Jeff Ritter ئاپەکان

TeachBack 1.0.3
Jeff Ritter
Teachers, professors, trainers, or anyone whoconducts a class of any kind can use TeachBack to get feedback fromstudents on any class, the class they just taught, the latest weekof classes, or for the entire semester. Free for download for bothstudents and teachers at any level, TeachBack gathers studentfeedback about their educators' effectiveness through a variety ofpre-made surveys.The app provides a simple user experience that produces thisfeedback in real-time. When teachers and professors use TeachBackwith their students, they can expect to gain insight that willallow them to improve their lectures, lessons, and classroomexperience.If applied across a school or academic department, TeachBackprovides a valuable measurement tool that helps assess and improveoverall institutional effectiveness.The polls are all anonymous, and the results are secure and onlyavailable to the instructor.An online teacher guide to the use of TeachBack is available atthe website. Feedback and ideas for version 2.0 are welcome!There are four pre-written polls available. Instruction,Engagement, Instructor, and Hybrid (a combination of the other pollquestions). In addition, comments are allowed on each poll aswell.Language choices of English, Spanish and Chinese are on theregistration page.The questions for each poll are listed below.InstructionWas the instruction clear?Well-organized?Interesting?Well-presented?Challenging?EngagementDid you find the class engaging?Was the material engaging?Was the instructor engaging?Was the method engaging?Were your classmates engaged?InstructorWas the instructor knowledgeable?Was the instructor interested in the subject?Was the instructor well-organized?Was the instructor approachable?Was the instructor challenging?HybridWas the class engaged?Was the instructor prepared?Was the class challenging?Was the class well-organized?Were the facilities adequate?