KnowleMedia ئاپەکان

Kids Chinese Flashcards Free 15.0
For kids up to 8 years old, the most effectiveway to learn is through their local surroundings. From earlyinfancy, children are naturally curious about their surroundingsand explore their environment while playing.KnowleMedia took that observation and came up with a unique anddynamic way to get children excited about their surroundings and tolearn at the same time!We have created lots of content based on kids’ localsurroundings and daily interests, and then engage them ininteractive activities dealing with spelling, reading, manners,hobbies, math, science, and local exploration. Through flashcards,audio stories, videos, games, quizzes, and interactive educationaltoys, your kids can learn while they have fun!Unlike most traditional flashcards, all the KnowleMediaflashcards are made from high quality photo pictures depictingkids’ entire lifestyle, including home, school, animals, food,time, holidays, and more!The free version has about 200 cards, and the full version hasabout 600 cards.we also have matching games, fun facts, videos to supplementthese learnings.We also included QR Scanner, so that the user can scan the QRcodes on our paper flashcards, and instantly retrieve the audioversion of the flashcards!We also sell matching printed paper flashcards on Amazon.KnowleMedia's Kids Local Explorer flash cards/mobileapps/videos/ebooks are designed to help kids to be good observers,and enhance their natural curiosity.Download our apps, give us your input and suggestions, and jointhe KnowleMedia community now!(note: to prevent the kids from watching screen too long, youcan adjust in the parental setting the play time and how long thekids need to wait to re-start the program. The default playtime is25 minutes, and wait time is 30 minutes). During the waiting time,parents can sign in anytime to re-start the program.)
Kids Chinese Flashcards 15.0
For kids up to 8 years old, the most effectiveway to learn is through their local surroundings. From earlyinfancy, children are naturally curious about their surroundingsand explore their environment while playing.KnowleMedia took that observation and came up with a unique anddynamic way to get children excited about their surroundings and tolearn at the same time!We have created lots of content based on kids’ localsurroundings and daily interests, and then engage them ininteractive activities dealing with spelling, reading, manners,hobbies, math, science, and local exploration. Through flashcards,audio stories, videos, games, quizzes, and interactive educationaltoys, your kids can learn while they have fun!Unlike most traditional flashcards, all the KnowleMediaflashcards are made from high quality photo pictures depictingkids’ entire lifestyle, including home, school, animals, food,time, holidays, and more!The free version has about 200 cards, and the full version hasabout 600 cards.we also have matching games, fun facts, videos to supplementthese learnings.We also included QR Scanner, so that the user can scan the QRcodes on our paper flashcards, and instantly retrieve the audioversion of the flashcards!We also sell matching printed paper flashcards on Amazon.KnowleMedia's Kids Local Explorer flash cards/mobileapps/videos/ebooks are designed to help kids to be good observers,and enhance their natural curiosity.Download our apps, give us your input and suggestions, and jointhe KnowleMedia community now!(note: to prevent the kids from watching screen too long, youcan adjust in the parental setting the play time and how long thekids need to wait to re-start the program. The default playtime is25 minutes, and wait time is 30 minutes). During the waiting time,parents can sign in anytime to re-start the program.)
Preschool on the Go 8.0
“Preschool on the Go” is a family app designedfor preschoolers and kindergarteners and their parents.Unlike so many other preschool learning apps out there, “Preschoolon the Go” offers live curriculum for families, with the contentconstantly changing, to help nurture your child’s curiosity, goodlearning habits, and good manners.This app is designed to be used for education, for fun, and forfamily projects, both by kids individually and by parents withtheir children. Our app will help your child discover and learn newthings in fun and exciting ways.One of the most effective ways children under seven learn is bydiscovery and exploration. From early infancy, kids are naturallycurious about their surroundings and explore their environmentwhile playing. With “Preschool on the Go,” KnowleMedia took thatobservation and developed a unique and dynamic way to get childrenexcited about their surroundings while learning at the sametime.In our app, you and your kids can learn the Letter of the Week, theStory of the Week, the Song of the Month, Math of the Week, theSports of the Month, and many more. Plus, periodically we havespecial holiday editions with themed eBooks, assorted games,coloring pages, and other fun, festive, educational activities. Youand your child will have a delightful time discovering, playing,and learning together.Since all of our eBooks are live, you can select which books youdeem appropriate for your child by simply clicking on the “Add toMy Books” button, then the eBooks will be stored under the “MyBooks” tab for easy access for your child.All of our content is written and reviewed by active preschool andelementary school teachers.We also make paper flashcards, paper picture books, and varioustoys to accompany our curriculum. Use the QR Scanner on our app toscan QR codes on our products, plus on the sites of our partneringbusinesses, to retrieve our interactive content instantly. Yourfamily can then save it for playing and learning anytime,anywhere.Download our mobile app, “Preschool on the Go,” and join theKnowleMedia community now! More original content, interactivefunctions, activities, and even learning toys designed to fosterkids curiosity and natural learning desires are coming soon! Staytuned!Follow us on Facebook to learn more!
PiPa-Children Books 10.0
This Chinese-English bilingual eBook appispublished by Noble Tree Publishing Inc., a non-profitorganizationand the publisher of PiPa, a Chinese-language magazinefor childrenin English-speaking countries. Designed especially fortheir targetaudience, all of the materials are written and editedfor thepurpose of teaching the Chinese language, exploringChineseculture, and sparking children’s passion for learning. Theyarealso a great tool for Chinese speakers who arelearningEnglish.The first eBook of this app is Hua Mulan, an adaptation ofawell-known Chinese classical story. The story is told inthreedifferent versions and two languages: an original Chineseversion,an easier Chinese version and an English version. Eachversion hasa corresponding audiobook, and the text ishighlightedautomatically as the audiobook progresses. This way,users willknow every word’s sound even if they cannot recognizeevery word.Users can also choose to turn off the voice and read bythemselves.The easier Chinese version is for users whose Chinesevocabulary isbelow 1,000 words. The words are not difficult, andthe sentencesare brief.It also comes with two bonus games—a jigsaw puzzle and adot-to-dotpuzzle. These games will help children to understand thestory andmemorize certain words.And best of all, the story and the games are free!For more Noble Tree products, please visit ourwebsite:www.pipamag.orgnote: to prevent the kids from watching screen too long, youcanadjust in the parental setting the play time and how long thekidsneed to wait to re-start the program. The default playtime is25minutes, and wait time is 30 minutes. During the waitingtime,parents can sign in anytime to re-start the program.)
Kids Flashcards Free 19.0
For kids up to 8 years old, the most effective way to learn isthrough their local surroundings. From early infancy, children arenaturally curious about their surroundings and explore theirenvironment while playing. KnowleMedia took that observation andcame up with a unique and dynamic way to get children excited abouttheir surroundings and to learn at the same time! We have createdlots of content based on kids’ local surroundings and dailyinterests, and then engage them in interactive activities dealingwith spelling, reading, manners, hobbies, math, science, and localexploration. Through flashcards, audio stories, videos, games,quizzes, and interactive educational toys, your kids can learnwhile they have fun! Unlike most traditional flashcards, all theKnowleMedia flashcards are made from high quality photo picturesdepicting kids’ entire lifestyle, including home, school, animals,food, time, holidays, and more! The free version has about 200cards, and the full version has about 600 cards. we also havematching games, fun facts, videos to supplement these learnings. Wealso included QR Scanner, so that the user can scan the QR codes onour paper flashcards, and instantly retrieve the audio version ofthe flashcards! We also sell matching printed paper flashcards onAmazon. KnowleMedia's Kids Local Explorer flash cards/mobileapps/videos/ebooks are designed to help kids to be good observers,and enhance their natural curiosity. Download our apps, give usyour input and suggestions, and join the KnowleMedia community now!(note: to prevent the kids from watching screen too long, you canadjust in the parental setting the play time and how long the kidsneed to wait to re-start the program. The default playtime is 25minutes, and wait time is 30 minutes). During the waiting time,parents can sign in anytime to re-start the program.)
KnowleKids Lite 4.0
This is the free version our KnowleKids® app. Users can accesssomefree ebooks & learning games, as well as built in NaturalTask& Reward system. But to access the age appropriatelivecurriculum for kids age 3-5 & 6-7, you need to purchasethefull version of KnowleKids, or Preschool on the Go, or sign upouronline classes. The curriculums are divided into 2 age groups:3-5,& 6-7 . They contain learning games, audio ebooks, andsomevideos. They cover vocabulary, phonics, reading, math,writing,introductory science, motor skills and social skills. Wewill offeraccompanying live online classes, printed interactiveflashcards,holiday activities pages, local learning maps,educational toys& kids local learning activities later. Aparent can create anaccount for each child. Please make sure thechild’s birth month& year are correctly filled out, so that thechild can receiveage appropriate learning content. The parent canset the maximumtime a child can use the app, also how long thechild has to waitonce his/her playtime is over. KnowleKids® is aparent/kids co-useapp. The Parent needs to login first, then switchto a child’saccount, and the child can play until the preset timeis out. Theparent can select a Kids-Account-Switching password foreach child(make sure each child keep it secret), so that a childcan enterhis/her Kids-Account-Switching password once he/she gotthe mobiledevice from another child. Another important feature ofthe app isthat it has a built-in Task & Rewards system. it canbe usedfor parenting & fun activities, both at home &outdoors.Every child has a default “My Tasks” ebook. The parent canworkwith the child to set up Add/Deduct points categories.Thesecategories can be simple task assignments, good manners andhabits.The child can earn points by finishing the assigned tasks,or goodmanners and behaviors. The history button in “My Tasks”shows allthe point-earning history. The parents can let a childredeem thepoints he/she earned and give rewards to the child usingwhatevermethods they are doing right now, or they can buy ourpatentedKnowleBox® for best parenting effectiveness. Please visitourwebsite, sign up our live online classes & our mailinglist,join our facebook page, subscribe to our YouTube Channel, giveusyour feedback and let us know how KnowleKids® can helpyou!Together, we can make KnowleKids® a truly valuable platformthatwill make parenting easier and more effective by helping youfosteryour child’s good learning habits, social skills,responsibility,and independence. Signup EmailList:
kids local explorer 24.0
A family app designed for preschoolers and kindergarteners andtheirparents.