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Children Songs 1.0
Children SongsBe it nursery rhymes, or that songs they saw another kidwhispering at a shopping mall or even the ones they self invent,for all children the mode for entertainment is songs. Hearing andmoving along with any familiar songs, rhymes, and jingles is a funactivity, irrespective of the language. According to kids, childrensongs are distinctive tune that has a different rhythm and sounds,helping them dancing and jumping.This fun activity, not only allows them to enjoy, but creates anawareness in them that has a link to progress in learning. Manystudies have been made on this younger generation for their sleepmonologues. A survey was done to children before hitting the bedand found that kids playing with sounds and words apart fromshowing how young they are, by trying out new combinations ofnonsense words and rhyming sounds, end up thinking about this funactivity in their sleep.This creativity and fun activity is not only for entertainmentin children and the grown-ups, it is considered as a beginning ofthe preparedness that each word can be broken in many differentparts, this fact helps them while reading and writing. It’s fromvery young age children are introduced to sounds / music. In factthe action rhymes and songs, wherein children have lot of bodymovements, tossing fingers, and clapping hands, makes them not onlyremember those children songs for the next repetition, but alsogiven an extra dimension in making them have a memorableexperience. Sounds and rhythms have a shared source of amusement inchildren that is short and can be performed instantly anytime,anywhere.With Rhymes and songs, participation in any activity orcompetition is easy for children to join in hands, as these haverhythm and sounds that is a not only entertaining but easier topredict and memorize. By repeating the children songs again andagain, kids just don’t show their comfort level towards the songs;their confidence is also explicitly seen.Music made for children are exclusive that they’re extremelyuseful. Those are the songs, that teach kids, the most essentialinformation from which they learn to read, write, or physicalcoordination. Be it ABCD, numbers, sounds of birds or animals orany other rhymes in other languages, children give priority to thebeats and tune in the first place. It’s with these teaching becomesmuch easier for them at schools or home.Results are proven that, children speaking more than onelanguage, benefit from learning rhymes in the languages known tothem. This learning helps them pick the language in depth and alsohelps in rapid brain growth.Kids don’t understand the meaning of children songs in firstplace. That terrifying original stories behind the popular songs,even when told becomes a moment of laughter. For instance, “Londonbridge is falling down” the true meaning and the hidden storybehind this song, when told to a child would hardly bring anyserious face rather continue to enjoy the tune and beat. Until theygrow to an age of understanding, we think the behind fact can bekept aside.Kids are inbuilt with a special childish quality that they haveto enjoy! Start your download now.
English Songs for Kids 1.0
English Songs for KidsMany adults wonder the way they learnt English those days, wherein television or internet was a luxury one can own to download andlisten to their favourite songs or even allow their kids to listento them for picking up the language. In today’s era, there arenumerous sites available showing us the options to download anyEnglish Songs for Kids, that enables us to introduce our kids tothe world of music, the universal language. You don’t need anyparticular lesson to start with music for kids, or even force theseyoung learners to listen to any particular song. Learning is amagic when joined with music and most of the children startenjoying it in first place.Almost all kids songs lets children to use the skills theyalready know; this makes them more comfortable with the song andgives confidence in singing it. Some songs create impact on kidssuch that they like it the very first moment they listen to thesong and start singing along, even if it’s funny words / tune, byshowing up some dancing movements with a smile as a constantexpression.It’s not mandatory that singing songs should happen only duringschool hours or as a playtime activity. May be your child doesn’tlike brushing his teeth, by singing his favourite song whilebrushing you can accomplish one tough task much easily. SingingEnglish Songs for Kids, doesn’t need you to follow a rule to stickon to the words and tunes, you can allow your kids to add their ownlyrics to the tune or change the tune as per their wish, it fun tosee the young learners turn as young creators of their own music.There are chances that your child would create mistakes at suchtimes of creation, rather than making fun of them for the mistakes,correct their mistakes and just motivate them with positivenote.As a teacher / parent / care-taker, it’s your responsibility tohave a good familiarization to the song you’re introducing to kids,until you’re comfortable with the song, you can’t make them feelcomfortable to it. Once you’re comfortable with a song, it’simportant that you manage to engage kids by singing and dancingalong with them. By seeing adults sing and dance, kids try toimitate the same way. Sometimes, showing pictures, videos, books,and toys would strengthen the words from the songs that supportkids in learning the language quickly. For instance, to teach themanimals, show colourful pictures of animals, this would help themlearn different animals quickly.Kids don’t really bother about the hidden meaning of the EnglishSongs for Kids, while you try letting them know the actual meaning,it’s important that you don’t drag the story. Since theconcentration span of kids lasts for shorted period, you shouldensure that there are lot of play fun activity like, physicalmovements or even few dance steps you include keeping the kidsspirits level on the higher end.
English Nursery Rhymes 1.0
English Nursery RhymesRhymes are native to many cultures and from the time childrenbegin their talking, they enjoy playing and experimenting differentsounds all by themselves. English Nursery Rhymes, have skills thatdrive kids to enable imitating the sounds they hear and pick up thelanguage quickly. Repeating what they hear is another form ofplaying for young learners. It’s no labourer’s task for kids tolearn rhymes, they learn rhymes without any effort andunconsciously. Kids often play with the text in English Rhymes thathelps them explore the mechanics of this language.By knowing the way language works, kids get familiar with therelationship between the 44 different sounds and 26 alphabets inEnglish. Rhymes are melody with short text that includes rhythmicsounds and rhyming words that attract children to learnquickly.Parents and children sing English Nursery Rhymes, at anytime inany place, to change the mood or create a fun-filled environment.This melody music doesn’t depend on a toy, book or a scene tocreate sounds of voice reciting the language that stimulates theplay. Most of the rhymes require physical action that confirms theunderstanding and operates as an aid to memorization. Sinceconcentration span of kids are short, rhymes are the best choicethat fits well within their level of attention time frame. Withregular repetition or frequent rhymes times, children developconfidence in the language, irrespective of the speed of therecitation.Since they’re young, and unable to express or convey theirrequirements, few children get stressed, by introducing them toEnglish Nursery Rhymes, we’re helping them to learn the languagefor communication that makes them feel, they can talk lot of wordslike adults. It’s important, adult introducing a rhyme is firstconfident about the rhymes they’re teaching, the way they adapt toteach and most importantly, having a positive attitude about therhyme and their teaching. These all reflects in their teaching andthus motivates a child in learning a rhyme.Until children are comfortable with a rhyme, they tend to demandfor a repetition, in some cases repetition of a rhyme is asked, ifa child likes an already known rhyme. Irrespective of knowing theEnglish Nursery Rhymes or not, children are never ready to initiatesinging a rhyme all by themselves. Before starting a new rhyme tokids on a day, start the day with already familiar ones to ensurechildren are in comfortable zone.More than learning this fun activity at schools or withcare-takers, it’s advised by experts that parents joining theirchild on rhymes singing session would help kids in gettingfamiliarised with the rhyme as well as create a familiarizationwith the language for children in the family. Be it a long cardrive, that time never ending queue at the super market, or anyother place you’re to wait for some time, taking a break from beingan adult and singing English Nursery Rhymes with your kids, createsgood mood to your child and relax your busy brain.Find those best ones here!
Educational Songs for Kids 1.0
Educational Songs for KidsKids like to see magic shows. It’s very rare to see a child notliking magic shows. When this magic happens in the way they learntheir lessons, children running away seeing schools or tutors wouldnever be the case. With counting and inventing things, theEducational Songs for Kids, makes learning a fun favouriteactivity. As adults, we still remember those classic songs welearnt during our school days and still hum these melodies. Few getsurprised to note that they’re still able to remember these songsand sing them along with their kids.Music and children are non-detachable. It’s from their birththey’ve been introduce to music. Any mother or care-takers have hadthe option of singing lullabies to put a cranky child to sleep.With this music in the form of songs, kids learn even the toughestlesson with a smile in their face and great enthusiasm.Researchers found that the first three years of a child are thecritical for the brain development. There are proved results thatmusic improves listening skills of a child. When kids demands torepeat a song or taps their feet or toss their fingers for songs,means they’re listening. Educational Songs for Kids allow them notonly to enjoy, but also to learn many aspects of a lesson.Music develops intuitive responses in children. Play them thenumbers songs, and you can see their actions, with colour songs,their eyes search the corresponding colours. Be it any song, we canchildren moving their body in accordance with the tune, beat andrespond to the words in actions. These intuitive responses are gotfrom a child with it’s creative listening skills.On a television program, Oprah Winfrey, pleaded the parents ofchildren with aural discrimination to sing with high spirits andpositive attitude. By doing this, parents not only entertain theirchildren, there also seed the possibilities of educating theirchild.When your child sings “One Two Buckle “, active singing alongwith the underlying song pulse pushes the brain to recollect thenext line and the next line, until the end is reached. Though thisremembering act is short-term, it evolves to consciousness of achild and shows great results on a long-term perspective, as thechild grows.Educational Songs for Kids, not only strengthens the memory of achild, it also enhances the learning experience along with feelingand emotions. It’s visible in today’s children on aversion tolearn, creating a stress block. With music for educating kids,stress is relieved and participation is voluntary, improving thegrasping skills of a child.As parents / teachers / care-takers, it is our responsibility toprovide quality education to children. By introducing them toEducational Songs for Kids, you’re just not giving qualitylearning; you’re allowing children to improve their languageabilities, physical activity, creative thinking, and emotionalstability, with a great success in their emerging academics. Ateacher, who is sensitive, celebrates any kind of awkwardbeginnings made by children to move according to the rhythm of thesong.Find the right rhythm to educate your child here!
English Kids Songs 1.0
English Kids SongsChildren like to make noises. Be it clapping their hands, orshouting with different sounds, or even tapping things, theyexpress different emotions or feelings through these sounds thatthey make. A Universal language, Music that requires no words,touches ears, heart, mind and body, leaving children to be moreresponsive. With words joining the music, children become attentivein memorising and adapt any language quickly by repeating thesongs. With English words in songs, children tend to increase theirvocabulary, and pronunciation skills. English Kids Songs, allowschildren to sing along with other children, allowing them to sing,dance and enjoy the fun learning.By choosing the right song, as adults, we’re allowing childrento make use of the skills they already have and help them buildtheir confidence level. May be your child knows the numbers and isshy is tell them when asked to your friends, or any strangeraccording to them, by singing in front of other, you’re not onlygetting them out of their shyness, but also showing them a path tolearn easily. Rather than pointing out their mistakes in the songsthey sing, make them laugh by cracking a joke or tickling and geteven more comfortable with the song, sometime it’s a good option totry any other song from numerous lists available in English KidsSongs.It’s the colourful pictures, in the books and toys strengthensthe words from the song supporting the new language before andafter singing. By showing the body parts in a toy, you’re allowingthe young learners to correlate the body parts other than their ownwith the toy. Similar way can be used to help a child learnanimals, flowers, vehicles and many more. Study has been provedthat, kids learn much faster with real life objects. For example,you can notice your child meowing after seeing a real cat at yourfriend’s house. Though this is not possible with all animals,flowers or other things your child keeps learning, best possiblecan be given to child’s exploring brain.Researchers have proved that, to get children familiarized toany English Kids Songs, the person teaching it should becomfortable enough with that particular song. It all depends on theway a song is being taught to kids, for them to develop an interestin learning. When a teacher / parent sing and dance along with kidsfor a song, kids get enthusiastic and would try to imitate themovements in first place followed by the music and words withrespectively.Children’s concentration level lasts for shorter period and it’sthe responsibility of the teacher or parent or care taker to showdifferences in sing activity so that the entire session is funfilled entertainment for both. Sometimes, a stressed child needs tobe motivated for showing interests and personal likings. Interestsalong with good motivation, allows a child to learn the mostdifficult language. The number of activities you provide for thechild to learn is always going to help the child pick the languagein great speed.
Baby's Music Songs 1.0
Baby's Music SongsMusic is never restricted to any particular age. An ocean ofcollections varies from age to age for entertaining, sleeping,relaxing and other activities that any one prefers music as acompanion. There is much importance found in introducing newborn toBaby Music Songs. Researchers have found that, by putting songs,you not only introduce the art to them, but also ensure that theylearn the family style much sooner than expected.Music and food are in line for a baby’s growth. The element ofmusic, such as tone and harmony, nourishes newborn’s rapidlydeveloping brain, just as food and nutrients supports baby’sdevelopment. Hearing for infants is developed soon after theirbirth and hence their response to music is much early than one canexpect. Early months are the most important for baby’s growth,suggests paediatrician, it’s during this phase a baby’s brain cellsrequire sensory inputs for the thoughts and mental development. Byintroducing an infant to music at this stage, you’re puttingauditory means of stimulation, allows an infant to obtain cognitiveskills on their thought processes. More than any stimulation orbrain development, music simply allows your child to relax.Varieties of tracks are available for babies. Most common andoften used are to Baby Music Songs to put babies to sleep, calledLullaby. Many parents learn lullabies to put their babies to sleep,the hidden fact is that psychoacoustic treatments are used whilecreating any lullaby that, the volume is soften from the beginningto the end. Parents needn’t worry to turn off the mobile once babysleeps, as the track is has a collection of peaceful music thatwouldn’t bother baby’s sleep.By engaging infants to music, a study at Brigham Universityrevealed that children get smarter as they grow. Also, at thecenter of music learning at the University of Texas at Austin,researchers found that babies could differentiate between timbreand melody when played on a single instrument. However, sameresearchers feel it’s by singing any toddler would develop theirlanguage. There are cases proven on infant’s predilection while ata mother’s womb. For better results opt for a classical than rockand rolls, as a choice of a mother.Experts suggests, more than leaving infants alone with thecompany of music, it’s good idea to join along with them, sing anddance. Not necessary that you need to learn the Baby Music Songsplayed to be an active team member, you can switch off the music attimes and join your baby for a dance with a familiar kids rhymes orany other song of your choice. It’s when the baby hears you andsees your lip movements; the ability of picking the language growsfaster. After couple of times of singing a song or a rhyme, leavethat last line with a soft humming, you’ll hear that “coo ormumble: from your baby as a cheerful response to your singing. Thusthe baby expresses their musical awareness in a playful way. But apoint to note in here is you can find that infants start to relatewhat they hear and what they feel!!Start your download to catch many happy moments and expressionsfrom your toddler now!
Favorite children's songs 1.0
Favorite children's songsFashion is never ending innovation in each one’s life. The wayeach one exhibit fashion is different and unique, as every one ofus are different personalities all together. It’s the same waychildren prefer fashion to be their way, starting from the way theydress to a song they sing. Enjoyment and excitement are a part ofchildren in every activity children do, when it comes to theirfavourite things, this is added and with Favourite Children Songs,the enjoyment and excitement doubles. Everything they do is trendyand unique, with their innocence, the way show their love oversongs are admirable.Music and movement is a part of every living being, we noticeour pets doing some dance movements, hearing few songs at times.Music plays a vital role in child’s early learning years. Childrenexpress their hidden talents while singing songs, with smile intheir face, and some dance movements here and there. Singing songsallows kids to relax and get into a good mood spontaneously that,they prefer repeating this fun-filled activity many times. Withsuch an activity, that gives them pleasure children learn manythings.With Favourite Children Songs, they learn to dance, give manyfunny expressions, and get entertained. But songs do more than justentertaining kids, it improves their listening skills, developskids intuitive responses, makes memorizing a lessons much easierthan reading. Kids learn, the process involved in reading andwriting by knowing the fact that each word in a song can be brokeninto parts while singing songs. By getting introduced to songssince their early age, kids easily get adapted to the reciting ofsongs when heard, this allows them in learning the language of thesong they sing much quickly.Rhythms in songs are great booster for children that, it makeslearning as a fun activity apart from enjoying and memorizing. Uponliking any songs, children will start demanding on repetition that,they never get bored hearing them again and again for numeroustimes. For kids, what they like matter than that of what is beingoffered, hence they tend to reject even the most popular song, ifthey don’t like it in first instance of playing.Children mark a song as favourite, just not because of the tune,beat, lyrics and the enjoyment they get out of singing a song. It’smainly because of the way they’re being taught the song. Be it athome or at the day care center or at school, the person teachingthe song needs to be in high spirits, have positive though aboutthe song and they way they plan to teach the song, more thananything they need to be comfortable with the song they intend toteach and should have planned activities for the song to make itFavourite Children Songs.Though the importance of lyrics is minimal with these younglearners, by allowing them to know little meaning of these songs,we’re bring them into a more comfortable zone that helps them insinging, enjoying, learning and memorizing in a simple way.Gift them their favourite now!
Famous Kids Songs 1.0
Famous Kids SongsSongs are the best way children learn expressing their ideas,emotions, feeling and thoughts. It’s believed that by singing,children become more creative in their approach to anything they doand also get more self-expressive. With songs introduced to kids atearly age, say lullabies or that melody to relax them from theircrankiness, enables children to sing at first place before talking.Though there are various new children songs getting in the marketevery year, it’s those classics still registered in our minds asthe popular one, along with the Famous Kids Songs ones from thisera.Sometimes, it’s these songs that bring back different nostalgiafrom the memorable gone days of any adult teaching them to younglearners. Researchers have proven results that children introducedto songs, become quick learners, improve their listening skills,and helps them to excel beyond ABCDs. The involvement of childrenare more than their voice in singing songs, they get along with thetune, start tapping their feet in line to the beats, toss theirfingers, clap hands, and those funny dance movement they make,shows their excitement and enjoyment in the process of this newlearning.Famous Kids Songs needn’t be the best out of the classics of alltime; these can be those songs your kids enjoyed in a radio or theones from any movie. It’s important that parents should have awatch on what kind of songs kids are listening or seeing. Thoughthey don’t understand the meaning of lyrics in these songs, whatthey see in actions push them in trailing them out, be it jumpingfrom high floors or skating on heavy traffic roads, such seriousaction oriented scenes should be kept away, as children havetendency to try what they see, as this is a part of their fearlessinnocence.Once a child gets comfortable with songs, the enjoyment not onlymakes the child creative in thinking and different ways ofexpressing, this fun-filled activity, allows the child to learnthat each word in a language can be broken into different parts andthus makes their writing and reading much easier, similar to theway they learnt talking with the help of songs. These Famous KidsSongs are the ones kids would enjoy to the maximum that, they tendto demand for a repetition. Be it the rhythmic melody or the soundshaving a fast beat, the amusement in children allows them toperform it spontaneously anywhere, anytime.Children get more comfortable singing these songs with acompany, and get a confidence to face any stranger or crowd whilesinging. For example, most of the kids have in built quality ofbeing shy to sing their choice of songs, in front of a stranger ora big crowd in any super-market or their participation in acompetition. At such situations, all that they require is a companyto join them in singing their favourite song.Is it your first time here? Explore the variety of songsnow!
Classic Nursery Rhymes 1.0
Classic Nursery RhymesFor decades and decades, we’ve been enjoying the tune,funnywords, most of all the beat of those Classic nursery rhymes.It’snow our time to teach these for our children, and then tograndchildren. Time keeps on going with the repetition oftheseclassics. This new era, we hear those words we sang in theclassicas name of a mystery novel or a crime thriller movie. Did weeverhappen to think about one such hidden fact in the rhymesthatactually made us laugh, dance, jump and enjoy? What have webeensinging all these years?Humpty DumptyThere is no mention of the word “egg” in the rhyme. Then fromwherewas the picture of humpty dumpty derived? Some believe that intheterm refers to a clumsy person or a brandy, which puttogether,gives a fall down drunk. The other aspects of the rhymesare alltrue, soldiers and horses perform surgery to drinker’sspine. Thisis something we need to know about the Old England’svocational andmedical school.Jack and JillDid you ever give a thought as to why anyone would travel upthehill for water? While water flows down much easily. Eachonesinterpretation brings out laughter and sometimes tears.Rock-a-by-babyThe hidden story in this classic nursery rhyme hails from earlyUSAsettlers, now Native Americans, rocking their baby’s cradlesinthose suspended branches from the big tress. Another perceptiontothis is that, with tress as mother, blowing wind beinghercontractions, the bough as breaking water of mother, and thecradlebeing the placenta. Thus making the poem not only aboutlifeinstead of death, but gives a feel good bed time storyforkids.London Bridge is falling downNot many rhymes convey gigantic structure damage in any toetappingrhymes or playtime activities. So what’s with this poemabout thedestruction of a bridge burring children under bridge’sfoundationor it’s just naturally deteriorated over time addingsomeexcitement to the nursery rhymes.Above are just a few out of the big bunch of classicnurseryrhymes available across the world. This first experience tothepoems for children is always a memorable one and theillusionsbehind it are just for adults. At very rare case, theseillusionsmake an impact on infants. The words and their meaning ishardly ofany matter to the kids. Their main attention is towardsthe beatand tune, to get along with it, words are beingmemorized.Like the way we find the author and then start reading thestory,it’s with these tunes and beats children pick up therhymes.Adapting to classic nursery rhymes is much easy for kids astheperson singing them are with high comfort as they’re used tomuchbetter than the jingles in market recently.Irrespective of the language, words, hidden meaning ofthosewords, or even the story behind, children get impressed withthetune, kids mark these classics to their favourites. Sharethisapplication with ever loving classics with your child now.
Bible (KJV) Audio mp3 1.0
Awesome Bible should be installed before using this application.King james version. (KJV) Bible KJV (King James Bible) Get closerto God with this King James Bible app for Android. Also known asKJV Bible, this bible app contains the King James Version of theBible, also known as the Authorized Version. Read the BiblePromises and virtuous verses at your fingertips with the Bible KJV(King James Bible). This simple and user friendly app is an easierway to feel God’s word in your heart and to feel heaven closer toyou and your loved ones. Carry your KJV Bible anytime and anywhereyou go, and read your Bible app wherever and whenever you wantenlighten your mind. Bible KJV (King James Bible) Old Testament [1]Genesis [2] Exodus [3] Leviticus [4] Numbers [5] Deuteronomy [6]Joshua [7] Judges [8] Ruth [9] 1 Samuel [10] 2 Samuel [11] 1 Kings[12] 2 Kings [13] 1 Chronicles [14] 2 Chronicles [15] Ezra [16]Nehemiah [17] Esther [18] Job [19] Psalms [20] Proverbs [21]Ecclesiastes [22] Song of Songs [23] Isaiah [24] Jeremiah [25]Lamentations [26] Ezekiel [27] Daniel [28] Hosea [29] Joel [30]Amos [31] Obadiah [32] Jonah [33] Micah [34] Nahum [35] Habakkuk[36] Zephaniah [37] Haggai [38] Zechariah [39] Malachi NewTestament [40] Matthew [41] Mark [42] Luke [43] John [44] Acts [45]Romans [46] 1 Corinthians [47] 2 Corinthians [48] Galatians [49]Ephesians [50] Philippians [51] Colossians [52] 1 Thessalonians[53] 2 Thessalonians [54] 1 Timothy [55] 2 Timothy [56] Titus [57]Philemon [58] Hebrews [59] James [60] 1 Peter [61] 2 Peter [62] 1John [63] 2 John [64] 3 John [65] Jude [66] Revelation
KJV Bible Free Download 1.0
The King James (KJV ) Offline Bible is one of the most popular andwidely used free offline Bible. The King James Free Offline Biblecomes complete with both the new and old testaments. KJV Bible is aFREE and OFFLINE Bible Study app that lets you access our biblestudy tools and features that will make your Bible study experienceamazing. These study features include; commentaries, bookmarks,history, notes, sharing, compare versions ,day and night readingmodes etc. The KJV Bible Offline for Android - a very cool and fastAndroid app designed for Bible Study, quick navigation and easynote taking. No other Bible app matches the design, functionalityand affordability of the KJV Bible by Nader Computing Solutions. Asimple, powerful design will allow you to easily read the KJV Bibleoff-line (without an Internet connection), navigate, search,highlight verses, bookmark, copy/paste or take notes. Find out foryourself why the KVJ Bible Offline is the top selling Bible onAndroid smart phones and tablets. The King James Version (KJV)Bible is arguably the most read and influential Bible translationof the last 500 years.
Bible Hub [KJV] 1.0
Bible [KJV] is 100% Free. Now enjoy a full feature Bible [KJV] Appat you finger tips. Enjoy reading with features like Night Mode andvariable Font Size.With the inbuilt Notes you can take personalnotes. And also use the Bible [KJV] Widget to View the Bookmarkedor Favorite Verses on the Go.So that you can view the work of Godon the no matter the Time or Place you are in.Download the App Now!! King James Bible took place in 1604 at the Hampton CourtConference outside of London. The first edition appeared in 1611.The King James version remains one of the greatest landmarks in theEnglish tongue. It has decidedly affected our language and thoughtcategories, and although produced in England for English churches,it played a unique role in the historical development of America.Even today, many consider the King James Bible the ultimatetranslation in English and will allow none other for use in churchor personal devotions. eventually you will mind that God is theonly way in this life to reach salvation and eternal life, rememberthis life is temporary and in heaven is eternal life. love and Godbless you very much.
Easy Children's Songs 1.0
Easy Children's SongsTeaching songs to children is always considered as the luckiestjob by teachers, parents, care-takers or anyone for that matter. Itis a process wherein, both the person teaching the songs as well aschildren are entertained with great enjoyment. When a group enjoysa particular song, they tend to demand it again and again, that itbecomes monotonous for the person teaching it, and never to theyoung learners. Each child is different and learning capabilitiesdepend on age, their style of learning, and of course thepersonality the child poss. Be it at school or home, with songsthese factors doesn’t matter and they get adapted easily andstarted to look forward for Easy Children Songs session.But what are the factors that make children to like thesesongs?Songs are easy to remember and hence kids remember the language.Even if a child has decided to quit a language at young age, youcan notice that they would remember the songs learnt beforequitting and would love to sing them over a period of time.Songs are great fun and the important factor that makes it anentertainment activity is the person teaching. They’re the biggestmotivator for children in learning and the positive thoughts arereflected in children in the way a song is taught.Easy Children Songs covers the same topics as those the kidslearn in their lessons. For example: Animals, body parts, fruits,flowers are the common topics between a song and lesson.Sometimes teachers market their lessons by starting and ending thelesson with a song that. This not only grabs children’s attentionto the topic, but also makes them memorize the lesson withentertainment.Songs are never restricted to school or home. As and when a childis happy there are chances for them to sing a song with few dancemovements anywhere. This age of innocence’s privilege is expressedthis way.Songs are the great medicine to change a child’s mood. An irritatedrestless child can be put to sleep with a lullaby.Mothers and kids enjoy the song session to an extinct that, theytend to join their child for a step or two dance movements.For any competition, dance shows or at parties, songs make kids tostep out of they shy zone and enables them to perform well withgreat energy.With the beat and tune on the primary step of entertainment,children get adapted to any language, without getting bored orshowing reluctance.With the above it’s clear that kids don’t make an attempt tounderstand the meaning to what the song is all about. When thewords are easy to pronounce, it helps kids to sing them with theirfavourite tune. But attempting to let the children know on themeaning of the Easy Children Songs is no harm and there are chancesfor any child to enjoy them with great laughter.Easy or difficult is up to the choice of these innocent learners.Find their best here now!
Best Kids Songs 1.0
Best Kids SongsThose legs and hips movements with tossing fingers are the waysachild expresses his/her happiness. It was during 19th and20thcentury music to kids was introduced, in other words,importance ofmusic to kids was felt and discovered.Best Kids songs are a never ending collection from a hugelist.It’s a huge team of composers, lyricist, and many othermusicians,working together on the entertainment for children.Though thetechnicians are all adults, their criteria don’t juststop byentertaining a child, there are lot of educational and othercorevalues that a kid tends to learn from these songs composedbypassionate team.With a song in each lesson or by teaching with a song,childrennot only learn easily, understand and learn the languageand alsothe rhythm. The beat and the melody, helps children readingwith anenjoyment. Using Best Kids songs for transition betweenactivitiesnot only boosts energy or reviews vocabulary; it ensuresthatchildren are relaxed and moving around.Gone are the days wherein only Disney or the Kidz Bop wastheonly choices to kids to select their take. This era is floodedwithnumerous composers with a passion to create the best for thefuturegeneration. Though the intention amongst all the bands arethesame, the innovation and graphics used attracts the kids tooneparticular band. In some cases, with the history of winningthehearts of kids and other family members in one or two songs,manyupcoming songs from the company is selected with a predictionthatit would the one with best songs than the rest available atthestores.Starting from The Alphabet song, Bingo, Old MacDonald,TwinkleTwinkle Little star, The Bus and many more, kids know whattheywant and what makes them feel comfortable. When introducedtosomething new, they tend to show up their reluctance inlearningit. However, it’s just for a short phase, the reluctancewould soonbecome happy moment with that song on a repeat mode in aplayer.For example, i saw a kid showing her disagreement inlearning asong, “Big Rock Candy Mountain”, with her parents, butwhen thesame was taught along with her age group, she showed upinterest inlearning it gradually.It’s not that her parents didn’t know the way to convincetheirkid, but it’s just the kid’s preference to accept to learnfewsongs or things along with her mates.Innovation doesn’t end with the composers or the band,productioncompanies, who see to hit the maximum audience toshowcase theirproduct or inventions, come up with variety ofoptions. Though themain aim is to see profit for many others, weensure we’re targetingon the quality too. With Best Kids songsapplication, you can berest assured that you’re investing onquality, apart from gettingyour child the best entertainment.Remember, the best gift you can give your child is a smileontheir face.
Bible app free (kjv) 1.0
The King James (KJV ) Bible also comeswithbible commentaries for deeper understand of the holy bible.Youwill be able to find them as you read along… This is coveredallthrough the bible from the book of Genesis in the new testament,toRevelation from the new testament. King James (KJV ) Bible isalsoone of the devotional bible app for every day bible studystudents.This is the tool that most of our bible readers these daysarelooking for. It can be used in churches, schools or ofpersonalbible study use… You can also use our app to comparebibleversions... for example: If you have our Good News Biblealreadyinstalled, you can easily compare bible texts from thisversionwith the Good News Bible texts using our cross-referencefeature..The KJV was commissioned by the Church of England andcompletedin 1611. As such, its language reflects common usage inthe 16thcentury and may seem archaic to some modern readers.Features- Fast and easy to use.- Works off-line, No internet connection needed fordownloadedBibles.- Move back and forth from reading your Bible.- Full-text search by Keyword- Copy and paste multiple verses easily and quickly.- Quick navigation between chapters- Highlighting allows readers to easily emphasize versesorpassages.- Bookmark your favorite passages for quick future reference ormakeyour own personal studies.- Portrait / Landscape mode.- Font sizes can be easily changed.- Easily share verses and notes with friends and familythroughemail, Facebook, text messages, etc.- Contact the super responsive tech support with yourquestions.
Holy Bible (NKJV) 1.0
In 1604, King James I of England authorized that a new translationof the Bible into English be started. It was finished in 1611. Thetitle of the first edition of the translation was "THE HOLY BIBLE,Containing the Old Testament, AND THE NEW: Newly Translated out ofthe Original tongues: & with the former Translations diligentlycompared and revised, by his Majesties special Commandment". TheAuthorized Version, or King James Version, quickly became thestandard for English-speaking Protestants. Its flowing language andprose rhythm has had a profound influence on the literature of thepast 400 years. The King James Version present on the Bible Gatewaymatches the 1987 printing. Bible (the ?????? Greek, ??????? plural,transl. Biblion, "roll" or "book") is the religious text of sacredvalue for Christianity, in which the religious interpretation ofhuman existence of reason on Earth in the Jewish perspective isnarrated by humans. It is considered by the Church as divinelyinspired, and it is a doctrine document. According to tradition,accepted by most Christians, the Bible was written by 40 authors,between 1500 and 450 BC (the Old Testament) and between 45 and 90AD (the New Testament), totaling a period of almost 1600 years.Most historians believe that the date of the first writingsconsidered sacred is much more recent: for example, while theChristian tradition places Moses as the author of the first fivebooks of the Bible (Pentateuch), many scholars agree that werefirst compiled only after the Babylonian exile, from other textsdating from the tenth and the fourth century BC. Many scholars alsoclaim that it was written by dozens of people from differentregions and nations. According to a literal interpretation ofGenesis (the first book of the Bible), man was created by God fromthe dust, after the heavens and the earth, between six and eightthousand years ago, and made a living after God breathed the breathof life in his nostrils. It is the best selling book of all timewith more than 6 billion copies worldwide, a number 7 times greaterthan the number of copies of the 2nd place of the List of 21 BooksBestsellers, The Red Book. In the United States, the only presidentwho did not make the oath of office with his hand on a Bible wasTheodore Roosevelt (1901-1909), according to the official recordsof the Architect of the Capitol. John Quincy Adams (1825-1829), inhis possession, according to letters written by himself, put hishand on a volume of constitutional law instead of the Bible toindicate who owned their loyalty. There are no records for formerpresidents John Tyler (1841-1845). Features 1. Save recently. 2.MP3 Voice Real. 3. Easy use. 4. Copy & Paste. 5. Note (Writeand Read) 6. Auto Scrolling! 7. Text Highlight Feature! Holy BibleNKJV Free.
Bible NKJV Audio 1.0
The Holy Bible KJV Offline was designed to be easy to use, butwhile being lightweight and stylish. Its layout has been speciallydesigned to allow easy navigation with efficient. To open a Biblebook, simply drag the bottom bar on the application to have accessto all books and chapters contained in the Bible. Holy Bible kjv isstand alone (internet independent) application. Featuring seamlessnavigation of the Old and New Testaments along with Promises, plus100 Illustrations penned by Paul Gustave Dore. This App is Free andOpen Source with NO advertisements and NO private data request. Weare happy to offer King James English Bible ( KJV) for your androiddevices. A simple, yet a powerful design allows users to easilyread the King James English Bible ( KJV), navigate, highlightimportant verses, bookmark and take notes. FEATURES -Highlightimportant verses with selected color scheme, (Yellow, Green, Tan,Orange and Blue) -Search function for easy navigation -Side Notes –Attach your thoughts, comments and meditation or book for futurereference -Autoscroll -Bookmarking -Share your favorite versethrough Mail, SMS, Facebook -Choose from a selection of differentfont style ( Arial, Helvetica Neue, Verdana, Trebuchet MS) -Easilyincrease/decrease font size -Retrieve highlighted verses -History
King James Bible (KJV) Free 1.0
The Holy Bible. King James Version. Old Testament and NewTestament.The KJV Bible Offline for Android - a very cool and fastAndroid appdesigned for Bible Study, quick navigation and easynote taking. TheKing James Version (KJV), commonly known as theAuthorized Version(AV) or King James Bible (KJB), is an Englishtranslation of theChristian Bible for the Church of England begunin 1604 andcompleted in 1611. First printed by the King's PrinterRobertBarker, this was the third translation into English to beapprovedby the English Church authorities. The first was the GreatBiblecommissioned in the reign of King Henry VIII, and the secondwas theBishops' Bible of 1568. In January 1604, King James Iconvened theHampton Court Conference where a new English versionwas conceivedin response to the perceived problems of the earliertranslations asdetected by the Puritans, a faction within theChurch of England.King James Bible (KJV) Free
Bible King James mp3 1.0
Mobifusion presents the King James Version (KJV) of the HolyBible.Published in 1611, the King James Version was the firstEnglishtranslation of note and is widely popular withtraditionalists.View your favorite passage by Book, Chapter, orKeyword. The OldTestament includes: 5 Books of Moses (the Law,including Genesis,Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy), History(including the Booksof Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel, the Kings, theChronicles, Ezra,Nehemia, and Esther), Wisdom (including the Bookof Job, Psalms,Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon),and the Prophets.The New Testament includes the Life of Jesus &the EarlyChurch, Letters from Apostle Paul as well as Other ApostleandProphet Letters, and the Prophecy with the Revolution. Features:•Bookmarks - for a favorite bible verses or bible quotes • Easytosearch the bible content from both the Old & New Testament.•Access bibles study features - for devotional use • EasyNavigation- easily read through the bible books or chapters •TextHighlighting with different colors - highlight a single ormultiplebible verses of even a whole chapter of the bible • Ease ofuse -user friendly interface. • Share anything from the biblewithfriends on social media - Favorite verses or quote • You cantakestudy notes and save them for offline use • dual-screen mode-horizontal & vertical orientation • Footnotes for some ofthebible books to help you understand the bible better • Includesboththe new testament and old testaments of the holy scriptures