama aplikasi ini 100% Gratis :DMudah bukan? Ayo kumpulkan koin sebanyak-banyaknya ! Buktikanbahwa kamu adalah master dalam memecahkan nama-nama artis ini!!Ajak juga teman kamu untuk memainkan tebak-tebakan artis iniagar lebih asyik dan kumpulkan point sebanyak-banyaknya karena itumembuktikan pengetahuanmu baik.Catatan:- Untuk tampilan yang lebih baik saat menggunakan aplikasi tebakanlucu ini, gunakan handphone dengan ukuran layar 4 inch ataulebih;- Jika ada hal-hal yang tidak berkenan dalam permainan tebaktebakan ini, silahkan hubungi kami.Tunggu apa lagi? Segera mainkan Tebak Siapa Artis untuk mengusirkebosanan kamu!Guess Who Artis is anapplication brain teasers to test your imagination and your memoryby guessing the name of the artist is based on existing guidelines.Quite easy. Answer the questions by reading or seeinginstructions provided.If you are correct in guessing there will be additional coin(+15), if there would be a reduction of one coin (-5). You can onlydo 3 errors in guessing, if more then going back to the beginningof the game.Guess guess hilarious app features include:- Display a simple- Easy of use- Suitable for reducing fatigue in the face of daily routine- Can be used without internet connection (offline)- The most important of these applications 100% Free: DEasy is not it? Let's collect coins as much as possible! Provethat you are the master in solving this artist names !!Also invite your friends to play a guessing this artist to makeit more fun and collect as many points as it proves goodknowledge.Note:- For a better view when using applications guess this funny, usethe phone with a screen size of 4 inches or more;- If there are things that are not pleasing in the game guess guessthis, please contact us.What are you waiting for? Immediately play Guess Who Artist torepel boredom you!
Susun Kata 1.0
Aplikasi Susun Kata adalah permainan asah otakringan, berupa kumpulan huruf acak dari sebuah kata.Game ini cukup kreatif dan unik dalam menguji kemampuan berpikirotak kita untuk menjawab setiap soal yang ada.Hati-hati jangan sampai kehabisan waktu dalam menjawabnya. Ayomain Susun Kata yang seru dan menyenangkan ini!Arrange Word applicationis a mild brain teasers, a collection of random letters of aword.This game is quite creative and unique in testing the ability ofour brain to think to answer any questions that exist.Be careful not to run out of time to answer. Let's play wordArrange the exciting and fun!
Kisah Abu Nawas 1.0
Kisah Abu Nawas adalah aplikasi gratisyangberisi kumpulan berbagai humor kisah Abu Nawas yang tentunyasangatlucu dan menarik.Kisah kisah semasa hidupnya selalu menjadi hikmah, ataumembuatorang tersenyum kegelian dan membuat kening berkerut karenaherandan sekaligus kagum akan kecerdasannya.- Aplikasi ini bisa dibaca tanpa menggunakan koneksiinternet,dapat diakses kapan dan dimana saja.The story of Abu Nawasisa free application that contains a collection of humorousstoriesof Abu Nawas is certainly very funny and interesting.The story of the story of his lifetime, has always been aboon,or make people smile and make a straight face frowning becausethewonder and awe at the same intelligence.- This application can be read without using aninternetconnection, can be accessed anytime and anywhere.
Aneka Resep Es 1.0
Aplikasi Resep Masakan Indonesia seriAnekaResep EsApplication RecipesRecipeIce Indonesia Aneka series
Motivasi Pengusaha Sukses 1.0
Applikasi Motivasi Pengusaha Sukses untukandayang ingin menjadi pengusaha.Berisi tentang kumpulan Tips & Motivasi Pengusaha Sukses.ApplicabilityMotivationSuccessful Entrepreneurs for those who want to beanentrepreneur.Contains a collection Tips & MotivationSuccessfulEntrepreneur.
Animals Tails Quiz 1.0
It'ss an amazing and funny quiz! Justguessname of the animals from their tails.It is not hard to play at all! Just look the tailss andguessit!The best things is that all the hints are FREE! Just playthegame and win! Get bonus HINTS! FREE!
Smart Tips Cantik Alami 1.0
Aplikasi Smart Tips Cantik Alamiberisikumpulan tips kecantikan untuk wanita Indonesia, bersumberdaribeberapa media yang ada di Internet.Aplikasi ini dibuat dengan tujuan untuk menambah wawasandanpengetahuan wanita indonesia.Aplikasi ini didesign ringan, cepat, dan dapat bekerjasecaraoffline.Smart applicationcontainsa collection Natural Beauty Tips beauty tips for womenIndonesia,sourced from several media on the Internet.This application was created with the aim to add insightandknowledge of Indonesian women.This application is designed lightweight, fast, and canworkoffline.
Aneka Resep Masakan Daging 1.0
Aplikasi Resep Masakan Indonesia seriAnekaResep Masakan DagingApplicationsIndonesiaseries Miscellaneous Recipes Meat Recipes
Cosplay Costume Photo Montage 1.0
Try Cosplay dress easily in 1 step.Find hot costumes from famous anime/manga/games like naruto, beach,dragon ball , etc..Super app for all layers around the world.Feel like you're a super hero/heroine. You may try on sexycostumeor become picachu with this app.The "Cosplay Suit Photo Montage" app is photomontage andphotoeditor app that provides:★ Take camera photo and fit your face fit to themontageframes.★ Can take camera photo from both front and rear cameras★ Select a photo from the gallery to edit.★ Scale up/down. zoom in/zoom out and rotate the photo to fitthesuit frame★ Choose your favorite fancy and cosplay dress from all over30+collage frames. Multiple templates, costumes, fancydressesavailable.★ Set camera setting to make your photo look more amazing,setwhite balance , flash mode.★ Save photo into phone's gallery★ Share your photo to your friendviafacebook,twitter,line,e-mail★ All frame are in high quality (HD) picture, make yourphotolook real and nice
Hijab Photo Montage 2016 1.0
Try new Hijab easily in 1 step.Find fashion hijab, new arrival, in trend hijab for women.Check which one is suit you. Try it for FREE!For the Hijab Montage Photo Editor, create hijab montagephotoeasily in 1 step.Make cute photo from collage set.Lots of classic hijab montage photo available.Editing photos in your phone gallery very easy.★ Take camera photo and fit your face fit to the hijabmontageframes.★ Can take camera photo from both front and rear cameras
Men Jacket Photo Montage 2016 1.0
Men Jacket Photo Montage is awesomephotoediting application. Guys you want to look stylish andtrendy?Jacket added to any outfit instantly changes the appearance.Trycollege men jackets, denim jackets and leather jackets. Putyourface in a hole and create a great looking photo montages.Download"In Suit Jacket Photo Editor" as soon as possible and beasbeautiful as you've always wanted.Create the coolest photo montage with jackets for men that willmakeyou fashionable! Become a pioneer and dress jackets in freshbyadding amazing photo frames to your images! Suit jacketphotoediting your new designer that will help you look like astar!Download Men costume photo editor if you want to reach thisstreetlook in a casual suit jacket or you can choose the elegantlook andput your face in the hole of a photo of the leather jacket!Thisapplication of the camera will make your photo editor coolandattractive! Get it while it's still free and begin the makeoveryouneed all your life! You can finally show the world that youhavegood taste and sophisticated style!Characteristics:~ Amazing photo editor with photo effects Cool &photoframes~ Select photo from the phone gallery and put the image in thefacein the hole~ Choose your favorite photo montage design~ Save high resolution photo montages to your phone gallery~ Photo montages Set as wallpaper~ Share your photomontages to Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.Men Jacket Photo Montage is an application that lets youcreateyour own photo montages applying different men on yourimage.Photos endless menswear so you can create unique photoediting andlook great in your new clothes. Cool photo effects andphotomontage cabin are waiting for you to use. Blazers and suitsmenjackets in many colors and styles of big brands are designedtomake you look beautiful. Download Men Jacket Photo Montage andhavefun with free photo editing. This collection carriesclassicdesigns human jacket suits. Upload your photo and chooseyourfavorite jacket costume style.With this free photo editor, you can easily change yourstyle.Wear jackets and blazers for each season and style. Jacketsofferedin regular crises, thin and lean. Gray and light jackets inbrightblue, ideal for the replacement of wedding style. You cannowcreate beautiful photo manipulation with your photos. You justneedto upload your photo and dress as you always wanted. Downloadthisfabulous photo montage editor and take advantage of most oftheclothes men.To download a simple but elegant look Suit Jacket PhotoEditorFrom image editing software. Add photos from your phonegallery ortake selfie directly from your camera and put your facein a hole.Discover jackets and coats of various styles for men,collegejackets leather jackets. This awesome photo montage makerisdesigned for all users who like photo editing and fashionbrands.Get the best photo editing software for Android ™ device andstartunretouched picture!Download "Men Jacket Photo Montage" and start the imageeditingcurrently. Apply different picture effects with "mensjackets"elegant or casual. Men Jacket Photo Montage allows you toquicklychange your look! Mix and match your custom jacketssophisticatedlook. It's hard to go wrong with a good black suit.This classicsuit jacket was cut with skinny tailored for a modernlook. This isthe best "photo editing" software. You can even savephoto montagesand set as wallpaper. Show your creations to yourfriends onFacebook, Twitter, Instagram.Many young, stylish actors and fashion designers are favorabletowear a slim, dark suit jacket with a pair of jeans. This freephotoeditor offers different combinations of jacket for men.Createamazing "photo montage" and look like a celebrity. Wearingawell-fitting sports coat or suit men will make you feel goodandconfident.download Jacket Face Changer Suit
Mermaid Photo Montage 2016 1.0
Enter the underwater world of makeoveranddress up stickers for girls and have fun using mermaidHalloweencostume camera app! Download “Mermaid Photo Montage Maker”if youwant to look like an angels from the ocean! Put your face inholeof a mermaid dress up costume insta stickers you liked the mostandcreate pics art images everyone is going to admire!⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘ Mermaid Photo Montage Maker features:⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘◆ Unique photo gallery with amazing girls mermaid costumepicturestickers!◆ 25 face in hole photo frames for girls and women all aroundtheworld!◆ Make a mermaid costume photo montage with this new easy tousesoftware!◆ Mermaid costume beauty camera app with wonderful freephotoeffects!◆ Take new pics directly from this instant sticker facechangerapp!◆ Select images from your phone's gallery and let the photofunstart!◆ Use both front and back device candy camera to takenewpics!◆ Focus your cameras to fit your face in hole photoframeperfectly!◆ Zoom in & out, rotate and move your image to fix it intheright place!◆ Don't forget to save these great photo montage pictures toyourphones!◆ Set these makeover and dress up pictures as yourpersonalwallpaper!◆ Share your mermaid costume photos to Instagram, FacebookorTwitter!◆ Send pics straight from this photo booth app via Skype,Messenger,Viber etc!⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘ Play one of the best mermaid games for girls!⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘Be the cutest princess of the sea and play one of themostinteresting mermaid dress up games for girls! Get MermaidPhotoMontage Maker for Android™ mobile devices completely free ofchargeand let this insta pic virtual makeover start now! You willloveall the free special effects, multiple templates and cutepictureframes available in this face photo booth software!⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘ Install this cool mermaid photo booth forfree!⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘Choose to have the best Halloween costume pictures andinstallthis magical face changer sticker camera! Make a FREE dressupmermaid makeover picture you can save and share on InstagramorFacebook ! Get the attention you deserve with a little helpofMermaid Photo Montage Maker dress up salon! Have fun addingmermaidcostumes for women to your pics!⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘⌘*Android™ is a trademark of Google Inc.
Hijab Wedding Montage 2016 1.0
Hijab Wedding Montage 2016 used to trythewedding dress of Muslim women. By using this application, youcantry a variety of wedding dress designs. You do not need toplacethe boutique to just try a wedding dress hijab. Many designsthatyou can get in this application.You would want to marry hijab clothing, definitely want to findadesign that fits your lifestyle. With this photography app,allwill become easier.features:1. Can select a photo from the gallery or the camera.2. Can choose a good design bridal veil.3. Pairing hijab easier.4. Photos can be rotated and zoomed in with ease.5. Can be stored in the gallery.6. Can be directly used as wallpaper.7. Can be shared with friends via social networks.With a very nice feature, you can create with bridal veildesignthat fits your face and fashion style.
Girl Dress Photo Montage 2016 1.0
❉Girl Dress Photo Montage❉ is a great newphotomontage maker inspired by all kinds of dresses for littlegirls wholike fashion and fashionable clothes. Girls, are youready for themost exciting collection of dresses made just foryou? If you are,here is something made just for you. Download“Girl Dress PhotoMontage” and enjoy trying dresses of differentcolors and designs.Get ready for the best photo montages ever andthe most amazing facein hole template designs. Your little girlscan never have too manydresses! Let them look adorable in cutedresses made especially forlittle girls.Features:• Amazing photo editor with cool photo effects &photoframes• Select photo from phone gallery and put image in the faceinhole• Choose your favorite photo montage design• Save high resolution photo montages to your phone gallery• Set photo montages as background wallpaper• Share your photo montages to Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.Do your little girls love dresses more than anything? Here isanew collection of “dresses for girls” that offers youmanyfascinating dresses of amazing designs and patterns. Colorsthateveryone will love! White dresses, yellow dresses, reddresses,black dresses, pink dresses, choose your favorite color andsee howit fits you. Make pretty photo montages with these colorfulandfunny photo effects and photo frames.Different dress prints which you will adore! Floraldresses,tribal print dresses, striped dresses, spotted dresses;choose yourfavorite print among these amazing ones. And not onlythe print,but you can also choose your favorite dress style. A-linedresses,mermaid dresses, mini dresses, long dresses. Now you cansee whichone is the best for your style. ❉Girl Dress Photo Montage❉is agreat “photo editor” for all those girls whose passion isdressingup in different dresses.Girls, all you need to do is choose the prettiest picturefromyour phone gallery or take a new picture with your camera. Putyourface in hole by choosing your favorite template and make greatnew“photo montage” which you can set as wallpaper or even shareitwith your friends on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Everyonewillthink how cool you are with these great pictures andphotomontages. Your friends will envy you when they see you dressedinbeautiful dresses from ❉Girl Dress Photo Montage❉ app. Thecoolestphoto montage maker is now ready for you.Surprise your beloved girls with photo montages by usingtheirpictures and some of the dresses from this photo editor. Theywillbe so happy when they see it and they will immediately wanttoshare those photo manipulations with others.Discover the bright, appealing designs of toddler girldresses.Let “photo editing” become your passion and also yourhobby. Withthis app, it is more than possible. ❉Girl Dress PhotoMontage❉ willbe your favorite photo montage editor. Put your facein face inhole template and have some fun. Try on some of the mostmodern andelegant dresses that you have ever seen.Girls, you will adore this new app. Download ❉Girl DressPhotoMontage❉ and be the first one among your friends to have it.Thiswill be the best app for your Android™ device. Do not waitanymore!Visit the App store and find this amazing photo montage andyourfun can start.*Android™ is a trademark of Google Inc.
Zombie Attack 1.0
Move left or right to avoid the zombieswhorushing towards you.This is an amazing 3D running game, you will be surrounded inadark land which full of zombies, zombies from the darknessgotoward to you.You must avoid them and other obstacles and see how far youcango.
Prom Wedding Photo Montage2016 1.0
Be a prom queen and shine like a star withthebest photo editor free. Download Prom Dress Photo Montage makerforAndroid™ and choose the best outfit for the most memorablemomentof your life. Make your prom night be the best night of yourlifewith one of the most amazing dress up games for girls thatallowsyou to try out a large number of fancy dresses without buyingthem.Prom Dress Photo Montage Features:✰ A huge number of prom dress photo frames!✰ Easy to use fashion dress photo montage!✰ Best dress photo editor for girls!✰ Perfect girl dress up stickers!✰ Easy to adjust the photo to fit the suit.✰ Multiple templates of fancy girl dresses available.✰ Take a photo or selfie or use a pic from the gallery!✰ Choose your favorite prom dress design and put your faceinhole!✰ Scale up/down, zoom in/zoom out and rotate the photo to fitthegirl photo frame!✰ Save your work of art in a photo gallery!✰ Share the masterpiece with your friends on Facebook,Instagram,Tweeter etc!✰ Set your new insta pic as wallpaper on your home screen!If you have a problem to choose which party dress is the bestforyou, just take this fashion studio prom dress design free appandyou will solve all your problems. Your new short, long or balldresswill be the most beautiful among all the glamorous dressesand it isfor sure that you will be a prom queen. Prepare yourselfto bepopular over night, cause✰✰✰ Awesome prom night makeover and dress up free! ✰✰✰Design your own prom dress! Get the idea from this fancydressphoto booth and you will definitely be the most stylish personthatnight. Don't go to the prom dress shopping, cause you willexactlyknow what outfit suits you perfectly, and you don't have towasteyour time and money on searching. It's time to look like amilliondollars for free, so don't miss that chance!✰✰✰ Best dress up for teen for free! ✰✰✰Celebrate your sweet sixteen and prepare on time with prommakeupand dress up salon for free. This high school prom dress upgame iscarefully designed for all the girls around the world whowant tolook pretty. This time the stickers are glamorous dressesthat canmake you look so stylish and modern. Download Girl FancyProm DressPhoto Montage maker for Android™ and have the mostamazing photomanipulation tool for your pics. Enjoy!*Android™ is a trademark of Google Inc.
Kuis Makanan Tradisional 1.0
Indonesia mempunyai beragam makanantradisionalyang beberapa diantaranya bahkan sudah hampir sulitditemui lagi.Apakah anda tahu nama dari makanan tradisionalini.Benarkah??Coba tes kemampuan anda di game ini!Indonesia has a varietyoftraditional dishes, some of which are already almost difficulttofind again.Do you know the name of this traditional food. Is It True ??Try testing your skills in this game!
TebaKuis Buah 1.0
Apakah anda tahu nama dari buah-buahanini.Benarkah??Coba tes kemampuan anda di game ini!Do you know the nameofthis fruit. Is It True ??Try testing your skills in this game!
Cerita Hikmah Islami 1.0
Cerita Hikmah Islami merupakan aplikasiyangberisi kumpulan cerita penuh hikmah dari berbagai kisahteladanIslami seperti kisah teladan nabi, sahabat nabi danorang-orangberiman.Kisah teladan Islam ini kami kumpulkan dari tulisan yangterdapatdi Internet, dengan harapan bisa menjadi bahan renunganuntukmeningkatkan keimanan dan kecintaan kita kepada Allah danNabiMuhammad SAW.Islamic Wisdom story isanapplication that contains a collection of stories full ofwisdomfrom a variety of stories such as the story of an exemplaryexampleof Islamic prophets, companions of the Prophet and thebelievers.Islam is an exemplary story we collect from the writings foundonthe Internet, hoping to become contemplative materials toincreasefaith and our devotion to God and the ProphetMuhammad.